Season 2- Chapter 47: battle of Void Rank people (18)

"So you are justifying killing because he did it huh?"

Tian Qiu became silent, he kept his head in the direction of demi human.

The air around him has started becoming a little bit heavier as compared to a few seconds ago when the demi human said he is also a follower of the same person as him.

"You say that you follow him, but ask me why I am killing others? Are you trying to say that what I am doing right now is wrong?

Are you trying to say that my reasons, my cause... these all mean nothing?" Tian Qiu asked the demo human

The demi human one more time shakes his head, denying what Tian Qiu said and told him "u have seen your fight, and your words hold respect for him, thus I don't think that your belief and your reasons are wrong.

I have no doubt about your respect for the King of Sullegar, it's just that... I doubt your actions and think that maybe you and other people from your organization have been misled by someone."