Chapter 40: Rainfall - A Last Waking Moment

Years ago, in a certain small village in the East of Karash:

Grey clouds covered the sky, the occasional drop of water falling in the muddy ground. Soon, many, many more would follow and so the village's houses were locked up, bracing for the coming weather. That region of Karash always faced many seasons of violent storms, so their stone brick houses were sturdy, built squarely almost like small fortresses.

In the recently-passed BladeMaster War, the village of Famita had once served as a bastion for the Karashian Knights to make a stand against their enemies. Once, the Kingdom of Karash controlled the whole continent of the same name, but due to the rebellion of many feudal lords against the Kingdom, the continent had been broken into many factions, all vying to take the head of King Maximilian and control the continent. Being so close to the Kingdom Capital, Famita was a vital point to defend or else the enemy would have a free pass to the capital city. So, it needed to be sturdily built.

The War eventually passed. Together with the support from the Order, Karash squashed the rebellions, but in turn, almost half of the continent became territory of Attila's military nation. Famita remained within Kingdom territory and enjoyed a momentary period of peace, but the villagers knew that, eventually, the town would serve yet again as a stronghold for war.

Faint sounds of splashing could be heard across the streets, along with the pitter-patter of lone drops of water starting to fall on already deep puddles of water staining the cobblestone streets here and there. A figure draped in a deep blue poncho ran over the puddles, hurrying from house to house. The figure would knock on a door, it'd open and a brief exchange would follow. After a few seconds, the door would close and the figure would hurry to the next door.

Now it wasn't war that Famita faced. But something equally as bad.


The last door in that street opened up. A middle aged woman would look down at the figure, auburn locks spilling from the poncho's hoodie, glistening wet from the rain that had just passed but was just about to return. The woman looked at the small paper bag the figure carried in its small hands.

-Oh thank the gods..! Thank you for getting here so quickly!- she smiled, leaning down to face the figure as it handed her the contents from the bag: a couple of discus-shaped white pills.

-No problem!- the figure replied, a big smile on its lips- It's the least I can do, since my parents are flooded in patients. If your husband and son start feeling worse, please call us!

The woman nodded quickly, hurrying inside after thanking the hooded person one more time. After closing the door, more faint splatting sounds could be heard across the street.

A plague. Out of nowhere and striking like a storm, it had taken Famita in one fell swoop. First, the victim felt feverish and weak, immediately getting bedridden. Soon, rashes would start covering their faces and the area around their eyes would get so swollen that they wouldn't be able to see a thing. After that...they'd breath their last.

As the figure ran to the next houses, the hoodie would flutter off, revealing his long wavy chocolate locks and a look of determination in his eyes. Unwavering eyes. His parents had been dealing with victims non-stop at their clinic and were running out of resources quickly. The boy had been tasked with handing over medicine to the victims still in the first stages of the disease. If it could at least prevent the spread of the ailment, it would help a great deal.

And the boy diligently ran from house to house, handing over the medicine from his paper bag. Never stopping, a big smile on his face. They say that a good doctor always smiled. It was a great medicine to start fighting any illness. It put people at ease. And he wanted no one to suffer.

Soon, the sounds of the water drops began getting louder and louder. The rainy season was always harsh in that region of Karash. It lead to violent storms and floods most of the time. But the boy was used to it. He put his hoodie back on as he ran to the next house. But then...

He stopped.

-Excuse me...- he called out, his small body walking to a nearby alley where a little girl was sitting down on. The rain fell on her marine blue hair and matching dress. She seemed soaked to her bones! And even so, she didn't move an inch, staring at the cobblestone ground, her reflection in the puddle formed below her staring back at her, her fair skinned and rosy-cheeked face scrunched up in a pout.

She couldn't be much older than him. What was she doing out there?

-Excuse me..!- he tried calling out again, squatting near her.

-What?! You're so annoying!- the barked back at him, her voice hoarse and her eyes red.

The boy smiled back at her.

-Why are you crying? - he asked.

-I'm not crying!- she spat back at him.

-Preeetty sure that's a crying face.

-Is not!

-Did you have a fight with your parents?

-No! What's it to you, you little brat?!

-Well...I'm sure they wouldn't like you running out of the house and getting soaked out here in this rain.

-Whatever..! They always treat me like a child! If they aren't going to treat me with respect, then why bother? I don't care if I die! Because I know they wouldn't care either!

The boy didn't answer for a few seconds, but ended up sighing.

-Well, I won't meddle with your family affairs, but if I died, my parents would be devastated. Even if we did fight a bunch. I think it's really selfish for you to just...die because of a simple fight. Just go back and apologize. And I'm sure they'll say sorry too!

-Hmph! Figures. What an easy life you must lead. Never having to worry about what others think of you. Always running around, being the village's pretty little errand boy, always giving out a big dumb smile as you give out free medicine. Everyone loves you because you're sooo kind and diligent, so what would you know? Just keep on being nice and everyone will sing your praises. Until someone decides to use you. Mentally lazy people like you disgust me. Can't be bothered to check the world around them.

-How do you...Do we know each other?

-Pfft. Not really.

-Figures...I'd remember a girl like you. Ah well. I don't really care if people think I'm silly, naiive, kind, lazy, whatever. I just want to make them happy. That's all the more reason to put in the effort, right? So here.

The boy handed her a couple of pills.

-If you or your parents start feeling feverish, please take these. And...

He took off his poncho and placed it around her.

-W-what are you..?!- she jolted in place.

-You'll catch your death around here! So go home and get warm! Please..?

The girl growled at him before standing up and walking away in a huff.

The boy shrugged and walked away, continuing on his delivery, the rain soaking his body, his auburn hair sticking to his face and his clothes gluing themselves to his scrawny but tall for his age body.

Soon, the paper bag was empty. He shook it in his hands.

-Mmm...I'll have to ask Mom and Dad to give me a couple more. I still have some streets left.- he said to himself as he began making his way back to his parents' clinic.

But then...

The world around him started spinning. Suddenly, all strength seemed to fade from his legs.

So dizzy.

The world around dark.

-What...when did I...

The world fell to darkness as he fell to the ground.


"I-I just found him collapsed like this..!"

"He was running around without his poncho! He's frigid!"

"Someone calls his parents! He might already be infected!"


"Please..! Please wake up!"

"Come on, dear! Open your eyes!"

"It's too late...the swelling has covered his eyes completely..."

"Please, doctor, isn't there any treatment for this?! With all the Capital's medicine and Sages...we don't care how much it costs! "

"We'll gladly sell the clinic for him!"

"And sacrifice the countless patients you're taking care of? You mustn't be so selfish! And if the Capital had a cure, we'd have given it to you weeks ago..!"

"But...he's our son!"

"It'll be a miracle if he survives the week. say your goodbyes now."



-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...I'm always like this. Always throwing tantrums whenever things don't go my way or they harmlessly tease me. I'm...too old for this kind of behavior. I don't understand why they chose to make me this way. So irresponsible. So immature. So...selfish. I hate this. If you hadn't given your poncho to me, it would have shielded you from the rain and guarded your body against the cold that let the virus seep in. The rain...that I created. It's all my fault. Again and again I keep screwing things up. But no longer. I swear on all that I am. I will never let any harm befall you again. I'll protect you forever...

" cherished Zeke."


The carriage stopped near the house, a tall boy, wobbling...towards it, carrying a bunch of suitcases in his hands. He threw them inside haphazardly before slumping inside.


He looked outside. His parents were outside the clinic's door, a smile covering their faces from ear to ear. A smile that had never faded since then.

-Good luck at the Academy, dear.- the woman said.

-Ha! With his skills, no way the Academy will fail him! Show them what you've got!- the man grinned.

The boy nodded slowly, looking away. Ever since then...they didn't stop smiling at him. Ever since he returned from that dark place. Ever since he started displaying such amazing powers. Not one pout. A permanent smile. He knew they were eternally relieved that he survived. He just didn't understand...why it all bothered him so much. Why those smiles felt like knives in his heart.

-Yeah. I'll breeze my way through the Full Course and come back to you stronger, Mom, Dad. I'll give you the easy life for sure.- he simply said.

-Heh...even if you failed, we wouldn't care. Just as long as you're well.- the mother said. The boy curled up his lips and lied on the carriage.

-See ya.- he simply said and closed the door with his foot. Even with that petulant behavior, they didn't crack a pout. Not ever.

As the carriage rolled on ahead towards Karash, he looked towards the blue sky from the nearby window.

Every morning he opened his eyes. When he ate his eyes were open. When he would form an enormous mass of water with utmost ease, he could see the smiles of amazement from the people around him. When his mother and father hugged him for the thirtieth time a morning, he'd hug them back, fully conscious.

Then why did he feel like that?

"Ever since that day...I feel like I'm still sleeping."