Chapter 17: Meeting with the Spirit King

"I will take my leave, Queen Xiong Wenling" Chiyou said to her and then walked away into the garden field, from where he came

The three brothers kept looking at Chiyou until he disappeared from their sight

"Mother, are you alright?" Xiong Delun and Xiong Bo asked

"Did that trash try to do something?" Xiong Qiang asked

"I am all right, there is no need for you all to be so worried, also it will rain soon so we should leave" Xiong Wenling said to her sons and started leaving the garden as water has started pouring down.

As they reached the alley, Xiong Qiang, got his eyes on the yellow flower held by his mother, he asked "Mother, who gave you that flower?"

All brother's stopped and looked at the flower in the hands of their mother, everyone became curious about it

Xiong Wenling looked at the flower, remembering her interaction with Chiyou, she said "It was given to me by King Chiyou, this flower is considered as a sign of respect towards me"

"He must be joking or trying something else mother, after all, he is a friend of our enemy. Give it to me mother, let me throw it away" Xiong Qiang said as he tried to take the flower away

But Xiong Wenling stopped him and said "No my son Qiang, his words were full of sincerity and respect.

So you don't need to be worried"

"Still mother, there could be a chance that he has done to the flower, so its better to just throw it away. After all, it's just a piece of flower.

If you want, i can cast a spell and make our whole palace full of this flower" Xiong Delun said to his mother

Xiong Delun, the eldest son, current age 24, is the most knowledgeable kid among all three brothers, thus he also knows various spells such as making a flower field.

Xiong Wenling smiled and said "I am happy to see your love and respect for me my dear sons, but still i want to keep this flower.

I will take my leave now, you all should also sleep"

And so she left the place

All three brother stood there for a while and talked few things, they have clearly noticed that their mother has changed a little after meeting Chiyou

They all are concerned

. . .

The next morning, Xiong Wenling couldn't find the flower she was given by Chiyou and after asking her husband, she comes to know that he threw it away.

. . .

A few days passed the Test of Strength event is here, people from various kingdom have come to show their strength by fighting against wild beast or challenging someone

Every time someone wins, a reward is given which could be a box full of gold or a specific type of war armor or a weapon.

Demi-Human keeps pride in their strength a lot as they are stronger than average human, thus this event takes place mostly in Dem-Human kingdom but after the birth of Xiong Qiang, he has been winning every battle in the event easily.

Since the age of 15, Xiong Qiang has been participating in this battle and winning again and again.

And the opponent he likes to challenge the most is none other than Sun Mo as he used to be only one year older than him.

Currently, Xiong Qiang's age is 22 while Sun Mo's age is 23

and even though he is bigger in age, he still loses in strength whenever they fought.

It's not like Sun Mo weak, he is really strong but the thing is, Xiong Qiang is naturally blessed with superhuman strength and he could literally tear apart a big tree from the roots without breaking a sweat.

Sun Mo also fought with Xiong Bo and then Xiong Delun but he never won against any of the three brothers, but that was all past

As this time, Sun Mo has someone that can beat all three brothers at once.

. . .

Chiyou made his way to the royal sitting area above the civilians sitting are and there he saw many faces.

Even though his vision is blurry, he can still know who is who by their Qi

He paid respect to Both Kings and the Queen and then made his way towards his seat which is beside Sun Mo, but as soon as he reached his seat

He senses a very familiar aura/Qi by an unknown person.

"Respect to Sir Spirit King" Everyone stood up and paid their respect to the Spirit King

Spirit King Mo Renshu gave his blessings and told them to relax, then he looked at Chiyou

"I have heard a lot about you, Sir Spirit King, please accept my respect for you" Chiyou said as he cupped his hand and bowed his head

Spirit King lifted the head of Chiyou and said "I am really honored to meet a warrior like you, Please don't bow your head, you are making me feel shame"

His words made Xiong Bo a little bit jealous, he and everyone know that Spirit King has a very friendly nature and he gives respect to everyone, but still, the words spoken to King Chiyou didn't feel good to him.

Chiyou looked at the Spirit King and said "The honor is all mine, for allowing me to meet you, Sir Spirit King.

My father used to say that you are the person who guides people's soul to the cycle of rebirth and when he will die, it will be you who will guide his soul to rebirth"

Spirit King smiled and said "Yes, your father said the truth, I am the one who guides every soul in this world to the rebirth.

But my job is not just that, but to also warn people when they are doing something wrong.

After all, justice should be maintained all over the world"

At the word 'Justice' Chiyou gave a strange look, spirit King asked the reason for his strange doubtful expression


But throughout my life, i never saw justice? All I saw was pain and suffering"

. . .

to be continued-