Chapter 19: Do you believe in gods?

"Then do you believe in gods?" Spirit King asked Chiyou

Chiyou smiled and said, "Who said that i don't believe in gods?"

Everyone didn't understands what Chiyou is trying to say, at first he says that a god don't deserve to call himself a god and now he says that he believes in god

Spirit King smiled at Chiyou

Chiyou explained himself

"I said that i want to question those gods who say that everyone is equal yet fate is not equal for everyone.

I want to question their words, i am not denying their existence.

After all, if not for gods... then how would i ever receive a mother and father who loved me so much, even though i was not their blood yet they treated me as their own son.

I am always thank full to gods who gave me parents,

Not only that, i am also thankful to the Phoenix Goddess of Sun who gave me the wings that holds her essence and it protected me from various death moments

I am thank full to the water dragon god, who gave me the moon god's sword that helped me come out of various dangerous places.

I never deny the existence of gods and neither demons, i know that they all exist, its just that i question their words.

That's all"

Spirit King kept his smile, he said "Everyone is equal in the eyes of gods... i am really impressed by your thoughts.

Then, what about this,

Do you think, that Humans and Demi-humans can co-exist?"

"I believe that they can co-exist if they can put their pride aside, after all, we all are the same isn't it?

I still don't know why we are called Demi-humans, i still don't understand this thing even though so many years have passed.

I still don't understand it

Both humans and demi-humans have two eyes, one nose, and one mouth.

We all walk on legs and have emotions,

We all greed and fear,

We all have dreams and we can think,

Then why are we different from each other?

Why people always differentiate each other in the name of the race, the place they are born, work they do, how he or she was in past, their culture, their belief, why?

Why one has to say that he or she is superior to the rest?

Why cant people understand that at the end of life, we all have met one thing- Death"

"Very well said King Chiyou, i am truly impressed by your thoughts.

Things that one needs years or whole life to understand, you have understood in such a young age, I am expecting a lot from you for future"

Spirit King's words made Xiong Bo a lot jealous as he considers Chiyou as his rival and an enemy that he has to surpass one day,

and seeing Spirit King smiling, who he knows since childhood, has made him really jealous.

But Spirit King is not done with his words, he said "I truly agree with your words King Chiyou, i also believe that everyone can live together with no differences.

And I believe that it can be possible if there is someone who can guide them and has the strength to face obstacles that will come in completing such a noble goal.

To be honest King Chiyou,

I think that You and the three brothers of Xiong Kingdom have the strength to achieve such a goal.

If all 4 of you become one, then even if heaven comes in your way, you will be able to defeat the heavens also.

What is your thought about it?"

Spirit King's words were not simple, every person present is shocked and few even thought about it.

Xiong Delun, the eldest son has vast knowledge and he is still learning more and more

Xiong Bo, the 2nd brother, has the blessing of thunder god, and that allows him to call lightning from the sky. His strength and speed are purely amazing and there is no one so far that can match the speed of Xiong Bo when he goes all out.

Xiong Qiang, the third brother and also the youngest among all three brothers, he may be the youngest but when it comes to pure raw strength, then there is no one that gave him a strong fight so far.

Among the three brothers, Xiong Qiang is the strongest in terms of pure strength. His strength is pure unhuman.

These three brothers are the strongest people of human kind, that is well known everywhere in the continent, but

But no one has ever heard about Chiyou, the man who showed up last year and it is believed that he has the strength to match Xiong Bo.

So, what if these 4 are all together?

Before anyone could say anything, Sun Mo stood up and said "There is no need for my friend to stand by the side of those three brothers, he is my friend and he is happy by my side.

If he needs anything, then i will give it to him.

He don't needs the help of three brothers, his strength alone is enough to make heaven bow to him.

And if worst comes to worst, then I AM NOT DEAD

I will stand by my friend's side and assist him in his time of needs

There is no need to think about such things"

Spirit King smiled at the words of Sun Mo, he said "But that is what you think, not King Chiyou.

Don't force your thoughts on your friend Chiyou if you really think of him as your friend"

Sun Mo became angry at this, he was about to say something but Chiyou stopped him, he said "I am sorry Sir Spirit King,

I may respect you but that doesn't mean that i will let you disrespect my friend"

Chiyou cupped his hands and said "Let's end our talk here and enjoy the event"

And so, Chiyou and Sun Mo leave the Spirit King and sat on their seats.

Spirit King smiled and thought something as he walked and sat at the side of the three brothers

. . .

to be continued-