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What A Beautiful Man!

I was stunned the moment I saw the man who's currently descending from his limousine. The time suddenly moves slowly as if someone's pulling me towards him.

He looks dang as hell, a very handsome man in blue suit. He looks expensive too and his built? He must be staying at the gym for more than twenty four hours. He really looks goodㅡwait, what am I thinking now? Why am I thinking this way?

I was cut off to my reverie when Gino defended himself from this almost and close to perfection man.

"Wait, are you blaming me for this? What are you trying to say? That this is my fault? Hey mister, it doesn't mean your car is bigger than my baby tricy, you already have all the rights in the world to underestimate me!"

The man is still immovable and nonchalant. "Did I ever say that I owned all the rights in the world like what you are trying to imply in your statement? Did I underestimate you? When?"

Gino got panicked as he lost for words. "N-nothing! But you must admit that you are the one who's at fault here! Besides, you're the one who showed up without giving any proper signals." Gino defended but the man still looks cool and adamant.

"For your information, I gave a signal, you just don't care. And also, were you informed that tricycles aren't allowed in main highways like this, weren't you?" and that made my friend shut his mouth but I am here, willing to save him. This is what friends are for.

"We're all victims here, mister I don't know who you are. So can you please let us go? I have an important errand to attend to." I was about to hop back in the tricycle when another man alighted from the limousine.

A chauffeur?

"Don't you know the man you are talking to?" he asked with a hint of threat.

"I don't care about your life or what's your stand in this country, what I cared about here is you're wasting our time especially my time! You have no idea how important this day to me. The company I am applying for isn't just a simple company so leave the way!" I didn't give them the opportunity to give their rebuttal but asked Gino to depart.

When the tricycle starts to leave, I still saw the man whom I doesn't know about staring at me like this is his first time being disrespected by the stranger. I can't deny that my eyes lingers to his Greek god-like features.

"I'm sorry, Enzo!" Gino apologized while dawning his eyes on the road. As he should.

"That's okay, just bring me to the terminal of van."

Gino did not bother himself to give a response but rather continue to drive. After a couple of minutes or so, we finally made it to the terminal of van.

"Brad, this is my fare." then I handed him my twenty five pesos.

"Thank you, Enzo, and good luck to your application!" we did a fist bump before he leaves whereas I following the van whose currently waiting for other passengers to ride.

I am gasping for air as I hop in the van. "Hays!"

I put my bag on my lap so I could easily get my cell phone. I am going to call Lira because I just remembered a few seconds ago that she has a school to attend today. I need to tell her to ask auntie to accompany our mom so she'll not be alone. Like what I just said earlier, I didn't let and I won't like to see my mother being alone.

While I am busy rummaging the bag on my lap, that's also the time the van I am riding to departed.

"Wait, where's my phone?"

My face contorted in confusion as I realized that my cell phone was no longer with me.

What the fuck? Where's my phone?

"Why am I having a series of bad luck today? Arg! What a great time of losing my cell phone anyway. Good job, Enzo, for unlocking the next page of Jumanji!" I got bent out of shape over the chains of jinx that I am facing today that I wouldn't even noticed my voice getting loud that made all the eyes of the passengers inside the van lay on me. They all are watching me rant about how bad is my day today.

"I am sorry if I disturb you," I said shyly. I really want to shrink right now because of the unworldly embarrassment.

When their gaze were no longer at me, I quickly hit my head multiple times using my knuckles like a crazy one hoping it would fix the damages of this wonderful day.

To be honest, my life today is such a pain in the ass! I'm growling here in my sit like a shit. I tried to soothe myself down until one scenario came into my mind, it all started with the limo guy whose face only shows nonchalance and self-entitlementㅡbut wait, is there any possibility that my phone fell earlier when I am having a senseless debate with him?

Oh, damn, Enzo! It might have fallen unnoticeably as I am too focused on the bicker with that limo guy. I am so disappointed of myself the whole time in the van as I fully remembered that I lost my cell phone back in the highway.

After a long travel, we finally arrived at the Bonifacio Global City in Taguig. The moment I alighted from the van, the skyscraper is the first thing that showed up to my face. At least it helps me to lessen the toxic bad mood circulating to my body.

"This is it, Enzo!" the only statement I could say to encourage myself to do my best.

I'm walking along the sidewalks while following the navigational icon on my phone that points my direction to the Gomez Robotics until the biggest building in this city showed up to my face.

"Wow." I was in awe when I finally see my dream company. Shit, this is so cool.

An advanced establishment in the middle of the innovated city.

Fighting spirit mode on.

I immediately went inside the building while holding the physical requirements with me. I was about to go to the employee on the lobby to ask what to do next for application when a woman approached me.

"Are you an applicant too?" before I could even speak, my eyes ran from her head to toe first.

The heck? This woman is really gorgeous, she looks like Jessie Mendiola. I guess the color of her underwear is orange. Yeah, it is, believe me.

"Ah, yes?" I scratched my head and started to make myself cute so I could catch her attention.

"I think the applicants' line are in there." then, she pointed the area passing the lobby and I was amazed because she totally got it right.

"Let's go."

The hours passed by and still we are waiting for the interview but I didn't feel any boredom and disgust because this woman is actually fun to have a conversation with. Her name is Angela, the woman whom I guessed was wearing an orange panty.

Now, I should call her the girl in the orange panty. While I am having a fun talk with Angela, our co-applicants suddenly stood up in unison and bowed their heads. I don't know what was happening so I stayed sitting on my chair until Angela stealthily hits my shoulder.

"Stand up, the grand son of the chairman is coming on our way," she murmured.

My eyes widened and have felt pins and needles as I heard her statement. I quickly joined with other applicants and bowed my head too. I wasn't able to see his face because my head is bowed down. This is the very first time I feel this kind of nervousness. I almost hear my own beating heart like there's a horse running inside my chest. Every time his foot steps are hitting the marble floor, the sound it is making is resonating inside my ear.

Enzo Romero, I am begging you to be professional or else you will lose the opportunity to work in this company. Your dream company.

My eyes went gape even more when the grand son stopped in front of me. My sweat right now is literally and continually releasing to my sweat glands like it is some sort of falls. Oh God, please help me if not please take me with you right at this moment.

What makes my brows knitted is when he presented his hand to me. "This is my fucking cell phone!" I exclaimed that caught everyone's attention but what made me halt is the moment I saw his entirety. My hand has no courage to get my phone from his own veiny and beautiful hand.

My shit, his presence, aura, and physical features made me feel insecure, what a beautiful man!

"Yes, this is me, the man whom you doesn't know about and the man you won't even dare to know no matter what is my stand in this country," he said nonchalantly while still presenting his hand with my phone on it. I am speechless.

"B-but how come... but it's impossible..."

Obviously, I am stuttering because I was shaken up by the face-slap-reality. I has not opened my mouth yet when he intended to come even closer to me. I almost feel his breath when he put my cell phone back to my left front pocket and continued to walk away. All the applicants were in big turmoil right now especially Angela.

"Anyways, could you please respect women? Don't guess what is beneath their pants or skirts," he said without facing me.

What the fuck? How did he know about it?

This is a total mess.