Chapter 102: The God vs The Mortal

With one arrow, Chiyou destroyed the black clouds forming right above them.

Sun Mo and others are shocked and scared at the same time by this action, shocked because Chiyou is Hella strong who can change the weather with his one arrow, and scared because Thunder God is now Hella angry.

Seeing the black clouds completely shattered, Thunder God became all angry and looked at Chiyou, he said "Mortal, you dare attack me!!!!

Prepared to die!!"

and after saying his words, Thunder God flew all the way up in the sky and then soon, the whole sky, no matter how far you look, every part of the sky is covered with black clouds.

The animals in the forest started screaming in fear, the birds started flying away as the wind started blowing wildly and Thunder striked everywhere on the mountain.

Chiyou could feel the weather around him has gotten worse and he could tell that the reason behind such a scene is Thunder God and this made him more angry.