WebNovelAiden 2.333.33%

Enzo Sees Him

Enzo's POV

I QUICKLY STOOD UP from my sit with my mouth and eyes wide open when my mom agreed with what I said. We're currently in the living room conversing about what had happened to Aiden a few days ago and also discusses about Chairman's job offer.

"Are you sure, mom? My life is in danger, is that okay with you?" I asked repeatedly just to make sure that she's really fine with the offer.

"It's really fine with me, my son. The real concern here ain't us but you. Do you really like to accept the job? That's the question." I was stunned a little bit when she muttered that line and had me made a quick realization in my mind. My sister on the other hand was busy surfing on her cell phone.

"Just say yes, brother! It would be great if you will accept the deal and be able to be part of their company. At least, I have something to be proud of to my classmates." her voice has a streak of tease that made me hit her head.

"That's hard, bro!" she yelled exaggeratedly while rubbing her head to take the pain away.

"Really, Lira? How dare you use your handsome brother! You're such a pain in the ass. Can't you be supportive this time?" my words were harsh, but there's this evident tone in my voice that proves that I am just joking albeit jokes are half meant. Whatever. I averted my gaze to our mother and answered her question.

"Yes, mom. I really want to be part of their company. You know how this means the world to me," I almost said in whisper.

"Then, what are you waiting for? Accept the offer. You know, Enzo, if you really want something and your fate is presenting you the opportunities, don't waste but grab it immediately and prepare yourself to take the full responsibility to it. Pursue what your heart wants, Enzo. If you're thinking about us here, don't worry because we can handle ourselves. Always remember this, no matter what happens, we will always be here to have your back." those warm words coming from my mother made me really feel like I am so loved and lucky to have them as my family.

"Thank you so much, mom."

"You're always welcome. Anyways, let us not waste any more time, go and get your things ready so you won't have any problem to mind." I kissed her forehead before turning around and went straight to the stairs. I was about to step when she speaks again, "Do your best, okay? Your papa is so proud of you, I know." for some reason my eyes watered in a split of second.

"Yes, mom."

And there I went upstairs and headed to my room. It has been a few minutes since I started packing my things when someone just punched my right arm and hugged me tight afterwards.

"Bro!" Lira was crying like a crybaby that I almost feel her tears in my arm. "I'm missing you already!" when I heard her voice cracked due to heavy sob, I suddenly hugged her back to appease her. I am feeling her emotions by just hearing her every cry. Even if we're always acting like a cat and dog, we can't still deny the love and care we have for each other.

Actually, behind the harsh words, teases and whatnot, I am her go-to person and whenever she needs me, I'll come no matter how busy I am.

"Stop crying, Lira. I promise, we will still get in touch even if I am not physically here. I will do this for us." she just nodded but still sobbing and here I am, comforting her. "Also, please look after our mom for me, okay? I will give you what you want when you do that. Add to that, can you please study more? Stop giving us wheezing grades." I tried to break the seriousness by teasing her.

"Copy!" she took her hands off of me and went straight to my clothes and helped me put those inside the luggage.

"Are you really sad or just playing time with me?"


"The way you pack my clothes seemed like you're more excited to watch me leave." she's just laughed out of it and continue packing my clothes.

A moment after the conversation with my sister, my cell phone suddenly rings inside my front pocket.

"Wait, I'll take the call." I left Lira inside my room and strode the way through the balcony and answer the call.

It's Chairman.

"Yes, Chairman?"

"Enzo, go to the J's restaurant first and we will talk about something important." hearing those words made me feel the pins and needles inside my chest.

"Noted, Chairman." Chairman Alberto didn't bother himself saying goodbye instead he hanged the call up not knowing that I was left wondering here thinking what will be the topic is.

But, I was cut to my thought when Lira showed me the luggage. She's already done packing my things so I went back inside the room and thanked her for doing the work.

"Let's go." Lira initiated to bring the luggage outside the house.

My mom was holding my hand while we're waiting for the tricycle to come over.

"Bro, always take care of yourself, ah? We're not around to look after you." Lira reminded me while paying attention to the luggage.

"Take care or annoy me?" three of us laughed out of it.

"Enzo, you can do it." My mom whispered.

"I can do it." the moment she kissed me on my cheek was also the same time the tricycle arrives. I gave them my tightest hug before getting inside the tricycle.

I spent almost thirty minutes in traveling until I finally reached the J's restaurant that Chairman was talking about. I already sighted him from the outside, he's sitting alone in one of the tables inside the restaurant. I didn't waste anymore time here and went inside the J's.

"I'm sorry for being late."

"Have a seat." Chairman Alberto pointed the chair in front of him and even if I am still a little nervous, I took the seat.

"Ah... Chairman, what are we going to talk about?" before he could even say a single word, he let out a deep sigh first.

"About Aiden," he said seriously.

"Boss Aiden?"

"Before anything else Mister Romero, I want to thank you personally for accepting my offer."

"W-welcome, Chairman."

"Starting off this conversation by saying transparency between you and me is highly mandatory. My grandson has big ambitions for the company and for himself. Take note of that. Failures, mistakes and stupidity have no space in his vocabulary, so you should always know better and be prepared. He can destroy someone's name in just one snap especially those people who are trying to hinder his plans. Going deep to the topic, last three years ago, I decided to create a prototype humanoid robot who looks exactly like Aiden."


"His name is Aiden 2.3, and I created him so I can use him in case of constraints of situations or unfortunate circumstances. It just boils down into this account, I don't want to give the position to anyone else but Aiden."

"Why don't you pass your position as early as now? It can help secure your grandsons' post."

"You know Enzo, it's easier said than done. Once the Board of Directors heard about it, they'll do an immediate action just not to make it happen. We have a lot of traitors around us especially in the company. Sorry to say this but your suggestion won't do anything good." his voice is as calm as the wind but the emphasis in each word makes you feel like you're in a different level of hell.

"You are the founder of Gomez Robotics, then why don't you fire all of them? You have all the power to control them anyway."

"The Board of Directors are also the shareholders of the company. 45% of the shares came from them and once I allow your vision turned to solution, Gomez Robotics will fall like an unsupported home." knowing this things now made me feel dumb but happy as the same time because I am learning new things. However, hearing those reasons made me realize that they really are in a narrow and dangerous situation.

"So, what's your take up plan now?"

"Come with me and I will show you my final plan." he stood up from his sit and led the way to his car. "Janus, at the main laboratory." He gave the destination to his personal assistant and he immediately granted it.

Wait, I thought only the three of us knew about the main laboratory? How come this man knows it too?

When Chairman Alberto noticed the confused expression on my face, he suddenly speaks, "He's trustworthy, Enzo. I am telling you. Janus knows about the main laboratory since then but he doesn't know the function of it." my eyes went open in shock when he said the right response for my confused expression. How can he do that? How can he give precise statements toward uncertainties if he has no clue?

You know? This man is really something. Because of the turmoil in my head, I didn't utter any more words and let the time flow. After almost two hours in traveling, we finally reached the main laboratory. I just noticed that Janus was left in the car. Weird.

"Enzo, I already registered your personal identity to the main laboratory, meaning to say you can now have an unlimited access here." I almost forgot that I am in the reality when he said that.

"Oh, I see."

We continued to go inside the main laboratory until Chairman Alberto stopped in front of the blinking light on the wall. "What are we doing here, Chairman?" I asked while examining the light, I think it's broken.

This was the same light I was talking about when I and Aiden went here last time, but my boss just lifelessly said, don't mind it.

What shocked me the most when Chairman pushed the light and in a split of second, the metal wall suddenly opened. It amazes me that I even got goosebumps all over my body. This is just so cool!

"Wow, this is so incredibly amazing!" was all I could say while roaming my eyes around.

This room is no joke. It is really a huge room surrounded by thick metal walls. The interior looks like a shop of spare parts for human robots as it is full of humanoid robot body parts displayed in big glass cabinets.

"Chairman, may I know where can I see Aiden 2.3?"

"He's here, Enzo." he pressed the red button above the metal podium beside him and in just a span of seconds, the middle area of the floor moved in circular motion like a capture effect of the camera. My mouth went parted when I saw a glass capsule slowly coming out of the floor.

"What the fㅡ" I wasn't able to finish my line when I saw a beautiful and naked man inside the glass capsule. He's floating inside the capsule because of the blue liquid solution. This one is more detailed and realistic than Francis 1.0, to be very honest.

"Does he look like a real human, doesn't he?" an exuberant feeling is shown all over the Chairman's face.

"No doubt, Chairman! There's nothing in this world I would have ever thought that it ain't a real human. He really looks like one!" I complimented while my eyes couldn't leave this man. I still can't believe that it is possible to have a humanoid robot that can look exactly like the real human.

"Chairman, what's the purpose of the blue liquid solution inside the capsule?"

"Good question, I actually noticed last two years ago that his skin was not quite convincing as well as his nails, eyes, hairs, and every single part of Aiden's body so I decided to invent a substance that can help the silicon to be human-like. Aiden 2.3 needs to be soaked for about two years to get the desired result and today is his last day. That's also one of the reason why I invited you to come with me today." Chairman has been spilling a lot of information about his personal choices. Does he really trust me that much?

"You trusted me so much, Chairman, huh?" I said a little.

"Of course, you know, Enzo, I know our traitors. We know who we should give our trust and those who should not. That is how you play while making yourself safe." After saying the line, Chairman Alberto jumped to explaining the rest of the parts and I liked it.

"Do you wanna see him awake?"

"Is he really waking up already?" if this humanoid robot has the same attitude with the real Aiden, I think we have another problem waiting for us in the future.

Chairman Alberto pushed another button again on the podium. He pushed the black button and I don't know what its meaning so I better wait for the result. I am so excited to see and to meet this humanoid robot. After couple of minutes, Aiden 2.3 opened his eyes and it left me in dire flabbergast when I saw his eyes glowed in dark.

"I am Aiden 2.3 of Gomez Robotics." my jaw dropped on the fucking floor when I heard the resonance of his voice filling the whole room. They almost sounded the same but what makes him different from the real Aiden is that he has no emotions to show yet.

"Wow, it's nice to hear his voice!"

"His abilities are almost complete. Aiden 2.3 is still in the manual mode so you still have to control his life especially when interacting with other people. As for your project, we need two data to input in the artificial brain, one is for human sensitivity and that is your task and the other one is mine." I furrowed when he didn't tell me what kind of task does he have.

"Wait, what's your task?"

"You'll find out soon, Enzo. But for the meantime I want you to do your task. I'll give you at least two months to finish the chips and another one month for testing and trials." by hearing those words made me feel all the pressure on my back. I know myself that I can do it but still can't help my heart to stop from beating so fast.

While I am assessing the totality of Aiden 2.3, there's this one unanswered question a while ago from Chairman Alberto that sunk in my mind. "Chairman, may I know now your plan?" Chairman just heaved a deep breath before starting to talk.

"If ever Aiden gets killed by the perpetrators, that's the time we will allow Aiden 2.3 to take over the place as Aiden Gomez. My final plan will go something like this, when we successfully take all their shares in secret, we will frame them up and remove in the company. I'm 100 percent sure that our perpetrators are one of the Board of Directors," the way he said those words feels like it's just nothing to him. He's so calm.

I didn't bother myself asking any more questions instead I continued probing Aiden 2.3 so that I will have these initial ideas that can certainly help me start the chip.

"Chairman, can we put him out of the capsule so I can assess him more?"

"Sure, but we need to wait for 28 hours before releasing him because we need to drain the capsule first."

By just thinking of how they came up with this kind of project, I won't doubt why they've reached this far. Their family is enormously intelligent especially Aiden. You can really tell that Aiden is such a gifted human by just observing how he speak, act, and interact though he's a prideful. I hope Aiden 2.3 is the opposite version of the real Aiden.

How I wish.

After the quick talk and meeting inside his "secret room" in the main laboratory, Chairman Alberto asked Janus to drive me at Aiden's home. I was obligated to stay at Aiden's house because I need to watch him 24/7 and make sure that he's always safe.

After an hour or so, finally, I've reached this grandiose and huge mansion. By just looking at this house, I can tell they've spent a lot of millions just to build this house. I am not yet done scrutinizing the whole mansion when there's this voice that interrupted my thought.

"Standing still? Forever?" asked Aiden, deadpan.

"I'm sorry." I tilted my head a little to humbly apologize before turning his back at me and walked ahead first.

"Follow me." he uttered imperatively. This huge metal gate before me automatically slides opened and there I entered and followed him until we reached the living room.

"You'll use the other room which is beside mine. Go to your room now. You're vexing me with your aura." I didn't utter any words and just turned my back at him and made face.

"Psh, so stern." I murmured before finally entering my room.

My butt is not heating up yet on the bed when my not so ordinary company phone suddenly rings.

"Yes, Chairman?"

"Aiden has an urgent meeting with the Board of Directors at 10 AM, and I want you to come with him, so don't be late."

"Noted, Chairman." when Chairman Alberto ended the call, I went straight to Aiden's room to tell about the meeting.

"Aideㅡ" I wasn't able to finish my line when I saw Aiden wearing no top resulting to freely showing his masculine body while busy fixing his belt.

He's got a nice body, though.

"Yes, I am almost done fixing myself, and I am expecting you to be ready as well. And also, after the meeting, I will explain to you the do's and don'ts of my house so that everything will go smoothly while you're here in my territory." my mouth went shut after hearing his reminder. The tone of his voice is giving me chills all over my body.

Fuck, I am dead!

KuyaSitan|Aiden 2.3