On the end of the world sat a house that overlooked the seaward abyss of nothingness.
This house sat on a hill, the hill sitting at the apex of a town, a destroyed town in the middle of nowhere.
The masked man in white walked through the town. His perfectly immaculate fashion contrasting the dirty world around him. He walked up to the small house on the hill, the abyss of the blue in every direction.
He entered.
"Where have you been?" (Pan)
The man in white tossed a small coin on the table of the house. Its interior was regular, with green and beige walls that contrasted its old wooden frame.
Pan laid out flat on the couch, its tall hole-filled body relaxed and staring at the ceiling.
Theia walked into the room, its shinny glass figure, perfectly clean, perfectly solid, no cracks, no nothing.
"It looks like you've healed up." (White Mask)
"I healed up along time ago. And it's been a while human. Did you find The Competitor yet?" (Theia)
The White-Masked Man slowly walked further into the room. His hand on an old wooden table. He slid an intricate golden coin across to Theia. Pan sat up, it stared at the coin, its sinister magical energy flowing out.
"Is that magic?" (Pan)
"Sinister magic..." (Theia)
"It's not just any magic. It's born from one of the Five Great Sorcerers. It's a magical item that can track down anything, with just a single thought." (White Mask)
"And with this, we can find The Competitor?" (Theia)
Theia walked toward the table to get a closer look at the coin. The White Masked Man sat down, his hand hovering over the coin.
"Yes, but it only has one use, so... Before you go track down The Competitor you two must finish my end of the deal." (White Mask)
Pan laid back on the couch.
"And what was your end of the deal again, human?" (Pan)
Theia stood, its glass frame shining and clear. It stared straight at the human's white mask, at his eyes. His golden eyes.
"I don't make deals with humans!" (Theia)
It lunged out at the coin, its glassy model hand swiping across the table in an instant. But the White Masked Man quickly snatched it away in a blink of an eye, teleporting it away with one of his magical playing cards.
"Sorry. But we take care of the Sorcerers first. They are more of a problem than your Competitor. And aren't you after revenge for your fallen comrades?" (White Mask)
Theia stood still. Its glass body reflecting the evening sun through the window open. The open window, past the open sea, past the depths of time. Theia turned to Pan.
"Pan, in our world... Is it all ready?" (Theia)
"Yes. But... We need the Competitor..." (Pan)
The man in white looked at the two X-Class Monsters. Their presence towering over his. Their odd beady faces, their looks of uncertainty, of the unknown futures ahead for their race.
Ding ding ding ding!
Suddenly a sharp siren erupted across the entire wooden house.
The White Masked Man quickly stepped up to the window. He looked out over the hillside, to nine figures standing in a line near the bottom of the hill, all staring up at them.
"It's them..." (Pan)
"Yes, the Magic Force has arrived." (White Mask)
"Are any wearing the white outfit?" (Theia)
The White Masked Man looked in close. He looked from head to head. From person to person. He looked at Emma and Jack.
"No, none are in white but... Two of them are your enemies. The two that killed your friends are here." (White Mask)
Theia turned angry.
"This is the place?" (Jack)
"You bet." (Toby)
Tom pointed out across the small dirty town in the middle of nowhere. He pointed at a house on a hill, overlooking the abyss of the sea, beyond the world before it.
"There's three sources of magic in there. Two are one-hundred percent the X-Class Monsters. And the other one is a human." (Tom)
He looked closer. A small glimpse of black in his red and blue vision. He stepped across the empty fields of trash and death.
"There's another source of magic in there... It's... I can't get a good picture from this far away, but I think it's a magical item? And it has an insane amount of sinister energy flowing out of it." (Tom)
"Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. Our goal is to take out the X-Class Monsters and finish off the High Tueurs." (Toby)
Toby stepped up. Sin, Tom, Jillian, and Micheal on his right side. Jack, Emma, Vlad, and Yaku on his left. They all stood with fierce eyes, with determined faces.
"You're up Jillian!" (Tom)
Jillian held out his long lanky arms, he crossed all of his fingers. He closed his eyes and channeled all of his magic, all of his power, all into one field of force, all into one powerful barrier.
"Forced Fields!" (Jillian)
The entire hill. Everything in all directions. An invisible bubble surrounding the entire perimeter. Trapping everyone inside but Jillian who stood on the outside to maintain the forefield so the enemies couldn't run away.
They all looked out on the house, the door opened. A man in white stepped out, next to him stood the other two X-Class Monsters. One green littered with holes, the other a clear figure of glass.
Jack, Emma, Vlad, and Yaku slowly started to walk toward the X-Class Monster filled with holes.
On the other end, Sin, Tom, and Micheal started to walk toward the White Masked Man.
Toby stood in the center of it all. His two teams on either side of him. Sounding the three opponents on the top of the hill. He looked straight ahead.
He looked at the strongest of the three enemies. The X-Class Monster of Glass. Theia...
"Team Jack, you guys are in charge of taking out that other X-Class Monster, the green one with the holes. Team Sin, you guys are after the Rogue Sorcerer. This one may be the leader, so pay close attention to their magic. And lastly... I'm going after the Glass one... He's all mine!" (Toby)