14. I've lost her


After making sure that they were gone I was about to turm and make my way into the building when I saw my neighbour going out.

She's very cool and a lawyer. She had just moved here like me but for her if was the different story . Her boyfriend lived here too and I've seen the two of them in a distance before and they make a lovely couple. She seemed like a nice girl and I wish her partner was the one for her.

We exchanged pleasantries and chatted for a while. After that I went straight to the apartment. Though I earned a few glances from woman because I didn't have any t-shirt but just a pair of joggers I'm glad that I got there in one piece. *chuckles *

I managed to sort that mess and clean the house in an hour and I had the rest of the day to myself as this would be my last day as a free man.