Chapter 120: Fear

Theia rarely moves out of her room, and the reason for that is because she is getting closer and closer to absorbing the whole moon god's sword power.

So far, she has absorbed a big amount of moon god's sword, to a point where she can keep creating ice swords in thousands of amounts and still never run out of Qi.

Surely, this is a big deal for anyone, but, as Theia absorbed more and more power of the sword, she comes to realize that the sword has more secrets than she could ever dream of.

From the details given by Chiyou, she knows that the moon gods sword can absorb one's soul and trap it inside the sword,

But she didn't know that the sword has its own world inside it.

A world that is suitable for every kind that was or will be trapped in it.

Theia tried,

Tried her best to get inside this world, the world that is inside the sword and so far, she had been trying,