Season 2- Chapter 102: Yinglong

The brown horse that had left Chiyou after being healed, came back to Chiyou after a few minutes passed and he remained by his side.

Chiyou didn't give time to think about the horse, he searched the whole area yet he didn't find anything that could tell him what happened to his friend Prince Sun Mo

And after a long time of the search, he finally gave up and came back to the palace on the brown horse.

The moment he came back, he ordered his soldiers to prepare a letter for King Sun Qiang, but Prince Sun Mo is missing and also about what happened last night.

Right Now inside Imperial Court-

Chiyou is sitting on his throne with his eyes closed, thinking about Sun Mo and where he could be.

'Who could be the one that attacked Prince Sun Mo?

Was it a group? Or just one person?

But still, how did they kidnap Prince Sun Mo?' Chiyou asks in his mind.