Season 2- Chapter 111: together in times of worry

Xiong Bo and Xiong Qiang had left for Tao Kingdom during evening time and they had been traveling nonstop all this time, they took the straight path through mountains without taking taking right or left turn.

They did bring there carriage with them but soon they left the carriage and took teh horse with them to make there journey fast and they will be reaching the Tao Kingdom very soon.

While they were crossing mountains on there horse, they saw a long line of people crossing mountains.

It's clear to both brothers that these people are citizens of Tao Kingdom.

In this large horde of people, both brothers could also see many people who are wearing some luxury dresses which indicates that even rich people's are in a hurry to move our of the kingdom.

And what's shocking right now is that not even a single person is carrying any bag or any type of luggage with them.

Everyone right now is just in hurry to leave there kingdom and reach a safe place.