Season 2- Chapter 86: Marriage preparation (8)

The Xiong Kingdom-

Xiong Delun is inside his room right now, he has just entered his room after taking a letter that came for him from the Sullegar Kingdom.

He sits down on a chair and sighs after looking at the letter.

He has not opened it yet, just from looking at the paper, it is making Xiong Delun feel sad.

"Are you still worried about your family's future?" Zhenzhen, the Heavenly beast, asks Xiong Delun through telepathy, a link, they both share between them through the contract they formed.

Zhenzhen's voice ringed directly inside Xiong Delun's head, Xiong Delun nodded and said "I got my answers, and to be honest, I think that it was best if I was unknown to it"

The question Xiong Delun wanted to ask his father, has asked them that night when his brother's wedding ceremony took place.

And the answer he got, it was worst than he could imagine.

"Curiosity kills the cat" Zhenzhen said an old idiom