Chapter 19: I Will Save You





Noah's legs moved on their own as her reached his collapsed friends. Axel was the closest to him so he knelt down next to him and shook his shoulder.

-Axel...! S-stay with me!

-Heh...Don't dramatize it, Noah...- Axel's eyes opened slightly and he grinned weakly.- I'm not dead...we're all alive in fact.

Noah heard grunts and, as he raised his head, he saw Guy and Zeke dragging themselves towards him.

-But it still hurt like hell...! For the first time in my life, I'm not hungry in the slightest!-Guy groaned, scratching the top of his head.

-What did he do to you?!-Noah asked, still terrified.

-We all received a note last night...-Zeke explained, seeming wide awake for once- It was from Merceny, asking each one of us to meet him here at dawn. Miraculously, I was able to stumble my way here...

-...only to find him waiting for us. He challenged us to a three-against-one battle.-continued Guy.

-We...underestimated him, Noah.- Axel gave Noah a disappointed look, not to Noah but to himself, for committing such a miscalculation- He...

-...completely destroyed you weaklings.

Noah looked up. Merceny had unsummoned Nightingale and stood there, with his arms crossed.

-I'll admit, you three have a degree of skill but, alas, it was just too easy.-he scoffed.

-Just what's the deal with your Element, Merceny?!- Axel shouted,managing to stand up, his legs shaking.-I've never seen Pyre...with such malice!

-A person with your feeble understanding could never understand---

-That was Darkus.

Silence invaded the arena. For seconds, it was louder than a stampede, as everyone looked over to Noah, with shocked looks on their faces. Merceny seemed as white as a sheet. Noah turned to Mercedes, who stood behind him with a shocked expression.

-I'm sorry, Mercedes. I know I promised to keep secret, but my friends are badly hurt...! Besides, they've joined our group, I think they deserved to know anyways. We're all in the same boat anyways,right?-he apologized.

Mercedes gulped and talked slowly, measuring her words.

-Y-you could have at least warned me beforehand, Noah...! You can't just blurt out those kinds of things out loud!-she huffed- But I'll let it slide this once. Lucy and Eldus already know, anyways, so I can allow our teammates to know. But you better not tell a soul, you three!

All guys nodded quickly, more afraid of what Mercedes might do to them if they did tell than the society-shaking consequences of telling such secret.

Merceny, on the other hand, seemed like he still couldn't believe that Noah knew all along. He looked over at his sister.

-You...told him?

Mercedes nodded.

-We need to stop hiding ourselves from people, Brother! We're who we are and we can't change that! Yes, telling everyone at once is a big mistake but if we can't hide it from the people we do trust!

-I...don't trust them!!- Merceny shouted. The floor beneath Noah's feet started to shake and the atmosphere became heavier all of the sudden.

"Shut up..."

-But I do, Merceny!- Mercedes pleaded- Please, we're not that different and you know it! I've managed to trust someone enough to tell them, why can't you?! Why do you insist on hiding behind that wall of hatred and violence, pursuing something as farfetched as strength for the sake of strength?!

Merceny gritted his teeth.

-You talk like you know what true strength is, Sister...-he spitted every word. He was about to explode with anger.

"Shut up..!"

-Maybe I do. Maybe true strength isn't killing everybody in record time. Maybe true strength is being able to overcome your walls, your fears...I was able to tell Noah about my nature as Lightus and yours as Darkus,something I was true afraid of doing my whole life. And he accepted it! He wasn't scared nor disgusted! He made me realize that, if I can trust one person, I can trust two, three, ten, one hundred, one thousand! And I was able to naturally admit towards Zeke, Guy and Axel our nature again, you just saw it! That is true strength! Maybe...maybe Zeke was right! Maybe I am much stronger that you,Brother!

-You...don't know---

-SHUT UP!-Noah shouted. Again, everybody fell silent. Never had they heard Noah so...mad before...! He stepped in between the group and Merceni.

-Strength this, strength that...I'm sick, sick, sick of hearing that! You...just hurt the people around you and show no remorse! You hurt your sister, who has much more guts than you, but can't bring herself to face you because you're no longer her brother! You're a monster! I tried to be nice to you, but you keep hating me for no reason! I don't care about beating Lucy but you keep hating me for no reason! I've beaten Terri for everybody's sake but you keep hating me for no reason! We're all allies against the Order but you keep hating me, your sister and my friends for no reason! You just hate for the sake of hating! Then, guess what...

-Noah...stop..!-Mercedes pleaded, her voice shaking.

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! MAKE HIM SHUT UP!"

Noah ignored her and bolted towards Merceny, his face livid for the first time since he arrived at Soula.

-...I HATE YOU!!!

He jumped towards him, with Warrior's Heart in hand and swung down with all his strength. Merceny quickly summoned Nightingale and easily blocked the attack, but the force released from the clashing Blades made the floor around them shatter, pieces of rock jumping in the air around them.

Merceny looked at Noah and saw his face twisted by rage, his scarlet eyes seeming to burn more fiercely than any Pyre user he had ever faced. It contrasted so greatly with the mild-mannered boy he had known until then that it was actually scary. He swung his Blade to the side,ending the clash and forcing Noah to be pushed backwards. He landed safely on the floor, but quickly ran towards his, unleashing a swarm of slashes he was able to safely block, but still released a wild force strong enough to send shockwaves behind him and shattering even more of the ground. Was that the power of Noah's rage?

Suddenly, he felt something hitting him and expelling all of the air out of his lungs. He looked down and saw a rock fist sprouting from the ground and sinking in his stomach. He couldn't react at all. He stumbled backwards, clutching his stomach when Noah jumped on him and immobilized him on the floor. Noah held Warrior's Heart 's edge right above Merceny's heart! Was he...really going to kill him?! His eyes...didn't show any mercy. Just...bloodlust.

-NOAH!-Mercedes screamed in terror.


Mercedes and the guys turned back, to the origin of the voice and saw Lucy panting at the entrance of the arena, Terri, the Masters and Eldus right behind her. Her face was as pale as her hair but showed an intense determination.

-Noah, stop right now! Look at me, Noah! LOOK AT ME!-she exclaimed.

Noah's head slowly turned back, to present her with rage foreign to anything the woman had ever seen in Soula and rarely seen in the field. That was pure, blind, overwhelming rage. Her determined expression broke like a twig and even she seemed to be afraid. Even so, she stepped forward carefully, one step at a time.

-Noah,no...! Please, stop. You're not like this!-she said carefully,measuring her words.

-So I'm supposed to let this bastard get away with hurting my friends?! He'll get what he deserves!- the boy spat back at her.

-But could you live with it Noah? Could you live with the guilt of stealing a life of a person, a teammate, a brother?- she asked, getting closer and closer to him. Noah jumped off Merceny and pointed Warrior's Heart at her, in an effort to prevent her from stepping any closer.

-I don't care!!!- he shouted back at her.

-Noah...-she had reached them and picked Noah up, who struggled in her arms, like a child.


-No, you don't want to...-she said softly.

-I DO!!!

Suddenly her arms locked around his neck and pressed his face against her shoulder. Warrior's Heart fell onto the floor with a "CLANG".

-You don''re not like that. You're a sweet, gentle person.You could never bring yourself to hate someone,let alone kill out of rage. Because you're not a monster like that. You're our friend, our ally. You're...Noah Eon. And we love you, I love you just like that.-she smiled gently and patted his head.

-I...-his voice shook-...h-hate him...

-You just hate his attitude, kiddo. Calm down...calm down...-she whispered.

-I...I...I'm s-s-...or....ry...-and he finally broke down, large tears rolling down his eyes,sobbing loudly.

-There,there...Just let it out...-she said, placing him down a few minutes later, after he was done crying.-Have we calmed down now?-she asked softly, leaning towards him. She looked like a mother calming down her child rather than a mercenary and her pupil.

Noah shook his head slightly.

-I...dunno what came over me, Lucy...When we first met, his hatred scared me, but after learning more about the extent of his hatred, after the fight with Terri...a thought burrowed its way into my head. "What did I do to make him hate me so much? What did I do to deserve such abuse?!". Fear turned into anger and began to accumulate. I was so pent up...and after seeing my friends beaten down by him, everything...turned black. Next thing I know, I'm in your arms, crying...-he took his hand to his face. He was drenched in cold sweat. If Lucy hadn't stopped him...would he really have killed him?

He looked over at everyone else. The guys, the Masters, Eldus and Terri were measuring their distances from him. Were they...scared of him? And Mercedes...she was sitting on the ground, mouth covered by her hand, tears rolling down her cheeks, shaking like a leaf. She wasn't just scared, she was terrified. With good reason, Noah was about to kill her brother.

Lastly, he turned to Merceny, who was picking himself back up.

-Merceny, I'm---

-Tch, don't bother apologizing. You rant on and on about I'm just a murderer, but you're eager to kill me myself! We've seen your true colors, Noah, and to be honest, it's much better that way! This fight just got much more interesting! It won't be just a beatdown. It'll be a fight to the death! I'll finally get rid of you, nuisance!- he pointed Nightingale at him.

-N-no! It's not like that...!-Noah tried to say.

-Merceny, stop right now!-Lucy exclaimed, the gentleness in her voice completely gone -Enough with the fighting! We're allies and allies don't fight, you hear me? You'll stop this strength nonsense right now! It's an order!

-Shut up! You don't know anything about strength, of all people! You, who were born with such talent, would never know what it feels like to be at rock bottom and having to struggle your way to the top!-he shouted.'d be surprised, Ciny...-she said, her expression becoming hurt, like she just remembered something painful.

-Lies! I'll show you right now...I'll show you all! I'll beat you right here and prove that I'm the strongest!-with that, he pointed his open palm at Lucy and suddenly a giant jet black ball of fire shot out of his hand, making its way towards Lucy like a torpedo.

For a second, Lucy shot out a determined look at Merceny, but she wasn't able to do anything as the flames here blocked out by Warrior's Heart. Noah had quickly stepped inbetween them and blocked the attack.

-I...won't let you hurt anybody else, Merceny!- he said, his voice more determined than enraged.

-Oh, so the murderous fiend wants to keep playing? You want to kill me that badly, Eon?

Noah gulped. Inside, he was terrified of loosing control and going on a rampage again. He was scared of making everyone else more afraid of him. He was afraid of losing the friends he struggled so much to make. But, he couldn't let him have his way either. He couldn't...let him fall further. He pointed Warrior's Heart at him.

-Merceny, if you want to fight me so bad, I challenge you to a duel! In this arena, tomorrow at dawn! Let's settle our differences then!

Everybody was shocked. A few minutes ago, Noah was blind with rage. Now, he was formally asking for a duel? Even Noah himself wasn't too sure if his decision was the right one, but if he didn't do anything, Merceny would just keep spreading hatred over those closest to him.

Merceny tsked.

-And why would I agree to that? It's much better to fight now than to allow you to completely cool off. That burning anger of yours...I want to face it!

-No, Merceny! I won't try to kill you! You're my ally, even if you hate me! Even if I hate you! But...if it makes you feel better about agreeing with my terms...You're free to try and kill me when the time comes.

-Noah!-Lucy exclaimed.

Noah looked over at her and shook his head.

-I'm sorry, Lucy, but it's the only way...for me to face him, not whatever attacked him just now.

Lucy tried to convince him not to do that, but she knew him better than anyone. She sighed.

-You can be really stupid sometimes,you know that, kiddo? But fine, I'll back off.

Noah smiled lightly at her and turned back to Merceny.

-So, what's it going to be, Merceni? If you agree, you can expect me to bring my all tomorrow. But if you refuse and attack me now, you'll get an easy kill. I'd rather die than to be blinded by rage again.- he gave the Mercenary a determined look.

Merceny didn't say anything for a couple of seconds but eventually turned his back to him.

-Tch...I agree with your terms. Today or tomorrow, it'll be your funeral. So, I'll give you this day to say your prayers.-with this, he ran towards the stands and jumped higher than any human being could ever do, nimbly climbing over to the edge of the stands and jumping off, disappearing into the city beyond the walls.

The arena fell silent as Noah tried to keep his iron will from shattering. He was terrified, to be honest. Of Merceny's wrath...and his own.

-But...I'm not going to kill you, Merceni. I'm not going to let hate consume me and I won't let it consume you either! I swear...on this Blade...

I WILL save you!!!




More beige.

For the next hours, Noah was wrapped around in that milky world as he lied in bed staring at the ceiling, his only companions being the memories of what had happened that morning. As time went one and he was able to calm down completely, the enraged words he spouted out to Merceny and Lucy came to surface and he felt incredibly guilty. He really was...about to take a human life. He couldn't deny, run away from that fact.

After Merceny left, the guys were carried over to the dorm's infirmary by the Masters and everybody else returned to the dorms. Nobody said anything to Noah and kept their distances from him. From time to time, he'd catch them giving him looks he couldn't really understand...a mix of fear and disappointment. And that...made him feel even shittier.

-See the results of your actions, Noah?- he had looked up and saw Lucy walking besides him. She had a sad look on her face- Hatred...anger...they really don't get you anywhere, be it with yourself or other people. They'll just keep their distances from you, especially at a time like this, where we need cool-headed people to end the war. It's just like that with Merceni. Even his own sister is scared of him and now of you. She,they, are afraid of getting hurt if you explode again but also sad to see such a good person fall that deep. I know it's easy to talk but Noah, please promise me...if you ever fall intro hatred or anger again, because let's face it, it's human nature not to, please allow others to help you back up, don't turn your anger against them, ok? In the midst of the darkness in one's soul, it's always good to have a guiding light.

Noah didn't say anything back then. His face was pale and expressionless. He just wanted to get away from it all for awhile. After they reached the dorm, Noah had locked himself in the bathroom and washed his face countless times but the face in the mirror never changed: the face of a heartless monster.

Now, he lied in his bed, staring at the ceiling, getting his thoughts in order. He sighed.

I have to apologize. To everyone.

He got up from his bed and opened his room's door, just to be smacked in the forehead by a fist almost immediately after.

-Oh, sorry about that Noah ol' chap. We both seem to have the worst timing, huh?

It was Axel. Behind him Guy carried Zeke on his back and a slice of chocolate cake on his mouth.

Noah blinked a couple of times and stuttered.

-W-what are you guys doing h-here?

Axel shrugged, smiling.

-Doing the same thing you were probably going to do. We wanna talk.


-Don't bother apologizing...It's tiring...-Zeke moaned out.- We're not mad at you...

-Y-you're not?!-now that Noah was not expecting.

To further his surprise, Axel laughed.

-Friends don't get mad at stuff like this! If we did, we'd truly be the heartless ones!


-Noah, listen to us.-Guy said, finished eating- It's human nature to get mad, ya hear? Geez, the day I got the Dragonic Blade I was furious with myself but you all tried to cheer me up all the same, right? I'd be a jerk if I didn't treat you the same way. Sure, you seemed pretty scary back there, and that's why we thought best to keep away until you cooled off, but we're not mad nor scared of you. You've snapped out of your anger and apologized, so you're still the same Doormat Noah we know and love, ok?

-"Doormat Noah"?!- he asked. Now that was a new insult to him.

-It means you're gentle to a fault, Noah.- Axel smiled- I didn't even know you could get mad, Noah! It's fascinating even. You've been fighting against Lucy everyday and defeated Terri but you never burst like this, according to Lucy. It's amazing but also it also means you really were pent up back there in the arena. We three never once thought what if felt like to be someone like you, stripped of their memories and thrown into a war and a city filled with psychos. A lot of fears and frustrations must have gathered in that head of yours but, again, you didn't know how to deal with them. We're sorry for not noticing.

-I...-Noah didn't know what to say. time you're angry, just talk about with us, ooookkkk?- Zeke yawned- It's exhausting having to deal with a furious or mentally broke down Noah, so we'll be your psychologists to prevent that, ok? Even if it that also tires me out...-he mumbled.

-It sure beats writing a diary, huh, No--- -Axel started to say, but stopped as tears started rolling down Noah's cheeks and falling onto the wooden floor.- Oh, we didn't mean to insult you or anything..!

Noah quickly shook his head and smiled widely, his tears still falling.

-Thanks, you guys...Y-you really...took a weight off my shoulders..!

-Oh please, think nothing of it. Now dry those tears or I'll start crying myself.- Axel said, grinning.

-Nah, Burn King Axel Rhodes is incapable of crying, such is its tyranny.- Guy teased, also grinning.

-Oh, shut up, Guy! I can cry!

-Yeah you can, like when you got an A- in that exam, last week.- Zeke said, smirking.

-Now that was a tearjerker, I admit. But just because I forgot there was a whole page in the back. Can you imagine how stupid I felt?!

-But you still managed to pull off a freaking A-, you ding-dong!-Noah said, laughing.

The 4 boys broke down in a laughing fit, Noah's tears shining against the sunlight from his window. Those guys, even with their unusual personalities, they're the best friends he could ask for.


-Mad at you? And why should we?- Gee asked.- Please, I get mad like that at least once a week!

-But Noah got mad due to better reasons than feeling rejected due to a random woman slapping you on the face after you asked her out on a date in the middle of the street. He's much more noble than you.- Rye said, smacking Gee on the top of the head.

Noah scratched the back of his head through that wonderful exchange. After he was done talking with the guys, he went down to the Guild HQ and found the Masters, Eldus and Terri there, talking about what might be the Order's next move, or something. He suspected that they were all there by Lucy's request, since the woman wasn't there. Could she have done it so he'd have a chance to apologize to everyone? Since when did Lucy Crow get so sensible?!

Rye looked at him again.

-Don't feel ashamed of your actions, Noah, or it'll drag you down for the rest of your life. You can't erase them, yes, but you can still make some good out of it. The fact that you came down here to apologize proves just that.

-Yeah, Noah boy, just forget about it! We ain't mad at you!- Gee grinned.

-I still think you're all being too nice to me...- Noah said, looking down.

Terri chuckled.

-Well, it's because we know you and we're sure that you'd never threaten Merceni like that if you were in your right mind. But...that reminds me of something...

-What is it?-Noah asked. He certainly didn't remember getting angry like that before.

-When you battled me, after you summoned Gaia's Blade, you seemed like a completely different person. More, I dunno, determined, daring and foulmouthed, I must say. I thought that was just a one-time thing since you've never seemed to demonstrate that behavior ever again, but could it be related? Maybe, due to your memory loss, you've locked away a more aggressive side of you, and due to the stress of our battle, it surfaced a bit? And now, because of the pent-up feeling you had towards Black Feather, it came out again?

Noah ran his hand through his hair. He never thought of that voice again, since the battle. That male voice that pushed him to keep fighting and helped him discover Gaia's Blade...Just who was that? Warrior's Heart and Gaia's Blade suggested that the female voice he heard belonged to the goddess Tera, but was the male a god too? He certainly didn't sound like one...And Noah remember him saying something weird, through all the static.

"If you die...I die too."

Just what could that mean? If Noah died, that was that, only he would die. But the person whose voice belonged to would also die? Did he have some kind of link with that person, which caused them so share life force or something? Nah, then, everytime one of them got hurt, the other would feel it, and the male didn't sound like he was injured like Noah was, nor had Noah gotten injured out of the blue before...

No, it couldn't be. Noah was Noah, not anybody else. But, just to be sure...

-Eldus, did you notice anything strange during my soul check?

The Sage looked at him with confusion.

-Um...aside from the damage your soul sustained, nothing seemed amiss. Why do you ask?

-Not even something that would suggest a link with another person?

Eldus shook his head.

-Noah, the only links souls have are the bonds that keep it whole, meaning a soul can only have internal links. Outside links between two separate souls are impossible.

Even with that answer, Noah wasn't completely satisfied. It seemed like he was missing one piece of the puzzle. But all that was making his head hurt. He'd put it away for now and give it some more thought later, maybe ask for others' opinions.

Well, it seemed like Eldus, Terri and the Masters forgave him too. He sighed in relief and said goodbye to them with a smile, as he left the shack.

Now, there was only one person left...


Noah had rehearsed an apology to Mercedes all day, but now, as he stood in front of her door, at night, he couldn't remember anything to say. He'd just have to brave. He knocked on her door and awaited an answer.

But no one came to open the door. He could hear movement inside so Mercedes was definitely in her room, but it seemed like she was too distraught to talk to anybody. Even so, the guilt on Noah's head was too heavy to bear. He knocked again, harder this time.

-I don't want to talk, Lucy. Just...leave me alone.-her voice sounded from inside.

-It's Noah, Mercedes.

There was silence for a couple of seconds before the door slammed open and a hand grabbed his collar and pressed him against the wall inside. Noah looked at Mercedes. Her face wasn't twisted by anger but was instead covered with a deep, cold hatred. dare you show up here? Have you no shame, you murderer?- she said with a chilling calm tone.

Noah gulped.

-Mercedes, I'm here to apolo---

-You think a simple apology will cut it?!- she curled up her fist and punched him right in the cheek.- You were going to kill my brother, you fucking bastard!

She punched him in the face again and again. Eventually, it was full of bruises and a black eye, a cut on his lip making his blood drip on her floor. He didn't fight back. He deserved it, after all. But, after awhile, her punches became weaker and weaker and eventually she just weakly threw her fists at his chest, her whole body shaking.

-Why...why? I...trusted you...I always thought you wouldn't fall to his level but I was wrong...if Lucy didn't stop you...I...I..!- and she feel to her knees, bawling.

Noah felt awful. He and Mercedes had achieved a fragile friendship and his rage had destroyed it completely.

-Mercedes...I don't expect you to forgive me. I wouldn't be surprised if you hated me forever. But, please understand, that I wasn't myself back there..! I never wanted to kill Merceny, I swear!

She looked up at him, her face filled with tears.

-Shut up! Even if you are telling the truth, why did you challenge him to a duel tomorrow?! You know he wants to kill you and, to be honest...I'd rather see him slaughter you than to see you murder my only family!

Noah gritted his teeth but didn't lose face.

-No, Mercedes! No one will die tomorrow! I will save your brother and free him from his hatred!

She stood up and glared at him, her hatred burning in her eyes.

-Enough with the smooth-talking! You just want a chance to hurt him! You're no saint, stop trying to convince me of that!

-You're right, I am no saint, Mercedes! And I don't want to be known as one! Remember what you said to be the day you told me about your nature as Lightus? How you didn't want people to see you as a god nor a demon, but as a BladeMaster? That's what I'm telling you right now! Yes, I will fight your brother tomorrow but I'll fight to save him, not to kill him! He's my ally against the Order and I won't lose him to his own hatred!

-You...shut'll just give in to rage again...and behead him at the first chance...!

Noah summoned Warrior's Heart and handed it to Mercedes.

-I swear I won't do it, Mercedes. But I know you don't trust me, so...I'm giving you the chance to protect your brother.

-You..what?- Mercedes looked confused with his Blade in her hands.

-I'm giving you the chance to kill me right here, Mercedes. I'll never replace your brother and if it helps protect him...I'll gladly die right here, right now.-he shot her a look of determination.

-You're...putting your life in my hands?- she seemed more surprised than confused at his attitude.

Noah nodded, smiling lightly.

-Yes I am. Whatever your decision is...I'll respect it.

Mercedes pointed the Blade at his chest and gritted his teeth, her hatred still burning in her eyes. But, Warrior's Heart shook at the critical moment and she turned it around, handing it back to him.

-Help my brother come to his senses. That is my decision, Noah. Only a true fool would offer his life to someone else and fools like that are not murderers. It seems that your actions spoke louder than your words again...I envy you.

Noah smiled and took his Blade from her, before un-summoning it.

-Don't worry, Mercedes. I don't care if I win this battle or not. I just want him back to the Merceni you always knew.

-Good. Because if you don't, I'll kill you myself before he gets the chance. You hear me, stupid?

Noah grinned, relieved that he was able to convince her.

-Aye aye, ma'am.

Mercedes sighed deeply before throwing him a smile.

-I really don't see you being able to pull it off, but then again, you beat Terri and always find room to surprise me further, be it for the good or the bad. So, good luck, I guess.

Noah nodded before being swiftly kicked out of her room.

"I did it...I've managed to get everyone's trust back. I can't...I won't let that "me" ever return again! For everyone's sake...I mustn't."


The sun still hadn't risen when Noah stepped out of the dorm. He couldn't sleep anymore, he was so nervous. He told Merceny that he had a free pass to try and kill him and he knew that the Mercenary would make full use of such advantage. But Noah had faced heavy handicaps before, hell, all his battles up until then had been heavily stacked against him. He couldn't help but smile at how hard life liked to throw him down at all times.

"I guess this is my path as a BladeMaster..."

As he got to the arena, he thought it'd be empty, to give him time to gather his courage in silence, but he could hear the sounds of many voices from blocks away. He saw people, mostly Academics running past him towards the building. Could they...

As he entered the arena grounds, he was surprised to see the stands filled to the brim with youths, both Academics and Mercenaries. Even the shattered floor from the skirmish the day before had been repaired, probably by Tera users. The public seemed excited, the roars of encouragement for both fighters being almost deafening.

-What the..?-he couldn't believe his eyes.

-Yeah, get an Academic and a Mercenary in a fight and both factions will pay top price to see it.

Noah looked back and was greeted by Lucy's smiling face.

-Sorry, I couldn't prevent this. Rumors spread fast, ya know? Besides, the thought of a silent arena is just plain creepy, don't you agree? Anyways, are you ok now?

Noah gave her a determined nod.

-That's what I want to hear. I won't be able to give you any advice...

-...again.- Noah said, sighing.

-Again,yes, but hey, you've got a smoking hot girl cheering in the audience! I don't think your adrenaline needs any more pumping than that.

-This is not a normal duel, Lucy...! I might die in here!

-Just the more reason to survive and save Merceny,right? Don't worry, I trust you!-she grinned and gave him a thumbs-up.

-You're hopeless...

After Lucy laughed and skipped away to the stands, Noah awaited his fate, taking deep breaths, one at a time...

Suddenly, a loud "THUMP" was heard as something landed in the opposite side of the arena and a large cloud of smoke rose. When it dispersed, Noah could see Merceny's merciless expression from right where he was standing.

He clenched his fist and summoned Warrior's Heart immediately. Merceny, as he expected, didn't waste any time and was already running at him with Nightingale ready. He really wasn't up for taunts anymore. Noah's blood seemed to be his only desire,but the boy was not planning to go down without a fight. Noah started running towards him too.

"From the darkness in your soul, Merceny...I'll be your guiding light!"

As the arena roared towards both opponents...

The fated duel was about to start!!!
