Chapter 22: Hero

16 years ago:

-Hey?-the little girl called out.

-Hmm, what is it?- the little boy in front of her set down a rock from the rubble turning to her.

-I'm huuuungry! I want food, Big Bro!- the girl complained,stomping her little foot on the ground.

-W-well, that's what we're trying to do..! Find some food.-he answered, with a flustered look on his face. But he also feeling weak from the hunger. They haven't eaten for days now...

-But all these houses are a wreck! We won't be able to find anything here!- the girl said, looking around. True, surrounding the two kids there were only what was left of a small village, smoke still rising up from the destroyed houses. The stench of carbonized bodies filled the air, but they were used to that. There was no time to dwell in pity. The priority was to keep surviving.

-Yeah, you're right...I thought we might be able to find something here since the bombs stopped dropping yesterday but it appears all those hooded adults took it all...Either that or all of the food is all burnt up...blech...-the boy stuck his tongue out.

-W-what are we going to do? I-if we can't find anything, everybody will be mad again!

The boy crossed his arms, thinking. It had been a mistake joining all that group. The boy and his twin sister had been traveling for months, and they had found a friendly group that, for once, wasn't made up of those horrid scavengers and thieves and they had plenty of food with them. But it eventually ran out and the responsibility of finding more was forced on everybody, including the young pair, both getting scolded when they returned empty-handed to camp. But how were they supposed to find anything in the ruins of towns destroyed by those awful soldiers? They were little! They couldn't do that!

The boy curled up his tiny fist in anger, disappointed more at himself for not finding anything than the attitude of the group. Then, he heard the sound his sister whimpering, her tiny hands trying to stop the tears from overflowing from her emerald eyes. Ever since their village had been bombed, they have always been on the run, helping each other survive, but no spirit could ever endure such hardships for as long as they have.

-I...I'm sick of this! I don't want to get yelled at anymore! They're so scary and if others find any food but we don't...w-we don't get to eat anything! My stomach hurts, Big Bro!- and she started bawling, falling to her knees.

The boy reached out to her. But it seemed like kind words were not going to reach her this time. While scrambling his brain for a solution, he spotted, blowing in the wind atop some rocks, a piece of brown cloth. He went over to them and picked it up. It had holes in some spots and it was covered in dust. He brushed it off of it and tied it around his neck, making a make-shift cape. He jumped out and ran in her direction.

-Missy, your hair is full of ash! Do you think a lady should have dirty hair like that? No one will marry you like that!

The girl looked up, the tears stopping. She was more weirded out than sad now.

-What are you doing...? You've been reading too many fantasy books, Big Bro.

The boy gave out a haughty laugh.

-I am no big brother! I am a hero! And heroes like me always look out for troubled ladies!- with this, he leaned towards her and ruffled her hair, the ash that had deposited itself in there from all that wandering around the destroyed town forming a big cloud over her, that got on his nose, making him sneeze. He kept brushing off the ash until her hair went back to being that platinum he was so used to.

The girl puffed her cheeks.

-I'm not a lady, I'm a girl! And I'm too young to get married! Besides, all the other boys I've met are ugly! And your hair is full of ash too, Mr. Hero!- she answered, pointing at him accusingly.

The boy ruffled his hair, also brushing off a torrent of ash until his hair went back to platinum too. He blushed deeply as he did this, flustered that he got found out. The girl laughed at this. Seeing her laugh splattered a giant grin on the boy's face and he talked to her with a pompous tone.

-Never fear, lad---young lady! I will save you from those rotten adults! No more will you ever have to be yelled at!

The girl looked at him, hopeful.

-But how will you do that, Mr. Hero?- she asked, now more into that whole play.

The boy let out another laugh.

-Heroes always have a solution! Come with me and we'll find a place filled to the brim with delicious food! And with nice and happy people too!

The girl gasped, amazed.

-R-really?! You can do that, Mr. Hero?!

-Of course! Now, let us not waist a single second!

She smiled, the marks of her tears still on her cheeks, but now her eyes were filled with hope and nodded at him, enthusiastic.

The boy reached out, offering his hand to help her up. He would find a way to fulfill his promise. He just had to! I'm the big brother! I'll never make you cry again, sis. I swear on my life!

He grinned at her, his emerald eyes shining.

-Let's go!



-When I was a tyke, around 8 years old, I lived at a small village, just west of Soula,not too far from the Order's current headquarters. I lived there alongside my... twin brother. The village leader had taken us in when we were just newborns and told us that our mother was forced to leave us there, because her life was in danger. Someone was...chasing her,or something. I don't have the faintest idea of who she is or why she was being chased, so I've always thought it was a bunch of baloney. Ramblings of an awful woman that just wanted an excuse to get rid of her unwanted children. I know even less about my father...But, the leader was a good friend of hers and took us in, raising us like a true father.

"That was...until the bombs dropped down on the village. The Great BladeMaster War had reached its critical point, meaning that any region that wasn't on Faction X's side was mercilessly bombed and Faction Y would retaliate with their destructive technology and bring about even more destruction. Everyone else would be caught in the crossfire. I still remember so vividly...the leader's house, which was where me and my brother were living, caught on fire due to Pyre-tuned elemental bombs. The three of us were trying to escape but the burning roof fell down towards me and my brother's direction. But, before it hit us, the leader pushed us away and...and...just burned to a crisp. He gave his life to save us,but the screams of pure, guttural pain he let out...Heh, even after all the battles I've been through, I still have nightmares about them...

Well, moving on. Me and my brother escaped the house, seeing other people run away to safety, some making it, others dying immediately after taking one step out of their houses by other bombs. Me and my brother somehow managed to escaped the fires and got out of the village before the soldiers came in for cleanup. From there we traveled around Karash, getting by by scavenging other ruined towns, stealing from the ones that still stood, begging on the streets and so on. We were always on the run, afraid to stay in one place for long because of the threat of bombings. In our travels, we found other groups, some accepting us in, giving us something to eat, others stealing from us and beating us up. But...we still had each other.

My brother...I admired him,because he always put on a strong front, always putting me before himself, always cheering me up when I was down, always sacrificing himself for my safety. He dear, dear hero. He was the person I loved---still love--- the most in the whole world.

When the Order was formed, peace slowly returned and we were able to settle down in bigger towns and get small odd -jobs to get by as the years went on. But, when I was about your age...he just vanished. I couldn't find him anymore... I panicked, searching everywhere for him. I thought of asking for the Order's, for Attila's help, but by then, the man had vanished as well and Balthazar had started his conquest. All the while, the search for my brother got me into lots of troubles with other factions, all which I had to fight my way through, slowly getting myself to the status I am at today. I eventually arrived at Soula and became its protector, founding the Angel's Crow in order to help the people subjugated by the Order. Then, the Order started fearing and chasing me, afraid I'd ruin their plans. I fought their members on several occasions and I found honor and kindness in all of them...except that rotten Balthazar. He looks to no expenses to kill me, not Angel's Crow, not the kingdom of Karash. I realized that he must know something about my brother's disappearance and is seeking my eternal silence, so I began my plan. Allying with Eldus and the Masters, I'd find a way to get the Order Elites on my side and fight back at Balthazar, in order to find out information about my dear hero."

Noah blinked, in shock at that information. That explained a lot,actually. Lucy had sat up after Eldus' power had healed her and the Sage had gone to take care of the injured by Sobek's escape with Teri, that were coming in the arena, led by Mercedes. After Noah had asked her about her reaction to Tal, she told him her story. After hearing it, Noah was honestly impressed on how someone with such a past could still maintain such a cheerful attitude.

-So...when Tal appeared, you thought he was your brother? And that's why you freaked out?- Noah asked.

-Yeah...I know, I'm a fool for believing that a boy like him was my brother but...he looked just like him. The resemblance was stunning,actually. You remember when, on your first day, I told you that you reminded me of someone? That "someone" is also my brother. I guess it's the hair and the eyes...only that his are like mine and you're a blonde with rad red eyes. The world is filled with coincidences, huh? But, when Tal told that he knew my brother and had killed him...I seriously doubt he's being honest, due to his personality, but I...snapped. Like you yesterday, everything went blank and I just wanted that little fucker dead. But still, the Order is getting some wackos to their ranks...1st echelon even.

-"Echelon"?- Noah tilted his head.

-The ranks of importance inside the Order Elites. There's 8 in total, being followed by the Leader. Teri is in the 8th echelon,Sobek is in the 7th and so on until you reach Balthazar. But, for that Tal being a new member and getting upgraded to 1st echelon from the get-go... He didn't show us his entire hand today...

Noah sighed.

-That Tal...I think I know him too...

-You do? That's surprising.-Lucy said, a surprised look on her face.

-I mean, I know I haven't met him before but...ever since the Teri fight, there's these weird voices in my head.

-Voices? must have belonged to Tera, the goddess that gave me Warrior's Heart...But there was another, a male voice.

-Another god, perhaps?

-No...he certainly didn't sound like no god. He was snarky and mean, said that, if I died, he'd die too, that he was always close to me...And that I was the "Alpha", or something...

-Sounds like someone has a dedicated stalker.

-But when Tal showed up, it clicked. His voice, his sounded exactly like that voice. And, to top it off...

-...he said that his job was to kill the "Alpha". I remember him saying that, too...Well, well, it seems like we've got a connection. This Tal character seems to be getting more mysterious by the second.

-But I know one thing.

-Hm? What is it?

-You said that you are chasing the Order and Balthazar in search for your brother.


Noah shot her a determined look.

-Then now I have a reason to chase them too. I must find Tal and ask him what he knows. From there, the mystery surrounding my past should clear up.

-Even if it means putting your life at risk? The Order Elites are no chumps. You should already know that.

Noah curled up his fist.

-I have to...I'm no longer fighting solely for the safety of Soula and Karash. Tal...I must find him! My life depends on it!

Lucy smirked and raised her fist towards Noah.

-Then it looks like we have similar goals, kiddo. Put'er there!


Lucy sighed and grabbed his arm, making her fist and Noah's bump into each other. Was it another version of an handshake? Noah made note of that as he shot back another smirk at Lucy.


Tal opened his eyes, only to find himself in a dark room. He tapped the metallic floor and closed his eyes again, his nose twitching.

"Yup, I'm back inside the Order's HQ. I can smell the foul stench of everyone's blood."

He smirked and rose from the pool of blood with a groan. That bitch Lucy had done quite the number on him.

"'Apocalypse'.. Is that her Ultima Soul? Mmmm, it hurt like hell, but now I know a little something about our prime enemy. Balthy will be sooooo pleased, so I better go tell him."

He seemed to be inside a storage closet, judging from the brooms and other cleaning objects surrounding him. He reached for the closet door and opened it, immediately bumping into something hard.

-Ow..! Look where you're going, butt-munch---Oh, it's you....

He looked up at the tall man he had just bumped to and his golden eyes met with his crimson one. One, because the other was covered by an high-tech looking visor. Its lens was yellow and it had a black framing. He couldn't see past the lens. Obviously, because it wasn't a normal visor. It was something much more dangerous. The man's had ash gray short hair and his face was twisted by disgust upon seeing Tal. He wore a crimson armor, with golden horns imbedded on each of his shoulder plates. Other sections of his armor were also golden, especially on the joints, the black spandex underneath peeking out of them. The armor had claw-like gloves, which were both curled up in a fist. On the backside of the armor was a long purple cape, lightly dragging on the ground. His metal boots clanked on the ground as he shifted his feet around.

-Well, if it isn't the famous Zanten. How are you on this beautiful day?

He grunted, definitely not happy to see Tal.

-Aww, c'mon, don't be shy~ We're both 1st echelon members. We're practically brothers~!- he gave him a snarky grin.

-Tal, you know that talking that way to Zanten will get you killed, right?- another voice reached Tal's ears, coming from the side of the hallway he and Zanten stood on. A wooden click was heard as the woman's wooden sandals stopped on the floor. She was wearing a red skirt with folds coming down from its top to its edge, spreading all around the layer of fabric, a layer of thin dark blue and black breastplate armor and gloves protecting her upper half and shoulders and a white, long tunic under said armor. Attached to the shoulder guards was a short purple cape The woman had medium-length dark blue hair, a single lilac streak standing on the front side. She had a red bandana tying the remainder of her hair around in a bun on its backside, in order to keep it at a safe length. She was also frowning at Tal.

"Ah, good, now the samurai bitch has joined the party."

-I know too well, Sera. But can you censor me for promoting a healthy work environment?

-Please, we all know the only unhealthy thing around here is you. Didn't you go with Sobek to Soula?-she asked.

-Yeah, I did. I just came back. Wind Boy has things under control, so I let him have his time to shine.

-You ran away.- she said.

-No, I retreated. That Lucy Crow, phew, sure did a number on me~

Zanten shook, his fist trembling.

-You...fought Crow?-he growled, his deep voice sounding like the echoes of a deep cave.

Tal looked at him, smirking.

-Oh, that I did~ It was quite the fight. Who'd knew she'd go all out against lil' ol' me?

-That look tells me something else.- Sera said, placing herself between Zanten and Tal- Lucy, going all out against you ?

-What, you doubt my power, Miss 2nd echelon? You make me saaaaad~

-No. I mean that Lucy would never go all out in a populated place like the middle of Soula. You'd get vaporized, along with half the city.

-I swear it! You should've seen her furious face!

Sera tsked.

-Nor is she the type of person to lose her cool to your dumb taunts. You set her off. What did you say?

Tal shrugged,smirking.

-The truth, really. I told her I killed her brother.

Sera's eyes widened.

-You...said what?!

Before anyone could react, Zanten's hand pushed Tal against the wall, closing around his throat.

-Agh...! Zanten...y-you're choking me..! I know some people like it, but I'm a clean guy..!- Tal said, grinning.

-You went ahead and said that to Lucy?!- Sera exclaimed, not stopping Zanten, who was fuming with anger.-Do you want to die?!

-C'mon...don't overdramatic...It was...a good fight...- he taunted, his eyes starting to rolling behind his face.

-The only one...

Sera turned to Zanten, who was tightening his grip on Tal's throat as he said that.

-The only one who'll receive Lucy's hatred is going to be me, Tal. Don't. Ever. Forget it.- he growled as he released the boy, he sliding along the wall until he sat on the floor, gasping for air.

Zanten turned to Sera.

-Let's go Sera. Before I kill him.- With that, he turned away from Tal and continued on his way, Sera looking at Tal for a second before following him.

After they disappeared from his sight, Tal let out a slow cackle

"Oh boy, Zanten. So're just like that bitch Crow. Both guided by your dumb desire for revenge. I can't wait to see that desire blowing on your faces!"

His cackle evolved into a full-on laughter as he continued on his way to report to Balthazar.
