A wakening

Once upon a time there was a teenager named Oscar Guirerro who is a billionaire that has it all and living his own dream as he would say. As he woke up out of bed and getting dressed in his apartment he made homemade toast and jelly while having some trouble getting his blue jeans on as he was getting late from school, as he walked out of the door he ran like there was like no tomorrow as he made it in time for school, he never was late in his life time.

Today was the last year of principal Jindrake who is the meanest person that doesn't like children but still have to put up with them as he think they are causing mischief at X-school middle senior high as he giving out lame boring speech he is giving to them while Oscar is ignoring his speech and continue writing his homework that was never finished last night because he was too tired from exercising and took a warm shower after that he passed out on his bed in his bedroom with a Christmas robe on along with his Christmas pajamas.

After Jindrake stopped speaking and sending the students back to their normal hours of school Oscar chuckled about Jindrake made him missed math class and off to history lesson about the Boston tea party and how important it was.

Soon it was lunch time Oscar was about to eat mashed potatoes and corn on the cob following by cranberries that came right out of the can that was a choice for today's meal at least it's not cornbread,Oscar dislike cornbread.

Ms.Folsom the new principal is watching the student eating their meal and knowing their name as she is watching Oscar very closely like he is some what kind of a super important person.

Back to Ms. Folsom she dressed like a District Attorney or a mayor figure in crime shows or similar to M from the James Bond series.

As soon Lunch break was over it was time for the students to say their farewell song to principal Jindrake as he all ready knew he would not miss them one bit.

He was so excited to play golf just like old times with his friends as he has been a principal for seven years and it was about time to retire.

As they stopped singing there was a yellow toy car landed on Jindrake's farewell cake as the icing was all over him with his face turning red like a volcano ready about to explode he settled down with a good voice saying " Who started this ?. If the troublemaker doesn't step forward this Instant, there will be consequences for each and every one of you.!!!" As the student gasped and looking confused on who started it principal Folsom step forward and ask the safety patrols if there was a camera for this event Jindrake nodded his head and point out on the top left corner at the student lockers.As Principal Folsom demands the safety patrols where's the recording room is at so they showed her the away.

At Jindrake's office every safety patrol was in his office to see who is the real sabotager.

Jindrake blamed Adam Spencer for the whole thing along with his oldest brother named Andrew Spencer their not so friendly as he would say they sound tacky and obnoxious followed by mischief all the time when something important is about to happen so they brought them into questioning.

Starting with what they did today one of the Spencer brother came forward as tell them every thing and gave them some new clues as they framed Oscar Guirerro even though he didn't see the yellow toy car before and following by a toy remote as his finger print was on it as he tells them how is that possible he was using a restroom while the toy car landed on top of the farewell cake.

How can this be as Oscar said in his mind when this event doesn't make any sense.

Ms.Folsom think this is some kind of a soap opera drama that is a never ending series.

As she was over exited and see how this will end she called dibs on the Spencer brother's as she known that they are the one that started this event. Soon as the questioning was over Ms. Folsom was on the case with the help of the safety patrols as they look for more clues.while Oscar is being held in the holding room as he says in his head " This is an outrage !!" Everybody know that Oscar is an Innocent bystander but there's no way to prove it unless there was more clues that the Spencer brother's is hiding from the safety patrols and Ms.Folsom all they found in the recorded room was brand new vhs tape that was being over recorded at the event of principal Jindrake farewell party on the tape was nonsense with the over talking with the Spencer brother's as they were talking some kind of code language. Ms. Folsom thinks there might be spies.

Andrew was holding on a piece of paper that look like a blue print of the school hallway as they plan this whole event on principal Jindrake.

But who done it that's the question ?. So they kept on looking as they zoomed in on Oscar finishing his homework for his math class that he skipped because of Jindrake morning longest speech that he ever given to the students.

After the whole tape was finished they are bringing back the Spencer brother's into questioning one more time before the safety patrols have a conversation with Ms.Folsom.

It was a almost two o'clock pm as this was getting frustrated with this whole event Ms.Folsom said as she was drinking homemade peppermint tea while having cucumber sandwich at her newest office that is almost finished, she didn't like Jindrake's old office it almost look like a Halloween theme so she made it out that look like a White House office at X school middle senior high.

Principal Folsom looked at every document of the safety patrols have been given her she was impressed on how it looked like as a fan reader like it kind of a short novel.