Chapter 26: The Angel


Sobek landed face-first on top of the main table on the Angel's Crow "HQ", a puddle of sweat forming underneath him. He looked up to face the cold faces of Lucy, the Masters, Eldus and Teri.

-Ok...I'm done! Every blasted little rock is back in place. Heck, I'd say the Wall never looked better! It now has that Typhoon-chiq look to it!- he smiled weakly, his face flustered red. It had been days since Axel had defeated Sobek and the 7th echelon Order Elite had been promptly taken into Angel's Crown custody (which basically amounted to tying him up in a corner of the meeting room, feeding him once in a while, in-between questioning and let him sit there all day, saying "Hi, how ya doing?" to any mercenaries passing through...and usually getting kicked in the face by some of them...ok, it was mostly Teri, but it hurt all the same). Like Teri, he had also been moved to a base away from the Order HQ and ordered to move out soldiers periodically to wear out the Angel's Crow mercenaries. But a tip given to him by Tal had convinced him that the Titan was under some kind of spell by Eldus and he had quickly left his post to rescue her. Tal had helped him in Soula using his strange powers so the mercenaries that were on guard duty that day were completely clueless about the invasion.

After his defeat, Sobek was interrogated about the Order's plans and, after that, given the task to repair the Wall he had destroyed. With little to no help, Sobek was put through the wringer every day, until it was finally reconstructed a week later.

-Don't give me that attitude, Sobek- Teri quickly said - Just be glad to Axel for vouching for you. I don't know what happened inside your tornado, but he insisted for you to not be left at the mercy of the populace, which would had probably beat you to death, and instead be taken in our custody and work to repair your damage. Gods, you're so stupid! Me ?! Under some spell?! Don't make me laugh!

Sobek grunted and sat down on a chair, crossing his arms and puffing his cheeks.

-Well, you can't censor me for not caring about my teammates, Teri...

-Firstly, throwing yourself into enemy territory based on a fishy lead given by a fishy guy is not "caring". It's stupid. Secondly, if it was any other member of the Order, you wouldn't be so hasty on their rescue. Is there anything you'd like to tell me, Sobek?

Sobek blushed lightly and smacked his hand on the table, leaning in.

-W-what are you implying?! I needed to save my protege! You can't do anything without me!

Teri leaned towards him too, cracking her knuckles.

-You're too cute, Sobek. Wanna go outside and find out who wears the pants between the two of us? I promise I won't leave you too disfigured.

Sobek didn't reply, instead looking aside, his face getting pale.

-Psh...I would but...I pulled a muscle while working. I'm not at 100% right now...

Teri sat back, sighing.

-Why do I even try to care about you...- she looked towards Eldus.- With Sobek on our side, what's our next plan?

-H-hey, I never said a thing about being on your side! I'm basically your prisoner!

Lucy shrugged, tired of the couple's banter.

-Then as our prisoner you will remain until we defeat Balthazar. Now, let the old man talk. He needs every second he's got left to be useful after all.

Eldus shook his head.

-Charming, Lucy. Well, with our forces growing, it should be easy for us to move into the remaining base. Teri's was to the South, while Sobek's was the Eastern base. All that's left is the Northern base and we are all clear to move into our forces into the Order HQ.

-Eldus, are you sure that's wise?- Rye pipped up- Even if we defeat and recruit the remaining Elite at the Northern base, we'll only have 3 Elites on our side while the Order would still have 5 left, and Balthazar and the boy Tal. And who knows what other dangers they have in store for us there?

Gee nodded in agreement.

-Y-yeah, Rye's right. Do you plan to use the Mercenaries as back-up to our forces? Or even the Academics? We've seen some real potential in them so far.

Eldus shook his head and looked over at Lucy, signaling her cue.

-No.- she simply said, a grave look on her face- We're lucky to have Noah, Axel, Guy and Zeke on our side, but we can't keep using the Academy as a resource for our forces. I intend to make those four our only Academics. We can't send any more of those kids to war, Gee. And for the Mercenaries...I'm still juggling my options. If we take them with us, we'll have a better chance against the Order but, in turn, we'll leave Soula almost defenseless. Balthazar could easily send his soldiers to strike our town directly. And, if that happens, we'll be without a base, lost against two fronts...

"But on the other hand...our current forces are still too little. On our side, as effective fighters, we have: me, Rye, Gee, Merceny, Mercedes, Noah, Axel, Guy, Zeke, Teri and Sobek. Even if we defeat the remaining based Elite, we'd still only have 12 fighters against an entire army. And, if what Sobek said is true, Balthazar has incredible power. And, like Rye said, they can still get new Elites to add to their ranks. By the way..."

She turned to Sobek and Teri.

- What's the deal with this Tal joining the Order? I thought the rankings were very rigid, so I never thought you'd add another Elite all of a sudden and make him share the 1st echelon position. Did you get any info about any other possible newcomers?

Teri shook her head.

-No. Tal joined just before I was sent to guard my base, almost a full cycle ago. He just suddenly...showed up, along Balthazar. He said that he had found a "strong ally" to help us on our battle. I never talked to him, but the look on his face was creepy. Who in gods' names uses a masquerade?! What's so special about his face that it needs to be hidden? But strangely...I think I've seen him before. Just like you did, Lucy.

Lucy bit her lip, the memory of her encounter with Tal still fresh. He much like her hero. But, it wasn't all. He also reminded her of someone else...


The woman came back to reality as she heard someone call her. It was one of her men.

-Am I interrupting something?- he asked.

Lucy shook her head.

-No, no you aren't. What's up?

He pointed outside, a smile on his face.

-Noah is out there warming up for his daily beating. He seems like he's in a hurry, probably has a ton of homework waiting for him back at his room, so he wanted to begin his training a bit earlier. Seriously, people his age, and in this time of war, shouldn't care so much for silly things like homework and---

Eldus smacked his staff on the table, frowning. The Mercenary jumped and excused himself out. Lucy smiled and turned to the others.

-Mind if I take a little break?

-No need. This meeting is adjourned, anyways.- Eldus said.- You're right, Lucy. We have found ourselves in quite the conundrum with our forces. I will meditate on a possible solution. In the meantime, go help the boy. We'll need his talent for the next Elite.

Lucy grinned and rose up, heading for the door.

-It seems like it was yesterday that he just popped out in the town square.- he said, a nostalgic smile on his face.- How long has it been?

Lucy turned to him.

-Almost a full cycle. Heh, alot of stuff happened between then and now. And we have him to thank for our first step towards ending this war.- and, with that, she left the base and into the training fields, a grin on her face and a spring on her step. Noah usually didn't go to her for training. Normally, she'd just drag him into the fields. She was glad that he was finally taking some initiative.

-Ok, little Noah! Speak of the devil and she shall come in her dashing looks, ready to put a boot up your---


She looked over at the boy, who stood a couple of meters away from her, in the middle of their usual sparing spot on the training fields. He was surrounded by debris of rocks up to his knees. Sweat dripping like a waterfall from his face. He was panting heavily and was overcome by a sudden fit of coughing. He covered his mouth. Suddenly, his legs, who were wobbling like leaves in the end gave out, the boy kneeling to the ground, still coughing to his hand. He removed his hand and looked at it.

It was covered in blood.

The boy's face took a sickly white color upon seeing the liquid before he fell down to the ground.


Noah slowly opened his eyes. They were very heavy, like they were made of metal and it took him awhile to realize that he was inside the beige world that was his room. He tried to turn to the side, but his stomach made a flip and his vision got blurry again. He turned back to look at the ceiling again. He felt like crap. His whole body felt heavy and hot. He tried to push the covers that were over him away, but every inch of him felt like it was stuffed with lead. What had happened to him?

-Oh, so you finally woke up.- a voice sounded to his right. He was still too weak to turn towards it. He slowly opened his mouth to ask who it was, but Lucy's face quickly showed up over his own, her silver hair falling in cascades over his face.

-L...ucy?- he managed to ask, his voice a wheeze.

-I wouldn't advise talking for now, kid. You just woke up.- she turned away and placed a wet rag on the boy's face, his whole body shivering for a second.

He ignored her advice. He needed to know what had happened. So, he forced his throat to let out a sound. It was much harder than he thought. Like he had uncovered a long-lost library, filled to the brim with dust. So, it begged the question...

-How long...have I been out?- he forced himself to ask, a desperate tinge on his voice.

Lucy sat at the edge of his bed, her face tired, dark circles under her eyes and her hair a pasty mess. She gave him a grave expression.

-If you hadn't woken up, this would have been your third night unconscious.

Noah's eyes widened in terror. Three days?! What had happened to him?!

-You...just collapsed on the training grounds. You were coughing up blood and when we got to you, you were burning up. We brought you to the Academy infirmary and they told us it was just a fever due to exhaustion. We've been watching over you these past couple of days. Noah, you should have told us that you were exhausted! - Lucy retold him the events and then gave him a disapproving look. The memories began fluttering back to Noah. Yes, he had suddenly been overcame with a nauseating feeling and he felt weak, but...

-But this is the first time I've ever felt this way. Couldn't I have a cold or something? That whole trouble with Merceny and Sobek wasn't too long ago, so it's normal that I've been tired and susceptible to illnesses, right? -he asked. His head was getting clearer and, despite not being able to get up, his words were coming out more smoothly and he he could focus his vision better.

Lucy gave him a serious expression.

-No, I think it's something deeper than that. We've been seeing each other everyday for the past two months and despite you only feeling sick at that time, I have been noticing some slight changes while we were training.

-S-slight changes? What do you mean by that?- he asked, confused. She had never told him about any changes. Sparring with Lucy had never really changed throughout the days. It was awfully one-sided, everyday.

-Yeah. Speed, power, focus, stamina...Tiny changes, but through experienced eyes, I've been noticing that you haven't been bringing your A game lately. And it really shows.

Noah couldn't believe what he was hearing! Then what had he been working so hard at through these past two months?! He defeated an Order Elite, went toe to toe with Angel Crow's second best, defeated Mercedes in their little scuffle and survived training every day with Lucy! And he wasn't bringing his A game?! If he didn't, he'd be dead! He gritted his teeth and sat up, insulted by Lucy's words.

-That can't be right, Lucy! I always bring out my best! And you know that better than anyone!

Lucy sighed and nodded.

-That I know, Noah. Your spirit hasn't wavered at all these past days. I can still tell that you try your hardest every time we spar. But that isn't the issue. The problem doesn't lie with your spirit. It's your body.

She leaned in as she said that. The closer she got, the more messed up she seemed. She seemed on the verge of collapsing herself! Had she been watching over him all those days without resting?

-I've been in this BladeMaster business since I was 14 years old and I can tell who is strong and who is weak pretty easily. A few seconds in the ring is all I need to notice changes, to notice if someone is developing their skills, evolving as a BladeMaster. And it's hard to tell you this, Noah, but...

"'ve gotten weaker."



Could it really be?

Noah's mind flashed to the last sparring session he had with Lucy before the day he collapsed. Everything was going normally, Lucy spotting Noah and the trio walking out of the Academy, locking him into a choke hold and dragging him to the fields, while the guys simply waved a nervous goodbye, fully aware that they could do nothing to stop her.

Once in the training fields, it started pretty normal. Noah had begun picking up the habit of warming his Element up before the sparring session, to rev it up before the actual fight, while Lucy took care of some things inside the HQ. That way, it guaranteed its smoothness upon using it during a stressful situation. He had risen up a couple of rock pillars, lining them up one after another. He had sprung himself back and forth using his rock platforms strategy, in order to practice his evasion. He had also been practicing a new defensive move where he'd summon a rock arm from behind him and would wrap it around himself in order to protect against projectiles like Grace and Glory's bullets or Merceny's Darkness Wave. He had tested those moves an handful of times, but he couldn't find himself able to keep the arm shield up for a long time. It would usually shatter in a matter of seconds. Unnerved by that failure, he had practiced his rock fist rising from the floor, a strategy that had helped him alot recently. But they'd also shatter quickly. Noah had shrugged it off as being the stress getting to him and quickly forgot about it once Lucy appeared and they began their sparring session.

During the fight, Noah was quickly beat, as always, but now that he thought about it, it had been different, even if slightly, from the other times. Lucy had seemed much faster than usual and he had found himself seeing doubles of her as she'd zig-zag towards him, avoiding his rock attacks. She'd hit him, he'd fall and find himself having a much tougher time to get back up again. He had labeled that as Lucy kicking things up a notch again, something she'd often do once she'd notice that Noah was getting better in order to ensure that he'd still get his butt kicked until he reached her level.

"C'mon are you even taking this seriously? I know I'm drop dead gorgeous, but that's no reason for you to get distracted on this fight." she had said with a huge grin. Noah had puffed his cheeks and tried again. Did she already notice it at that time?

But now that he thought about it, it seemed unnatural. When Lucy did take things to next level, it was just a matter of her vanishing and hitting him. But this time, it was like...she was a whole different, it was like his body was acting strangely...His eyes had a much harder time focusing back on a taunting Lucy than at the times where she knocked him down normally, the action of him using his Element lacked the smoothness it had shown during the Teri and the Merceny fights and he'd find himself crashing onto his bed right after he'd get back to his dorm room, causing him to miss a lot of sewing with Mercedes.

He had always labeled that as him getting frustrated or Lucy increasing the difficulty of their training or him getting a flu, but now that he tried to remember the small details...

"W-what's wrong with me?"


Noah discussed this with Lucy, trying to find any differences in Noah's actions during that day and the day when he collapsed. There really were not many differences. He went to class, arrived at the fields, practiced his Element for a few minutes and then they'd fight. Minutes later, a knock was heard on the door and Eldus came in. After showing his relief at Noah having woken up, he proceeded to ask Noah to sit straight up for a quick soul check.

-A soul check? You think this problem goes beyond a physical issue, gramps?- Lucy asked, crossing her arms.

-Ever since Noah collapsed, I've been studying various possibilities to what could have happened. I have some theories, but a soul check should put those doubts to rest.- he said and, after Noah sat up, a bit of dizziness washing over him, Eldus placed the tip of his staff against Noah's chest and drew out the projection of his soul, spinning it around, observing every inch of the sphere.

-I've been meaning to ask, Eldus- Noah said- How can you do all this? I've seen you heal people with that staff, you can teleport, detect soul power and draw out my soul... How can you---no, I guess, all Sages, do that?

Eldus kept looking over at Noah's soul, but answered him.

-In a way, us Sages are not much different from Master Gee and Master Rye. We study other uses of the soul and how to draw out a power beyond the Elements. I was once a BladeMaster like you, but I decided to start studying the soul and, so I managed to use its power to do various things no BladeMaster can usually do.

He pointed to the crystal sphere on the top of his staff. It shone with a soothing deep green glow.

-Sages like me use staffs like these to do said things. This crystal here is called an Enchant Stone. Surely you'd heard about them before, no?

Noah recalled back to his classes and the idea popped on his mind. He was supposed to have an exam about them soon too.

-Yeah...they're a type of ore that has many uses, like in powering batteries for household commodities and even the motors for airships, right?

-Yeah, and people like Albus the Blacksmith over at the mall uses them to repair Blades over at his store.- Lucy added- They exude a special kind of radiation one can extract energy from and can be used for powering motors up, fixing objects on which a soul's power can be placed into and they even have uses in medical procedures. And there's a ton of them, so they're easy to mine. Back in the BladeMaster War, factions fought over who could control most mines and now the Order has control over most of Karash's.

Eldus nodded and smiled.

-Wow, I never expected Lucy, of all people, to know so much. With her mind only fixated on fighting and fashion, you'd think your neurons would have fried long ago.- he said.

-Oh thank you, Eldus~! You're so FREAKING nice~!- she clapped her hands together and gave off a scary grin.

-I've seen Albus using a bunch of different colored Stones. Red, orange, blue, lilac... but I've never seen a deep green one...- Noah said.

-Well, that's because Enchant Stones used by Sages are rarer than common ones, usually found in the deepest reaches of the mines and they are usually too tiny to work properly in a staff. And usually each Sage uses a Stone that matches their Element. Mine, on the other hand, is one of a kind. Its size, its smooth shape and color have never been seen in Gaia before. Other Sages have hypothesized that it may be alien, from a meteorite, maybe.

-Wow, humble bragging much? If we weren't talking about Enchant Stones, you'd think he was talking about his wrinkly, old---

-Continuing on...- Eldus interrupted Lucy- Enchant Stones that Sages use are more powerful than the rest and they attach the Stones in canes like this, in order to use their powers to help trigger certain factors in a person's soul. That way, foreign powers can be unlocked, like my teleportation and healing.

-That sounds...amazing.- Noah admitted, his mind forgetting about his soul for a second.

-It's harder than you'd think. To achieve this, I had to study for the majority of my life and I can't simply say "teleport!" and it happens. See these?- he looked over at Noah now, and pointed to the staff itself. Strange symbols were carved over the wooden surface.- These are called "runes". The language of the gods since the dawn of Gaia. By studying these runes, a Sage can draw out their latent power, which is given form through the Enchant Stone and then triggers the phenomenon, which we Sages call a "spell". To achieve my spells, I had to study the runes extensively, for there are still many to be found, find the appropriate ones to the task and carve them into the staff, so the spell is permanently attached to this staff. Using incorrect runes can lead to disastrous effects and using a spell without its runes being inscribed into the staff saps the Sage's life energy and can even kill him, depending on the spell's magnitude.

-But wouldn't it be easier to just write "teleport" or "heal" in rune language on the staff? If these runes are the language of the gods, you just need to do a simple translation,right?- Lucy shrugged.

-One would think that, but runes don't translate directly to the modern Gaian alphabet. And sometimes, words can mean something to you and mean another thing to the gods or even to other people. Runes aren't "words", per say, but something much more primal and more close to the dawn of this planet. Something you can draw power from. They're concepts and, by understanding them, we edge closer and closer to the gods' true intentions.


After that explanation, Eldus resumed Noah's soul check and when he was done, pushed Noah's soul back into his chest. The orange, pulsating sphere was still a mess, having a huge chunk missing, the lines that symbolized his "bonds" barely managing to keep it together. At the center of the sphere shone a tiny orange light. It was strangely soothing and the bonds erupted from there. Noah feared that, if they snapped, the pieces of the "sphere" would fly astray and that light would be all alone until it was finally snuffed out...

Eldus placed his staff on his lap, silent. He had a grave expression on his face. It didn't seem like he was mad, but more confused...What could have happened to Noah?

-It's just as I feared. I've never seen a case like this happen with this timing, but I'm positive.- he looked over at Noah and then at Lucy.- Noah is suffering from Elemental Backlash.



But before Noah could say anything, Lucy cut him off, shaking her head.

-That can't be right, Eldus. Is the age finally getting to you? Noah is a healthy teenager. And he has been with us for two months, in which he defeated Terri and went toe-to-toe with Merceny! How can he suffer from Elemental Backlash? That's a baby's disease!

-That's why it's surprising me so much, Lucy. But with all of his symptoms... it is the most logical explanation.

-Then why did it only strike him now? It would have shown during his battle with Centaur Man over in the desert! Sure, it took a bit for him to awaken Tera, but when it did, it went off without a hitch! It doesn't make sense.

-Well, it may require further studies, and---

-Wait!- Noah firmly said, tired of being left out in the dark- Just what is an "Elemental Backlash"?

Eldus turned to him and cleared his throat, getting back on topic.

-Elemental Backlash is a condition where the human body cannot take the soul's power. Us humans are constituted of three factors: body, mind and soul. People with Elemental Backlash have too strong of a soul and the elemental power output it lets out affects their weak body negatively, resulting on extreme exhaustion and illnesses.

Noah scratched his head.

-I-I don't really understand...My soul is "too powerful" for my body? How can that be? Shouldn't I have noticed this earlier? During my first soul check?

-See?- Lucy said, shaking her head in disbelief- An Elemental Backlash isn't something people who are accustomed to battle should experience. Only little kids have it and then they are advised to keep the use of their Elements to a minimum until their bodies grow up and grow stronger, so that they can use their soul safely. Noah's timing is completely off to be an Elemental Backlash.

-But it's the only thing it can be, Lucy. I've checked his soul and it is letting out a much stronger power than before, and that is making it go haywire, suffering from a strong recoil. Noah's body couldn't take its sudden power surge and now it can't function normally. It's like his soul was a slow fire but suddenly, you throw oil into it, causing a huge inferno.

"My suddenly letting out much more power? W-wait!", under normal cases, a soul grows with the person's body, correct?- an idea popped on Noah's mind, but it needed confirmation- If my soul is this powerful, it might relate to who I was in the past, right?

Eldus nodded.

-Yes, that's right. Whoever you might have been, it had a strong soul.

-Then I might have had Elemental Backlash before, right?

-If the body was in the same condition yours has been in, yes.

-But upon me arriving here, my body didn't experience Elemental Backlash. My soul was not strong enough to harm my body.

-What are you getting at, kiddo?- Lucy tilted her head.

-From what I understand, Elemental Backlash isn't something that can suddenly happen during someone's growth. It either happens during childhood or it doesn't happen at all. A soul is usually attuned to the person's body so it can output its energy correctly, and even if it's too powerful at first, with the growth of the body, it can regulate itself over time, right Eldus?

-Yes, that's how it usually goes. A soul wouldn't normally function in order to damage the body. Its actions are linked to the person's mind, after all. And no one would willingly try to have a Backlash. Patients with Elemental Backlash can use their Elements to their fullest once their bodies are powerful enough to regulate their powerful souls.

-Yes...then, for this to happen with this timing, there must have been something that made, and from there, kept my soul weaker than it actually is. Some...factor that kept my powerful soul under control. In order to keep my body healthy. But that factor must be gone now.

-"Another factor"? What do you mean, Noah? What could possibly be there that could control your soul's energy output and make it weaker all this time and suddenly let flow its usual, greater strength?

Noah looked over at Lucy.

-The voice...the voice that had helped me in those pinches against Terri and Merceny, giving me sudden power...

"That masked guy's voice...Tal's voice...

He's the factor!"

Noah spent a few minutes discussing that possibility with Eldus and Lucy. Whenever that voice...the Order Elite, Tal's voice reached him, it was only when he was at the verge of death and he always managed to get a boost in power because of it, allowing him to reach greater heights and escape said pinch. It had happened with Terri and Merceny, but the first time, Tera's voice was along with it. Could it be a coincidence? Or could the two be related? Maybe the voice faked Tera's voice and just allowed him to awaken Gaia's Blade, not as an ability that was gifted to him then, but as something he already possessed but had forgotten on how to use? That way, he could have made it seem like it was the goddess who contacted him...And in the fight against Merceny, the voice had appeared just before Tal did and they sounded the same, so it could only be him..!

-So...let me see if I got this straight...-Lucy said, rubbing her temple- So Tal somehow managed to get a hold of your soul and manage to control its power output so that your body wouldn't suffer from Backlash, giving you convenient boosts in power whenever your life was in danger. In a way, he began to unlock your soul's true power. But after him appearing on the arena, he just decided to stop controlling it and let it run free? That sounds...fishy, Noah, let me be honest with you.

-Well, I did make it pretty clear the second time he talked to me that I didn't need his help...He must have taken the advice to heart and stopped the management of my soul, putting me at risk of suffering Backlash.

-Well, if what he said was true and that you're some kind of "Alpha" he has to kill, it means that you two must have some connection...And putting you through Backlash is a pretty effective way of weakening you...But outside link between souls is something no Sage has ever heard about...- Eldus added.

-And I did beat him pretty badly when we fought...maybe the trauma made him lose control of the connection he has with your soul?- Lucy said, bitting her finger.- Hey, why don't you ask him, Noah? If he can talk inside your head, why don't you try and get some answers?

Noah's eyes widened.

-Oh! Why haven't I thought about that before? Sure, I'll try!- he said, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, thinking to himself:

"Hey! Hey, voice? Tal? It's me, Noah Eon, the Alpha. I want to talk to you...




He looked at Lucy.

-No answer...Maybe I have to be in a pinch for him to talk. Lucy, can you help?

Lucy nodded slowly.

-Oh, I get you.- and with that, she summoned and pointed Genesis at Noah's throat. The boy could feel the sharpness of the Blade, even if it wasn't touching his skin. Lucy then arched it to the side and swung it towards Noah's neck!

Noah's face palled, but he forced himself to think.

"Tal, answer me! I'm about to die!



Genesis stopped inches from Noah's neck. Noah sighed internally, glad that she stopped it. Lucy released it and shrugged.

-It seems that we can't fake it. It has to be the real deal or he won't talk to you. Or maybe he won't talk at all anymore...

Noah gritted his teeth. seems you're right...damn it, why can't we get any answers?!

Eldus sighed.

-Now, now, Noah, we should really drop this. What matters most now is getting you rid of that Backlash. You're still in poor conditions, so you should take time to rest and after you're feeling better, you can go back to the Academy, but NO using your Element! You might die if no one is there to assist you, you hear me?- he leaned in, his face serious.

Noah gulped but he still protested.

-W-what? But we're at war! The next Elite could be attacking us at any second! If I don't get used to my power, I won't be of any hel---

The top of his head was swiftly smacked by the Enchant Stone of his staff.

-No "buts", Noah. You have to listen to me or you won't be able to fight ever again.

-Yeah, listen to Eldus, Noah.- Lucy said, her face splashed with worry- We have Sobek on our side now, so numbers aren't an issue. You just focus on getting better, ok?

Noah gritted his teeth. Lucy was right, no matter how hard it was for him to admit. But still! It was unfair! He had just awakened Tera and was on the verge of coming up with his own style, which combined both speed and power and now he couldn't use it because he had to tip-toe around at the risk of his body breaking...How was he going to fight now?

In the end, he nodded, defeated.

Lucy and Eldus headed towards the door and advised him to rest a bit before leaving him alone. The sun was rising outside of his window. He still felt hot and dizzy...but most of all, he felt useless. After all his training, he was still in the palm of that creep's hand...all his victories...were due to him unlocking his soul's powers, not because of his training...

This whole issue reminded him of what Merceny had told him on the arena. That he didn't deserve his power...

Maybe he really didn't...

"Damn you...Damn you, Tal..!"

He lied down and turned around, his back facing the window.

He didn't notice the transparent dove landing on the windowsill outside.


Noah spent the rest of the morning sleeping in. When he woke up, it was already afternoon. But he felt alot better, that was a good thing. He felt less hot and when he'd sit up on his bed, he no longer felt dizzy. Resting really solved it all...

After tossing and turning on his bed a whole bunch, tussling with his inner thoughts for awhile, he got sick and got up, got changed into another copy of his uniform ("I should really ask Cidy to make me a pajama...Sleeping with my regular clothes is a bother..."), placed his goggles over his hair and headed out of his room and wandered across the halls. His steps were a bit wobbly at first, but he soon shook it off and regained his usual balance. Maybe he'd find Lucy and discuss how he'd go about with his training now.

-Oh, look who's up and running.

Noah looked to the source of the voice and saw Mercedes with a basket filled with black clothes, heading towards her own room. She gave him a soft smile.

-Eldus and Lucy caught the Brigade up to speed. Elemental Backlash, huh? You really are a bag of surprises, Noah. Please don't tell me that, the next time you try to woo us, you won't kill yourself, ok?

Her words denoted her worry, but Noah couldn't help but feel a little scared that she was mad at him still.

-Y-yeah...I'll try, hahaha... Hey, how's Merceny? I haven't seen him in a while...- he abruptly changed the subject. He couldn't help but feel guilty too. He had promised Mercedes that his fight with her brother would help him wake up from his chase for power but all it did was make him more angry...

Mercedes' expression darkened.

-I dunno, Noah...To be honest with you, I think that fighting him was a horrible idea. Right after a pretty sloppy training, he just goes and shuts himself in his room and he won't talk to anyone. He doesn't seem angry, but more...confused. He won't even look at me, it's like he's in his own world.

Noah looked down.

-I'm sorry...I should have tried harder...

Mercedes shook her head.

-It's not your fault. My brother is just too thick-headed to understand where you're coming from. He'll perk up eventually. But enough about him, we were talking about you. If you really suffer from Elemental Backlash, then your training with Lucy and your involvement with the Brigade have come to a screeching hiatus, right? I think you should use this chance to get your head out of the battles and help out with other stuff instead, until your body gets used to your powered-up soul. So, no more missing sewing, ok? Ever since you started to help out, we've built a good rhythm, so we can't slack off!

Noah nodded and smiled lightly.

-Yeah, yeah, you don't need to tell me...Sure, I'll take it easy and help you.

-Oh and if you're looking for the trio, Guy and Axel are in the school grounds lazing around.

-"Lazing around"? You do know that Zeke is the lazy one, right?

She smirked and went inside her room.

-You'll see what I mean once you get there. Now, shoo, leave me alone.- and, with that, she smacked her door closed.

Noah smiled, a bit relieved and left the dorms. He quickly made his way to the Academy and headed towards the spot where he and the trio usually hung out in, in the corner surrounded by the tall grass hedges. He turned the corner and, indeed, saw Axel and Guy there. They were lying down and it seemed like they were sleeping! Guy was not so surprising, but Axel?! And where was Zeke?

Noah stepped in and the sound of his feet crunching the dry grass below them made Guy look towards him. Once he saw him, he quickly sat up, eyes wide.

-Holy molly! Axel, Noah's back! Wake up!- he turned around with a huge smile and shook Axel, who woke up slowly and slowly rose, grumbling. Once he saw Noah, he also brightened up.

-Well, if it isn't the man of the hour! And here we thought you had gone to the great yonder!- he grinned. Noah answered with a smile of his own and sat next to them.

-What are you two doing here..?

-What does it seem?- Axel smirked and lied back down on the grass, hands behind his head- We're relaxing.

-You? Axel Rhodes? Relaxing? Are you the one who's sick?- Noah couldn't believe his eyes. Axel was usually so gung-ho for the group to use their time effectively after school to study, but now he was acting like a total Zeke!

He chuckled.

-You know, fighting Sobek really made me look deep inside myself, you know? Maybe I was too uptight with you guys before, always forcing you to do boring stuff. So, I've decided to change the pace and relax for a change.- he said.

-Ever since you passed out, we've been going in and out of your room to check up on you.- Guy pipped up- We were worried sick, and before we knew it, we ended up missing some classes...After awhile, Axel just said "screw it" and we decided to not go to school at all until you woke up.

Noah was dumbfounded. How could Axel be suddenly so lax? It was totally out of character!

-Of course, now that you've woken up, we'll be attending class again. Lucy told us that you had woken up, so we decided to wait for you here and catch some Zs in the meantime.- Axel said- Welp, I guess it's time to go get Zeke, then. It's a bother to go get him at these times, but, oh well...- he sat up.

-"At these times"? What do you mean?- Noah asked. There were still so much about Zeke that he didn't know...He heard that, in the battle against Sobek, he had actually tried and fought hard for once! But ever since then he seemed even more down everytime he saw him, not bothering to say a word and literally dragging himself throughout the days.

-Well, during the time you've been resting, Zeke hasn't been with us at all. He locked himself in his room and hasn't gone out.- Axel explained.

-But...I've been out for...three days! What is he doing, locked in his room?

-Well, you'll see.- Guy stood up and Axel followed. The two left their napping spots and went back towards the dorms. Noah was a little confused and went after them.

Axel...seemed really different. His smile wasn't as acidic as before, seeming much more relaxed. It was like a giant weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He had been too tired those days after the Sobek attack due to the effects the Backlash were already giving him, so they hadn't talked much, but he seemed much happier---no, relieved---than he had ever been. What had happened during that battle to have changed him that much?

The three boys made their way to the dorms. Behind them, high in the sky, two transparent doves followed and landed on the building's roof.




Noah, Axel and Guy stood behind Zeke's room, calling out to him, but to no avail. He didn't answer. Noah had placed his ear against the door to listen to snoring, but all he heard was a muffled, foreign sounds. What was he doing in there?

After they got tired of calling, they went to the reception downstairs and asked for the dorm rooms master key, which was given in case a student was trapped inside his or her room or had lost his or her key in general. Noah took the master key and went back to the door. It felt good to move around again. The three days worth of sleeping made his limbs feel like they weren't his own and that little mystery served to get rid of all that rust.

He placed the key in the keyhole and it turned smoothly, the lock clicking open. He placed his hand on the door handle.

-Noah. I would recommend caution. Don't just waltz in Zeke's room when he's like...this...- Axel warned, standing with Guy a couple of meters to the side of the door.

-Seriously, you're hyping this up like he's doing some dark ritual, but he probably took the time I was out to hibernate. It'll be fine.- Noah looked towards him with a confident smile.

-Sure. Go ahead- Axel gave him a mysterious and sly smile.

Noah shrugged and opened the door, stepping inside the room.




Noah got quickly sent flying back against the wall on the opposite side of the hall. He had been struck right in the face by something hard...but wet too...

He gritted his teeth. It hurt but it was mostly the shock. He slowly got up, rubbing his face.

-See? I told you to be careful.- Axel shrugged.

-What...happened?- Noah asked, stepping forward.

-When Zeke has free rein to just sleep, this happens...- Guy pointed to inside the room and Noah peeked in.

It wasn't as much a "room" but a reflection. A true reflection of Zeke's person as a whole. Clothes and books were scattered everywhere haphazardly and notes Noah had seen Axel carefully lend to the boy before had been tossed aside on his cluttered desk, that stood against the wall on the leftmost side of the room, like litter. A wardrobe much like Noah's stood beside it, practically empty, because all the clothing that were supposed to be inside were living now on the floor.

Noah noticed right away what had hit him: scattered across the room floated a bunch of masses of water, of various shapes and sizes, letting out slow and bubbling sounds. They floated lazily about and Noah could see his own reflection when one floated across him.

Three core objects occupied most of the room: a bed much like Noah's, standing against the rightmost side of the room, in front of the door; a large, deep blue futon at its feet, at the left side of the room; and, above it, a hammock, hanging from two hooks, one stuck to the front wall, parallel to the bed and the other stuck to backside wall, parallel to the desk and wardrobe.

How much comfort could Zeke possibly need?! He basically had three beds! On the hammock he lied, sleeping like a rock. How could he maintain the water masses even while sleeping?!

-What the...-the words slurred out of Noah's mouth.

-This... is Zeke's training. When he has time to really sleep, he usually stays inside all day and summons all these water "balloons". Then he sleeps.- Axel stood beside Noah and explained that strange scenario.

-But wouldn't the water balls pop and fall?- he asked.

-Nah, they usually stay immaculate the whole time. Zeke says that he began this back at home, before he came to the Academy. He'd summon a water balloon and try to maintain it afloat for as long as possible. Then he got better and managed to summon various ones and keep them for a longer time. When he moved in here, he built this "sleeping dome" to keep training while taking it to the next level: maintaining the balloons afloat even while sleeping. Well, I wouldn't call it "sleeping" as it's more something in between. He's not totally relaxed. His face is all wrinkled up, see?- he pointed towards Zeke's face and, indeed, his expression seemed a bit stressed, like he was having a nightmare - It's more like he's meditating, focusing tremendously in this state between consciousness and unconsciousness to not let the balloons pop.

-He says this training will be a success when he can really relax and sleep while making sure the balloons don't pop.- Guy added, scratching the back of his head- This is definitely the thing he puts more effort into.

-But...what's the point of this?- Noah was still a bit stunned.

-Aqua is a much different Element than, say, Pyre. It doesn't focus on raw power but on control. Aqua can be subtle, graceful and fragile but it can also be deadly if its user mastered controlling it. Experienced Aqua users focus on this and some stories even tell of Aqua BladeMasters who didn't even have to move: the water protected them like a shield and struck down their enemies like the sharpest spear. You saw it first hand when you entered the room. Zeke must have heard you in his subconscious and attacked you on instinct with deadly precision. He could be quite the tricky fighter if he actually fought more, so him training his Element's staying factor like this is quite genius---oh, sorry Noah, I didn't mean to backhand insult you by gawking over Zeke's training. Lucy also told us about your condition...- Axel corrected himself, giving Noah an apologetic look.

Noah shook his head.

-It's ok, Axel. But it is frustrating. I've been trying so hard to come up with an unique style, that didn't focus solely on Tera's defensive capabilities, and now, if I use it, I can die...It's like trying to climb the highest mountain only to be thrown right off.

-Hey, don't worry about it, Noah!- Guy said, grinning- You managed to win some pretty tough battles, so I'm sure you can overcome this and find a way around this back rub thingy.

-It's "Backlash" idiot...

Suddenly, the water balloons started to grow smaller and smaller, letting out steam as they dissipated. Once they were gone, Noah noticed Zeke sitting up on the hammock and stretching his arms, yawning.

-Hmm....20 balloons upon me starting today's training and 19 upon me finishing today's training. Thanks alot for breaking my record, Noah...- he puffed his cheeks.

-Oh...sorry, Zeke. Glad to see you up and about.- he smiled.- I wasn't expecting it to attack me.

Zeke grumbled and jumped out with a smile.

-Just goes to show that I'm not to be messed it. Well, I feel officially refreshed. Let's go outside and eat something, shall we?

-Now you're talking my language!-Guy grinned and the four headed out of the dorms.

"Meditation, huh?" Noah imprinted the image of Zeke's training on his mind as he returned the master key to the receptionist. Could one really become stronger by doing almost nothing? What if he had been seeing his Element in a completely wrong fashion?

Once he reunited with the trio, they crossed the front door of the dorms building in search for food ("Geez, you didn't eat for 3 days, Noah! I can't imagine going through that for even a day!" "Oh, it wasn't so bad, Guy. I heard he was spoon fed some softer food while Lucy looked after him. Wouldn't you like that, Axel? For Madame Crow to spoon-feed you? 'Wooo, here comes the airplane for my star-crossed lover~!' " "B-be quiet, Zeke! And you two stop laughing!!"), immediately entering the trio of transparent doves' line of sight.


The next day:

Noah entered the Angel's Crow HQ, waving a hello to the Masters and Teri, who had asked him to stop by to check up on him. Upon entering, he saw Sobek sitting on the table too. He was pouting, face buried on his arms, with enough boredom on him to match a whole class' during a particularly long History class. But upon seeing Noah by the corner of his eyes, his face shot up in surprise, like the boy arriving there was the last thing he had ever expected. For a second, Noah could have sworn that his face became twisted by anger, but as soon he noticed it, it had disappeared. In its stead, Sobek had a confused expression. He raised his finger as in to say something but no words came out and he went back to his previous position. What was up with him?

Noah was glad to see everyone else again, but he had a specific motive to come talk to them: he had to ask Teri about the moments where the voice had control during their fight. Specifically, if his demeanor looked like Tal's. He did remember her saying that, he had become much more wild and foulmouthed...

Upon asking Teri that, she nodded, clapping her hands together, like she had figured something major out.

-Yeah, now that you say it, the you in that moment acted a ton like Tal! You had that crazy air about you and everything!

Noah sighed. It was all coming together. So it was Tal controlling him somehow! He managed to even gain control over his body! Just what was he?!

Noah explained the theory behind his Backlash and Rye nodded in agreement. the way you describe the voice and Teri describes the you in those brief moments, the similarities with that masked boy are uncanny. What could it mean?

-Maybe you were his partner or something before you lost your memory.- Gee suggested.- Maybe a duo of criminals on the run and maybe you got bonked on the head, making you loose your memories and your crazy personality? But Tal is afraid of you spilling the beans, so he has a way to control your body from a safe distance, to avoid his identity being ratted out?

-Geez, I hope not...The less I have in common with that freak the better...- he said, looking down at his hands. A dangerous criminal? Did he also wear a masquerade like Tal did?

-Yeah, I can't believe it either.- Teri shrugged- You really don't seem like you'd associate yourself with someone like Tal. You're a good guy and you're smart. Unlike some people here!- she looked towards Sobek, who grunted.

-But still, that's just who I am now. What if the past me was super evil?

-So? What's the point worrying about that? You're you now. The past doesn't matter. I gave you those goggles because you are an honorable BladeMaster. You were the one who defeated me in the end, not another Noah and not Tal. You should just worry about who you are now and how it can grow stronger and mature. And don't worry: once we get our hands on Tal, I'll personally make him spill the beans on his identity!- she grinned and smacked her fist on her palm.

Noah let out a nervous laugh. But she had a point. If what Eldus said was true, his soul should be running at its original power now. So, he wouldn't be held back by Tal anymore. He could really start developing his powers by his own hand. With that comforting thought in mind, he said goodbye to the crew and left the HQ.

Behind him, a flock of transparent doves followed, way up above him.

-But still...- Terri turned to Sobek- Don't they remind you of someone, Sobek? I had the feeling that I'd seen Tal before but now I'm getting that same feeling from Noah...but I can't put my finger on it...

-Yeah, now that you mention it...They do remind me of someone I'm sure I know. Gods, I just want to take that annoying mask off of that creep's face! I feel that I'm so close but that damn thing is in the way!

-Geez...I hope it's just us imagining things. If Noah really is evil like Tal, somehow...It'd really suck...

-Wow, crushing on the boy much?- he gave a snarky smile- I didn't take you for the "mommy" type, Te---

Sobek's words were cut short by a swift smack on the top of the head by Teri's fist.


Upon Noah entering the dorms he saw a familiar silhouette zoom by. He instantly recognized who it was and ran after it.


The mercenary stopped by the stairs to the upper floors and looked over to who called him. Upon seeing Noah, his face wasn't filled with his usual disgust, but got twisted anyways. He gritted his teeth, but his eyes seemed sad. It was like seeing Noah was a stab in the heart.


Noah ran up to him.


-Don't bother. I know exactly what you're going to say. You're going to apologize for fighting me, that you just wanted to make me realize that my search for strength was hurting the ones I love instead of giving them a feeling of security and pride, right?

-Um...y-yeah, kinda...

-I knew it.- he turned his back to Noah- I've heard it from Lucy. Elemental Backlash, huh? You really are confusing...- and he started to go up the stairs.

-Y-yeah...but Merceny, apologizing and giving you a sermon about your actions aren't at all I wanted to say. I also wanted to say that you were right.

-Hm?- he turned and gave Noah a confused look.- I was...right? About what?

-About saying that I didn't deserve my success. If what I'm thinking is right, this Backlash happened because someone was controlling my soul. I...was never supposed to win all those battles. I just did because that someone just "gave" me more power when it was convenient for me. If it didn't, I would never have gone so long up against you. I'm still...too green...I can't even figure out a good way to use my powers, now that I've got this broken soul...I'm a sham, just like you said. And I'm sorry for my pride clouding my judgment. Nothing beats training, I know.

-Hmph...Glad you understand at least that. But be careful...if you just try and train a whole bunch to get to my level...You might just become another me: blind and obsessed with strength...

-But strength isn't bad, Merceny.


Noah gave him a determined look.

-Looking for a way to improve yourself was never the issue. Just look at me. I've been trying so hard to look for my identity and the path of the BladeMaster has already given me some answers. Looking for strength was what made Lucy survive the War and become who she is today. Looking for strength is what made you and Mercedes the people you are today. Sure, you may have deviated a little from the right way. You've hurt people, yes, long as you keep at it, step by'll find your own strength. Your own path. You'll become a BladeMaster unique to yourself. And not another Lucy.

Merceny didn't answer him. He stood there, looking at the floor for awhile. Eventually, he looked over at Noah again.

-A unique path? Heh...You really are weird, Eon.

With that he turned his back to him and began climbing the stairs. Then, he stopped again, like he remembered something else to answer Noah.

-Your Element, now as it stands...You won't be able to pull off your usual stunts anymore.

-O-oh? Y-yes, you're right...- Noah was taken aback by the sudden change in subject.

-You'll have to start from scratch to find a new style. But the way you did it before was wrong. You skipped a bunch of steps, making your style come out as brute and ugly. In a sense, the you and me that faced off in the arena were not so different. I also had skipped alot of steps, in my prideful rage. I wasn't fighting in my usual way either.

-"Brute and ugly"..? W-what do you mean by that?

-Heh...take your own advice, Eon. Step by step. Find something simple to start at. And from there...slowly grow into a new, unique style. When you do...I'm sure, the next time we'll battle...

He looked over his shoulder towards Noah. The look he gave him was intense, but it wasn't filled with hatred anymore. He couldn't see it because it was covered by his jacket, but he was sure that the mercenary's mouth was curved in a smile.'ll be much more graceful and beautiful.

"Like a dance."


It was like a force of nature.

No, it was like trying to fight destiny.

Once Lucy Crow invites you to go shopping, refusal can only be truly attained upon defeating her in battle.

Which means that you'll have to go.

It had been a week since Noah collapsed. Things were quiet in Soula. Noah and the trio continued their school lives, Axel taking a much more relaxed take on everything and they'd find themselves just relaxing in their grassy spot after school, not doing much, until Lucy found and dragged Noah into the training fields. There, he'd only train his fencing. He was forbidden from using his Element. Well, it wasn't like he could anyways. Every time he tried, it gave him a sudden and strong headache, so he didn't push his luck. It seemed like his previous method of using his Element, the way he summoned rock platforms and rock fists with incredible speed and little to no thought put too much of a strain on his body and now that his soul was fully unlocked, trying to do the same thing was next to impossible. His soul could not easily summon just one platform or one fist. It tried to summon various at once and that recoiled on Noah's body. He had to find a way to do something simple but new at the same time. And from there, he'd build up until he could control his soul again.

So, when Lucy invited him to go shopping with her, he initially thought about saying no, but was quickly reminded of the consequences, so he accepted and went with her. Maybe the mall would give him some ideas...

They had just left Moru siblings' shop, Noah being forced to carry a mountain of boxes, when he stopped on his tracks. Lucy noticed and turned to him.

-Hm? What's wrong, kiddo? Getting tired on me?

Noah didn't answer. Something had caught his attention. His eyes had landed on a nearby florist. He stepped towards it and looked over at all the different flowers, displayed on the stands. His focus quickly went to the roses. Something about the red color enticed him. Maybe because they reminded him of his eyes? Maybe because they seemed harmless but the thorns revealed their dark nature? In a way, he couldn't help but not see himself in them. He placed the boxes down and picked one up and examined it closely.

A flower. That was simple, right?

No. He couldn't skip any steps. Just like Merceny had advised. He fiddled with the flower and took a petal into his hands. The crimson substance looked right back at him. If he could create something as simple as a petal...that would be a good start, right?

-Ooooh, I getcha~- Lucy's voice sounded behind him- I never took you for the romantic type, Noah. Don't worry, I'll help you. Hello? I'd like a whole batch of these roses to go, please!- she called the female employee inside, she called the female employee inside. An older lady, with long and wavy auburn hair, quickly came outside and picked up a bunch of roses, swiping the one Noah as well and tied them up in a pretty bow, offering them to Lucy, who quickly paid her with a smile. She then gave them to Noah.

-W-wha...? Why did you buy a bunch of roses, Lucy?

-Well, I've noticed you looking so intently at them, so I figured that you were thinking about giving them to someone! And that someone has to be Cidy, right? Riiiight?

-No. Where did you get that idea?- he talked back with a blank look on his face.

-Oh, your poker face won't work on me, Noah! You're going to be a man and deliver these roses to Cidy! Poor girl, she's been so grumpy lately because of the battle against the Order and all the trouble with Ciny that she really could use a pick-me-up. And what better than a gift from the amnesiac who has a crush on her?

-What's a "crush"?

-Oh, young love~ So pure! Now, go ahead! It's about time for your sewing session, right? Oh, I'm such a good matchmaker! And a beautiful one to boot~


Noah looked at the bouquet and shrugged. Well, Mercedes did seem a little down lately. She didn't talk much when they sewed together, so maybe a bunch of pretty roses would help her cheer up? He walked out of the mall and quickly arrived at the dorms.

Throughout the way, a flock of transparent doves followed him...

He climbed up the stairs and was about to reach Mercedes' room, when...

-Oh, look, it's Noah!

Noah looked towards the voice and saw Axel, Guy and Zeke walking towards him. Guy was stuffing his face with potato chips and Axel was carrying a slumbering Zeke...who occasionally moved his hand and swiped a chip from Guy's hand just as he was about to put it in his mouth.

-Hm? What's with the roses, Noah?- Guy asked. He looked at them. He looked at Noah. He looked at Mercedes' door. Then, back at Noah. And then, back at the roses.- Oh..? Oh? Oooooh?! No way! Are you...

-I never took you for the romantic type, Noah...- Axel said- But I must admit, gifting Mercedes with roses is a classy, yet bold move. You two do seem pretty close. I've seen you going into her room a bunch of times at nighttime...

Suddenly, a surprised expression splashed on Guy's face.

-N-no way! A-are you two...doing... it ?! Holy molly macaroni! And you're still teenagers!- he leaned in towards Noah's face.

-Hm?- Noah tilted his head- What's so surprising about it? Even a child can do it. Lucy recommend that I'd do it with Mercedes anyways.

-L-Lucy did?!- Axel leaned in too.

-Ohohoh, now I'm interested too.- Zeke had climbed down from Axel's back, at some point, and was leaning in too.

-D-did...Mercedes teach you?- Guy asked. His face was red like a tomato and he had started to sweat.

-Yeah...She has alot of experience with it, so she was the most suitable to teach me.

-Holy shit...I've never imagined Mercedes, of all people, to have experience with it...-Axel said, sweating buckets too.

-Yeah, she told me that Lucy is pretty sloppy with it, so Mercedes is the one who takes care of the Angel's Crow's business.

-She takes care of all of Angel's Crow?! Even...Merceny?!- Guy shouted.

-W-wait! L-Lucy has done it too?!- Axel shouted too.

-Ooohhh, there goes Axel's New Year's resolution!- Zeke smirked.

-D-did it hurt? I've heard that there's blood involved...-Guy stuttered, gulping.

-Well, it hurt a bit at first. I ended up bleeding a bit in my first few tries, to be honest.

-W-wait!- Guy cut him off- You bled? Guys bleed when they do it?!

-I've made a huge miscalculation my whole life...-Axel clutched his face, gritting his teeth.

-But after a while, I've become somewhat decent at it. Mercedes says, that we have to do it every night, because we have a good rhythm going. That's how you get good at it.

-D-d-do you think...-Axel leaned in closer. Guy followed, and even Zeke seemed rather interested-...that we could l-learn too?

-Of course!- Noah grinned- I think everybody can stitch and sew with enough practice!




The trio had exploded into laughter. Zeke even fell over and rolled around on the floor, clutching his stomach. That was the happiest Noah had ever seen him, but why were they all laughing? Had he said something wrong?

-Oh, are...a jewel between us humans!- Axel said in between laughter- You are so innocent!

-W-what? I don't understand, Axel...- Noah was honestly lost. It seemed that the guys and Lucy were on an entirely different page than him...What could they be talking about?

-I mean, c'mon! Mercedes doing it? Ha! I'd have more luck on successfully going on an hunger strike!- Guy, said, wheezing for air.

-And I'd have more luck actually paying attention to a whole class!- Zeke added, tears rolling down his cheeks- No, I'd have more luck getting up on time in the morning, rather than Mercedes getting so---




The three where shot down by something, bruises with smoke rising out of them on their foreheads. Mercedes stood at the entrance to her room, her face red as a tomato, gritting her teeth so hard that they might break off. She held Glory and Grace on her trembling hands.


-O-Oh,Mercedes?- Axel looked up at her with a nervous smile- Y-you were hearing us? I swear that we didn't mean---


-Heh?- Axel asked.

-CRASH!- a wave of energy could be felt by the quartet. Mercedes started to charge her guns.- I'M GOING TO KILL YOU THREE!

Axel, Guy and Zeke blasted off running through the halls, terrified of the girl. Zeke was still laughing quite a bit, though...

Mercedes breathed out, the pressure coming from her dissipating and releasing her guns. She let out a long sigh and looked at Noah, who was scared stiff. She noticed the bouquet.

-Are these for me?

Noah was shaking like a leaf, but nodded a dozen times, handing the roses over to Mercedes. She held them up to her face and took a long sniff, letting out a long sigh.

-Geez, you boys are all the same... You should really be careful with what you say around those three...-she looked over at Noah, her cheeks flushed red- But thanks, I guess...I know you were the one who spoke Merceny out of his stump, so...thanks for that too...

-I didn't say much. He helped me figure out my problem too.

-Oh, did he? Well, you can tell me all about it when we start sewing.- she turned towards the inside of her room- Guess what? Miss Soula Bicycle Crow managed to rip up another top. She said that it got stuck on a loose nail, but her lies are the loose ones if you ask me. I bet she and Teri were fighting or something stupid, now that they're roommates and---

She froze.


-Hm?- he walked up beside her.

-W-what's...that?- she extended her arm and pointed her index finger. Noah followed it. It was pointing towards her window.

He saw what she was talking about. Something was moving just outside her window. Noah walked up to it and moved the white drapes aside.

He couldn't believe his eyes. A flock of birds like he had never seen were flying like a wave outside of the window. They were transparent, like they were made of glass.

-What the..?- he let out, dumbfounded as he saw the massive flock of birds fly. It seemed that there was no end to them...

Suddenly, steps could be heard outside of the room. Noah and Mercedes turned back and saw the trio. Mercedes gritted her teeth.

-You guys..! What did you---

-Mercedes. Noah. We have to go outside. Right now.- Axel said, his face pale and his expression serious.

-What's happening, Axel? What are those birds?

-Just follow us! Lucy and the rest are outside of the dorm building, waiting for you two!- Guy cut him off and the trio ran off.

Noah and Mercedes exchanged a look of worry. Mercedes placed the bouquet on her bed and the two ran outside of the dorms. Lucy, Eldus, the Masters, Merceny, the trio, Teri and Sobek were already there, looking at the roof of the building.

Noah looked up too and saw the massive flock of birds flying closely to each other in a clutter of glass.

-What are those?- he asked to nobody in particular.

-Ice doves.- Lucy simply answered, her face pale too.

"He's here."

The doves started to fly into one another. Once they collided, they fused together. They kept fusing together until they formed an indistinct mass. Said mass started to shake and grow out members, until it had legs and arms. It continued to shake, chunks of ice breaking off of it as it became more and more detailed. The light that shone through the ice became like trapped inside and began giving the mass color. It started to contort, freeing itself from any unnecessary ice. Until...


What stood before them was no longer a chunk of ice but a man! It was semi- transparent, but one could still make out colors. The clothes he wore were all black: black boots with white, metal-like pieces tied with red strings covering its front-side up to the knee, where some kind of kneepad shaped like some inhuman skull with two sharp fangs was. Above it, baggy black pants ended in a brown belt,clung over his top, from where a thin black chain stuck out from. The man's long jacket was black and white, the same skull serving as shoulder pads. His hands had also a metal piece covering the top of his them, extending across his forearms. Like Sobek, he also had a black and white long scarf around his neck. Up to his nose, a black mask gave him a dangerous aura. The only thing not covered with night was his red eyes and short, flowing red hair.

-Who are...-Noah started to ask.

-My name is Hanzo.- the man cut him off- I am the Order Elite of the Order's 6th echelon, codenamed "Diamond".

He looked over to Lucy, sitting on the roof. His voice was deep and smooth, but carried an ice-cold aura with it, even when muffled through his mask.

-Your town is awfully unprotected, Lucy. I've been infiltrating my ice doves inside over the past two weeks and observing every single of your guild's movements. I've seen Sobek be defeated and promptly taken into your custody, Tal engaging Lucy in a test fight and Noah Eon's collapse due to Elemental Backlash. All of it as been seen by my doves and reached me over in the Northern Base. You thought you were so safe inside Soula, but you've been proven time and time again that you can't keep anyone safe.

Lucy clenched her fist and stepped forward.

-Hanzo...What's your point? Tal engaged me in a "test fight"?! I thoroughly defeated him! He said that he had killed my brother! How am I supposed to react to that?!

-But Lucy...-he leaned in towards did kill your brother. Your actions killed him and buried him.

-Shut up! Shut up!!! Who are you to talk to me like that?! Where are you?!- she gritted her teeth, her body shaking again, just like it had at the arena against Tal.

Hanzo shook his head and shrugged in disappointment.

-You're so hotheaded it hurts. Is that something befitting of the so-called "strongest BladeMaster in the world"? Of the so-called "Grim Reaper", as you seem to like to be called nowadays?

-Hanzo..!- she called out to him, like she warning him to not go any further.

-Why, I much more prefer to call you by your true title. I think it suits you best...

-HANZO!- she called him out again. Her voice had a tinge of desperation.

-...Miss Order Elite, 1st Echelon, codenamed "Angel"...

"...Lucy Crow!"