Chapter 6- Acrimonious

They really got Alan...they really want to get me back.

I never knew how much they cared...but it does mean a lot.

"Hey. You good?"

I blink, turning my head slightly to look at him.

"Yeah, um, I'm okay."

We pull into a spot, and Ian smiles.

"This is how it's gonna go, princess. You're going to come out with me, but you aren't to leave my side, alright? They give us Alan and the 10k—"

"You let me go?"

He pulls down his shades with a grin.

"That's where you're wrong, Williams. This is a trick. We're not letting you go...not until we're done with you. Understand?"

I shake my head.

"No. I don't understand. Why the fuck am I going out there with you, and why did you say you'd let me go, if you aren't?"

Ian snickers.

"You're too simple minded, Williams. You'll understand once we get out there. Whatever you do, just don't move. I will hurt you if you don't follow my directions. Remember that. And also remember to put on your acting skills..."

He grins, before opening the middle section of the car and taking out a gun.



"Too bad."

He opens the door, walking around and opening mine.

I climb out, rubbing my still pounding head.


He hooks his hand around my waist, pulling me forward.

Ian smiles at my team members, and I make eye contact with them.

I'm sorry, I mouth to them, and Georgia looks like she's about to cry while Drake drags Alan forward.

"Chill out, dude!"

Drake glares at him and Alan rolls his eyes, before grinning at me.

"Look who it little bunny."

"I'm not your little—"


Ian strokes my hair gently, smiling at my team members.

"No need to get so feisty, princess."

"Will you—"

"What did I say to you, Jae?!"

He whispers angrily in my ear and I freeze.

"That's what I thought. Now stay there like a good doll, will you? It's time for business."

He looks at all them with a grin.

"Here's how this is gonna go. You give me Alan and the cash and I'll hand her over."

Cyrus extends his hand, a briefcase in it.

Ian takes it as Drake throws Alan forward.

Alan stumbles a little, flipping Drake off.

"Bastard. I could've busted my beautiful face."

He looks down at his hands and smiles.

"Ahh...the things I could do with these! Crush people's windpipes!"

He starts laughing and Drake glares at Ian.

"Give us Jae now. That was the deal, right?"

Ian looks down at me, then up at Drake with a grin.

"I change my mind."


"You're all gonna burn in hell."

Ian whips out a revolver, firing five shots at them at once.

Georgia lets out a small shriek, grabbing her gun to shoot him when he shoots her, and I let out a gasp.

"No! Georgia!"

Bronwyn ducks behind their car, and Cyrus and Drake pull out their guns and begin shooting as well.

Alan grabs my wrist, his grip like iron as he drags me backwards behind the black SUV.

My heart pounds in my chest and I look at him in horror, gritting my teeth.

"What the fuck is this?! This is not part of the plan! Whatever the hell that was in the first place! He shot Georgia! He shot Georgia! He's going to kill them, Alan! Tell me you have something."

He gives me a look.

"You think I have something you dumb bitch? I just got out of prison!"

"If someone doesn't stop this either of them will get hurt."

I hiss, and Alan glares at me as a bullet flies into the car door next to us.

"Holy shit!"

I stand up, and look down at him.

"I'm going to go do something while you sit there and look pretty, psychopath."

He grins.

"Thanks for calling me pretty. And besides...I love to watch the chaos play out. Can't wait to see you out there, sweetness. Women in action turn me on."

I give him a disgusted look before running out, grabbing a gun that rolled onto the floor before standing up.

Oh my fucking god.

My heart sinks as I see the amount of blood collecting on the ground, and Georgia's body laying on the floor.

Drake and Ian are now physically fighting and Bronwyn is behind the car, calling someone.

Probably backup.

I stare in horror at the scene, searching around with my eyes.

Where did Cyrus go?

I shake my head.

That isn't important.

Running full speed ahead, I knock them both over, landing with a thump on top of Drake.

"Jae?! What're you doing?! What is this?!"

"I don't know! And I'm sorry! I'm sorry for all of it! It was a—ow!"

I get yanked backwards by my hair, getting dragged up and pressed against someone's chest.

I feel the frigid metal of a gun against my head, letting out a small gasp.

Drake jumps up, holding out his hands.

"Ian. Put the gun down. You don't want to hurt her."

His chilling laugh ricochets through my head.

"You're right. I want to kill her."

Mine and Drake's eyes widen and Ian smiles.

"That's right. And I will if you don't get in your silly little police car and drive off."

Drake slowly backs away, bending down to Georgia when Ian shakes his head.

"Leave her. I'll take care of her. I'll be contacting you guys soon. Don't worry. Oh. And of you report me or reveal any information about me to anyone, I will kill her, then you. Understand?"

"You're more sick than Alan, you fucker!"

He grins.

"There she goes again. Trying to be all smart on me. You'll get a nice special punishment for that one, love."

"Okay, Ian. Just don't hurt her, alright?"

He looks at me, frowning.

"We won't ever give up on trying to get you back, Jae. We love you."

Tears run down my cheeks as my eyes follow him back into the car, getting dragged backwards again by Ian who puts his gun back in his pocket.

"You did great, princess. Besides calling me a fucker."

He releases me and I stand there in shock, my eyes following him to Georgia. Wait. Georgia!

I run past him, dropping down to her body.

"Gigi?! Georgia?!"

I flip her body around, seeing the bullet right in her stomach.

I feel for a pulse, finding a very faint one.

"You—you bastard!"

I jump up, flipping around to face him.

Ian simply smiles, and my chest heaves up and down with each breath I take.

"You almost killed her! She will die! Do something! I'm calling 911!"

He grabs my wrist, taking my left shoulder and guiding me back towards the car.

"Shut your damn mouth before we have a problem. Alan? I'm leaving you with this bitch."

Alan makes a face.

"Just for her to interrogate me on why I killed people?! That was like five days ago! No thank you!"

Ian rolls his eyes.

"I didn't ask for your opinion."

He pushes me towards Alan which I stumble into, backing away.

"You're crazy. You all are! Help! Somebody help me! I'm being—"

"You better shut your mouth, Williams!"

Alan hisses, opening the backseat door and shoving me in.

He slams the door shut, releasing a breath.

"We should've gotten rid of her, Ian. One more day with her and our brains will rot."

"Whatever, Alan. Get in the car."

Alan nods, getting in the backseat next to me.

I stare at him from the corner of my eye, my lips dipped down in a frown.

"I'm gonna die, aren't I? You're both just gonna take turns stabbing me, right?"

He looks at me blankly.

"Do I look like I want anything to do with you, Williams? Because I don't. I'd rather drown in dog piss than have you bother me."

I roll my eyes.


My eyes follow Ian in the rear view mirror, watching him shove Georgia's body in the trunk before climbing in the front seat.

Both brothers stay completely silent as we drive off, and I sigh angrily.

"Hey, loons! Why don't you let me go now, huh? This is abduction! I didn't sign up for this! I just wanted some damn information so I can solve my fucking—"

Alan grabs my chin, planting a kiss on my lips.

I go completely silent and he grins.

"There you go, Ian. I found a way for her to shut the hell up."

Ian and him start laughing and I sit there in shock, putting my fingers to my lips with a disgusted look.

"Are you fucking crazy?! Did you just kiss me?! That's unacceptable—that's horrific—that's just—"

"Amazing, right? You know you wanted it, darling. And besides...what a better way to prove you aren't innocent after all? You let me stay there for a good twenty seconds."

I smear my lips onto the back of my hand, letting out a sigh.

"Shock, okay? I was in shock. It's not everyday that a fucking murderer just decides to—to—"

"Don't get so tongue tied, sweetness! It's just a simple kiss. You didn't kiss me back so what's the matter? It's not like you have a make out session with a murderer. That'd be odd. It'd also make me think you're into some things...some things that interest me as well..."

I grimace, before turning my head away.

"You're right. Which is weird. But you're right. I have nothing to worry about."

I do have a lot to worry about.

Why am I actually warming up to him? Why am I agreeing with him? Why am I acting like we're old friends?

That's enough.

This is enough.

I need to get myself back on track...and I need to do it now.