Chapter 28: Through my Eyes

"A god communicating with a human is not unheard of. They did create us, at the genesis of Gaia. We are their children. It would be illogical for a parent to not speak to their children from time to time. Legends say that, many years ago, when humans fought the darkness, at the birth of the BladeMasters, gods and Man walked hand-in-hand. It was a joint effort to defeat the unknown enemy,after all. When the gods ascended to the heavens after the battle, humans lost that proximity, but many stories I've heard of and wrote about from around the world tell me that gods still take interest in humans, offering guidance and inspiration, even if we have attained our freedom.

As I've heard these stories and researched many culture's folklore, I've come to realize that there's many common points in all of the gods' appearances.

For one, they seem to talk to people that are of the same Element as them, save for very, very rare occasions. They seem to be very picky with that.

Secondly, the human's personality or plight must communicate with them. As I've stated, humans must spark their interest in order to exist communication. Most cases occur when the human's traits are similar to the gods. We are, after all, molded in their image. We got our personality and feelings from them. So, it'd be logical if the gods would have distinct personalities among each other, get sad, happy, angry, sarcastic, flustered, feel love and even lust. It really gives them a human side of sorts. And that, personally, gives me a feeling of joy and tranquility. That us humans are not so different and distant from the gods, after all.

An interesting enough human will captivate the god's interest. And they will keep offering guidance. In various cases, they will also give power. A situation where a BladeMaster manages to undergo a change in their Element or a Blade evolution is due to their own growth of soul, yes, but a god's hand is always involved. They created us. And they also allow us to grow. Again, like a parent does to their child.

I wonder, though. If somewhere, a human has managed to catch a god's interest so much that they've managed to go past simple, rare, communications and actually construct a relationship of friendship or even love. That would seem preposterous, of course. A god is forbidden from directly intervening in an human affair. That way, us humans cannot use gods as weapons for war. A god cannot have direct children of his or her own. A god cannot show preferences in humans. It is divine taboo, as legends say.

But still, those rules can easily be broken. It could be said that us humans live in preposterous times nowadays. It wouldn't be so hard for a god to rebel.

And have a friend, no?"

"Gaia: A World Undiscovered" by Eldus Egas


"Hey. Hey. HEY!"

"Ugh...what is it now? I'm trying to sleep!"

"I don't care! If I want to talk with you, you will listen. Many humans don't have this luxury."

"You might as well call it a curse...I'm going back to sleep, if you're just going to prattle as usual."


"And you're so loud...ugh..."



"Tomorrow, you're going to enroll in the BladeMaster Academy in Soula, right?"

"Yeah...because of you, the scouts now think I'm some kind of genius, so I have to go there. Graduating from the fancy BladeMaster Academy can set you up for life, so I have to go. What a bother, honestly..."

"Hey! You make it sound like you're not happy for my help!"

"Honestly, I would prefer to keep being average for a while longer. It's a whole lot of responsibility to go and study there. Besides, I'm sure I'll be surrounded by jerks from the fancy cities. Especially when you know you're not worth it."

"What are you rambling about? Oh...I get it...You don't like all that power I gave you...You'd rather not have met me at all...You just want to forget saaaaddd...."

"Basically, yeah."


"And aren't you supposed to not talk to me this frequently?"


"You done? I'm very sleepy"

"Grr...You boys are all the same. You're breaking this poor maiden's heart!"

"Aren't maidens supposed to be young? Aren't you, like, a bazillion years old?"



"But...aren't you glad you met me? We've been talking for so long...You make it sound haaaateeee meeee...."

"I don't hate you."

"Yay! We're best friends again!"

"But you're not my best friend."


"I don't want one...It's too tiring."

"You're always tired!"

"When you're a 'genius' like me, you're always tired..."

" always keep that dumb, bored face on. I never managed to crack it. What's your secret?"

"When you've given everything on a divine silver platter, it's very easy to be this bored all the time."



"Will we keep talking when you move to Soula?"

"...If you want to."

"Good! You better not ignore me! Or you'll be struck down!"




"Hey? Oh...he fell asleep. Fine, I won't bother you, then. We'll talk tomorrow, then..."

My cherished Zeke.


After Noah found Lucy, the Brigade reunited back at the HQ. The atmosphere wasn't as tense as when Hanzo appeared, but it still felt a bit awkward. Mercedes walked over to Lucy, eyes glued to the floor.

-I...I just wanted to apologize for my behavior, Lucy. I know that it must be hard for you to live with that burden on your shoulders. The Order hurt this kingdom so much, that it's logical that you'd want to hide your origins from us. And we don't have the right to tell you on how to live your life. I just...wish you could let yourself be a bit more open with us. Aren't we a family?

Lucy nodded her head, giving her a gentle smile.

-Oh, don't worry about that, Cidy. I should have told you all about that a long time ago. I was just running from my problems and that's not the way the leader of the Brigade should carry herself, especially in front of her friends. No matter where I came from, my will to fight is unchanged. I will defeat Balthazar. And save the Order. At least...that's my goal. I know it won't be very easy to return to how we were before. But...give me a chance. I'll do my best to be 110% honest with you. No more secrets between us! Well, aside from crushes~ never really change, huh?- Cidy sighed, but gave Lucy a sheepish smile.- Alright then, I'll do my best to temper my...well, temper. No more secrets.

With that, Lucy placed her hand on top of Mercedes' head and gave it a hearty ruffle. 

-Geez, you'd never think Mercedes would be able to smile like that...-Guy whispered to Zeke on the other side of the main table, shifty-eyed.

-I'm sure that her face is barely holding itself together. When you're as grumpy as Cidy 24-7, your lips eventually glue themselves into a pout. So abrasive at times, but then cute as button at others. What a wacky girl.- he answered, leaning back on his chair.

-Anything else you'd like to add behind her back? And who gave you permission to call her "Cidy"?- an unfriendly voice sounded besides them. Merceny had positioned himself near them, arms crossed and his face filled with murderous intent.

-Eeep! S-sorry!- Guy jumped back slightly, sweating bullets.

-Wowie. Never thought mean ol' Crow Junior would turn into the kind older brother. - Zeke retorted, a smirk on his lips.

-What's your problem, Truesdale?- Merceny asked, looking over at him.

-My problem is that someone has some sort of hard-on for establishing superiority and that led him to bait three handsome fellas into an arena and proceed to beat them up from the back. You know what they call people like you back where I'm from, Ciny? Thugs. Bullies. Assholes. Meanies.

-Z-Zeke, maybe we shouldn't get him mad...-Guy tried to intervene, but Merceny sighed, much to both's surprise.

-Don't bother, Vermilion. Truesdale's right. I did use some very scummy tactics to prove my power. If I was as half of a man I boast about being, I would have formally challenged you to a duel. That is not the way of a BladeMaster. It's the way of a...meanie.

-Pfft..! Noah must have hit you pretty hard. Maybe your brain went upside-down and now you're actually a decent human being. What a character development. Ha!- Zeke snickered. -But, OK. If you're serious, I'll forgive you. Holding grudges is too tiring, anyways.

Merceny didn't answer Zeke and Guy sighed in relief, his face splashed with a cautious disbelief.

Soon, the mission was set. Only a portion of the Brigade would take Hanzo's challenge, while the rest would protect Soula from any spies and investigate the object Hanzo was looking for.

-OK. It's set: Noah, Zeke, Guy, Axel, me, Mercedes and Merceny will travel to the Northern Base while the rest stays here.- Lucy said- We can't afford to have Soula breached yet again.

-Are you sure you want to go, Lucy? Hanzo was clearing pining you to go. Maybe he has a trap of sorts. He has shown that he knows your mental weaknesses.- Eldus retorted.

Lucy shook her head.

-Even if I have a bunch of weaknesses, that only gives me the courage to work past them. Not going would show Hanzo that I am a coward and that I still can't do anything by myself. I can', from him, Eldus.

-Hmm...fine, then. If that's what you wish. But I still think it's unwise to face him alone. What if what happened against Tal happens again? We must ensure that you don't go out of control.

-You make it sound like I'm a wild beast that needs a leash, Eldus!- she laughed.

-Aren't you, really?- he asked.

-Touché. Fine. When we reach him, me and another will challenge him, like what me and Noah did against Terri.

-Who will it be, then?- Noah asked.

-What, you're expecting to fight Hanzo?- Lucy asked- Not while you still have that Backlash going. You're staying in the sidelines. Don't be too disappointed.

-Thanks gods...- he sighed.

-What did you say, kiddo?-she shot.

-N-nothing! Nothing at all! Man, I sure was looking forward to fighting Hanzo..! Well, maybe I'll get the next one. I'm not done with bathing in Elite blood..!- he answered in a fake tone, rolling his eyes.

-Good, that's the attitude!- she grinned ("It really is not!" Eldus could be heard).

-Hey, Lucy? - Axel raised his hand- What kind of BladeMaster is Hanzo, anyways? It'd be good if we could go in with some knowledge before-hand. That will better our odds of winning...or it'll just make for a good fight.- he shrugged with a smile. Zeke and Guy smiled back at him.

Lucy thought for a second.

-Hanzo is...well, it's hard to explain. When we were little, he would never talk. He would just stand there, quietly. Observing. When he did fight, it gave off a weird vibe. He's an Aqua-born and he used the ice variant, but he never had a set style or strategy. It was always...incomplete. He was always changing it up, trying out new things. And he would do that by observing us. Like a projection, he'd copy Sobek's speed at times or Terri's brute strength at others. He would play defensively against Army A and proceed to use offensive tactics against Army B. He would never be satisfied afterwards, though, and back to researching he went, trying to find something that suit him better, but when I left the Order, he still hadn't found it. If I had to describe him as a BladeMaster in one would be "clear". Like ice. I still have no idea what he was trying tor reach, though.

Terri suddenly chuckled. Everyone turned their gazes over to her, inquisitive looks on their faces. She smirked at Lucy.

-Lucy, you really are blind, aren't you? You've known Hanzo for so long, yet you still couldn't see what he was looking towards and wanted to reach, haven't you?

-What do you mean, Terri? You know Hanzo was never the type to talk about stuff like this. He's super aloof.- she tilted her head.

Terri walked over to Lucy and bumped Lucy's forehead with her index finger.

-You're blinder than a mole. It was you, Lucy. Hanzo was trying to reach you.

Lucy's eyes widened slightly, her expression splashed with confusion.

-W-what? Me?

-Yeah.- Sobek answered- Hanzo was always trying to emulate you, Lucy. The Angel 's battle style was something he thought was otherworldly and his goal was to reach something like that on his own. That's why he would copy everyone's moves, but quickly give up. You were always something entirely different from the rest of the Order. After you left, Hanzo redoubled his trainings, hell-bent on finding the answer. And finally...he did.

-You mean that he finally figured his own style?- Noah asked, suddenly very interested in that conversation. Could the answer for his troubles and Merceny's riddle lie there?

Terri smirked at him.

-He sure did. That answer soon turned into an idea. And then, took the shape of a reality. His glass sculpture was complete and it portrayed the ideal that the answer bestowed upon him, which he would chant throughout his training.

"An angel's dance is both graceful and deadly. And so will my ice become."



Axel stopped and looked back. A sigh escaped his lips, his breath clearly visible due to the chilling temperatures.

-What is it? Don't tell me you're tired. We can't stop here, Zeke.

Zeke looked towards him. The cold wind was slapping him on the face constantly, despite his warm gear.

-Don't worry. I wouldn't be able to relax in this cold. Especially with everyone else missing. I just have a question.

-What? I won't be sharing any of my rations with you, just so you know.

-It's not that either. It's about that Hanzo guy.

-Hanzo? What about him?

-Why do you think...he tries so hard?

Axel was surprised by his question. Especially in the situation they were on.

After Terri's ominous words, the meeting was adjourned and the group that would go to the Northern Base set out through Soula's North Gate. They were packed with warm hooded jackets, warm pants and gloves, a backpack with rations and even had to take a carriage to get to Northern Karash. The kingdom was truly a wild assortment of environments, for just one continent. You had Terri's desert in the South; the East was closer to the capital of the kingdom and was filled with lush green forests, where Sobek's base was located (after his defeat, Mercenary reports stated that the base had been emptied, now that it didn't have its leader); the West was mostly wastelands, filled with roads from where the Order HQ would operate about to get resources and men; and the North was a place filled with snow, which would turn into a complete frozen tundra once Winter set in. Axel knew that especially well because he was from there. It was an odd feeling to go back to a place so close to home, where he had suffered so much through his parents' hands. He hadn't talked with them in so long. On one hand, he didn't care anymore about the Rhodes name. But on the other, he was scared of what they'd say if they found out that their son was fighting against the Order. They would probably find it fascinating and the idea disgusted Axel to the core.

Eventually, the carriage had to stop. The roads ahead were too cold for horses to withstand. The Base was far away from the northern cities, so few people ever wondered to those icy hells of a place. Set close to the northern coast, only sailors would go there, to gather fish, but few would even return, for it was the temperatures would reach perilously low levels. That was where the Base was located. What a fitting place for an ice user...

The group set off, but quickly the winds started to pick up. It turned sour fast. It seemed that the blizzard grew in strength with each step and soon everything in front of them would turn white, they feet buried in snow. They had brought compasses and they were their only lifeline: go North, encounter the Base; go South, go back to warm safety. The sky was cloudy, so they couldn't even see the sun. As the group walked in the blizzard, they slowly lost all sense of time.

Axel was in the middle of cursing his luck when the worst possible outcome happened. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind enveloped him, the snow treating him like a sandbag of sorts. He closed his eyes to shield himself was he kept walking, trying to not stray too far from the group but when he opened them again, it was like he was someplace else entirely: everything was pure white, as far as they eye could see. He looked over at his compass, set up around his wrist with a leather band: the north needle pointed to his left.

No! How could I have gone so far so fast?! Where am I?!

-Lucy! Noah! Anybody! Where are you!!!- he screamed, but his voice would be muffled by the howling of the wind.

This is bad...My best chance is to stay put, but I'll turn into a ice cube if I don't move. Maybe I can make my presence known...

He pointed his palm into the air. He flexed his fingers, concentrating. Soon, he could feel a familiar tingle running up his arm and a sudden silver spark flashed on his hand. He smiled and kept his hand rigid, conducting the current there. Soon, his hand shone and buzzing sound filled his ears. His electricity was still working, even in these hard conditions. It'd be easier if he just ran it through his Blade, but he didn't want to attract unwanted animosity, by having a weapon out in the middle of nowhere. He just had to turn it up more and that would make a beacon of sorts.

-Grrr...agh!- he grunted and increased the output of his Element on his hand, the electric current increasing and his hand shining brighter. He'd hate to be the person on the receiving end of a punch like that.

Come on...come on...Someone notice this...

He gritted his teeth and kept increasing the output, but he had to be careful. That was not a Blade the electricity was running through. His Raiden had a rubber handle , which protected him from high currents, but his hand was not rubber. An Element running through the BladeMaster's body is a certain extent. Many Pyre users had been burned and many Mistral users had been shocked due to them not understanding the limits that their bodies could withstand their own Elements. That current was the maximum Axel could summon without frying his hand into a chicken nugget. He just hoped that someone would see it or he'd have to continue alone...

-Someone woke up on the right side of the bed today. You could say that you're positively...shining today, Axel.

Axel turned around and Zeke's yawning face greeted him. He subsided his Element and ran up to him, placing his hand on his shoulders.

-Zeke, are you OK?!

He nodded, not seeming very alarmed.

-I also got lost when the wind picked up. I hope the others are alright, but I think we should keep moving north, instead of standing here in the cold.

Axel nodded.

-Yes, you're right. Hopefully they haven't encountered any trouble. This place must be crawling with Hanzo's goons. Let's go.

With that, the duo began following the compass north, walking in a straight line. They'd either reach the sea or the Base, so it was a simple task. The difficult part would be withstanding that cold...

When Zeke stopped Axel on his tracks to make that weird question, Axel could help but laugh. He could feel his lips getting numb due to the sheer cold.

-What are you even saying, Zeke?

Zeke didn't laugh back. He gave Axel and empty look. Axel had seen that a bunch of times. A stare that would not show any emotion, but glue itself to its target. Zeke wouldn't budge without an answer. Without any words, Axel knew that he was serious.

-You mean, to emulate Lucy? I guess because he once admired her? Maybe because, if he manages to do it, he'll become the strongest?

Zeke looked away and yawned.

-Yeah...Typical Axel-ish answer. Answering a question with more questions.

-What's that supposed to mean?- Axel raised his brow. Zeke was acting really weird lately. Guy had told him about his talk with Merceny and how annoyed he seemed. That was uncharacteristic of Zeke. Nothing usually fazed him. Something had gotten him in a sour mood, to get him to question Hanzo's motivations.

-I guess I'd have to ask him directly for a straight answer to that question.- Zeke smiled lightly and looked to the ground- People like him...working tirelessly to reach an ideal. Heh, must feel nice to be rewarded by your hard work.


-I could never do that. I'm too lazy after all. And the world will move so that I won't have to move an inch and still win. What a sweet deal.- with those looming words, Zeke walked past Axel, continuing trucking along.

-Zeke? What's the matter with you? Why are you talking like that?- Axel ran up to his side.- Did something happen?

Zeke didn't look at him. Instead, he turned his gaze to the cloudy sky.

-I guess...I've been having one too many nightmares lately...

*'re the ones who dare to disturb the Order's base?

-And who are you supposed to be..?- Zeke asked. After a few minutes of walking, both him and Axel felt a presence, even through the harsh blizzard. A few steps forward they came face to face with a strange figure: a man clad in armor was not the right way to put it. A walking armor was more like it. The armor was deep blue and edgy, making it seem more aerodynamic. Throughout the fillings, shone stripes of a faint yellow light. The helmet did not have an opening. It just showed two glowing lights for eyes and not even an opening to breathe through. It seemed more like a robot than a man. The figure quickly summoned his Blade: a two handed, single-edged black sword, the same yellow stripes pulsated throughout the blade.

-Wowie. Very cybernetic. Can I buy one at the local toy store?- Zeke snickered.

The figure didn't answer the taunt, instead positioning his Blade in front of him, assuming a rigid, square stance.

-I will not let anyone intrude upon the Diamond 's base. You two die here. Come!-he called, his voice muffled by the armor.

-Wow, this guy has "jobber" written all over him.- Zeke shrugged, with a confident smile.

-Don't underestimate him, Zeke. He must be part of Hanzo's squad. For us to feel his presence through the blizzard, he must be quite tough, especially because he seems to emulate a Samurai's fighting style, from the stance alone. But nothing you and me together can't han---

-Sorry, but I want to fly solo today. No more teaming up fiascos like with against Sobek.- Zeke cut him off, walking forward, dropping his backpack to the snowy floor, a sly smirk on his face.

-You call a successful Mystic Soul a "fiasco"?- Axel shot back, smirking back at him.

-I think I've had enough male bonding to last a lifetime. Next time I have to tag up with someone, make it a busty minx, OK, coach?- he answered, summoning Waterwheel and casually placing it against his shoulder.

-Cute. Just don't underestimate him. Or it. Or whatever that is.- Axel said, stepping back.

-Psh. Me? Taking it easy in a fight? You must be out of your mind.- he signaled the cyber samurai to start with his hand.

-Tch. Don't act cocky, kid!- the samurai said, quickly stepping in and rushing towards Zeke. The snow behind his feet shot up and, in a fraction of a second, he was already on top of Zeke. He arched his Blade back and thrust it at Zeke.

-Zeke! Block!- Axel shouted. "He's way faster than he seems!!"

-Whoops...- Zeke said. The sound of feet failing to achieve friction with the floor ringed in Axel's ears and he saw his friend's body fall square on its back on the snow, the samurai's attack just missing him.

-Mmm...A stroke of luck!- the samurai growled as he stabbed the sword down towards Zeke, who casually lied on the floor.

-Luck? You jest.

Suddenly, his body was thrown aside, the samurai's blade hitting snow. Zeke's body tumbled floppily across the snow, but it was suddenly shot up up into the air. Once airborne, Zeke quickly regained his composure and landed back on his feet. He stabbed Waterwheel into the ground and dusted off the snow from his clothes.

"How did he..?" Axel thought but soon noticed something sticking out from both the place where the samurai had stabbed down on Zeke and where he had been shot up into the air: a crude-looking ice hand, its palm pointed upwards. "Now way...did he..?"

-Man, Noah's tricks are pretty fun. Gotta be careful to not get whiplash, though...- Zeke chuckled. Axel was dumbfounded. He thought Zeke had tripped because he was, well, Zeke. But he was actually dodging and creating distance in a wholly unorthodox way. It was incredible...

-Tch...Cheap parlor tricks won't save you forever.- the samurai said before rushing towards Zeke again, who quickly picked up his naginata and held the handle out. The samurai unleashed a quick flurry of attacks upon his, but they were swiftly blocked. Up, down, from side to side, Zeke easily parried each one of the sword's swings, nimbly spinning Waterwheel in place to block from any angle. The samurai quickly got sick of that exchange and swung to the side. Zeke blocked it, placing Waterwheel horizontally beside him, but...

-You're open!- the samurai shouted.

He suddenly stepped in, quickly correcting the positioning of his Blade and launched a downwards-arced swing towards Zeke, who was still recovering from the last block. A slight electrical current could be seen flowing along his Blade.

Zeke smirked, though.


Suddenly, a torrent of water sprouted from Waterwheel's blade. Zeke held on tight to the handle, tilting the naginata slightly, and spun in place counter clock-wise, holding the handle horizontally beside his rib area. The force of the water moved him along faster, but he kept his footing firm. Once he faced the samurai again, he swung Waterwheel upwards, towards the samurai's sword, the shock of the contact blowing the foe back, his arms up in the air, completely open. Zeke didn't waste time and halted the Blade's momentum. With a grunt he swiftly swung in a downwards arc, slashing the samurai's side, who got pushed to the side and fell with a grunt on the snow. His armor was cracked where Zeke had struck him, sparks flying from it.

The samurai clutched his side and got up, readying his stance again.

-Tch, a good counter, indeed. A longer-ranged weapon gives you the upper-hand. But if you think that will be enough to stop me, you're sorely mistaken.

Zeke sighed, readying Waterwheel too, holding it with the blade pointing to the ground, one hand farther than the shaft and the other lightly holding the upper end.

-You bad guys always have the same "You-got-lucky" prattle. Can't you all recognize when your opponent's just that good?

-You think I'm underestimating you, Mr. Zeke?

Zeke's expression shifted to one of confusion.

-W-wha? How do you know my name?

-Boss Hanzo's doves gathered intel about every member of Lucy Crow's Brigade. It also watched your fight against Sobek and showed us your great fighting potential.

-Oh, secret fans, heh? Stalker alert! Again, would prefer a busty minx spying on me, but I digress.- he smirked.

-Yes, you definitely are not an adversary to be taken lightly. But that won't stop me from doing my job and protecting Boss Hanzo. I may not be a genius like you, but I work hard, something you probably don't know about. And that gives me the power to defeat you!

Axel sighed. He really didn't want to hear a "hard work" speech coming from a guy that supported the Order's advances on the innocent. He was ready to hear a snarky comeback from Zeke, but instead the lazy boy just gritted his teeth, glaring at the samurai.


-Hard work, heh? Must be really nice...

"Zeke? What are you..."

"Why do you think...he tries so hard?" "People like him...working tirelessly to reach an ideal. Heh, must feel nice to be rewarded by your hard work." "I could never do that. I'm too lazy after all. And the world will move so that I won't have to move an inch and still win." be able to work hard towards something. People like you or your boss...people that train and put effort into things...really piss me off.

-You...dare mock our efforts, our training?! You brat!- the samurai shouted and charged towards Zeke.

Zeke charged towards him too. Both swung their weapons, the samurai's sword clashing against Waterwheel 's shaft.

-Nothing so petty.- Zeke grunted- I'm just quite jealous, that's all.

-What?!- the samurai asked.

Zeke stepped back, until he was out of the samurai's sword's range, and swung Waterwheel again. Normally, a normal BladeMaster would only hit air with that, but Zeke had the advantage with his long-ranged Blade. The samurai blocked the incoming attacks, but Zeke still had the enough space to keep on the pressure.

-Hmph... I won't overstay my welcome inside your range, boy.- the samurai jumped back, leaving Waterwheel 's range. He positioned his sword behind him and soon an electric current began flowing along it, much like Axel's Raiden in his fight against Sobek.

-Take this!- he swung his Blade and a strip of electricity flew towards Zeke, who quickly stepped aside, the bolt hitting the snow.

-It's not over!- the samurai shouted and began launching an array of lightning bolts towards Zeke, who struggled to dodge them. They kept coming faster and faster. Zeke began slashing away at them with his Blade, but it was a risky move. Although the long handle could not conduct electricity, Zeke was a pure Aqua user. In that snowy environment, the snow falling on his Blade would soon coat the handle with water and Zeke's powers might even influence it, if he tried to slash with that water jet cut. It was a matter of time until he got zapped, one way or another.

-Tch. You're very good.- the boy said, as he stopped moving. He held the naginata in front of him and began spinning it. The lightning bolts were easily deflected that way, but the samurai only granted and just slashed faster. Again, it was a matter of time until one of the bolts passed through Zeke's defense and hit him.

Axel gulped.

"And here I thought Zeke was at an advantage, but placing a Mistral user in a place like this is actually the best defense. Anyone zapped enough times in this environment will meet his or her doom. And that goes double for Zeke. But still...compared to the beginning of the match, he got way more serious. Ever since the samurai mentioned hard work...It seems like he hit a nerve. But why, Zeke? What happened to make you so mad about effort? You're not like this! You're chill! You hate work! Why does the idea of trying your best suddenly make you feel so angry?!"

-You'!- Zeke said, in-between bolts.

-That's the point!- the samurai answered, as he kept slashing- I'll show you that effort can beat any genius! I won't stop slashing! You'll fall eventually under a battle of guts, lazy boy!

-Nah, I much prefer using my wits, robot man.- he said, speeding up the rotation of Waterwheel. Suddenly, the sprout of high pressured water burst out of Waterwheel 's blade, as it kept spinning in place.

-Zeke! What are you doing?! Do you want to fry?!- Axel shouted.

-Relax. I have a plan.- Zeke answered. The water kept sprouting, like a garden sprinkler, but suddenly, it changed. The circle the naginata 's rotation made became a circlet of water and, quickly the water expanded across the circle and began filling it. Soon, a round barrier of water stood between Zeke and his opponent, the boy's Blade floating inside it as he stopped spinning it.

-Z-Zeke! That doesn't help! A water shield won't work against electricity!- Axel shouted.

-You're clearly suicidal, boy!- the samurai shouted and slashed again, throwing an array of lightning bolts towards the shield.

-Again. I have a plan. Relax, you two.- Zeke simply said. He took a deep breath.

"Flash Freeze..."

Axel was ready to see the bolts hit the water shield and his friend being zapped to oblivion but the electricity hit something solid, quickly dissipating.

Now, a giant circle of ice stood in front of Zeke. His hands still held Waterwheel inside it, being frozen solid too, but now a solid shield was formed. The samurai's attacks weren't intense enough to zap through that thick layer of ice. Zeke grunted.

-Should've taken them out first...Oh well.

-Flash Freeze...i-incredible...Just was the reports stated. The ability to instantly turn water into ice. Not many ice-type Aqua users can achieve it. It requires an incredible amount of soul energy to pull off. Those ice platforms from before...

-Yup...they were a water burst at first, but I quickly froze them with Flash Freeze to make my lift-off smoother.- Zeke answered.- It's something I've...learned a while ago.

-Incredible...You really are a genius.

-Yeah, yeah...big-boy genius.- Zeke sighed.

-But now you've trapped yourself!- the samurai readied his sword and charged towards the defenseless Zeke- Unless you plan to lift up that huge chunk of ice and clobber me with it, you're stuck! I'll burst through your shield and pierce your heart!

He got within arm range of the shield and stomped on the ground, launching his Blade towards the center of the shield, towards Zeke's exposed chest, behind his stretched out arms.

-Just go away...-he sighed again.


Suddenly the samurai was blown Waterwheel! The weapon had suddenly broke through the ice, still in its horizontal position and had struck the samurai's face with incredible force. Along the whole weapon, a long burst of water could be seen, the same Zeke used to sprout from around the naginata 's blade to create a faster slash. The samurai landed again on the snow with a grunt, Waterwheel spinning in mid-air a couple of steps ahead of him. The samurai quickly began to get back up, probably to slash at the weapon, forcing it to release itself.

-I won't let you!- Zeke said. As the ice shield was crumbling, Zeke managed to free his gloved hands and ran towards his Blade, which the samurai was about to slash at from an upwards arc. Zeke stomped on the ground and a burst of water launched him forward. Before the samurai's sword was able to hit Waterwheel, he grabbed the handle and flew by the samurai, landing on the snow behind his armored opponent, clutching his Blade, which was now safe again with his owner.

-Why you..!- the samurai halted his momentum and turned to face Zeke---

-Jet Javelin!

Waterwheel was airborne again, but was now coated in a veil of water which was in the shape, not of the curved-blade naginata but a javelin, the familiar burst of high-pressured water coming out to grant it more speed and power. It pierced the shoulder of the arm which the samurai was holding his sword, making him let go of it with a scream of pain as the sheer force of Zeke's attack pushed him back some meters, making him crashing down on the snow, with Waterwheel lodged in his shoulder. His sword fell on the snow, its lights dying down as it stuck there, abandoned.

Zeke sighed and smiled.

-How's that for response time? See, Axel? You always say that I'm always lagging behind, but there was no lag on that! Reflexes, boy!- he laughed. Axel sighed and allowed himself to smile back at him too.

Zeke began walking towards the Samurai. He got close to the wounded man, who tried to get rid of the weapon stuck in his arm. Zeke grabbed the shaft and took out the blade, which was dripping red.

-Oh? So you are human, after all.- he smirked and pointed the blade at the samurai's throat- Give up. I won this duel fair and square.

-I'm not...- the samurai grunted.

-You won't accept it? I thought you samurai were supposed to be all about honor and stuff. Just accept your loss like a big boy, now.- Zeke said, nudging the samurai's helm which, like much of his armor, was cracked and sparking.

-I'm not...

-You're not..?- Zeke leaned in, cupping his ear with his free hand.


A ringing sound echoed throughout the battlefield. And Zeke's face became splashed with horror as it approached him. The samurai's free arm had electricity running along it. Axel saw Waterwheel 's blade suddenly fidget towards it. Like it was being attracted towards it.

Magnetism?! He's not..!

Axel looked towards the place where the samurai's Blade had landed and saw it shot up and zoom back towards its owner, spinning like a saw.

But Zeke was in its way.

Most BladeMasters have to personally retrieve their Blades if they get knocked away. The best can release it from a distance and summon it back, like Merceny did against Noah. But a retrieval like that, using magnetism..! It's on purpose!


The boy looked back towards his zooming destiny, eyes splashed with not only horror, but regret. If he had only payed more attention...If he had tried harder...


Axel could have sworn he heard someone.

A voice in the wind.

Zeke's eyes were wide in shock.

Inches from between them was the tip of the samurai's Blade, its lights pulsating brightly.

And it was covered in ice. Structures of crystal branched off of it, some left to only catch the freezing air of Northern Karash, others to lodge on the floor, keeping the weapon in place. Soon, the ice shattered, the sword falling harmlessly on the ground.

The whole world fell silent. Zeke and Axel didn't move an inch.


The samurai was the one to break the silence. Even through the complete set of armor one could see that he was in absolute shock.

-The process of freezing air, skipping the liquid phase. The evolution of Flash Freeze...the legendary Absolute Freeze ! And a kid like you did it..!

Zeke slowly let himself breathe again, sweat dripping like a waterfall from his face. He sighed, gritting his teeth.

-Not...again...I can't even mess up once!

While he was distracted, the samurai managed to slip by him and grab his Blade off the ground. He charged towards Zeke.

-You're open!- he shouted.

Zeke didn't answer. He simply blocked his opponent's slash with Waterwheel. He then shot a look at him that Axel had never seen. It was so grave. So much bottled up anger and frustration in a single stare. Zeke's own face seemed to struggle to comprehend that expression. Even the samurai hesitated and stepped back, being cautions.

Zeke leaned his Blade back.

-I'm done with you.- with that, he stepped forward, taking the initiative. He launched an array of slashes, and while the samurai did his best to try and block them, Zeke moved in circles around his, taking chunks of his armor with each attack. With each hit landed, a ball of water stayed behind where Zeke once stood. As he kept circling around the samurai, it didn't take long for a field of water spheres to surround his opponent, much like in Zeke's room.

The samurai now stood with his armor falling to pieces. He couldn't even move an inch without a shower of sparks flying out. Zeke jumped back, out of his field. He landed and assumed the stance, Waterwheel tilted downwards.

-Soul...Crash.- he yawned, a burst of energy being quickly felt.

-What are you--- - the samurai tried to ask.

-Flash Freeze...- with a lazy flick of his wrist, the spheres started to freeze until they all turned into balls of crystal, surrounding the samurai.

-You think laying a bunch of ice balls around me will help? They'll fall! I can easily jump over them and---

-You won't...Ultima Soul...

Axel's eyes widened in shock.

Did he just say...?!

Zeke clicked his fingers and suddenly the crystals spheres shot towards the samurai, a tiny burst of water coming out from each sphere, in order to rocket them towards his opponent. With nowhere to run, the samurai was pummeled by the field of spheres, his armor doing little to protect him from the array of blunt attacks. With no spot left untouched he quickly fell to the ground, a mangled mess of blood and metal.

-Tears of the Frozen Queen...

Zeke sighed, subsiding his Soul Crash and walked over to the samurai. He kicked him a little and watched him. Finally he walked back towards Axel and picked up his backpack.

-He's still alive, don't worry. I saw a flashing light flicker on his armor. Probably an emergency signal to his cronies. We'd best keep moving north. We must be close to the Base.- he stretched his arms and began walking.

Axel was dumbfounded. So much had happened in one fight that he needed a few seconds in order to digest it.

-Zeke, wait a minute!- he ran after his friend- Was that, just now...with the ice balls...

Zeke looked back, with a confused look.

-What, that? Yes, it was an Ultima Soul.

-N-no..! Your Ultima Soul is that jet lance thingy you used on our fight with Sobek! Unless you...

Zeke nodded.

-Yes...It's my second Ultima Soul. I've been meditating alot in order to achieve it...It was actually the first time I pulled it off, so I'm glad it all worked out, I guess...

Axel stopped. Zeke stopped too, tilting his head.

-Hold the presses! You have a second Ultima Soul ?! You do realize that not many Academy seniors have those, right?! I only have one, myself!

-Hmm? But it's simple...all you gotta do is think of a cool attack that dumps a large quantity of soul power into it and, so, can only be achieved while in Soul Crash. It's not that hard. All you gotta do is be a bit creative.

-But even so..! The famed Jet Style! The Flash Freeze ! The ABSOLUTE Freeze ! Those are all top-tier Aqua techniques! I knew you had talent, but you've never told us you had all these resources! It can be a huge asset to the Brigade!

Zeke looked down.

-I'd rather not divulge on them...

-Why not?! We can win more easily with them!

-It's just that...I've never asked to possess them, Axel.

Axel's face was splashed with shock.

-W-what? What do you mean?

Zeke looked at Axel with a sad expression. No, it was more like he was tired. A tired foreign to Zeke. A tiredness that went beyond physical.

-You know how Guy got his new Blade by talking with Pyre, you managed to awaken Mistral's electric powers by being rescued by Mistral herself and Noah got his Warrior's Heart and Gaia's Blade by, supposedly, talking with Tera?

-Yes...Oh! You mean that you..!

Zeke nodded.

-Yeah. I've talked with the goddess Aqua.

-W-when?! Just now, when you achieved Absolute Freeze ?

Zeke shook his head with a sad, tired smile.

-Not exactly. She did talk to me now, but it wasn't the first time. Me and her...we've been talking ever since I was a kid. I've got all my powers because of her blessings.

-Whoa...I can't believe it. You actually converse with a goddess?! Like, regularly?!

Zeke scratched the back of his neck.

-Yeah...She's a real chatter-box, so we talk pretty regularly. The maximum time we've been silent towards each other, I think a week.

-A WEEK?! You two sound more like best buddies than a goddess and a human!

-Hmm...She has taken a real liking to me. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have gotten in the Academy in the first place. I owe it her...

-But that's great, isn't it?- Axel smiled- If you keep getting blessing with her, you might even surpass all the Order Elites!

Zeke clutched his fist, looking to the ground with an anguished expression.

-I don't...want them!


-I'm tired...I'm so tired of getting everything done for me..! I can't even put in any effort of my own...A single blessing from her can erase months of progress. Nothing that I do...has ever been achieved by my hand. She's always watching me...always helping me. And that way, I'm always bound to her.

-Zeke...-Axel didn't really know what to say- But...can't you just, I dunno, tell her that?

-Tch, you think I haven't tried? But she's a little brat, she won't listen. She wants to keep protecting me. That Absolute thingy I just was her hand. I didn't even know that was a thing. My Ultima Souls...I've thought them up, yes, but they rely on the Jet Style and on Flash Freeze, powers given to me by Aqua. I've never achieved them on my own. You'd think I'd be happy, you know? That I could exploit this and easily gain awesome demon powers, starts to wear down on you. When you don't have to do anything and you'll still makes you feel like you're afloat in an ocean of...nothingness. Some days, it's like I'm just drifting. I know that nothing wrong can happen to me. I can't get kicked out of the Academy. I'm just too good, they wouldn't dare get rid of someone so powerful. The Brigade finds me useful because of these powers. I can't...even die right, because of these powers. I walk this earth, seeing everything from a perspective I've never wanted to see from: the perspective of someone who's too powerful...

"Through my eyes...This life is a curse...a nightmare..."

-Zeke, don't tell me you want to...

Zeke shook his head and chuckled, his face brightening up suddenly.

-Nah, I don't want to die, don't worry. I'm not that much of an edgelord. Ah, what am I saying, even? The lazy life is the only life for me! Sorry for bringing the mood down after my awesome solo win~! Now, let's get to the Base, shall we? Getting yelled at from arriving late is a bother, anyways.- he smiled and kept walking, Axel following behind him, Zeke's words weighing down on him.

I get it, Zeke. When we got our blessings because of our efforts and values, it stung you. When Merceny tried to be a better guy, it stung you. When Terri referred Hanzo's hard work, it stung you. When the samurai kept doing his best and you beat him without him even hitting you, it stung you. It actually pains you to not try, right Zeke? And that's why you got mad. Because you can't stand around, seeing others put in the effort and get results when you know you can't do that, that Aqua's blessings will erase that. An existence like must be awful.

"But that doesn't excuse you, right? We all have our struggles. My odds, Noah's past, Lucy's past. We all have our walls. And we all put in the effort to surpass them. Zeke...I don't mean to pour salt on the wound, but you have to keep trying to carve your own path, even with that "handicap". How else will you live, held down by others. I know you feel this way too. And, as your friend, I'll support you."

With those thoughts pushing him forward, Axel followed Zeke through the endless blizzard, in pursuit on the elusive Base.

* hungry?- Guy asked, stepping back slowly.

-You think this is a good time to eat, Guy?- Mercedes answered, stepping back too, both youths' backs bumping into each other. They stayed back-to-back as they looked around, analyzing their current situation: a group of about twenty deep blue-clad warriors surrounded them, daggers and guns at the ready. Not long after the duo got lost, they had been surrounded by that group, who demanded to know who they were and why they were trespassing on the Base's territory. Mercedes held Glory and Grace at the ready, while Guy had summoned his Dragonic Blade and was waiting for the warriors' move.

-I got gummy bears~!- he grinned.

-Gummy bears were not on our ration list!

-I took those horrible salt and water crackers out.

-Gummy bears will not fill up our bellies if we get stuck in this gods-forsaken place!

-Fine, I'll just keep them to myself!



-...What flavors do you have?- she smiled slightly.

-Orange and lemon.- he smirked.

-I am an orange gummy girl. How about we split them down the middle after we win?- she asked, sliding the safety off of her guns.

-Deal.- he grinned and both dashed towards their opponents.


-And why do I have to be stuck with you ?

-For someone's who was all buddy-buddy with me the other day, you sure seem sour today, Eon.

-I'm sorry. I guess the blizzard all over the place really ticks me off, Merceny!- Noah spat back, rubbing his arms to keep himself warm. Teri's goggles helped a bit on going through the harsh winds, but the situation was still far from pleasant.

-Heh. You say that, but a place like this would actually make a great training spot to overcome your Backlash. The wind gives your mind a clarity of sorts.

-You seem to be used to fighting in extreme environments.

-It comes with the job description. We Mercenaries can't be some wimps who only fight on happy grassy fields.

-I guess...Speaking of Mercenaries, where do you think Cid---Mercedes or Lucy or the others might have ended up after we got separated?

-I dunno. We have to hope that they were smart and kept moving north. But, to have not seen trace of them...maybe they've met with some resistance. Which means that we might be getting closer...- the Mercenary answered, keeping his pace, well ahead of Noah, who struggled to keep up with him.

Soon, the duo stopped.

-So...Base or No-Base?- Noah asked.

-I'll put my chips on "Base".- Merceny answered.

In front of them stood a colossal wooden ship. It was tilted, buried on the ground and it was frozen stuck in it. It had a big hole on the side, from where the similarly frozen inside could be seen.

-Really? This is a fishing area. Maybe a ship crashed down a long time ago.-Noah pointed out.

-No. I don't think so.

-Why do you say that?

Merceny pointed to inside the ship. Noah squinted and managed to see what had caught his attention: a light could be seen from inside the ship.

-That' Someone's there!

-And in a place like this, it could only mean that it must be the Order. Smart. We got flat land surrounding us. We can't run for cover. We've already been spotted.

-You mean...

-Quite correct, Noah Eon, Black Feather Merceny.

A voice rung from inside the ship. Soon, a shadow could seen coming out. A black boot stepped on the snow.

Hanzo faced them, his expression not bothered by the freezing wind slapping his face constantly in the slightest.

-Congratulations: you two were the first to arrive to the Northern Order Base. And your prize...

He summoned his Blade: a short, silver bladed katana, with a golden hand guard and a black handle. He flipped it on his right hand, holding it in a reverse grip. He placed it horizontally in front of him, using his left hand to hold his wrist steady. He dashed towards the duo without warning.

" a swift death by my hand!"