Chapter 24: Triumvirate

6 years earlier:

A carriage stopped in front of the building. Its doors opened and, from there, a man and a woman, both wearing white long coats stepped out. Then, they helped a boy get out. He was 10 years old, in white formal clothing, a long blue tie around his neck. His lilac hair was brushed to perfection and he adjusted his glasses on the cane of his nose. He seemed reluctant to be there.

He accompanied the couple to the lobby of the building. The Academy staff had been expecting them, such was the couple's fame. They hand out a paper for them to sign. Both the father and the woman wore white gloves and jotted down their signatures, written in perfect handwriting.

Jonathan Rhodes.

Maria Rhodes.

They looked back at the boy. The father looked at him from above. The boy was used to being looked down like this.

-Alright, son. From now on this is your home: the BladeMaster Academy. Me and your mother will come visit periodically. We expect good results.

The boy nodded.

-Yes, father. I will do my best...

The mother furrowed her brow.

-What's wrong,dear? Weren't you the one looking forward to studying here?

The boy could tell right away from her expression. She was actually saying "You better not have cold feet now. Me and my father have spent a fortune enrolling you here, and if you don't give us promising results, you'll be a shame to the Rhodes family." He could always read people like that. Everyone around him tried to play their roles, but they were so...transparent. Like the test tubes and the vials or the glasses of the cages where the specimen were contained.

He had grown up in that transparent world. It was only obvious to be able to see right through it. It was the only act of rebellion he could afford to pull off. He just couldn't show it to his parents.

The boy smiled.

-Not to worry, mother. I am ecstatic to be studying here. I promise I will become a great BladeMaster. I'm just...a little nervous, because I'll be living by myself here in Soula. I'm afraid that I won't be able to make friends due to my...upbringing.

The father shook his head.

-Nonsense. As long as they are people around who share the same feelings of determination as you, you will surely find peers. And, what better place to find such peers than the BladeMaster Academy, known all across Karash? Do not fret, son: the odds are in your favor.

Odds...His life in the transparent world was always dictated by that single word. As long as his desires fell within the realm of numbers, he didn't have to worry. It was like his decisions were made by themselves. Like life lived itself without his influence, dictated by probability. If anything at all fell out of the realm of odds, he didn't have to bother doing it; if something had the tiniest margin of success, his whole being would have to work to reach it. That black and white way of making decisions made his life a very calculated, safe thing. That's why his parents always expected great things from him and why he underwent such harsh training back at the labs: to tip the odds to his favor. He was probably one of few kids his age that could summon a complete Blade and use his Element with decent proficiency. His success had an high probability of happening, so he easy life. He had never seen failure, but, as a result, kids around him seemed to avoid him.

The prestigious Rhodes family.

Genius blood.

A destiny to stand above others.

A life of a brilliant solitude.

-Yes, father. You are correct. The odds are in my favor.- the boy ended up saying, feigning a smile.

The couple walked by him without so much of a goodbye kiss. He was used to that, though. He was lucky to have had his parents bring him here themselves.

-Right, dear. We'll be off now. We'll expect good news soon.

-Yes, Mother. Yes, Father.- and, he saw them climb in the carriage and ride away, back to their labs and odds.

The Academy staff dispersed, leaving the dorm caretaker to help the boy. She gave him a warm smile, but he couldn't discern if she only gave it to him due to his upbringing.

The odds pointed to a "Yes".

-Alrighty, I will now lead you to your room. Your things should be already there. Now, if you'd please accompany me---

---Mister Axel Rhodes.


2 years later:

Axel left the classroom. People, like always, were already talking behind his back.

"Look, it's the boy from Rhodes family!"

"I heard that they're loaded!"

"I heard that they were involved in the creation of today's airships!"

"Oh, weren't they the ones that created half of the technology the Order is using?"

"That means they're from that nasty Order too, huh?!"

That line of thought would usually result in alot of people wanting a piece of Axel, even if his parents were against the Order. Just because they created the technology the Order used to kill and dominate, it didn't mean that they wanted to kill and dominate either..!

"Even if they're no sweeter, compared to a normal parent..."

Every month, Axel would have to write a letter to his parents, reporting his studies. Fortunately, he was falling within their expectations, being regarded as one of the best students of the Academy.

"Just like a Rhodes would!" teachers would say, but Axel hated having his intelligence treated like that. Treated like it was just another. Predictable. According to the odds.

He'd get visits from them on his birthday, but they were always short-lived. Basically, they were more of a live report, more than anything. No hugs, no kisses, just an envelop with money he'd usually use to buy pre-made food or dusty old books. He felt like he'd be more accompanied if they didn't come at all. But the people around him would always praise him from coming from such a genius family or hate from coming from the "creators" of the current war. He was honestly sick of it.

"I don't want to be a Rhodes..! Can't I just be Axel?!"

He was about to leave the school building when he heard loud snoring from inside one of the classrooms. He was kind of frightened by the sudden noise at first but decided to look inside. The classroom was empty, but something was very wrong with it. Right in the middle of the room, a bunch of tables were lined up in a square and others adjusted on top of them, upside down, in a way that they'd create a roof, of sorts, above the square. That way, a make-shift cage was formed.

Axel followed the snoring noise and looked between the legs of the tables to find a boy around his age sleeping right on the floor without a care in the world. He was tall and his auburn hair was tied up in such a way that it kind off looked like a pineapple's leaves.

Axel crouched near the tables and reached out his arm to the sleeping boy, shaking his shoulder.

-H-hey, you! Wake up!- he said, more confused than worried.

But, no matter how much Axel shook or called out for him, the boy wouldn't budge! It was like a rock! He decided to be a little more drastic and summoned Raiden. He took the blade out of his scabbard and placed it aside. He then reached inside with the scabbard in hand, and once he was close enough, he smacked the boy on the head with it!

The boy shook and took his hands to his head, turning to Axel with a furious expression on his face.

-Oww! What the heck was that for?! I was having such a nice nap too!- he said before sitting up, but hitting his head again on the upside down tables on top of him.- W-what the...?

-S-sorry, but I saw you sleeping inside this...contraption and was worried...

-Oh, the classic "Zeke Cage".- he said, yawning.- Yeah, people do this sometimes when I'm asleep at the end of class. So long as they don't trap me inside, I'm good.

-B-but still! They're treating you as some sort of animal!- Axel exclaimed and hurried to take the tables away and put them on their place. Once was done, Zeke was still lying on the floor.

-Thanks, I guess. I'll go back to sleep, now.- and he turned the other way.

Axel knelt down and shook him.

-N-no! Why are so chill?! Even if they didn't trap you, they're still making fun of you! Don't you want to give them a piece of your mind?!

Zeke shrugged.

-Why should I? Fighting is too tiring, anyways...I'm always sleeping, so I don't have time to be hurt about dumb pranks.

-Does anything phase you?! How can you stand to be treated like trash?!

-Meh, if trash is allowed to sleep in peace, then yeah, I'm trash.

Axel was fuming at Zeke's laid-back attitude. It was so different from anything he ever experienced.

-Well, I think you should be sleeping in the trash bin then, pineapple!

Zeke's eyes widened a bit.


-A...pineapple! Because you kinda look

Suddenly, Zeke laughed.

-Oh, I get it! Because of my hair! Ohohoh, that's a good one, kiddo! Was that intentional or are you good at dissing people, Burn King?

Axel was surprised at Zeke's change of demeanor.

-B-Burn King..? But my name's Axel Rhodes...

Zeke sighed.

-Are you dense? It's a nickname. And..."Rhodes"? I've could have sworn I've heard that name before...Meh, I'm too tired to remember. Hey, Burn King! Mind giving me a lift to my room?- he asked, yawning.

-W-wha..?- he couldn't believe that he didn't know him. According to the odds, everyone at the Academy knew him.

-Aw, c'mon, don't be so uptight! You should be more like me and take things slowly. The more you tire yourself with trying to be formal and stuff, the more people'll think you're nothing more than a richy rich, stiff and boring guy.

-I...but, don't you know who I am? If people saw me around you...what would they say?

-Um, words? You know those thingies with vowels and consonants that come out of your mouth? I can see you're one of the "freaks" too. Why else would you care for a person like me? But you know what I do when people badmouth me? Sleep! Sleeping is the answer to achieve true peace! As long as you sleep through the bad stuff, you can concentrate more on the good stuff! Like napping, for example!

Axel covered his mouth to stop the burst of laughter. This Zeke guy...he was so...unique! His relaxed attitude against the insults of the academics was so against the odds!

Zeke smiled at him.

-There ya go! Not so stiff anymore, huh? Now, if you would?- and he raised his hands at him.

Axel grinned and picked him up on his back, carrying him out of the classroom and into the dorms.

That was the first instance of improbability in Axel's life.


A few days later:

Axel and Zeke would soon grow to become good friends, Axel usually carrying Zeke everywhere and getting him out of trouble. You'd think that that sort of relationship would be really unjust for Axel, but he didn't feel that way at all: Zeke was so unique, so chill, that he didn't bother to form superficial judgements on people. He'd skip the bothersome formalities and jump right into the true face of those who surrounded him. That made him into a very harsh person to people who employed "masks" in their day-to-day routines, but also very kind to people like Axel, who fought to rid themselves of labels and be genuine. Zeke liked Axel because he was Axel, not because he was a Rhodes, and he'd always defend him against the people who badmouthed him. So, a deal of sorts would form between the two: Axel would carry Zeke around and Zeke would always have his back.

One of those days, Zeke was lazing around with his food at lunch, the cafeteria already empty and Axel was about to scold him for not hurrying up, when they heard strange sounds from the cafeteria storage room. Axel gulped and decided to check.

But, once he opened the door, he faced a strange scenario: a chubby kid, with brushed back black hair, around his age was holding a bunch of plastic bags filled with bread on his hands, one of the buns already stuffed on his mouth.

-H-hey, who are you?!- Axel shouted- You can't steal from the school cafeteria!

He then grabbed the bags from the kid and put them away. The kid gave him a deeply saddened look. He finished eating what he had on his mouth.

-B-but...I'm still so hungry..! The lunch lady never lets me get past the fifth helping of lunch, so I thought I'd come here and help myself...- he gave them an apologetic grin.

Axel scratched his head, Zeke showing up behind him.

-Oh, look..! I know this guy, Axel.- Zeke said- Um...Goi Verlion, right?

The kid puffed his cheeks.

-It's Guy Vermilion! I'm a student here, Pyre-born! And how do you know me?!

Zeke scratched his eyes.

-Oh, I've heard rumors that you've been stealing stuff from here all the time and that you've faced expulsion more than once, but they never kick you out because of your Pyre abilities.

Axel looked at Zeke.

-His abilities?

Zeke nodded.

-Yeah, apparently, his Pyre is super good, one of the best in the Academy, according to the drafting tests the school has made on him.

Axel looked at Guy.

-Really? What can you do?

Guy looked down, with a disappointed look.

-Um...does roasting food to perfection count? Aside from that...I can't do much. I really don't know why I'm here anyways.-he said before letting out a burp.

-B-but, this is the BladeMaster Academy! You had to be chosen by some motive!- Axel said. He remembered all the work his parents had making him into a perfect specimen before enrolling him in the Academy. Compared to him, Guy looked like a total,well...failure.

-Well, I'm here too and I don't do much, Axel. Can you judge him for not being uptight like 99% of the students here?- Zeke asked. He was right, as Axel never saw him using Aqua before. All Zeke liked doing was napping and sleeping and post-sleeping napping. He remembered what he taught him about judgments,though, so he reached inside one of the bags and gave Guy another bread.

-Well, I bet you can do more stuff. Sorry if I sounded mean. Here!

Guy was delighted and devoured the bread with such voracity that Axel couldn't really distinguish him from a wild carnivore after downing its prey. The thought of Guy's hair turning into a lion's mane around his head made him laugh.

-Hey, Guy, is it? How about me and Zeke--- -Zeke groaned- ---ok, just me, help you out with your Pyre abilities? I'm sure that I'll be able to bring your talent to surface.

Guy tilted his head.

-That...sounds boring, actually. I'm not one for studies, to be honest. I just like the food here.- he grinned.

Axel smiled.

-Alright, how about we make a deal: I teach you and, in return, I'll keep you fed? I'm not the poorest person, so it's no big deal.

Guy's eyes lit up and he grabbed Axel's hand, shaking it violently.

-Really?! Thank you, um...

-Axel...Rhodes- Axel gave him a yellow smile.

-Oh, that Rhodes?!


-Hmph, to be honest, I've heard rumors about you. People say you're cold and distant because you're a genius but then I heard you've been hanging around with Truesdale here and I thought "Or this guy isn't as bad as people say, or Truesdale's his new guinea pig". I'm glad it's the first one...right?

Axel laughed:

-I dunno, Guy. Our studies together might bring forth alot of experimentation, so be careful!

Guy laughed in response and joined them out of the pantry. But, suddenly, Axel was pushed back inside, crashing against the shelves. He managed to stay on his feet, so the shelf didn't topple.

He looked up at the cause of his push and saw a group of tall guys facing them with sick smirks. By their sizes, Axel guessed they were Academy seniors. The ones that could actually fight like a BladeMaster.

The leader, an especially muscular one stepped forward, pushing a terrified Guy and a confused Zeke away.

-Well, well, what do we have here? Axel Rhodes, helping this fat-ass steal food?! Such a moving scene! I'm crying over here!- behind him, his goons laughed, and he grabbing and holding Guy and Zeke in place.

-Guy! Ze--- - Axel shouted but the thug's hand grabbed his collar and rose him up against the shelf.

-This is a very serious crime, Rhodes. Helping Vermilion steal makes you a thief either.

-N-no, you're wrong! Guy is no thief! It's just a dumb piece of bread!

The thug gripped him harder.

-Even if it is, it's still grave! You three could get expelled from the Academy, ya know?!

Axel's eyes widened. He was so focused on making friends with Guy that he didn't realize that they were really doing something bad! If he was expelled...

"Mother and Father will be like I'm dead to them! I'll be all alone!"

The thug seemed to notice his fear.

-But no worries, this has a solution. I hear the Rhodes are pretty loaded right?! Now here's the deal: every week, you'll pay me and my associates here a protection fee and that way, you won't get expelled!

Axel struggled but the thug's grip was too tight!

-W-wait...- he managed to say- How about Zeke and Guy?!

-What? Hungry Hungry Hippo and Sleeping Beauty over there? Well, I was going to say that they should pay fees of their own, but since you're suuuuch a good person, why don't you pay their weekly fees too?!-and he burst out laughing.

Axel's gritted his teeth.

-W-why should we do that?! You're just blackmailing us!

The thug smirked and threw Axel to the side, his body crashing against another shelf and this one toppling over him, the boxes and bags crashing down on him. Axel screamed in pain, blood dripping out of his mouth. He could hardly move.

-Because if you refuse you'll be expelled and we'll have our fun with you three!- he stepped towards the fallen Axel.- You know what? Fuck that! I've been tired of you walking around like you own the place, just because your parents are geniuses or whatever! Your family creates the weapons the Order uses! That means they're aligned with them! Which means, you are too!

He summoned his Blade, a giant spiked mace he arched it over his head.

-I'll execute justice here and now!

Axel's heart sunk.

-N-no, stop!- he exclaimed, tears rolling out of his eyes,completely powerless. The thug smirked.

-Well, we can arrange something, then: a life insurance on top of the protection fees! For all three of you! Everyday!- and then he and the goons laughed.

Axel gritted his teeth. He tried to think of a way to stop him but the odds were against him. It was hopeless..! He'd just have to pay him somehow or face death...


-Refuse.- a female voice sounded from outside of the pantry. Suddenly the goons holding Zeke and Guy were picked up,removing the kids from their grip and thrown against the walls and shelves and, in a flash, a delicate hand held the thug threatening Axel by the hair.

-Now let the kid go or I'll be forced to end your lineage right here, boy.

He growled, turning around.

-Who are you?! Don't mock me!!!- he swung the mace down but it stopped suddenly. The delicate hand held it in place and, no matter how much he struggled, it didn't budge. The hand belonged to a woman with platinum hair, who wore all black. She had deep emerald eyes and a confident smirk on her face.

-Aww, pointing your little rod at a woman? I'll take that as a sexual offense and act accordingly~- with that, her grip on the mace tightened and cracks started showing up all over it until it broke into a thousand pieces! The little chunks of metal fell on the horrified thugs feet and dissipated. He looked at her with a livid face.

-You...bitch!- he charged forward, ready to punch her. The woman sighed.

-Well, I was trying to be nice, but it seems you're really a glutton for punishment.- then in the blink of an eye, her feet was buried in the thug's crotch, the impact being so great that it released shockwaves across the pantry. The thug's eyes rolled on themselves and foam overflew from his mouth before he fell on the ground, out cold. The woman huffed and lifted up the shelf Axel was trapped under. She reached out for him.

-Grab on.- she said, smiling. Axel blushed lightly and grabbed her hand, rising up with a flinch.

The woman looked around him.

-You don't seem to have any serious wounds...Lucky for you, this shelf only had boxes and bags filled with flour or bread so no cuts or anything. The pain is mostly from the impact, but nonetheless, are you ok?

Axel nodded slowly.

-T-thank you...I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for you...

The woman grinned.

-No problem! You three are lucky that I was, going to examine the pantry inspection or it would've gotten ugly.

-I...if there's anything I can do to compensate, I'll do it! I have money!

The woman giggled.

-Unless you want to file in a bounty for us, that won't be necessary. But even so, you kept your cool and fought back against those bullies. Good job!- with that, she gave him a peck on the cheek and went to leave the pantry.

Axel blushed deeply as Zeke and Guy held him to help him walk out of the pantry. That woman saved his life and didn't even want a reward.Her actions...had no reason, unlike his parent's tests at the lab.

-W-who are you?!- Axel shouted.

The woman turned back, grinning.

-My name is Lucy Crow and I'm the leader of the Angel's Crow Bounty Hunters. Most of us might be new here and we're still not a whole lot anyways, but we'll fight for the greater good of this town...that'll pay us the most~- and with that he left, leaving Axel speechless. He looked at Guy and Zeke, who took him out of the cafeteria and into the dorm (although Zeke wasn't too happy with this manual labor).

-Thank you for defending me, Axel...really.- Guy said, with an hesitant smile as they walked.

Axel looked at him and smiled too, but it quickly dissipated as he kept blaming himself for what happened.

"What was I thinking, enrolling here like I am now? I can't just live my life as a BladeMaster if I can't fight to protect my friends...I...

I have to become stronger!"

And that was the second encounter between Axel and improbability.


4 years later, after Axel, Zeke and Guy joined forces with the Angel's Crow, the day before the Noah and Merceny fight:

The trio was on their usual spot,behind the grass fences at the Academy. They were lined up and had a focused expression on their faces, along with each of their Blades pointed forward.

-Now!- Axel shouted as he slashed the air, releasing an air blast. On his end, Zeke swung Waterwheel, a stream of water bursting forth from it. And Guy swung the Dragonic Blade, the stream of flames going forward. On the ground before them stood a little straw training dummy, which they had borrowed from the Mercenaries training grounds. Each of their attacks were converging in its direction, but the moment they made contact, they scattered to all sides, leaving the dummy unscathed.

Axel tsked:

-C'mon, let's try again, guys!- he looked to the side and saw Guy and Zeke falling on the ground, panting.

-Please, Axel, we've been trying this for hours now!-Guy groaned- Can't we get a snack break?

-Yeah, what are we even trying to do?- Zeke said, lying down- Our Elements are incompatible, they'll destroy themselves the moment they touch. It's useless.

Axel didn't want to believe they were giving up so easily! Sure, he was drenched in sweat, but still!

-Come on, we have to be useful to the Angel's Crow! Now that we've joined their efforts, we have to bring something to the table!

-Aw, please, they already have Lucy, Ciny and Noah.- Zeke said with an annoyed expression- We're not doing much there. Besides, you were the one who made me and Guy join in! I could be sleeping right now, not caring about the Order!

Axel gritted his teeth and stomped towards Zeke.

-I can't believe you're saying this, Zeke! What if Balthazar reaches the Academy?! What happened to the pride you showed to Merceny?!

Zeke sat up.

-There you go again! You're being so uptight, because you feel like you're forced to bring something to the table. You couldn't ask us to train with you because you want to impress Lucy or really want to get better. You asked us to do this because you feel obligated to! It seems like... like your family still has an impact on you.

Axel froze. not...

-Oh, really? Ever since my kerfuffle with Ciny and Guy's encounter with Pyre, you've been so tense, because you feel like you're getting left behind. You've been locking yourself in your room, studying up tactics of past wars and dragging us out here to test new strategies. It's annoying! I get that thinking is your thing, because of your family, but me and Guy are not cut out for this!

Axel didn't know what to say. Even after all of his effort, was he still under his family's shadow?

-You do your thing and we'll do ours, Axel. Lucy and Noah will take care of the Order.

-But...The Brigade is still small! The odds that we'll be called for battle are still high! And if we keep being powerless like this, our odds of surviving will hit rock bottom!

Zeke got up and faced Axel.

-Odds, odds, odds. That's all you ever think about, ever since we've met. Ever thought about if something doesn't fall within your calculations? Is that the Rhodes way of thinking? Turning people into numbers?

Axel gritted his teeth and leaned in close to Zeke.

-I am different from my family!

-Oh, really? Because to me, it seems that you much enjoy seeing yours and others' lives through a glass screen!

Axel froze.


Guy got up and placed himself between the two.

-Sadly, I must agree with Zeke, Axel. Lately, you've been really weird. Like, desperate to prove yourself. You rushed us to join the war against the Order and you've been studying and training to the point of collapsing. Is there something wrong? Why are you trying so much to catch up?

Axel didn't answer as he waled away without another word, although Guy was completely right. Ever since Zeke showed his talent to Merceny, ever since Noah defeated Teri and Guy was deemed worthy by Pyre, Axel felt...lost. He had been so used to being like a older brother to those three, that it was hard for him to accept that they were chosen for the Academy or Lucy for a reason: their talent.

"But I have no talent. For as much as I diss the people who enrolled due to money, I'm no different. I am my parent's result: a genius. I can't do anything by myself, because everything else was already handed to me. Zeke, Guy, Noah, you three are spectacular people, who stand for what you believe and draw power from it. But all I believe...what was forced to believe and accept, was odds. They dictate my life. And now they say that I have no chance of being stronger than you. Not matter how smart I am, I can't beat raw talent. I can't overcome my destiny. I can't overcome the odds.

I am a genius.

Not a BladeMaster."



The gusts of wind Sobek released were making the trio unable to keep moving towards their opponent and ever closer to the edge of the Wall top. They had no way to attack him directly and he could strike at any time.

"Is this the power of an Order Elite?! How could Noah face one alone, let alone defeat it?! Axel thought to himself, trying to come up with a counter attack. He looked back at Zeke and Zeke returned him the look."

-Alright, Mr. Tactician, what do you suggest? I'm a big fan of the "playing dead" trick. Really simple and clean.

Axel looked back at Sobek. The sheer amount of wind his Blade was releasing was enormous, but since it's source was right in front of them...

He looked at Guy for a second, who was listening in on what to do, and then looked back at Zeke.

-Go for the back!

Zeke nodded and pointed his palm at at point over Sobek's shoulder. The same water masses that had assaulted him earlier formed behind his back, and just like Axel thought, they were getting no interference from the wind the Aegis was releasing! Zeke moved his hand towards himself and the water blasts shot right at Sobek.

A slight smirk formed on Sobek's mouth as he turned back and became a blur. In a second, the water blasts had exploded, leaving only useless droplets in the air. His speed was out of this world! Ever since he stopped carrying Teri around, his speed practically tripled! Before Axel could react, he was already turning back to them, a confident smile on his face.

-You three are going to need way more than crappy sneak attacks to hit m---

His eyes widened at the sudden realization. His turning of attention towards the water blasts had made him stop creating the gusts of wind that kept the trio in place!

"You've fallen right for it! " Axel smirked.

-Guy! Now!- he exclaimed. Guy nodded and arched the Dragonic Blade behind his back. The fire inside it glowed brightly and he swung the Blade down with all of his strength. The fire stream exploding out of it with more force than ever, zipping towards a surprised Sobek.

-Not quite! Distortion Current!- he exclaimed as he swiped the Aegis at the stream. Around his hand another of those air bubbles that had disrupted the group's attacks before formed and he managed to drive change the stream's direction, launching it high in the air before it exploded. -You'll need much more than that to hit me!

-Then how about this?! Zeke!- Axel exclaimed. Zeke smirked and pointed his palm at Sobek's back and clenched it. Suddenly the water droplets that were still falling down or lying uselessly in the ground from Sobek's counter shot right up, conglomerating in a giant mass of water behind the Order Elite. Zeke swiped his hand towards himself and the water mass hit Sobek's back, launching him towards the trio. Zeke didn't waste any time as he charged forward, sticking Waterwheel 's edge on the ground and using its shaft as leverage as he jumped, like he was pole jumping. He made sure to stay airborne and at a certain angle as a water stream burst around his foot,carrying it with massive force and made him spin around the shaft like a top and when Sobek entered his rage, Zeke delivered a powerful kick on his face that sent him flying off the Wall's edge!

Axel threw his fist in the air. His tactic of launching consecutive "dummy" attacks had worked to perfection and now Sobek was flying!

But, just as he was about to begin his descent, the Order Elite spun on himself and stopped in mid-air. For the split second he did, Axel managed to notice that he was leaning on something: a sort of translucent bubble. Was he manipulating the wind currents again? But to what purpose would he morph them into something like that? If he wanted to fly away, he wouldn't have to face them. Instead of creating that bubble to stop his momentum, he could have just used it to gain speed to flee! Sobek leaned towards them, leaning across the bubble to the point where he was standing sideways, like he was holding on to a wall, the bubble stretching as it took the remnants of the force of Zeke's kick. That's when Axel realized.

"That's not a safety bubble to stop his momentum!

It's a spring! Just like Noah! But this using the power of Zeke's attack!"

The bubble kept stretching and stretching as the events unfolded in slow-motion to Axel. He tried to open his mouth to warn Zeke and Guy, but then the bubble stopped stretching and sprung back forward, releasing Sobek like a slingshot towards Zeke! Axel took Raiden out and ran past Zeke. Sobek was just a blue blur flying towards them, so Axel swung his Blade at him, hoping to make him,at least, stop his charge.

But he hit nothing. He felt a sudden gust of wind and then Sobek wasn't there anymore. But there was something in his place: a translucent sphere.

"A bubble?!"

-Axel! Zeke! Behind you!- Guy shouted from back there. Axel and Zeke looked back and, between them and Guy Sobek floated above them, upside them, his feet lodged in another bubble. It really was like Noah's fighting style, but much more versatile!

Sobek shot down towards Axel and Zeke. Zeke stepped forward and swung Waterwheel in front of him, water masses forming around him and shooting towards Sobek. But he was too fast, zipping around the blasts like a bullet and eventually swung Aegis down on Zeke, hitting his chest. Luckily, Zeke had managed to step to the side just before the slash, or he would have been cut in half, but blood still sprayed out of his wound, which he clutched as he stumbled back.

Sobek didn't waste any time as he formed another bubble on the ground and shot towards Zeke again, placing his palm against his chest and blasting him away, Zeke's body flying across the Wall top and landing on the ground like a rag doll.

-Zeke!- Axel shouted but he didn't have time to help him as Sobek was already on top of him. He raised Raiden to protect himself, but Sobek simply leaned to the side before vanishing. Suddenly, a wall of dust erupted around Axel, making him unable to see anything.

"He's running circles around me! That's how he's creating this barrier of dust! But how fast to you have to be to run to do that?!"

Axel looked around frantically. There was not sign of the Typhoon. It was like that wall of dust had a mind of his own. Axel arched Raiden to the side, at his waist's level. If he couldn't see through that wall, he'd just have to break through it! He then spun around himself, Raiden unleashing an air slash around him, hitting the barrier and disrupting it. With luck, Sobek would have been hit t---

Axel flew as something hit his chin, Raiden falling uselessly on the ground. A blue blur appeared before his eyes as he was soaring through the sky and then he felt something bury itself on his face, making him fly back down and crashing against the wall, the impact being so huge that his body even bounced slightly. It was at this moment the he saw Sobek's face, his hand pressing against his stomach and he felt himself being pushed down by an amazing force against the floor. He nearly lost consciousness after getting hit by that point-blank air blast, a slight crater forming around his body. Sobek was simply too fast for him. Fast to the point of owning gravity itself, this allowing him to unleash a barrage of physical hits on poor Axel.

-Axel!- the boy could hear Guy calling out for him. He felt another sudden gust of wind beside him and tried turn on himself. He flinched immediately, falling back down. Blood erupted from his mouth and that made Axel panic. He had never imagined himself bleeding like that. Even Merceny hadn't been that violent. Even so, he managed to turn and face forward, but still lying on the ground. His vision was blurry, but he could make out two silhouettes engaging with each other.

He shook his head, trying to focus his vision. Once it did he saw Guy swinging the Dragonic Blade at Sobek, but the Typhoon dodged with ease. He then crouched and swept Guy's feet, making him fall. But before he could hit the ground, Sobek's knee lodged itself on Guy's side, the blonde's face twisting in pain as he screamed and coughed blood, his ribs being broken. Sobek then launched Guy to the sky and followed him. He soon rose up above him and arched Aegis behind his back and shot right down towards Guy. The kid held his Blade in order to block, but Sobek swung without hesitation, breaking the Dragonic Blade to piece, forcing it to unsummon itself and slashed Guy's stomach, making the boy spin around himself, such was the sheer force of impact. Sobek landed softly back on the ground and Guy crashed behind him, lifeless.

Suddenly something hit his back, making him stumble forward a couple of steps. Sobek turned back and managed to dodge a lunging Waterwheel coming right for his neck. Zeke was back on his feet, the blood from his wound dripping out but still thrusting the naginata at Sobek, the Order Elite skillfully dodging every attack but still unnerved.

-Tch, I can't believe you've still got the strength to fight..! You're really...- he clashed his Blade against Waterwheel's shaft -...talented! Both you and that Pyre boy. I've never seen a Blade so violent as his. But you're still...

He pushed the naginata upwards, leaving Zeke wide open!

-...too green!

He then threw the Aegis to the air and spun around himself, unleashing a barrage of kicks on Zeke's stomach, the sheer speed of his attacks making impossible to Zeke even wince in pain. Then, Sobek stopped trashing him and Zeke leaned forward, clutching his stomach. Then, to the coup de grace, he raised his foot above Zeke. Around it, the same coating of wind that he had used around his Blade formed and he crashed his heel on the top of Zeke's head. The sheer force of impact and the coating made Zeke's limp body spin around itself midair and fall on the ground without anymore fuss and muss. Then, he raised his hand and the Aegis was swiftly caught.

Axel saw in horror as both of his friends fell to the ground. They certainly weren't dead, as Sobek seemed to have held back on them which, honestly, made him even scarier. The Order Elite then made his way towards Teri's body, which was still immaculate inside the barrier he had created earlier. Axel gritted his teeth. He couldn't let him get away!!- the words clumsily fell out his mouth, along with another torrent of blood. He picked up the abandoned Raiden near him and stuck it on the ground, using it as leverage to get up, his legs shaking like leaves.

Sobek sighed and let Teri be, pointing his Blade at Axel.

-Let it go. I've done you three the favor of sparing your lives. I really don't want any more bloodshed, especially against useless BladeMasters like you.

-But even so...I can't let you get away and return our comrade to Balthazar...

-Hmph... Just give up kid. You're not going to stop me. Sure, you're crafty, your plans throwing me off balance a bit here and there. But tell me this: when the force you're facing is greater than any of your plans, what strategy will you employ? Will you keep trying to think of a way to beat said force, even if it's all useless? Admit it: those two, they had talent, but you're just the brain. Talent outweighs any strategy. Sheer power has the odds on its side.

-Shut up..! I'll...I'll think of something!- he said. But even so, he knew that Sobek was right. That battle had proved that he was right. That, compared to Zeke and Guy, who had all that talent, that were chosen by their power, outclassed him in every way.

"But even so..! I still have my pride to hold on to!"

With those words on his mind, he charged towards Sobek, but his movements were sluggish and clumsy. Once he got close to his opponent, he swung Raiden around but Sobek easily dodged every attack, swiping the Blade away, like it was a toy. He then leaned forward and, before Axel could react, Sobek's fist buried itself on Axel's stomach, leaving him dizzy. He stumbled on his feet. His vision was blurry and he felt like he was about to barf.

"But even so..!"

He clutched Raiden and swung it in an upwards arc with all of his strength. Sobek's eyes widened as he was barely able to dodge it, the edge of the Blade cutting a few strands of his hair. He stumbled back as Axel glared at him, pointing Raiden at him.

To his surprise, Sobek smiled! And it wasn't a cocky smirk or a devious grin, like Tal. It was an honest smile, like the one Lucy had given him all those years back. He pointed his Blade at Axel.

-You've got guts, at least. But you're still far from those two. Teri often told me that the smallest sparks can ignite the biggest infernos. So, I'll snuff out you three before that can happen.- he arched his Blade back.- Just try to think your way out of this!

He then vanished again. Axel held Raiden up to guard himself, but the usual cloud of dust rose up around him. Was Sobek mocking him?! He readied Raiden again but, before he could lift it, he felt a sharp pain on his back. He then felt a warm sensation spread around it. But before he could check on it he felt another pain on his stomach. Then chest. Then arms. Then legs. He tried to block with Raiden, but it was quickly shattered by another sudden slash. Then, he felt himself being thrown up into the air again. Sobek was even faster than before! While he was airborne he saw the Order Elite stop above him, upside down again, facing him while using an air bubble as footing. Axel tried to summon Raiden again to throw another air slash at Sobek's direction. But Sobek was ready. He spun Aegis on itself, holding it with the Blade pointing back. He then leaned in towards him and he zipped towards him, a ripple-like pattern forming behind him with a "BOOM".

Axel couldn't really remember what happened after that. Everything had gone white long before Sobek had used his increased speed to slash him countless times, using the air bubbles to ricochet himself all around Axel, the barrage endless and merciless. He then stopped midair again and thrust the Blade into Axel's stomach, pushing him towards the ground, both crashing into it with a "BOOM", a large cloud of smoke rising up from the top of the Wall, a large crack forming at the top and making it's way until halfway of the structure. Once the dust settled Sobek stood above Axel's body in a large crater, taking the Aegis out of his stomach and swatting it to clean up the blood off of it.

Sobek sighed and looked at Axel's body. He turned around and looked at Zeke and Guy's bodies. They were still breathing. Should he be careful and finish them off? He looked at Teri. The barrier was protecting her just fine. He decided to spare the rest. He got to her, knelt down and swiped his hand along the barrier, disrupting it. He picked her up and prepared to leave, ready to face the nightmares that his sin that day would soon bring about.

He turned towards the exit. His people should be getting impatient. He wondered if Tal managed to escape the arena.

He didn't notice the white dove with wings grazed black landing close to Axel.


6 years ago:

The kid fell down with a "THUD" in the white room. He was wearing a white sweatsuit and was clutching a katana on his hands. He was completely exhausted. From a window two figures watched him and took notes.

-He hasn't been able to reach the desired goal yet. We are running out of time.

-Quite. It was a mistake to have had enrolled him in the Academy so soon. We should have waited until he could do this with some consistency.

-Yes. The subject has been trained from a young age, but it seems the second paradigm of Mistral is out of his reach.

-Such a disappointment. I had thought that his talent in controlling his Element would be equal to his mind.

-Quite so. He has our intellect and our values, but I was expecting him to have the power of his grandparents. Even if they are savages, I would at least think some of their blood would carry over to him.

-Indeed. It seems our goal of creating a BladeMaster that masters both the mind and body is still out of reach.

-Maybe the problem lies elsewhere. Our calculations are perfect, our research is impeccable, the odds are in our favor. But it seems that it exists a weak link in all of this.

-...You mean the subject ?

-Quite. He is clearly not adequate to reach our goal. He is much too weak.

-...I agree. I would have thought that our bloods would give him the needed power, but it appears the odds were not in our favor. But what do you suppose we should do?

-We'll send him off as his. In the best case scenario, maybe he'll awaken to the second paradigm in the Academy. If not, at least, we'll have another great mind in other fields.

-I agree. It was a waste of effort to even create this subject for our research. We'll send him off ASAP so that we can focus on finding a more suitable vessel.

-Yes. What a waste to rely on this talentless fool.

-Yes. For the sake of the future of this world we must succeed before the Project: Omega does.

-Yes, we'll show that nursing home...

"...that the Rhodes are superior."


6 years later, the morning after Zeke, Axel and Guy joined the Anti-Order Brigade:

-So, care to tell us why you brought a training dummy here?- Zeke asked Axel, who had asked him and Guy to meet with him at the usual spot, behind the grass fences of the Academy campus. They were facing a straw training dummy, which Axel had stuck on the ground.

-Well, since we've joined ("You've made us join", said Zeke) the Anti-Order Brigade, I felt like we could learn some new tricks to help them out.

-Um, why exactly?- Guy said- If you're going to say that I'm not pulling my weight, then you're wrong! Ever since my encounter with Pyre, I've been training hard, in and out of classes!- and he puffed his cheeks.

Axel laughed.

-No, I'm not saying that. I just thought that...we could try to bring something unique to the table, something that even the Order might not expect.

-I don't like how hype you are...- Zeke groaned, foreseeing more work- But fine, shoot.

Axel opened up a pouch he was carrying and took out a large book he had borrowed from the library.

- "Secrets of the BladeMaster"...- Guy read- The author is...huh, it's Eldus!

Axel grinned.

-Yup, it's one of his classic compendiums. I've come across it some time ago and, while reading it, I've found this interesting tidbit.- he then flipped through the pages and, once he found the one he was looking for, he pointed to the entry and following description.

Zeke's eyes widened upon reading the entry. want to try this ?! I've never even heard about this kind of thing before and I know every gossip and female sizes in this Academy!

-Wow...sounds like an urban legend. I never took Eldus for the fiction writer.

Axel gave them a determined smile.

-It's not an urban legend. It's just that not many BladeMasters have been able to pull one off. I bet that not even the Order has one up their sleeves. And we're going to create one.

Zeke rubbed his eyes, annoyed.

-Fine, I can see that there's no fighting once your eyes are shining this much. I think me and Guy can pull it off, but can you ?

Axel tilted his head.

-What do you mean?

-I mean, from what I'm reading, this requires alot of soul power. I mean, I can pull off my own weight and Guy has that fancy-shmancy Blade now, but can you actually keep up?- Zeke smirked.

Axel grinned. He always liked a challenge. He clapped his fist against his palm.

-We won't know until we try! Let's get right to it! I even have a name for it! I may not have all your power, but I'm sure I can think of a way to match you two. Don't worry...

"...the odds are in our favor!"





Od--- Oh, hey there... little buddy..."

Axel didn't really know where he was. His surroundings were hazy, misty even. The only thing he could see clearly was a strange dove beside him: it was white, but his wings were grazed black. It kinda reminded him of Lucy and the thought made him chuckle.

-Hm...Is this...the afterlife? Huh, it's warm...and comfy. I think I'll

"Now, that wouldn't be any good wouldn't it, boy?"

Axel couldn't move at all, so he didn't even shake upon hearing the voice. At first he thought it came from the dove, but he could feel a presence behind him. The dove just stood there, giving him an empty look.

-Who he asked, closing his eyes, not feeling like listening to the voice, even though it was soft and warm. It must belong to a pretty woman.- Wait...I know! You're the Grim Reaper, right? Haha, come to pick me up, huh?

"Perish the thought, boy! There is no way I am associated to that. I am something much greater, but you needn't to know."

-I don't care...just leave me alone...

Ohohoho! the voice let out a haughty laugh. Now, now, are you willing to let your comrades die?

-Zeke...and...Guy...But Sobek...

"That abrasive but passionate young man held back. But he might as well kill them, just to be safe. Either way, if you don't do anything, he'll run off with that scantily-clad woman in no time and the villain of the story will win."

-But I...what can I do? I'm nothing more than a slave to my name. Everything I have came from the Rhodes legacy. My life.

"Are even your friends attributed to that name, though?"

-I've only managed to meet them because my parents enrolled me in the Academy. It was obvious that I would make friends. The odds were in my favor.

"And THERE is the single word that single handedly made Axel Rhodes a slave to his family. Odds. Everything in your life has been predestined and you live by that destiny, those calculations, those wretched odds. You've made your friends because of odds, you've maintained those friendships because of odds, you've joined the war against the Order because of those odds, you haven't awakened to Mistral's true power because of odds, you're getting the beating of your lifetime because of odds. You're a failure because of those odds. Isn't that true,now?"

-Yes! Is that what you want to hear?!- Axel shouted.

Suddenly he felt something being clicked closed and hitting him on the top of his head. Then, he heard the flap of something. Wings? No. A fan?

"Stop hiding behind those walls of yours, Axel Rhodes! I SIMPLY will not let a fine young man like you go to waste because you see your life as something you can't control! Yes, you have grown up in an environment filled with cold, heartless calculations, raised by cold, heartless parents, who only saw their own child as an specimen for their experiments. BUT! You have long since been given your own physical freedom, boy. You've gained the wings necessary to be happy. But those wings are chained down, unable to break free. But who was the one who tied those chains? Your parents? The Academy? The Order? No, it was you! YOU'RE your own worst enemy, dear little Axel!" he asked himself and then he saw a hazy figure appearing before him. The figure took the form of Sobek. He was holding Teri on his arms.

"Believe it or not, you and Sobek are quite similar. Both are chained down by binds you yourselves have created. For you, it's your world of odds. For him, its the fear of punishment from Balthazar. I pity him, for a heart as pure as his is rare to find these days. He makes for an excellent protagonist. Even as we speak, he's doing everything he can to not succumb to the temptation of betraying the Order and join you, in order to break his own chains. But his fear holds him back, making him unable to be himself. He has lived this life for many years now, ever since Balthazar rose to power within the Order."

-I...never thought.- he remembered Lucy trying to convince Sobek to join them back at the arena and the look of hesitation he gave her. Like that offer was the best thing she could ever give him. He had forgotten that, like Teri, Sobek was forced to do his job and that he was probably a pretty good guy, just like the rest of the Order.- But even so...

"You cannot forgive him for putting the lives of many in order to run away, correct? You cannot forgive him for fighting you three without hesitation or putting you at death's door. Is that right?"

Axel gritted his teeth.

-I don't want to kill him...but still...he hurt my friends! He's amazingly strong, none of my tactics work against him, but still! I just want to beat him up!

"Hohoho! Yes! Feel that burning desire inside your chest! THAT is the feeling of improbability, boy. The same thing you have encountered in your friends Zeke, Guy, Noah and Lucy. The feeling to break the odds!"

- "Break the odds"..?

"Tell me: what is a BladeMaster to you?"

-A someone who excels in both body and mind, in order to control his Blade and Element with absolute precision, right?- he felt himself getting hit in the head again.

"Wrong! A BladeMaster's worth is not dictated by their power or wits! It's dictated by the cry of their souls! A cry that fights to achieve its dreams and ambitions, no matter how far they may be! A BladeMaster's soul is one that CHALLENGES probability! That FIGHTS calculations! That BREAKS the binds of odds! A BladeMaster's soul is not logical, it's dramatic, it's romantic! Let the cry of your soul feel your very heart, body and mind and it will guide you to be the protagonist you deserve to be! It will break you free of your chains and allow you to fly away from your past! From your name! From your transparent glass world!"

-I...- suddenly, it all came crashing down to him: Zeke's was a lazybones but his pride towards the Academy and his friends broke the odds! Guy was a glutton but his earnest heart broke the odds and earned Pyre's recognition! Noah was an amnesiac that started with nothing but his bonds with everyone broke the odds! Lucy, his hero, may be an egotistical wannabe diva, but her kindness in par with an angel's and her determination to reach justice and peace broke the odds! It was never, ever about talent! It was about heart! About wanting to improve yourself and not having to!

-It never was about being a perfect specimen...but about being the best person you can be..!

"Yes! You've got it!"

Axel suddenly felt...lighter and managed to get up, his surroundings getting less hazy by the second.

"Look at the man before you, who is chained by fear and seeks to carry out injustice! Do you not want to beat that rubbish mentality into submission?! Now tell me: what strategy, what tactic will you employ to achieve victory?"

Axel chuckled. The answer had been in front of him all along.

-I have nothing. And that's more than enough.- he smirked and Raiden appeared on his hands, a gust of wind surging around him. He felt himself overflowing with energy! -I just want to give him the trashing of a lifetime!

"Hohoho! Now THAT'S what makes you so fine, my dear Axel! Yes! Let you soul cry as you dramatic and romantic men fight to your heart's content in pursuit of your ambitions!"

Suddenly he was back at the top of the Wall. He was standing in the crater. Everything hurt, but Axel never felt more alive! Sobek noticed the sudden surge in power and looked at him, surprised.

-But you..! You were dead!- it looked like he was about to pee himself but instead and let go of Teri, her body floating and suddenly being encased in a bubble. Sobek grinned. -Now that's what I call a fighting spirit! -he shouted and summoned Aegis. -Now let's go! You and me!

Axel smirked. He could feel them too.

-"You and me"? I'm afraid you're wrong, Typhoon.

Sobek furrowed his brow but a sudden sound to his left made him raise his Blade and block an incoming Waterwheel ! Sobek's eyes widened but managed to push Zeke back.

-You too?!

Zeke huffed. His skin was white as a sheet and little shiny pieces of something feel down from his face, arms, torso and legs. Once said pieces reached the floor, they melted, soon forming a puddle. It was ice. armor?! When did you put that up?!- Sobek exclaimed, his face splattered with shock.

-After you slashed me and blew me away. Do you think I'm that stupid to charge at you without a plan? Please, the Burn King over there taught me to always have a plan from A to Z!- he shouted, looking legitimately angry, something that even Axel had never seen before! He rose Waterwheel and a mass of water formed around it until it was in the shape of a giant spear! Then, at its base, a torrent of water started to shoot off, like a rocket ship on lift-off. Zeke was forced to hold his arm in place to keep it steady.

-Can you even imagine just how long ago I last had to actually put effort into something?! I was having such a happy, carefree life until Mr. Hairspray showed up! Well, congratu-freaking-lations, you've just earned yourself a free one-way trip to Hell!- he pointed the spear towards Sobek and let go of his arm, his whole body launching forward with incredible speed, leaving a trail of smashed floor behind him. -Take this! Jet! Spear!!!

Sobek placed both arms towards the incoming attack.

-Distortion Wall!!!- he shouted and the familiar barrier of disruptive air formed between him and the spear. He grunted and managed to push Zeke's attack back, the water going all over the place and Zeke's feet lifting off the ground.

-I'm not done yet!- Zeke shouted and slammed his feet on the ground and then bending them along with the quickly shattering spear.- Soul! Crash!

A giant surge of water rose from around Zeke and he quickly thrust the spear back at Sobek, but this time, but bigger!

-You think that making a bigger weapon will help you?!- Sobek shouted.

-That's too tiring! This is what I'm planning! Flash Freeze!!! -he shouted and the water started to immediately freeze in movement, its currents freezing in a spiraling pattern from the spear's tip to its base, which turned into an hand guard, the spear having morphed into a giant ice lance that hit Sobek's Wall!

Sobek's face was white as he struggled to keep the Wall up.

-N-no way?! A kid like you can achieve Flash Freeze ?! Something like that is impossible to Aqua users your age!

-And that's! Not! All! -he said as, from the hand guard of the lance a violent stream of water burst forth from the ice, making the lance pick up more speed as it hit the Wall ! -This is it! Ultima Soul: Valkyria's Jet Lance!!!- he roared!

Sobek sunk his feet into the ground, trying to push Zeke's attack away. But it seemed that even he was struggling to do so!

-N-no! You're...focusing all your strength point, so you'll shatter my Wall!- he shouted.

Zeke smirked.

-I've realized it ever since my water blasts failed against your Wall earlier. Since then, I've been waiting for the right chance! And all my friends sacrificed alot of blood to do so!- he roared as he lance sunk itself into the barrier.

-You think...that's gonna be enough?!- Sobek shouted as the air currents between them became visible and more violent, pushing Zeke back.

-No...not by myself it won't! GUY!!!- he shouted.

Sobek looked back and, to his despair, Guy was also standing up, fire burning on what had been his serious wounds! He also didn't look a bit too happy there. He readied the Dragonic Blade and charged towards Sobek! The Order Elite was forced to free one hand from his clash with Zeke to point it at Guy.

-Distortion! Wall! Second!- and Guy's Blade hit another wall, the flames from its gills being quickly snuffed out. Sobek smirked- Your Element is nothing against mine, boy!

Guy gritted his teeth and jumped back, bending his knees and tilting his Blade.

-Then I'll just turn up the heat ! Soul! Crash!- he shouted and then, the boy became surrounded in a wall of flames. Then, the Blade rose up from it and summoned the glowing jaw that ate all the fire! After it was done, a bright light shone from it and surrounded the whole battlefield. But Sobek didn't have time to be surprised as Guy burst forth, the Dragonic Blade growing to thrice the size, the flames surrounding it being to vast that the Order Elite could swear that they themselves had eyes, that it was a living dragon charging at him!

-You think that I can just eat others' flames?! Once in Soul Crash, I can make the Dragonic Blade eat its own power and multiply it by as many times as I want! I am an ever-growing, unstoppable force! Now just try to block this! Ultima Soul: Dragonic Heart!!!- he shouted as the humongous Blade clashed against Sobek's Wall, forming a torrent of fire around Guy as the Wall tried to disrupt the flames but they kept stubbornly coming back to try to crash down the Wall !

Now that was a miracle, not only by Axel's book, but by all the books! He let out a huge grin as he saw Guy and Zeke giving their all to defeat the Order Elite, not using their talents but their hearts! He couldn't help but laugh at it!

The voice ringed in his head again.

"See those souls crying out? The power that comes forth from the heart? Now, you only have to match it!"

Axel grinned.

-I won't match it! I'll surpass it! Because that's what I want to do!

"Hohoho! You truly are a most interesting character! Now fly, my dear protagonist!"

Meanwhile, the strange doze gave Axel one last look and flew off.

Suddenly, a sizzling sound filled Axel's ears, replacing the voice and the gust of wind with a wall of electricity! That was what his parents never accounted for! The power of improbability! The cry of the heart!

Axel arched Raiden behind him and started running at full speed towards Sobek, sticking and dragging the Blade on the Wall floor, leaving a giant trail of electricity behind it!

Sobek looked like he was at his wit's end but still grinned.

-Now that's a challenge! Disruption...WALL!!! THIRD!- he roared and lunged his head forward, like a headbutt, creating yet another Wall that clashed against Axel's newfound power. It was an incredible force that tried to push him back, but Axel smiled all the same. That sensation of plenitude, of freedom... He now understood why Lucy was such a battle-maniac!

Zeke's Valkyria's Jet Lance on the left side Wall, a torrent of freezing wind being released from the clash; Guy's Dragonic Heart on the right side Wall, an eruption of flames being unleashed from the contact; Axel's cry storming the front side Wall, a wild gust of the winds struggling for supremacy. Three attacks directed at one, central point! It was just like the dummy training! But now, every soul of the trio was crying out their full power!

That was the secret behind what Axel found on Eldus' book. It wasn't the Elements that needed to be joined. It was the spirits of the BladeMaster who commanded them! It took a quick exchange of confident looks between the trio to know that they just needed a final push to achieve it: their trump card to topple the game!

And what an appropriate name it had too.

-Mystic Soul: Triumvirate!!!

A fused shout from the trio echoed through Soula as they all managed to break their side of the Wall and slash the disruptive Typhoon from three sides, with their own Elements, a pillar of golden light erupting from the top of the South Wall.

And everyone in Soula was there to witness it.

The defeat of the odds.

The cry of the soul.