Chapter 21: Battle of Strength

Chiyou throw away his cape and also his robe as he knows that it will only be coming in his way when he will fight.

He also threw away the white han dress he was wearing as he was wearing many loose clothes inside.

As compared to Xiong Qiang who is only wearing trousers, Chiyou is wearing a trouser and a shirt.


Xiong Qiang didn't even take a second of a wait anymore seeing Chiyou all ready to fight and with just one step, he jumped straight at Chiyou and grabbed his both shoulders.


Chiyou easily threw away the hands of Xiong Qiang on his shoulder and then at a very high speed he also landed a punch at the chin from below that made Xiong Qiang walk a few steps back

As compared to Xiong Qiang who has a big bulky body which shows his physical strength, Chiyou has a normal ripped body.

He may not be as bulky as Xiong Qiang, but he still has a good height which is a little bit bigger than others giving him some advantage in battle.

But it's not like he is weak, after all, he still has a blood of a beast in him.

Xiong Qiang is shocked to see that with just one punch, his jaws are a little bit numbed.

"You are strong" Xiong Qiang said with a smile and then gets all serious

Both of them clashed their arms and then fists, both of them could tell that the battle will last longer than they both thought.

And Xiong Qiang is not so happy as this is his first time when someone has fought equally in terms of physical strength.


Xiong Qiang roared as he filled his body with Qi and increased the size of his muscles


Chiyou landed a fist on the chest, but it had no effect on Xiong Qiang, the thickness of his muscles has increased by a lot.

Xiong Bo smiled as he knew that he has finally overpowered Chiyou, he took his right leg back and then at a high speed, attacked his knee at the stomach of Chiyou as he is standing close to him after he landed a punch.

Chiyou knew that he should make some distance between him and Xiong Qiang as he has grown stronger, so he tried to jump back but Xiong Qiang grabbed his arm and pulled him back

'what the..'


Chiyou used his leg and his left hand to protect himself against the knee attack from Xiong Qiang

The attack was so strong that it made him open his leg and arms after taking the attack, leaving his stomach all open

Xiong Qiang didn't let this chance go and gave a rotating kick right at the middle of Chiyou's stomach, sending him flying away crashing at the walls of the arena.

"hahahaa, now this is really fun isn't it King Chiyou?!" Xiong Qiang asked with a smile

Chiyou spit some saliva as he came out of the dust and looked at Xiong Qiang, he said "You truly have the strength to back your words about having a thousand beasts strength in you, but... A battle is not just about strength"

"I don't know what you are saying, seems like you are afraid of losing that's why blabbering such things.

Fear not, the more you speak, the more painful i will make your defeat" Xiong Qiang said as he gave a mocking smile and then came straight at Chiyou with his right fist.

And then threw his fist when he came near Chiyou

Chiyou looked into the eyes of Xiong Qiang and said "You may have the strength of a thousand beast in you, but your fighting style reeks too much overconfidence"

After saying that, Chiyou used his right hand and swiftly changed the angle of the fist coming at him.

He grabbed the wrist of Xiong Qiangs fist that is still moving with his both hands and using the whole right arm as a rope, Chiyou turned around and used the whole momentum in his favor and threw Xiong Qiang on the ground

But the landing was not so strong that it could put any effect on Xiong Qiang, as soon as he landed on his back, Xiong Qiang tried to stand up, but Chiyou is not done with him.

"Sleep" Chiyou said as he raised his right leg all the way up and then at a very high speed, he strikes it right at the face of Xiong Qiang who is still on the ground on his back


A strong wave of wind blew near the ground and all the dust on ground blew away from that one attack.

As Xiong Qiang, he is back on his feet but

"I am seriously going to kill you now" Xiong Qiang said as he removed his hand covered in blood from his nose.

His nose is bleeding like a waterfall and his mouth is also full of blood

"you should have stayed down when i told you to sleep, guess you really want to make it hard on yourself" Chiyou said in a calm tone as he kept looking at the ground where Xiong Qiang was before which is now stained in blood

Then in the next second, he ran straight to him and then threw his knee right at the face of Xiong Qiang, but

Xiong Qiang smiled as if he was waiting for Chiyou to come near him, the moment his knee landed on his face, he grabbed the knee and the whole right leg and while holding that, he threw Chiyou on the ground.

"its over" Xiong Qiang said with a smile and then raised right fist up and threw it at the face of Chiyou

"You are truly an idiot" Chiyou said as he saw the fist coming at his face, but as soon as it came, he slides sideways and grabbed the wrist with his both hand

Then he took his left leg and from the left side of Xiong Qiang, he wrapped it around the neck and also took his right leg to wrap it around the body of Xiong Qiang

But Xiong Qiang is not down, thus Chiyou smashed his left legs heel on his left cheek and again wrapped it around his neck tightly


It didn't take long for Xiong Qiang to fall down as Chiyou cut his breathing when he wrapped his left leg around his neck.

The moment he landed on the ground sideways, Chiyou released the left leg and just cross locked with the right leg.

Xiong Qiang is now on the ground on his back with his right arm locked in the hands of Chiyou, and he is in pain right now as the more Chiyou tightened his body, the more Xiong Qiangs joint pained.

"AHH!" Xiong Qiang Screamed a little when Chiyou tightened his body

He said "Dont worry, the more you will scream the more painful i will make your defeat"

and then



. . .

to be continued-