Season 2- Chapter 232: an evil plan (2)

There are total of 6 human kingdoms in this Shenbāo continent, Xiong Kingdom, Tao Kingdom, Bin Kingdom, Peng Kingdom, Zi Kingdom and He Kingdom.

Tao Kingdom is no more, so now it's only 5 Kingdom that's left.

And in the meeting, the 4 kingdoms which received the letter from Xiong Delun are present.

The person who called everyone for the meeting is the King of Bin Kingdom, the 2nd person is the King of Peng Kingdom, the 3rd person is the king of Zi Kingdom and then the last person is from He Kingdom.

Right now in the meeting-

"Huh?!" Everyone is shocked to hear what the king of Bin Kingdom just said now as he is the one who called everyone for this meeting so he should have made some plan beforehand or at least have something in his mind but he had nothing in his mind.