Season 2- Chapter 212: 1 dream but two different paths (1)

A month has passed since Chiyou and Theia's fight took place.

In The Xiong Kingdom-

Right now, all the human kingdoms are in big uproar due to the letter they received from the Crown Prince of The Xiong Kingdom.

What did the letter contained?

It was a letter that requested all human kingdoms to make new rules that favors equality among all classes.

Or, if they fail to do so then the Xiong Kingdom will interfere in there kingdoms work.

And this is not a small thing because an interference from other kingdom in another persons kingdom is like an act of war

So no one is liking this message from the Crown Prince Xiong Delun.

Right now at Xiong Delun's side-

All the three brothers are sitting at the lake side, inside the gazebo (sitting area) and except Xiong Delun, other two brothers are having an expression that says that they are worried about something.