Chapter 31: Darkness Blossoming

A girl's cry filled the street. She knelt on the ground, covering her face as she wept, hiccups leaving her lips periodically.

The boy ran towards and placed his tiny hands on her fragile shoulders.

-W-what happened?!

The girl kept whimpering, not answering him. He shook her lightly.

-C'mon..! Please tell me what happened! S-sis!

She looked up at him, face a mess of tears and snot.

-J-just look behind me..!- she exclaimed. The boy peered towards her back and saw it: the familiar pair of tiny pure white wings protruding from the back of her light pink dress. -T-they popped out without me noticing again! Some boys thought it was a prop, so they tried pulling it, but they wouldn't come out. S-so they c-called me a freak, a monster!

With that, she began crying again. The boy clenched his teeth in rage.

-Oh, don't you worry! I'll be sure to pay them back!- he said, beginning to stand up in order to run back into the orphanage and beat up those bullies.

She shook her head, grabbing his forearm.

-It doesn't matter..! Beat them up or not, this won't go away! They're right! I am a freak! We both are!

-Y-you can't say that..! C'mon, Sis! You're not a freak and anybody who says that is going to get beat up! Even if they're taller than me, I'll...I'll defeat them, especially when I become the world's strongest BladeMaster! know the Academy will ask about us...they'll never let us in!- she protested.

-I don't care! I'll write up some fake papers, I'll ask alot of grown-ups, I'll make sure that at least you get to learn from there! And I...I'll train on my own! Day and night! To make sure that no bullies can ever touch you again! I swear on my life!

-That's a pretty tall order, kiddo. Are you sure you'll be able to follow through on it?


Someone approached them in a confident stride: a young woman, dressed in a light and short white dress and boots. She had long platinum hair and deep emerald eyes. She stopped near the duo, a big smile on her face. The boy faced her, standing between her and the girl, fists clenched.

-W-who are you?! Here to make fun of my sister?! O-over my dead body!- he shouted.

-The world of BladeMasters is a tough one, kiddo. No one with half-assed will can get there and survive. Even the most basic of jobbers will eat you alive.- she said.

The boy gritted his teeth and charged at the woman, a dark purple flame sprouting from his fist. He threw his tiny fist, but the woman simple stepped to the side and tripped him up, making him fall on the ground. He quickly stood up and charged again, but she kept dodging and making him fall. After a few times, he just lied there, shaking.

-Are you done already? I thought you want to protect your sis--

-You won't touch him! Over my dead body, witch!

The girl now stood between her and the boy, clenching her own fists. The woman sighed and knelt down, raising her hand. The girl flinched, thinking the woman was gearing up for a slap but instead found her hand placing itself on her blonde hair, ruffling it.

-But you know what's great about the world of BladeMasters? It's the great equalizer: no matter where you come from, once you get there, you're treated the same. Might makes right in a lot of cases and, no matter who you are, as long as you can make a name for yourself using your own strength, people will eventually recognize and accept you. Your ideals can inspire others for the worse or for the better. It's a jungle, yes, but the truest justice and honor can be found there.

The girl blinked as the boy stood up, panting and glaring at the woman.

-W-who are you?- the girl asked.

The woman giggled:

-Hey, it's rude to ask someone's name without telling yours first~

The girl jumped slightly and bowed.

-M-my name is Mercedes! I'm 8 years old...and this is my twin brother, Merceny! I'm the older one, of course!

-H-hey..!- he protested.

The woman tilted her head.

-Just...Mercedes and Merceny? No...surname?

The girl looked down slightly.


-We're orphans. We live in this here orphanage. Some bullies were messing with Cidy because of her...her prop wings. S-she likes to play angel.- he stuttered.

-Ciny...- the girl said, looking back at him.

The woman chuckled.

-"Angel", heh? Cute. Do you also like to play angel, Merceny?

The boy turned towards, glaring at her.

-H-hey! Angels are for girls! What makes you think I'm the same as her?!

-C'mon...I can recognize that those weren't normal flames. You're...special too, aren't you?- she said with a knowing smile.

The boy curled up his lips and suddenly, a pair of tiny black wings sprouted from his back too.

-Tch...sometimes they just come out, so we get in trouble for it. Especially with the people at the Temples...

The woman nodded.

-It's fine. I understand. Sometimes...people are scared of what's different. They can't quite understand it so they fear it. I was...the same for a long time too. Different from others. It was difficult at the start, but I had friends...loved ones that understood and accepted me. And so, I could lean on them, draw strength from them. Even if we're apart...I can still get courage from feelings...memories. And I can face the bad people and try to survive in this world.

-Are you...a BladeMaster, miss?- the boy asked.

-With all that must be an angel...-the girl said, eyes shining, drying her tears with her arm.

She giggled.

-You flatter me. I'm no angel. I've done alot of bad things, so I'm not innocent enough to be one. But're young. You still have the chance to do so much good.- she said.

-But...we're little...we're scared.- the girl protested

-I ain't scared..!- the boy muttered, crossing his arms.

-You already have each other to draw strength from. You already supported each other now, so how hard is it to keep at it? But, if you don't mind, I could pitch in. I arrived here at Soula a few days ago and I'm starting my own little business. Hiring people, but you're still a bit too little to partake in it.

-BladeMaster business?- the boy asked.

-Yeah! But, again, you still have a bit to learn before you're useful to me. So, I can, at least, act as a big sister for you two, OK? So I can try to teach you some good.

-But...why do you insist on helping us, lady? We don't even know your name..!- the girl said.

The woman gave them a gentle smile.

-It's because...I saw myself in you two.

A loud "flap" filled their ears as two big shadows covered them. The girl's eyes widened and she began bawling again. Tears began welling up at the corner's of the boy's eyes as he uncrossed his arms and clenched his fists.

A feather, white at the center and the edges grazed black, fluttered down onto the ground behind them.

"My name is Lucy Crow. I'm 16, about to be 17! And you two...will be my little angels."


"Back seemed alot simpler. Just...protect Cidy. If I'm strong, I can protect her."

Deep purple sparks flew along the snowy tundra as Merceny and Hanzo's Blades clashed, in a blur of movement. The mercenary, using his Dark Dance to try and overwhelm the Elite while he was nimbly dodging and slowly trying to perceive the Dance's patterns and weaknesses.

"So, how..."

The clash sent both fighters sliding back. Hanzo's ice already began spreading from his feet, covering the burnt areas Merceny's own attacks had created. While Merceny's Nightingale re-coated itself in flames. Dark sparks could be seen on the boy's back, signaling that he had his wings at the ready. Once the ice reached Merceny's boots, both quickly leaned in. Hanzo leaped forward, while Merceny took an extra moment to twist his feet, a burst coming from his back propelling him into a spin while moving forward. Nightingale twisted from below the boy until it was above him. Hanzo threw a sideways slash while Merceny hoped to clash and overpower him with a downwards slash backed by the sheer momentum of the spin.

"...did it go so wrong?"

The area was enveloped by a large explosion, dark flames covering the vicinity. The two BladeMasters were sent flying back, Merceny quickly adjusting with a burst of his wings in order to land on his feet, while Hanzo created ramps from underneath him, while still in the air. Then, he twisted his body so that his feet locked into the ramps and slid down safely onto the snow. And right as he placed his feet on more solid footing his ice as already spreading towards the burnt area.

"But still! I can't allow this guy to beat me! I have the Dance! I have the power to do it! I can just correct myself and protect Ciny in a better way! I can always get better! Because I'm better than this guy!"

Merceny dashed towards the increasingly expanding layer of ice. He couldn't allow Hanzo to expand his advantageous battlefield! Again, flames sprouted out of Nightingale, but now he flipped the Blade, so that its edge was pointing towards the ground. Clutching the handle with both hands, he thrust the Blade down onto the ground. A wall of flames irrupted from it, towering above the duo and it began dashing towards Hanzo, melting the ice and close to engulf the Elite as well.

Merceny allowed himself to smirk as his flames approached Hanzo.

"I'm stronger!"

"I'm better!"

"I have to be!"


A "BOOM" engulfed the area as the flames' path was quickly blocked. By a wall of ice that was being erected, starting from icicles sprouting from the ground that quickly expanded on top of one another until they formed a thick barrier between Hanzo and the flames and now Merceny's attack was being engulfed as Darkus' flames couldn't outright melt the ice. It functioned more like an acid rather than a normal fire, so it stood no chance. The boy's face was pale white as his vision was quickly blocked by the wall of ice, constantly expanding seemingly out of nowhere!

"H-how?! So quickly! There wasn't any water to fr---"

At the sudden realization, he smacked his forehead. How could he have been so blind?! Hanzo had already been doing it the whole battle, with the layer of ice and the makeshift bow! Again, he was underestimating the abilities of an Order Elite!

"Absolute Freeze! The ability to ignore the freezing of liquid water and skip straight to deposition! A guy with his mastery of Aqua should be able to do it no problem, but creating such a thick ice wall that can engulf my flames out of the humidity of the air amazing, really! This tundra is still hiding more advantages for him..."

Merceny curled up his lips and examined his surroundings. From the front, the wall of ice had taken out his flames already and was making its way towards him, quickly expanding like a wave.

He looked back. More of the snow field extended behind him. If he ran back, maybe he could escape Hanzo's range and mount a counterattack with a quick succession of bursts so that he was above the wall and spike attack towards Hanzo...

To the side...the wall wasn't like the one Noah had faced when Lucy retold the battle against Terri over at HQ. Although he couldn't see Hanzo behind it, there was still plenty of space it didn't cover to the sides. Maybe he could, again, burst forward in an angle and quickly go around the wall in a low attack!

He bit his lower lip. He'd have to make a decision quickly. There were still factors he couldn't account for, like if Hanzo could quickly expand the wall upwards or sideways in order to counter Merceny's offensive. But he should hesitate or else the wall would fall on top of him and squash the mercenary!

With newfound determination, he stepped---


Merceny's eyes widened as the wall was quickly shattered. Something shiny zoomed towards him, having broken a hole through the thick wall! His instinct allowed him to dive to the side and it was fortunate as the projectile flew right past him, a wave of cold slapping him in the face as whatever was thrown at him fell many meters behind him, creating a giant explosion that raised up a cloud of snow.

"What was that?! What is he still hiding?!"

As Merceny quickly got up again, holding Nightingale close towards his body, in a defensive position, the rest of the ice wall crumbled away, revealing the Elite behind him. His expression seemed calm as always.

-You were taking so long to react that I chose to take the initiative.

Merceny clenched his teeth.

-Oh, how cute. Thank you so much for getting rid of that meddlesome wall! Now, I can see where you are!- he exclaimed and charged towards Hanzo again, boosted by another burst from his wings.

Hanzo shook his head.

-You know, it's really easy to act all smug when you're such an open book, Black Feather...- he sighed and leaned in. Holding Niflheim in a reverse grip, he stepped in and zoomed towards Merceny.

Both BladeMasters closed in on each other. Merceny had failed to melt the area Hanzo froze over because of his wall attack, so the Elite skated gracefully on the ice. But Merceny's area was not covered in the same ice. Reaching the edge of both their areas, they were both in the footing that suited them most. Merceny used a burst of his wings to make himself spin, holding Nightingale above him, the black flames from the burst coating it. He'd go with a single, powerful strike. Hanzo wouldn't be able to take it in a head-on clash as Niflheim was a lighter Blade.

It seemed pretty straightforward.


As soon as both BladeMasters reached the frontier of the icy and melted areas, Hanzo, whose body had been leaning in forward, almost horizontally parallel to the ground, rose up and straightened out slightly. Then, with quick footwork, he quickly stopped his movement and spun to the side, making Nightingale's chop hit nothing but snow. Now Hanzo stood to Merceny's right side, an icy path quickly expanding beside the boy. Hanzo corrected his stance at the same time something began forming on his boots.

A layer of ice coated it, beginning to accumulate and form a small cone shape behind his heel. Once it was done, it exhibited a small orifice, where a puff of vapor was let out. Hanzo, having returned to his stance, placed Niflheim beside his torso, holding it with both hands in order to keep it steady. But the sudden change in trajectory had stolen all of his momentum. How would he gain it back?


The orifice expelled a jet of water. Although it seemed small, the sheer power of the concentrated water propelled Hanzo straight forward, his Blade crashing into the right side of Merceny's stomach, close to his kidney, and delivering a powerful slash, blood spraying out of him as Nightingale sunk into the icy ground where Hanzo once stood.

All this in a split second.

Merceny staggered, the flames coating his Blade dissipating. He clutched his side, gritting his teeth. Turning back to Hanzo, his eyes showed more shock than anger.

-How did you...that quick footwork...the that's...

Hanzo casually turned towards back, pointing Niflheim towards Merceny.

-My version of the Dance. A superior one. Combining two powerful Aqua techniques, the Absolute Freeze and the Jet Style in a graceful, minimalist way. Your comrade, Zeke Truesdale, is indeed quite the genius for being able to demonstrate similar techniques at his age. This is something Academy seniors usually possess, and even so it's just a handful. But I've seen his battles through my doves and his style relies too much on...too much. Big powerful attacks that try to overwhelm the opponent with sheer, raw power. But my style is not like that. It has beauty. I can use both Absolute and Jet in tandem to create a Dance that you or Lucy have never seen before. My Diamond Angel Dance Style.

Merceny spat a bit of blood to the ground, glaring at Merceny.

-I don't care if you create twenty new variations of the Dance. I'll still beat you!

Hanzo sighed and shrugged.

-And there you go again. If you think you have the slightest advantage, you turn into a cocky brat; if you see yourself get into the defensive, you deny everything and throw a tantrum. Tell me again how a man-child like you has become Lucy's number 2?

Merceny let go of his wound and charged at Hanzo.

-Shut up! What do you know?!- he shouted and, with a quick boost of his wings, he coiled around himself and swung an angled chop towards Hanzo, but he simply slid black and spun around himself, delivering a kick to Merceny's wound, his boot covered that layer of ice again, heightening the damage.

Merceny's eyes shot wide and he let out a groan of pain, but he wouldn't see himself defeated! He stepped in and threw a rising slash at the Elite, but he simply backflipped out to the way. But then...

Maybe it was Merceny's eyes tricking him for that split second, but Hanzo suddenly stopped mid-motion, in midair! Then he suddenly zoomed towards Merceny, seizing the recovery time the boy needed to return to a neutral stance to throw a slash at him. Luckily, Merceny quickly boosted back, dodging a beyond close shaving. As soon as his feet touched the snow, the boy boosted back forward, thrusting Nightingale forward toward the airborne Hanzo.

But he dodged again! This time, by suddenly moving to the side, while still in the air, his body twisting as he aileron rolled to Merceny's left, landing in the snow and unleashing another wall of ice, which Merceny quickly jumped to the side to avoid.

"What's with him?! How can he suddenly control his body in midair?!"

"It's like he's...flying!"

But still, he couldn't stop! His wound was hurting badly and his vision was getting blurry. The battle couldn't drag on for much longer! With a grunt, Merceny resumed his Dark Dance, stepping in towards the ice wall and slicing it half. But Hanzo was no longer behind it. Merceny panicked for a second but then he sensed something approaching him...from above! He boosted backwards yet again, barely dodging Hanzo, who had dropped from the sky!

That was close, but it was no reason to stop. Now it was his turn! Merceny stepped in and spun, throwing a chop yet again. Hanzo's body, though, was like water. It simply slid back, thanks to the jet boosters he had created. The field around Merceny was almost completely frozen over again. Even with his flames, their qualities weren't being enough to melt the ice faster than Hanzo could re-freeze it over! He was loosing ground!

But before Merceny could slash again, Hanzo lunged towards him in a jump. It was at that moment that Merceny would see this new mystery being solved. The jump was being facilitated by the jet boosters on Hanzo's boots, but that wasn't the only thing they were creating. Ice was leaving his soles, accompanying his movements. He placed his right foot on a platform of ice and the booster would lunge his foot forward. All the while, a thin path of ice would form at the same time, allying Hanzo to literally ice skate in midair as his foot approached Merceny for a powerful kick to the boy's temple! Luckily, he managed to raise Nightingale just in time, placing it beside himself and blocking Hanzo's kick!

Hanzo didn't mind. He placed his protected foot against the sharp edge of Nightingale and kicked back, landing back on the snow but not wasting any time on charging back towards Merceny. And then, he disappeared. Again, Merceny could feel his presence flickering all around him, just like at the start of their battle. It seemed that those jet boosters, although simple and less powerful than Zeke's attacks, were more precise, delivering small, sharp boosts at opportune times, in order to move Hanzo's body in such a fast manner. He could quickly change the direction he was skating, as the small cone shapes could appear from anywhere within his ice boot, making following his movements near impossible!

But Merceny couldn't let himself get discouraged. He quickly spun around himself, releasing his flames in a circle, just like he had done before. Unfortunately, they hit nothing.

Hanzo was already above the ring of flames, his back turned to the action, skating upwards in that thin ice platform at an incredible speed. Soon, he stood upside down above Merceny and jumped down, twisting his body in order to point his heel towards the boy, boosters forming on the front of his boot, creating enough propulsion to unleash a devastating axe kick!

Luckily, Merceny was fast enough, using the momentum from his spin, he quickly raised up Nightingale towards the attack and both boot and sword clashing, a loud "CLANG" ringing across the snowy tundra, above the howling winds. Merceny gritted his teeth as his legs shook. Damn, that attack was no joke! He could see cracks forming on the flat side of his Blade. If he kept that clash going, Hanzo would apply more of his weight and shatter through Nightingale ! He would have to release it in order to give it time to recuperate and counter with a fireball from his hands in order to gain ti---

Hanzo, though, moved quicker. He rose his body, placing his sole squarely against the flat end of Merceny's Blade and used it as footing to jump back. While his body was upside down, the ice began forming from his boots and creating further paths for him to skate on. Merceny reacted quickly and released Nightingale, dark flames sprouting from his hands. He then launched them towards Hanzo, but it was like walking on air was second nature to him! Twisting his body with graceful ease, he weaved past Merceny's flames and skated forward, his ice path around the level of Merceny's chest. He jumped forward and launched another kick in a swipe-motion, Merceny quickly jumping back.

But then he felt a sharp pain just above his left eye The next thing he saw were locks of golden hair fluttering in front of him. Followed by a red liquid, spraying out slightly. Bastard cut him! Luckily, he didn't get his eye, but he had given him quite the haircut, the bangs that had lightly covered his left eye falling on the ground, his hair much more even now. But how?!

He then noticed it: jutting out from the front of his boot, the ice layer had extended, creating a slightly curved blade! That's how he cut him! Hanzo landed gracefully on the snow, the blade shattering, and immediately charged towards him, Niflheim ready again in a reverse grip! Merceny recomposed himself, wiping the blood off of his brow with his thumb and summoning Nightingale. He felt like he was just scratching the surface with Hanzo's version of the Dance. He'd have to go to a head-on clash, to see if there were any weaknesses!

A battle of similar styles!


Meanwhile, Noah had reached the nearby boat safely. He hid just inside, near a hole in the hull that the harsh environment had created. But the insides were anything but abandoned: various belongings could be seen around the inside of the boat: rations, changes of clothes, traces of a fireplace, pots and pans, a bunch of computers and small pieces of technology he could barely recognize, a pile of light blue Enchant Stones in a box, that Hanzo probably used to sharpen and maintain his Blade. Angus the Blacksmith back in Soula would be often seen using them as well. But he had a bunch of differently colored ones...

No, that wasn't the time to be thinking about that! Merceny was fighting for his life against Hanzo and Noah couldn't do anything but watch! Damn, he felt so useless! He could barely summon Terra and what he did summon made him feel woozy. That Backlash was really doing a number on him! But he was assigned to that mission anyways, so he knew he had to make due. If only there was a way to assist Merceny! But how could he do it? The battle that raged on was much beyond his capabilities. Merceny's Dance put him at a much higher level of skill than the Merceny he had fought back at the Arena and Hanzo's array of mysterious abilities made Noah afraid to jump in!

But what could he do?!

Maybe...maybe the voice...


No! He couldn't resort to that! Whatever presence was inside him that gave him that boost in power before couldn't be anyone that had the boy's best interests in mind. He felt that, if he trusted it, he'd quickly regret it.

He gulped and looked back on the scenery: Merceny was launching constant attacks from his Dance, his flames engulfing the surrounding area with each slash of his Blade. But Hanzo would nimbly dodge it, using the ground or the air to his advantage. His style was really incredible. Being able to transcend from normal conventions of swordplay and use a fully 3D space to launch an attack from any angle, with his feet or Niflheim...Merceny would have to be beyond careful to dodge, let alone counter, any of those attacks. But with the big wound on his side, his movements were bound to become sluggish. He was running mostly on adrenaline but it would eventually run out and Hanzo would seize that chance. Whatever it took to capture or kill Noah...

But for now, Merceny was surviving. The Dark Dance allowed him to boost in all directions as well, although it was more crude than Hanzo's graceful skating. If his attack missed and Hanzo countered, he would quickly boost out of the way and launch his own counter. Which would quickly fail, restarting the cycle. Merceny looked like those ball-based toys that would never topple over, no matter how hard you pushed them, mixed with a top. Hanzo would keep darting around him, trying to catch him defenseless and he would quickly turn to where the Elite was and slash at him, but Hanzo would already fled and would seek another angle. It was just a matter of time...

But Hanzo dodged yet another attack from Merceny, his body gracefully flying back...his head turned...and his stare planted itself on Noah! An icy, merciless stare..!

Noah gulped, his face paler than a sheet.

He just remembered that the real fight wasn't between Hanzo and Merceny.


-What are you looking at?! Your fight's right here, Diamond!- Merceny shouted, delivering a firm step in and spun around himself, launching yet another attack at Hanzo. He felt like he was being played, but if could land just one attack..!

-I never said I wanted to fight you, Black Feather. My goal is Noah Eon.- Hanzo said as he landed on the snow and easily parried Merceny's slash, pushing his Blade away and stepping in, delivering a powerful punch to the boy's gut, that made him stagger.- I'm leaving.

With that, he turned around and boosted towards Noah's direction, skating at an alarming speed towards the boy!

Merceny clutched his stomach, feeling like he would greet his breakfast again soon enough. But more than that...he felt frustrated! Why couldn't anyone take him seriously!

-You have a lot of gall, turning your back to me!- he shouted and boosted in pursuit of Hanzo, soaring above him and spiking down towards him, clutching Nightingale above his head with both hands. With a shout, he swung it down towards the Elite!

But Hanzo simply sighed and suddenly, his body halted all momentum and zoomed back, making Merceny slash catch only air. Once behind him, Hanzo transferred all that momentum back forward as he created a similar spring to Noah's, but this one was two icicles. He coiled his feet forward, the layer of ice changing and forming, not a similar foot blade as before but a long spike each! Then, he thrust them forward, lodging the spikes on Merceny's back, right below each shoulder blade, the spikes erupting from the boy's chest shortly after.

A guttural scream filled the tundra, as Merceny was launched back into the snow, his body limp.

And his world...going black.

"I do wonder...why I've become the number 2 of Angel's Crow. What did Lucy see in me? I was just...a kid that wanted to protect my sister. All mercenaries have something they want to protect! Many of them come from war-ridden zones, having lost everything! But Cidy...I still have her...I haven't lost anything! If anything, I'm doing more harm to her, by always hating on the Academy! I'm weak! I don't have any pain to draw strength from!"

"...I'm just...a power-hungry brat..!"



Y-you can't say that..! C'mon, Sis! You're not a freak and anybody who says that is going to get beat up! Even if they're taller than me, I'll...I'll defeat them, especially when I become the world's strongest BladeMaster!

"The strongest...BladeMaster..."



Merceny's eyes shot open. And with that, the world reformed around him. The cold air slapping him on the face as he plummeted to the ground, the white, diamond-like snow fast approaching him, the stinging pain...but most of all...

Frustration. Shame. Regret.


He released Nightingale and pointed his palms towards the ground. Just before he hit the snow, flames flared from his hands. They grew in size, forming spheres almost the size of his head. They soon collided with the snow, producing an explosion that launched Merceny back up and towards Hanzo!

-HANZO!!!- he shouted, summoning his Blade again and launching a chop again, aiming at his left shoulder. Hanzo was stupefied by his recover. So much so that he couldn't react and just took the attack, dark flames coating the trail Merceny left on his body, from shoulder to right side of the waist.

"It's because I have Cidy with me! It's because I do have something to lose if I screw up! I can't just let this snotty copycat get the better of me! I simply have too much riding on the line! I've come this far with the constant idea of protecting Cidy in mind! Because I'm stubborn! Because I always have her support! And like with her, I must protect Noah! I must fight him again someday, in my right mind, with my own words!"

Merceny and Hanzo tumbled in snow, but the Mercenary quickly got up, fueled by his newfound determination.

Hanzo's figure also got up and glared at the boy but was quickly met by a sudden Darkness Wave, its flames engulfing his body, which soon toppled back onto the snow.

Merceny panted and his legs finally gave in, the boy kneeling on the snow, panting.

-There...that's why I'm second to only understand now?- he said between ragged breaths.

At the same time, the blizzard that covered the tundra began to weaken until it was completely gone, the roaring winds stopping their clamoring. The sun began filtering through the gray clouds, shining down on the battlefield. Merceny wanted to smile in victory, but...did Hanzo really fall down that easily?

The answer to his question would soon be answered as the Order Elite's body rose up yet again, traces of the flames still present here and there on his black clothes. But as the sun shone down on him, Merceny's eyes widened in shock.

His face...was melting?!

It was like a surreal painting. His right eye drooped down to where his cheek was, his lips were curved down in an unnaturally big frown and his arms seemed to have gained an extra joint? What was...happening?

And soon, the body feel before Merceny's eyes. Well...only its shell. Under it, Hanzo stood again, without a scratch.

-An ice...armor?!- Merceny punched the ground. Hanzo was an expert ice user! He should have guessed!

-It would be foolish on me to go into battle an not employ a layer of ice over my entire body.- Hanzo said, placing his hand on his chest, white ice spreading from his palm and quickly covered his entire body. Hanzo's figure, covered in white, stood before Merceny before it regained its original color. It was like his Projection back in Soula, but layered on top of himself, like a second skin.- Aqua users have higher resistances to cold, so I can be inside this armor in this environment and feel almost nothing. you know what this implies, Black Feather?

-A layer of ice covering your entire body...all throughout this! It can't mean that..!

-Quite. Ice armors like this require extraordinary focus and soul power in order to maintain for extended periods of time. With time, I've managed to master using it so that it's second nature to move around with it. Honestly, sometimes I even forget I have it on.- he snickered ("He can smile?!")- But no matter how much I train on using my Element in the most efficient manner, I cannot trade my armor's thickness for nothing. So, I always employ the same amount of my Element to keep it.

-So that means that you haven't been using your Element's full power! You needed to put a fraction of it aside to keep the armor employed! You've been toying with me!- Merceny shouted.

-Against small-fries like you, I can only toy around. You always have to be prepared to every scenario, right? Don't blame me for your stupidity.

Merceny slowly rose up, his legs shaky and brandished Nightingale towards Hanzo.

-Then I'll just have to hit you with twice the power, to pierce through that armor and your skin!

-And I do believe that you certainly have the power to do it. But it's too bad you barely know how to use it. Tell me: is your sister that naive as well?

Merceny froze up, his eyes wide.


-I believe she was born under Lightus, no? Quite an interesting case of genetics. But Gibson is the scientist, I don't really care about all those specifics. But she is number 3 at Angel's Crow, right? And she must have been employed to this mission too, correct? She must be fighting against my base's security right now. I sure hope she's alright. I would very much like to test her version of the Dance. It might be good inspiration for further evolutions of the Diamond Angel Dance. But if she's as stupid as you, I doubt I'll learn much. After I'm done with her, I'll have all the info I need in order to defeat Lucy.



Merceny's gaze fell down on the ground. His fists clenched and he began trembling visibly.

-You...can insult me all you like. I know I'm naive. I know I'm stupid, brash, stubborn, hot-headed, spiteful, proud and a brat. I know all that. I've been weak all my life and it's brought much pain to those around me. But...I don't think people can change all that easily, once you get to really know how they are, once you get to the nitty-gritty of how their operate. I don't think I'll ever change completely, into someone like her. I try my best to, but I seem to fail every time, ever since we were kids. I know full well that I'm flawed and I deserve your insults.


A ring of flames formed around Merceny. They began creeping around his body, slowly rising up, covering his frame.

He glared at Hanzo. A glare much like Lucy's back at her fight with Tal. Filled with cold hatred and mercilessness.

-I will never...ever forgive you...

The flames consumed the boy immediately. They kept rising above him, transforming into a large mass. And it was...gaining some kind of form...Wings?!

-If you insult or LAY A HAND ON MY SISTER!!!

The flames gained a familiar form: the giant crow spread its wings, Merceny's face barely visible, coming from within the creature.

Hanzo's face paled.

"A Burst Soul Crash!"

A loud "BOOM" echoed throughout the snowy field as Merceny was suddenly within arm's length of Hanzo, slightly lifted off the ground, Nightingale's edge turned towards the Elite's chest. The dark purples flames traced behind him, like a cape.

"He's faster!"

Hanzo managed to skate back as Merceny thrust his Blade and hit nothing but air, but the danger for the Elite didn't end there. Suddenly, a torrent of flames erupted from Nightingale and zoomed towards Hanzo. He managed to jump to the side, but Merceny was already on top of him yet again. His glare remained the same and now his wings were fully out. He slashed at Hanzo before the Elite could react, his Blade hitting the man across the chest, but it only hit the armor.

Like that would discourage Merceny. Hanzo was finally back on the defensive as he took slash after slash from Merceny. He tried to back off, but Merceny closed the distance much too faster! He wasn't even using the Dance anymore, he was just slashing away. But scarier of all, it wasn't like a madman. Each strike was delivered with deadly precision. Clearly, his rage hadn't blinded him.

Hanzo used the icicle springs to gain further distance and once he landed his rose his hand, a wall of ice erupting and making its way towards Merceny.

-You're not using the Dance anymore!- he shouted, fixing his ice armor.

The wall was easily slashed through as Merceny calmly walked past the falling chunks of ice, quickly swatting any that might fall on him.

-I'm not a one trick pony, Hanzo. I will evolve in any way I can in order to be the very best out there. Even if one day, Darkus will need to discard the Dance in order to fly to higher heights.

Hanzo's eyes shot wide.

-Discard the Dance?! Have you no pride?!- he shouted, placing Niflheim on its scabbard and holding it parallel to his body, the ice bow forming again. He placed his hand on in and drew it back, a mass of ice forming alongside his fingers and gaining form until it created an arrow, a thin string behind it. Then, Hanzo shot it towards Merceny.

Merceny's left wing flapped and the boy was quickly thrown to his right, dodging the projectile. He kept walking towards Hanzo. And Hanzo kept shooting, only for his arrows to miss Merceny. He knew he couldn't get close and use his Dance on Merceny on a whim. He had to stagger him to get him into a stun state from where he could build a rhythm. So, he kept shooting until Merceny had entered his range. Once he did, Hanzo grunted and sprung back, forming multiple arrows alongside each other and launching them at the same time.

Merceny didn't seem fazed as the flames erupted and formed the crow yet again. The creature spread its wings and rose up. Before the arrows could each it, it flapped its wings, fireballs shooting out of them and clashing with every single arrow, rendering them useless.

Hanzo was getting frustrated. What Merceny said must have struck a nerve. He began skating at a blindingly fast speed towards the flame crow, soon leaving the snow to pursue him him the air. With a boost, he spun and launched a slash towards the bird. But before he could hit the mark, the creature opened its beak and let out a blood-curling scream, releasing a shockwave that pushed Hanzo away and made him plummet towards the earth. But before he could, he quickly remade the bow and shot another arrow at the crow, which quickly dodged it and spiked towards Hanzo.

The Elite formed other paths beneath his feet and dodged its attack. An attentive eye would see that its beak was, in reality, Nightingale's edge. Hanzo skated upwards and jumped down towards the crow, launching another kick. The crow spun, its form vanishing into a simpler-looking ball of dark fire and shot up, clashing with the Elite's attack. Both where thrown back, the fire stopping in place and regaining its form as crow before zooming towards Hanzo. The Elite wouldn't give up either as he boosted towards Merceny, he and the crow exchanging blow after blow in midair. They would each try to get into a better angle from which to strike, but they seemed to be in a deadlock! Soon, they were just blurs, one white and one black, zipping across the sky, sparks being seen here and there from their clashes.

No...Hanzo was still at a disadvantage. The Elite was soon thrown back and began falling again until he crashed into the snow. But there wasn't time to breathe as a shout soon erupted from the puff of snow his fall rose up.

-Soul! Crash!

The snow cleared up and Hanzo stood there, looking up at Merceny. The air around him seemed to be freezing over, translucent reflections enveloping his body. The battle was about to reach its climax!

Merceny didn't pursue and instead flew higher and higher into the sky. Once he was so high that he blocked the sun, the crow spread its wings, its shadow spreading beneath the Elite, who quickly shoot up, thicker, jagged paths forming beneath his feet, allowing him the footing to skate even faster.

-Ultima Soul! Darkness Crossfire !- Merceny shouted as he shoot an array of fireballs towards Hanzo, similar flames erupting from the shadow the crow made and shooting upwards at Hanzo. He was caught on the technique that almost doomed Noah!

Hanzo held Niflheim forward, his glare inviting the challenge.

-Amateurish techniques from a graceless brute! I'll demolish you!- he shouted.

As the fireballs reached Hanzo, his speed seemed to rocket out of the charts! He began zipping around, slashing at every fireball that came his way, using both his Blade and the ones that sprouted from his feet. His body twisted and turned in midair, striking from every angle. It was like he was dodging rain! But he soon regained his advantage and began making his way back up towards the crow, slashing countless times at the fire at a blinding, spectacular speed!

Once he got close to the crow, he began spinning, his body turning into a black blur, picking up more speed, like a saw blade. Once he turned back towards Merceny, Niflheim's length had doubled, enveloped in a coating of furious, high pressured waters! He gripped the Blade with both hands and launched it at Merceny!

-Ultima Soul! Frigid Ragnarok !

And with that single slash, the crow was sliced in twine. The clouds behind it suddenly parted as they were also cut down. Merceny was left there, blood erupting in a straight line across his stomach. His eyes vacant. Until...

-Don't count me out!- the mercenary shouted, his eyes regaining their light, the crow erupting from within him yet again and letting out another shriek, launching the stunned Elite back down. And then, it spiked towards him.

-I would say the same to you!- Hanzo replied, releasing Niflheim and pointing his hands at Merceny. From behind the Elite, giant icicles erupted from the ground, shooting towards the crow. They then caught up with it and pierced the crow at various points, to then envelop him and try to drag it down with them.

"Not yet!




Hanzo froze up! It couldn't be! And how could he still be in Soul Crash if he didn't use the Attilan Method?! What was this kid?!


From the icicles the crow burst out again and shot towards Hanzo. But Merceny was no longer inside it. He was behind it, Nightingale raised above him, like he did when he launched Darkness Wave ! The Elite couldn't dodge it so he chose to clash the augmented Niflheim against it. It seemed to work! The crow struggled to get past the Blade!

-Your last card is done for, Black Feather!- Hanzo shouted, his breathing ragged.

-I told you to not count me out!- Merceny roared, his wings flapping and zooming the boy towards the crow! The boy curled up, spun around himself and boosted forward!


Merceny dove into the crow, thrusting Nightingale towards Niflheim, two the clashing. The crow shrieked and doubled in size, the dark purple flames changing color to a brighter shade, its radiance enveloping the battlefield.


The augmented crow zoomed forward and won the clash. Hanzo was struck by Nightingale as it pierced through his stomach, the crow violently dragging him into the ground, crashing down with a huge "BOOM".


Noah could only watch in awe at how the spectacular fight had ended. Such a fierce battle between similar styles, won by sheer determination rather than just skill! Merceny was impressive..! Two Ultima Souls in an incomplete Soul Crash! And...that last one..."Extend"? What did that mean? It seemed like he had mixed two Ultima Souls together...or rather, evolved the one he had launched with one last push.

The boy's face brightened as Merceny flew out of the crash site, now a pile of snow. The boy stumbled down into the ground, stepping back as his wings dissipated, leaving some feathers behind. He then finally fell down on his butt, panting harshly.

-I'm employed by Lucy could I not be a bit brute if she's a savage herself?- he chuckled, falling back with a huge smile. He had done it. He had really defeated an Order Elite, all by himself! Noah couldn't help but feel jealous. He stood up. He had to go pick up Merceny and take him to the ship. Then, they could start a fireplace and wait until the rest of the group arrived.


Noah's words were cut short as a familiar figure stumbled out of the snow...

Merceny slowly sat up, struggling with the pain that had crashed upon him after the adrenaline wore down.

-An angel's dance is both graceful and deadly. And so will my ice become...An angel's dance is both graceful and deadly. And so will my ice become...An angel's dance is both graceful and deadly. And so will my ice become...

A truly ruined Hanzo rose from the snow. His armor had been disposed of, a big red stain of blood on his stomach. His outfit was burning up in places and the flames had taken his face mask, revealing his lips, that kept repeating those ominous words, like a, a curse.

He stopped, looking at Merceny.

-What am I missing..? I still don't know...I feel so me...

"Help me find my way!!!"