Chapter 42: To Protect his Dreams

A little over two decades ago, the BladeMaster War, which had been running rampant for centuries, had reached a fever-pitch. Violence spread across the many territories of the continent of Karash, its Kingdom fractured, seemingly without repair. Meanwhile, tensions with the newly formed Alliance in the continent of Mox Well presented new struggles for King Maximillian IV.

To secure peace with as little conflict as possible, he married Princess Freya, sister of Queen Sheeva of Sharem, and it did prove to secure a bit of peace with the small country, especially as Faye soon bore his child, which would be Princess Helena of Karash, first of her name. Alongside that, he had close relationships with King Klaus from Iftriz, but the Iftritzian Council pushed for war against Karash against his wishes, in an effort to secure more natural resources for the growing military industry of the fiery nation. That, coupled with the rest of the Allied countries already moving to invade Maximilian's kingdom, meant that he was fighting a war on two fronts: one from beyond his shores and the other inside his very home.

As a result, it was common to see giant airships, of various colors representing their own countries, flying across the skies, dragging their huge, metal bodies through the air. And if they found any villages they didn't like, the hatches from below would open and the bombs would drop. Incendiary, electric, flash-freeze or ones that created localized tornadoes, weaponry among the various nations was always evolving, in order to implement Elements in more and more various destructive ways. It didn't take long for the western part of the continent to become a wasteland, filled with smoking ruins of what were once villages.


20 years ago, in an area southeast of Soula:

Another set of smoldering ruins, black smoke rising from the piles of broken rock and wood, where people had once made a life for themselves. They thought it peaceful, since they were so close to the neutral territory of the scholar city of Soula, a sort of safe haven to all that wished to flee the war. Although the city only really accepted students for the Academy as new residents.

More than 200 years ago, the Kingdom and the territories of the Alliance had signed a treaty to make certain areas in both continents neutral territory. Soula was chosen to be one of those and the BladeMaster Academy received students from all territories, but was made so sworn to not add the newly formed warriors to the Karashian ranks, unless they strictly wished to do so.

As a result, the Academy became, in the eyes of the Kings, more of a factory to create new, young BladeMasters, who would be added to the various armies around the world. Outside of Soula, in the rebel territories of Karash, similar facilities were formed, but all the BladeMasters that came out from those schools were immediately made members of the rebel armies.

It was a race to create the new generation of BladeMasters, in order to win the War. And, with each year, the graduates came out of the schools younger and younger, which would only change in Soula's Academy 190 years later, with the implementation of the obligatory Full Course, in order to stop the Academic BladeMasters from being used as child soldiers.

But at the climax of the War, almost half of the soldiers fighting in Karash were under 14 years old.

Roaming through the ruins of the city, were a group of children like this, dressed in deep blue, thick, fluffy coats and square hats that covered their heads almost completely. The Kingdom of Undinia was located at the north of Mox Well, and was a snowy place all year long. People from there always covered themselves from top to bottom in thick clothing, their skins having being exposed to the cold for so long, it almost became like ice itself, a certain blue quality to their hue, depending on how the sunlight hit them. Although many believed that to be an urban rumor.

The soldiers' boots sounded like drums as they hit the floor, their eyes darting around the surrounding area, looking for any sign of a surviving enemy. One of them, a girl with a golden star on the lapel of her jacket, called the others. She couldn't be older than 12. The kids stopped their movement and whispered among themselves before turning to the small group of very young children, standing against one of the few walls that still stood upright after the bombing.

The girl approached a light lilac-haired boy, his locks falling by both sides of his face, curling upwards once they reached his shoulders, like crashing waves. His clothes and face were covered with dust. Using a sharp rock, he was filing away at a long wooden stick.

-We're finished with check-ups for any survivor adults.- the girl told him, her accent very strong, a nasal quality to it- Like we told before, Undinian military does not harm those who cannot defend themselves. You and rest of children are free to go.

The boy looked at her with a blank stare, nodding as he kept filing away at the cane. That platoon had reached in an airship, which was parked a ways off the village's borders, a few days ago. They had destroyed the houses before coming in themselves and killing any adults they could find. The defenseless children, they gathered up in the same place, fed them and would let go after making sure there were no surviving adults.

In their words "the proud Undinian army is not so weak that they'd attack kids who were not other child-soldiers". The elderly was another exception, but that was only in rare cases, where the elder in question wasn't the least good with their Element. In the boy's case, his village wasn't so lucky.

Well, not that they were every lucky to begin with. They survived, but were now let to wander the continent, aimlessly. The soldiers were not going to hand out nice packed lunches for the surviving kids. Once out of the village, the kids could starve to death, for all they cared.

-Say thank you to your sister for me. Her bandaging is good for someone so small. She funny, too. Keep comrades happy.

-Mhm...-the boy would mutter.

The girl adjusted her hat and the star on her jacket.

-Karash is very warm place indeed...

With that, she nodded and left.

-Gibson!- a voice would call the boy from behind one of the buildings. A girl with bobbed lilac hair would approach the boy. She'd be wearing a ripped up red dress, dust covering it too- Are they leaving?

-Yeah, Allie. Finally. And we are too.

With that, he'd hold her hand begin walking away. Allie would struggle, but there wasn't much a 4 year old could do against someone double her age and almost size.

-W-wait, what about the others?!

-They're smart. They'll survive.

-No! We are all little! We have to go...together!- she'd say, dragging her feet across the ground, as she tried to stop her older brother.

Gibson would glare at her, making her flinch and stop her struggling. He'd sigh and throw the rock away. He would then lean down to face her.

-Allie, it's precisely because we're all little that we can't go together. A bunch of kids like us can't travel together. What if there's a fight?

She pumped her little arms.

-Then I'll bandage them! And if they're feeling sad...I'll dance!

Gibson shook his head.

-The soldiers made you bandage their wounds. And they thought your dancing was a funny night past-time. There wouldn't be much use for someone with your medical skills if we all traveled together. And dancing is just a waste of energy. You'll soon get hungry if you keep at it.

Allie puffed her cheeks.

-Gibson, you're mean! Mama and Papa always said that I could be a dancer if I wanted! Just like Nuria!

-And look where they are now. Reduced to a pile of ash. We're going alone. No questions. Now come, we have to reach the lake before the sun sets.

Allie would pout, but would eventually sigh and give up. She'd take one last look at the group of kids, crying or discussing their own plans, over at the ruined town square, before she followed her brother.

After an hour or so of walking, they reached the nearby lake. Gibson took the stick he had been making and then ripped up the bottom of his shirt. He kept ripping it up, until he had a thin string of cloth. He then tied it up the bottom of the cane. Finally, he reached for his pocket, taking out a cracker that he had been given by the soldiers and tied the other end of the cloth around it.

He'd sit at the edge of the lake, throwing the cracker at the water.

-What are you doing?- Allie asked, sitting beside him.

-Fishing. I made this fishing pole from a cool stick I found in the village. We're going to catch ourselves some dinner.

Allie clapped her hands.

-Oooh! You're so smart, Gibson! Mmm...maybe I can do a sort of..."Come-here-fishies" dance, in order to attract them!- she said, jumping onto the shallow end of the water.

Gibson chuckled, shaking his head.

-Allie, you're going to scare the fish away, if you do that. Come over here and see if you can find any worms in the dirt or under some rocks.

Allie cringed.

-Ewww! No! Bugs are gross!

-Would you rather go hungry? Because if we lose this cracker, then we're all out of bait. C'mon now. You can dance another time...

With that, Allie would stomp out of the water, sighing as she resigned to her buggy fate, kneeling down to scrounge the ground.


A few weeks later, towards the southern part of Karash, Allie and Gibson kept wandering. They hoped they could reach another village, but no luck so far. Allie had asked her brother why they hadn't gone to Soula, instead, but he said that it was too dangerous, that thieves knew that many refugees would seek Soula out and would rob them on the way.

So now, they walked near the border of the desert, the warm winds hitting them constantly and covering their eyes with sand.

Their stomachs growled.

-Gibson...I'm hungry!- Allie would protest.

-I'm hungry too...Ugh, this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't given our fish to those travelers!

-But Gibson, they had a baby with them!

Gibson turned to her, scowling.

-But we're little too! And now we're going to die because you had to be a bleeding heart and give away the food I caught!

Allie's lower lip would tremble.


-I know that they were hungry, but you have to understand that now we're the ones in trouble! You have to learn to think more rationally! Instead of wasting our nights practicing your dancing, you could be looking for food or resources!

-My dancing has nothing to do with this, Gibson!

-It's a waste of energy! It's useless!- he'd yell. And Allie would start crying. Gibson stopped and looked down, realizing that he had gone over the line. He sighed and tried to calm her down.

-Hoy there!

An adult's voice would call them. Gibson and Allie turned back and saw a tall man, dressed in a big beige cloak, approaching them. Once he got close, he took out his hood, revealing a black beard that matched his shoulder-length hair, purple eyes peeking from under his bangs.

-Are you two lost?- he asked.

Gibson glared at him, placing himself between the man and Allie.

-What's it to you?- he asked.

The man laughed.

-Easy there! I don't want to rob you or anything. Me and my friend were just passing by and saw you two fighting. This area is tricky, since it's close to the desert. Not only is it hot during the day, wolves come out at night. But there's a town nearby, near an oasis. We can rest and refill our canteens there. My name is Attila, by the way. Attila E--

-"Your friend"?- Allie asked, interrupting him.

From behind the man's legs, a much smaller figure would peak out. A girl, who was wearing a similar cloak to the man's, marine blue hair peeking from under it, along with big, teary eyes. She'd look at the siblings and get spooked by Gibson's scowl, hiding behind the man again.

-Hahaha! Come now, Salacia. Introduce yourself to the nice children.

The kid would come out, removing her hood as well to reveal her long, shiny hair and rosy cheeks. She seemed a little bit older than Allie.

-G-good name is Salacia. I've been traveling with Mister Attila for a month now...

-A whole month...-Gibson pondered- Are you father and child?

Attila shook his head.

-I found her near Soula a month ago. Orphan, like you two, I assume. We were hoping to reach a village to the south of Karash, where a good buddy of mine lives. From there, we are hoping to figure out where to go next.

-Soula has orphans too?! But isn't it safe there?- Allie asked.

-From the War, yes. But there was a big fire recently, at the Lightus and Darkus Temple. Many people died as a result, including Salacia's parents, who were priests there.

-Um...I'm sorry...-Allie meekly said.

-Yeah. My sentiments.- Gibson would add.

-I-It's fine...-Salacia would meekly reply, avoiding looking at Gibson for too long.

-How about we continue this talk in the village?- Attila asked. He reached for his backpack and took two sandwiches from inside of it. He then gave them to the siblings, who stood baffled with the food in their hands, for a second, before they wolfed them down.

Attila would laugh, a gentle smile on his face, despite his thick beard.

-Let's go now. But first, what are your names?- he asked.

-Allie!- the girl jumped, raising her hand.

-And I'm Gibson. It's...nice to meet you, Mister Attila...and Salacia- Gibson would say, smiling a bit at them, although Salacia would still hide behind Attila before peeking at him, nodding at his introduction.

With that the four-man group made their way towards the village.


Gibson and Allie would travel the continent of Karash, alongside Attila and Salacia, for four more years. Once they reached the village, they soon found a mercenary guild working there. They were good people and took Attila's services.

He was quite strong. Almost impossibly so. In the children's eyes, he was more than capable of destroying any armies and their airships by himself.

Thanks to Attila's new job, him and the kids were allowed to travel all over Karash, be it in Kingdom or rebel territory. He never forced them to fight, but Gibson convinced him to teach him the basics, even managing to summon his own Blade a few weeks after they begun traveling.

Time would pass and Attila would find more and more children struck by the War, in various points of the continent.

He would find a pair of twins with platinum hair and eyes that matched his in the western regions of Karash, having escaped from a recent bombing attack by the Iftrizian forces.

In the northeast, while taking care of a riot in the region's frigid Enchant Stone mines, he found a shivering girl, with long, long brown hair, and thin rags covering her tall and skinny body, curled up in the corner amidst the fighting of the miners. She told the group that she had been forced to work there since a very young age.

In the southern edge of the continent, the group was approached by a deep blue-haired girl that had escaped from Nemuryu, the island of Samurais south of Karash. The group learned of a violent coup-d'etat that had killed the current Samurai governor, called the "shogun". A ship filled with refugees had escaped to the mainland, but now the girl was all alone, having lost her parents to the coup.

Towards the center of the continent, Attila and the kids would see the ruined, still smoking ruins of a recently-bombed village. Suddenly, from the entrance, a kid with deep red hair would land on the ground, kicked away from a mob of angry villagers. Not of many words, he accepted the food Attila gave him, and despite the man trying to reason with the survivors, they were adamant in not wanting the kid there. So he joined the group.

Finally, at the southwestern corner of the continent, a rambunctious blue haired kid was suddenly added to their ranks. He hailed from a farming village where people had gathered from various points to try and survive, after their previous homes were destroyed. Because he was one of the few children that had arrived there, his contributions to the farming were scarce and that caused him to be mistreated by the starving villagers, who refused to give him any food, since he didn't work that much for it. After sharing his lunch with him, Attila soon found the bundle of energy glued to his cloak, determined to follow him.

Thanks to his efforts at the mercenary guild, Attila had amassed money, connections and fame across the continent. He had been nicknamed the "Flashfire Emperor" for his prowess in battle. But it wasn't just his speed and power, unmatched in their own rights that gave him such a moniker. He was relentless and ruthless to the enemy, his Blade swinging with such fury, despite his gentle nature, that no lesser BladeMaster could last against the bearded man for long on the usually scorched battlefields he left them in. After a while, people would begin to run away if they saw him on the front. It was like he possessed an "aura" around him that brought anyone he projected his malice towards to their knees.

As he gathered the kids, he also began building what would become the Order Tower, a safe haven for everyone that needed a home.

Once Sobek joined them, the group moved from the oasis village to the Tower. The kids were given shelter, food, education and training. And would soon be assigned ranks and would form the Order Elites. Gibson was 12 at the time and Allie was 8.

After six years passed in the Tower, the kids were already used to fighting in the War alongside Attila. They were used as deterrents, their amazing abilities scaring and convincing the rulers of the rebel territories to ally with them. Attila's objective was not to amass troops against the Kingdom, but to unify the fractured Karash. He soon began being invited to court meetings in Maximilian's castle and rumors began circling around that the "Emperor" would not give the territories he had gathered back to Kingdom rule, but instead become a new King, ruling one half of Karash, while Maximilian ruled the other.

Whether that would spark conflict between both of them, nobody knew. Attila and Maximilian's talks were always kept in utmost secrecy.

Gibson was now 18 and Allie 14. The boy had been assigned the 4th Echelon ranking of the Elites, being codenamed "Oracle". His sister, was the 5th echelon, nicknamed "Lotus".

Attila found a talent for mechanics and robotics in the boy and Gibson was given his own laboratory to work on new equipment that would better the lives of the Karashian people.

Dressed in the blue and grey Order uniform, his hair being brushed backwards now, curling up behind his neck, Gibson fiddled with a chunk of metal on his working table, before his eyes were covered.

-Guess who~?- a female voice asked.

-Allie, aren't you a bit too old for games like that?- he calmly asked.

-And aren't you a bit too young to be so grumpy?- she asked, removing her hands and moving to face him on the other side of the table. She was wearing a flower petal-shaped red armor that only really covered her chest, black wide straps coming from the armor and circling to her back. She wore gloves that covered her arms from the shoulder down, a petal design jutting back from the top part of each glove, her hands having a claw-like shape to them. On the bottom part, her pants were made of a red-ish thin fabric and were open in the middle, exposing her thighs and a black panty section. The bottom part was held up by a belt with a buckle with the shape of a flower design similar in shape to the chest armor. Finally, her dancing flat-soled shoes were glittery red.

Honestly, Gibson never approved of such a ridiculous outfit. From his point of view, everyone should wear the Order uniform, not shorts, skirts, masks or leotards. Where was the "order" in that? But every time he brought it up, Allie would give him an earful about it and he'd eventually give up.

-Watcha doing?- Allie asked.

-Being useful. Attila asked me to update the training robot's AI module, in order to prevent them from hurting us during training.

-Any progress on that drink-serving robot I asked for?

-You do know that I was being ironic when I said I'd make you that, right?

-Whaaaat? You probably wouldn't know since you barely exercise, but dancing practice gets hot after a bit! We need towels and waters at the ready at all times!

-I do exercise, but in my own time, Allie. And see picking up water and towels as part of your training too, if it bothers you so much.


-If you focused on something productive, you wouldn't have to be grumpy at me.

-Oh boy, here we go...-she sighed, sitting on a nearby rotating chair.

-Allie, I told you this once and I'll tell you a thousand times: you have an uncanny talent for science! Remember when we picked up worms and herbs back when we were kids, traveling with Attila? Your photographic memory for remembering which bugs and berries were dangerous or safe to eat saved us a lot of trouble! Not only that, your insight helped me complete a bunch of medicinal research, and we wouldn't have training robots at all if you didn't offer me your advice on how to implement the AI modules!

-I was just guessing, honestly.- she said, spinning absentmindedly on the chair, her bobbed deep lilac hair swaying from side to side.

-Nonsense. You're a genius! Probably smarter than me, too! If you used your talents for research and less on dancing, then you...

She stopped spinning, pouting at him.

-Why do you think I dance, Gibson?

He scratched his head.

-Um...because it'

-Well, I won't admit that I don't enjoy doing it, but if it was just that, then it'd be a hobby, not a passion. No, I dance because it lights up a fire in the hearts of both dancer and viewers! It allows them to experience so many emotions at once, it's exhilarating! When you move a crowd to tears or cheers and you hear them clap at the end...oh, there's nothing better!

-You know what would make them cheer? A vaccine for the plagues and bio-weapon viruses that Woltz and Gnottus keep launching at innocent villages. Or better defense systems for the Nexus-believing villages, that could allow them to more quickly request help from us when fanatics like the Pure Lights attack them.

-I'll admit that stuff like that is important, but without motivation, how will people rebuild their broken homes?

-Is shaking your barely-covered butt to them what you call "motivation"?- he simply asked.

Allie gasped.


-I'm sorry, but I just can't feel comfortable knowing that creepy older men are ogling at you when you and your dancing friends go on your performance tours! What if you get hurt because of your exhibitionism?

She got off the chair and approached him. She pulled on his chair, turning it and making her brother face her. She then pointed at herself.

-I don't go dancing in order to show off my goods to creepy old pigs. I go to make people feel happy, for watching a good performance for free. And if someone gets a little too excited, I got people there to support me. Besides, I can defend myself. Now even better, since this little darling showed up.- she said, summoning Nuria.

She waved the saber around.

-Pyre told me that my dancing was "wild, but kind". A "testament to human courage and good will"!That's why he allowed my Blade to evolve!

-I still think that was a silly dream...

-Don't start with your atheism again. We can shoot fire and lightning! What's so farfetched about gods?- she asked, releasing her Blade and crossing her arms.

-Shooting fire and lightning can easily be explained through Elementology science. Sages across the world keep making advances on soul study, thanks to their research and not some divine revelation.

-Then what about the wars at the genesis of our planets? How do you explain people like Lucy?

-Genetic mutations are a common occurrence. Just like our DNA can dictate which hair color we're born with, so does the Element we can wield. Lucy's parents were probably Lightus and Darkus.

-How about Sparky, then?- she smirked.

Gibson threw his hands in the air.

-Well, maybe one of their ancestors was Nexus and only she got the Element! They're twins, so maybe the gene could also be passed to one of them! Now that's what's so fascinating about science! If we want answers, we can go seek them, not wait for some higher existence to give us an answer they pulled out from some predestined fable. If gods are so mighty and good-willed, why let us live in a world plagued by war, where their children keep slaughtering each other?!

Allie looked down, not knowing what to answer. Gibson sighed, rubbing his temple.

-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. I know that...passion is important. Without imagination, without arts...the world would be a dreary place. I can respect your desire to dance and to have faith in an higher existence...but my utilitarianism just doesn't let me put all my stocks in that.

The lilac-haired girl smiled slightly.

-It's fine, I understand. We can respect each other's tastes as long as they don't hurt others.

Gibson nodded, returning to wiring the chunk of metal, using pincers to delicately connect the fragile circuits.

-If you can defend yourself, I guess it's not so bad if you go on a tour once in awhile...-he said.

Allie grinned.

-Yay! Besides, if I keep doing good in my performances, I might find ya a cute brother-in-law someday~

Gibson's whole body shook, dropping his pincers and turning to her, a scandalized look on his face.

-Find what?!

Allie giggled.

-Aw come on, brother. Creepy ol' dudes staring at me while I dance is one thing, but a cute boy is a whole different story~

-Allie, you--

-An older gentleman would be better though...-she sighed.


-I mean, the grabby, stalker-ish kinds are all sorts of icky, but flower bouquets and dinner invitations from some dapper folk are more than a bit enticing~

-Allie, you're 14..!- Gibson's whole face was red now.

-Chill, it's not like I accepted any of them. And they might have sorta...kinda...probably all been towards the older gals in the troupe...- she pouted- But soon enough some fine men will certainly be bewitched by my natural charms~

With that, she pulled on her armor and snapped it right back against her chest, a satisfied hum leaving her lips. Gibson turned on his chair, not wanting to look at that.

-As a scientist, it's hard for me to believe you "bewitch" anyone by using no resources.- he simply said, looking back at her from over his shoulder.

Allie gasped.

-Why you..!- she grabbed her chest, face flushed- I'm blooming more and more every day! It's not my fault we can't all have huge bazongas like Salacia--oooooh...I get it now~

She gave him a sly grin.

-You're usually so stone cold, but now I finally see where your tastes are at~

Gibson returned, once again, to his wiring.

-I have no idea what you're talking about.

-I and Salacia are awfully chummy lately~

-She, unlike a certain someone, listens to when I talk. Despite our different beliefs, she still is eager to learn more about my research, every day.

-Oh, so is that what you do in her room all night? "Talk"?

Gibson glared at her.

-Allie. You know she still has night terrors. Ever since we started traveling with Attila. I just make sure she's comfortable, by staying at her bedside until she falls asleep again.

-I know, I know. But it's still so romantic! And you can't censor me, anyways. Guy and girl, sharing a room together? Come on, that's just drama waiting to happen.

-She's still 16 and I'm 18, though.- he simply replied.

-Oh, like you won't do anything in two years or so, once she's more capable of consent~

Gibson's silence was pretty telling.

Allie skipped around the lab.

-Gibson and Salacia~! Sitting on a tree~! K-I-S-S---

-Drop it. She's still a priestess, so I have to respect her vows of chastity.

-Daawww, but a kiss here and there doesn't hurt, no~?

Gibson looked forward, at nothing in particular, before a soft color coated his cheeks. Allie burst out laughing, hugging his side.

-Awwwww! You can be so freaking cute when you want to! I wish you two all the best!

-Um...t-thanks. Are we done here, by the way? I have to finish this.

-Fine, fine. I'll leave ya be.- she grinned, walking towards the exit of the lab.

-Allie, wait!- Gibson jumped from his chair and picked up a black box, the size of his torso, that was sitting in a corner of the room. It had a transparent section on the back, filled with water, a lid on the top. On the top of the black section, there was also a lid, but its contents were a mystery.

-What's that?-Allie tilted her head- Oh, it can't be..!

-Yes!- Gibson placed the box on the ground, a huge smile on his face- I finally finished that cracker machine you've asked for! You just put a bit of wheat and water on their respective containers, press the button...- he explained, pressing a small button on the side. The box began rumbling and soon a section on the black half opened up, revealing a pile of warm cookies, their delicious smell soon hitting the siblings' noses- Voilá ! I had to work some wizardry with all kinds of Enchant Stones, in order to make this cook so fast and so much, with so little resources. But this should be the first of many machines that will help the hunger in the various recovering villages! thought you were being sarcastic again when you took that request. And that was months ago..!

-Well, it was a side-project, but once I got into it, it was a nice thing to do in my off-hours.- he smiled.

-Wait, you did this, your regular research and helping Salacia? Have you been sleeping?

-Heh...time is precious. Especially to help the less fortunate folk. It's my belief that science should be used to help people. As long as I can create something that feeds and defends the weaker ones, promoting peace and order, then I'm happy.- he said, before Allie pressed herself against his chest, tears running down her face. Gibson was surprised at first, but smiled and ruffled her hair.

-You might be a grumpy wet blanket, but I couldn't ask for a better big brother..!-she smiled up at him.

-As long as you don't ask for any more of these impossible requests for a while. I really need some shut-eye soon...- he sighed.

-Oh, then you can just go share the bed with Salacia, to cuddle all your troubles away~- she smirked.

-Easy there!-he chuckled- No brothers or sisters-in-law for a few more years, please!

Both siblings' laughs filled the laboratory.


10 years later:

Allie gulped as she knocked on the white door. She really didn't want to be on the other side for longer than she should.

-Come in.- the voice inside said.

Allie opened the door and entered the luscious office space. Papers littered Balthazar's work desk, post-it stickers covering his computer as the Order leader typed away without pause, busy on his work to command half of the continent.

Honestly, despite giving away smiles all day long, Balthazar made her nervous. Probably because he was all smiles. She had never seen him scowl or pout. His face was always stuck in this gentle, warm smile, but once you got close enough, his lips would stretch and his eyes would glitter in a nefarious way, pulling in anyone that stared at them too long into an abyss of unease. Sometimes she preferred the creepy stares of pervs, rather than have him personally commend her on a job well done. His demeanor just...scared her.

And now that Terri, Sobek and Hanzo had all joined Lucy's side...she feared that he would start taking more drastic measures to defeat her. The Tower garage had recently been very busy, having received a mysterious military cargo that they were assembling, and Balthazar wouldn't disclose on where he'd gotten the equipment...

Balthazar peeked from behind the computer screen.

-Good to see you, Allie. Sorry about the mess. I've been flooded with requests and forms about the various territories and their taxes...maybe I should hire an accountant? That or a coffee machine!- he chuckled, standing up from the chair, dusting his white robes off and walking towards the Elite.

-I'll bring you some from the cafeteria downstairs, if you're in need.- she immediately said, standing upright, glued to the floor like a statue.

-You're too kind, dearest Allie. But I need to stretch these legs, so I'll go pick that up myself. Alrighty, now for what I called you here for...

-Is it about the Elites we've lost?- she asked.

Balthazar nodded, pointing at her.

-Exactly!- he said, as he begun pacing around the room- So here's the situation: my plan was to have those three stationed around Karash, in order to whittle down the Angel's Crow forces, little by little. But it seems that some intel about their locations was leaked, so the guild made a beeline to the Elites and defeated them much quicker than I expected. Well...for two of them, at least. Sobek and Tal decided to have a little romp to Soula, delivering themselves to Lucy and her friends. I reprimanded Tal already on acting so rashly, but we still were unable to recover Terri and we lost Sobek.

-Um...yeah. That's unfortunate. But what's that got to do with me, exactly?- Allie asked.

-Well, before those three were stationed in their Bases, they were collecting taxes from the villages in each of those areas. I want you to pick up their slack, starting in the western region.- he said.

-What..? But Order officials are the ones collecting the taxes. We station them in those villages for that reason. We offer protection in return for a small payment.

-Yes, but we're running out of time, Allie.- Balthazar stopped, looking directly at her, making the Elite flinch slightly- I underestimated the power of the Alpha. Not only that, but it seems that our good buddy Lucy has resorted to recruiting some young talent from the BladeMaster Academy. Axel Rhodes, Zeke Truesdale, and Guy Vermillion. They were able to defeat Sobek, even with his Distortion Tornado. That's not a small feat. Coupled with mercenaries like the Twin Feathers and those Astral Soul Masters from gods know where, Lucy's forces are growing by the day.

-Ok, but--

-It's only a matter of time until she launches her offensive. And we need to be ready for that. And to be ready, we need equipment. For equipment, we need capital. The regular taxes are not cutting it anymore. I want you and the Desert Roses to go to that region, perform, and direct the ticket money to our military funds, before they dry out completely.

Allie shook, stepping towards him.

-The military funds?! Balthazar, the ticket money always went to the humanitarian account! We use it to help villages repair and to give its citizens food! You know that the western and southern regions are arid. Crops are tougher to grow there! And you want to cut off the money that puts food in those people's tables?! That's...that's inhumane!

Balthazar placed his hand on her shoulder. His smile ever-present and his calm, soothing voice not missing a beat. you know who's the head of the military research station, here at the Tower?

The Lotus' eyes widened.

-It's...Gibson. He's been stationed there for years...

Balthazar's smile widened.

-Gold star. Second question: remember the Pure Lights?

-Y-yes...the fanatic religious group that massacred all those villages, years ago. But...they're gone, right? Their abode vanished around 8 years ago. I don't see what that has got to do with any--

-Yes, the Pure Lights, the anti-Nexus believers that slaughtered all those innocent souls and burned down the Lightus and Darkus temple in Soula. They have never been heard of since their base was destroyed. But tell me: who destroyed it, then?

-I...I don't know. It wasn't us, that's for sure. Attila was working on finding them, but then we heard the news of that massive explosion in the western archipelago off the continent, where their base was found after the fact. But we don't know much else besides that.

-And it's exactly because we don't know that much that I believe that bastards like them are still around. The weapons your brother has been working were always placed throughout Soula, in order to protect the continent from people like the fanatics. And now, we must direct our prowess, our entire military might, to defeat Lucy Crow, whose only wish is to destroy the order that we...that Attila created. But if we don't have the funds...what happens?- he asked, leaning closer to her. Allie was able to pick up in his strong perfume, a mix of repulsive...but intoxicating.

-The military division...can't do anything. My brother will be out of a job. And the Order might topple...

-And what happens then ?

-He won't be create any more machines. His research will come to a halt if his data is deleted by the Angel's Crow, in order to keep him from acting out. His dream...will come to an end...

She would then feel Balthazar's soft fingers press against her cheek. Moving up and down, she would find it slowly being caressed as Balthazar would nod.

-You're much smarter than you let on, my dearest Lotus. Gibson is a genius mind, but he's the sole core of the Order's military, scientific and medicinal research. He alone shoulders all of those responsibilities, because no one else can match him in intelligence. If he had a partner that could help him in his research, maybe he could figure out a solution, or come up with a backup plan in case the funds became short. But alas...he can't...

-I...-Allie would stutter, shaking in place, the realization of what Balthazar was trying to say dawning on her.

Balthazar's thumb would brush up against her lips.

-But he can get some much needed help. He won't have to shoulder the burden all alone. And who better to support him than his dearest sister? Don't you agree, Allie dear?- he slowly asked, his words ringing inside her mind, a sense of despair growing inside her.

That...and urgency.

-Go your heart out and raise that money, Allie. You'll be doing a great deed and following on your passion.- he whispered close to her ear- Then you can help your brother. Finally pay him back for all the years he spent helping your dreams, by helping his.

Allie slowly nodded, eyes wide.

-Y-yes. When do I depart?

-Today. Gather your Squad. I'll also be sending a few of my own, in order to help you. Recently, there have been rumors of a team of ex-Karashian knights making the rounds on our territory. If they rally the people against us, then we will lose those lands. And then, the funds will follow. We must act fast, before they destroy all that we've been working for.

-I-I...will. Leave it to me, Balthazar. I won't let Gibson suffer because of me any more.

Balthazar nodded.

-There's a good girl.- he stepped back- Now go. Go and shine. Sway the hearts of the people with your dazzling performances!

Allie nodded and hurried out of the office. She gathered her Squad, urging them to depart at once.

Her face was pale. She never knew that Gibson was in such a need for funds. She had to help him. She would soon find him at the halls, but put on her usual coy face while talking about the mission. Although, she didn't mention that the taxes would go to his fund, not wanting to worry him.

-He asked you to do that?- Gibson asked- That's really counter-productive, asking you to go on tour at such a dangerous time, with Lucy and company going around. No matter how much it helps the humanitarian funds, it's illogical. He's up to no good again...

-Please, Gibson. I'll be alright. Stop being such a worrywart~!- she said.

-Allie, you know all too well that I can't help but worry about you. You have a tendency to...go out of pocket with your performances and jeopardize the mission.- he replied.

-Ugggh...! You're going that route again..! You know the one: the ANNOYING one. What was our deal?

-Geez..."Respect each other's tastes as long as they don't hurt others". But still---

-"But still" no, Gibson. I'm going to achieve this mission my way and you better not lay a finger on it. If I find out you've sent another spy to keep an eye on me, oh I swear...

-OK, OK, geez! Do what you want, I won't interfere. Just get it done.

-Thanks! Isn't it nice for siblings to get along well? Toodles!

She would find Sera, but she'd still lie to her. She couldn't tell her that the funds weren't going to directly help people now, but to help in the battle against Lucy.

She felt like she was doing an horrible deed, dancing in order to further research meant only to destroy and not to help people. But even if Balthazar's words were repulsive...she knew that they were right. She had always groan at the notion of helping her brother, only being focused on her dancing.

But she could truly help!

She and the Desert Roses arrived at the entrance of the Tower, their troupe carriages awaiting them. Around 50 soldiers would follow them on their airships, the men lined up outside of the building, receiving Balthazar's usual "blessing": an encouraging speech and his hand placed upon their heads. To her knowledge, it was more of a morale boost, even if it looked weird as all hell. Why did the blonde insist on being deified like that?

She shook her head. It didn't matter. She'd follow his orders anyways. So, she climbed aboard the troupe carriage, it soon beginning to move onward.

Even if she sunk completely in hypocrisy and darkness...

"If it's to protect his dreams...then I'll gladly become the devil itself."