Expect The Unexpected

Christmas was almost over while Oscar Guirerro still continues to celebrate Christmas as he drinks a cup of eggnog as he never tries it before.

Oscar makes a mean cup of coffee as he keep it a secret recipe no notes needed as he remembers his own recipe.

He memorized his recipe by heart as he enjoys making it each morning as he wakes up while playing Let's Groove by Earth,Wind & fire band. He got a phone call to Ms. Folsom as she was wondering what kind of music was he listening too. She ordered him to come to the office as they have a conversation with Oscar and Ms.Folsom who is in a cranky mood as she was ran out of coffee so Oscar made some of his coffee for her for free as she took a sip of it and it was one of her best coffee she ever had. As she thanks Oscar for not getting a major headache from Hell. Ms. Folsom has been reading tons of documents that principal Jindrake was hiding about and didn't deal with it when he was in office at X-school middle school senior high. Principal Folsom demands an answer of what he was not doing his job. As he thought as she was reading like a good mystery novel her answer was " People love reading about betrayal, surprise proposals and family drama! Following by a good happy ending for this case." As she was about to call Jindrake for lots of answers that he didn't tell her about what he was up too while he was principal. Andrew Spencer was in a holding room at safety patrols headquarters at two o'clock pm he wondered if he would get outta here.

Ms. Folsom rewinds the tape to see the event of Jindrake's farewell party at X-school middle school senior high.There wasn't no call back for Jindrake so it has to be called missing therefore it has to be solved immediately but how as Ms. Folsom wondered. So she looked through all the names of students at X-school middle school senior high,so she called upon Oscar Guirerro for some help with this case as he entered her office as he took a seat she was asking lots of questions of what happened on that day he saw the event of Jindrake's farewell party. All he answered was he was using a restroom when that happened but he didn't notice nothing else so he's an innocent bystander for this case so he was off the hook for now as she made him a safety patrol for this important case if he can help the safety patrols to finish this case he will be the chosen one to become a safety patrol. As he was expected about it, he loves a good mystery and it will go down in history as he would finished this conversation with Ms. Folsom. As she turned the chair over to see a good view at the window they have a week to solve it or even longer for this mission, so they hopped to it as they dashed through the room and get the bottom for this cold case. So he looked at every hallway to see if there was some kind of clues but nothing was not been shown.

Oscar looks like Sherlock Holmes when he gets serious with a good mystery,It's almost like reading a good mystery book. He looked at every tape that the camera was recorded it's more like the Spencer brother's was being framed that it was it looked like so they called Ms.Page the history teacher over and asked a few questions about what happened. Ms. Page is exactly the same as Ms.Folsom but if you get on her bad side it will get ugly really fast.

So they entered her room as she was graded student's papers of the Boston tea party they learned and took some notes about it as they interrupt her from grading papers for a minute so she listened to the safety patrols on what happened. And it was the same answer as Oscar but she was controlling the students stay in line but didn't see the Spencer brother's cause any mischief. The safety patrols was getting very annoyed with this whole deal as they left Ms. page back to her grading papers for the evening as they search more clues. Oscar was drinking water from the fountain and continue to look more clues to the safety patrols. This was probably the longest search as they said to each other while Oscar tells them to shush.

They heard some foot steps going down the stairs as they look for the mastermind, as they all chased the fiendish villain that is trying to escape from this enchanted case as for it about to be bust wide open they catch the unknown villain and it was principal Jindrake himself as he says to them " I almost got away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids ! " as Oscar Guirerro nod his head to Ms.Folsom and tell her to her face " Looks like we caught the mastermind that started all this and for the Spencer brother's was working with him as he was rewarded him for leaving their class early."

The three of them went to the holding room for booking their punishment ain't over yet as Ms.Folsom was getting angry with principal Jindrake Ratcliffe his punishment will be much worst then he thought.

As for Oscar he went back to his house and continue to celebrate Christmas at his apartment.

As winter break was almost over Oscar tells Ms.Folsom if he can have an extra time off as his reward she allowed it just one time while holding a hot peppermint tea cup in her right hand as she took a sip of it slowly. They were on the phone when he was asking her this.

Jindrake wasn't missing he was acting like he was kidnapped by the Spencer brother's but that didn't turn out too well.