Season 2- Chapter 94: Wedding Ceremony (7)

Jiang Heng, the water dragon, presents a bow (weapon) for his son.

The bow color is blue and the aura it's excluding is something that can't be expressed in words, the upper and lower limb of the bow has a full dragon body design.

The dragon's tail is nock and their head comes near each other but shifts upward, acting as a sight window and the two dragons (one in upper limb and one in lower limb) have their hands joined together, acting as a grip and arrow shelf.

The whole dragon body is blue in color and every part of the dragon body is so highly detailed that you can see and feel its scales, horns, fur in tails and etc, etc, it feels like a real dragon is used to make the body of the bow

But that's not the end yet, the bowstring is the real thing.

The string is also blue in color but its color is so light that it fee's like it is white but it's blue and then there is very thin sized water that is swirling around the string