12. Please forgive me.

She froze in her position not knowing what she would say or do the moment she heard his deep voice.A smile grew on Lina's friends and she definately knew that she was about to do something that she wasn't going to be happy about.

"What are you wearing," she scanned the t-shirt.

"A t-shirt are you blind," she tried being serious.

"And goodness look at your hair, if your father saw that I'm sure you'd be in a lot of trouble sweetie," she giggled.

His father is strict on her and how she presents herself to people and of he saw her like this then they would be certain that he would go crazy.

Well her best friend to be clear.

"Lina what are you doing here,?"she half closed the door

"Wait a sec, are you sure that's not a bird nest in your head," she said suppressing laughter.