Chapter 2: The Chess Match~

In the top of a building, one could see a portal opening from which an extremely adorable boy of 7 years old came out

This was our protagonist Izayoi~

"Waah! This place is so beautiful!"He exclaimed

Currently, he was on top of a building that oversaw the whole city, Izayoi could see new thing's wherever he looked at, He was extremely curious, He was after all a child who had not experienced anything. Sure he has connected his consciousness to the void and Could be said to know about everything in existence but experiencing it was still a new feeling for Izayoi

"Awesome! This place is so cool~But first I need some money without which I cannot do anything" Izayoi thought sadly, Sure he could create money from his creation ability but he didn't want to do that as he wanted to earn the money himself and he didn't want to spoil the experience of earning money himself as for him everything was a new experience!

While he was talking to himself Izayoi arrived on the main road, when suddenly a car passed him which came to an abrupt stop all of a sudden. A butler quickly came out of the car and opened the passenger seat from which a cute loli came out

Izayoi had sensed the car coming but did not understand why it stopped so abruptly as he had analyzed the car while it was coming towards him using the Law Of TIME and he knew there was nothing wrong with the car's mechanism. Thus he was a little confused as to why it stopped so abruptly

While Izayoi was thinking all this the White-haired loli came in front of him and started staring at him, after which she nodded her tiny head in self-satisfaction as if she has proved herself right~

"Excuse me, do I know you?" asked Izayoi

"Ah! Pardon me, My name is Arisu Sakayangi and I would like to have a chess match with you" she said

"Why?" Izayoi asked, slightly tilting his head

"I have an ability called Wisdom's Jurist which allows me to approximately evaluate the target's perception(wisdom)" She explained

"But when I saw you my skill didn't activate! this was the first time my skill didn't activate and because of that I was shocked"She said getting pretty excited at the end

"This is why I want you to have a chess match with me!" she exclaimed

[Sakayangi Arisu was a genius among her peers. She was undefeated in terms of intellect and was an excellent strategist. After she awakened her innate ability(Wisdom's Jurist) she started treating people In accordance with their intellect and was constantly searching for a person who could rival her~]

"Hmm, What will I get from this? and why should I do have a match with you?" Asked a genuinely confused Izayoi shocking Sakayanagi as she was not used to getting rejected

"I will give you a million yen! Please have a match with me!" A desperate sakayanagi said

"Oh alright then, let's have a match, Where will we have the match?"He asked as he was quite happy for getting a million yen which will solve his money problem for quite some time and as for the question of him losing? You are talking about the person whose consciousness is connected to the void! The probability of him losing is 0!

As Izayoi and Sakayanagi reached her car the preparation's for the match was completed by the butler

"Oh, Forgive me! But what is your name? I never asked~" she asked

"My name is Izayoi" Izayoi said~

"Okay, then let's start the match without any further delay. I will choose the Black pieces, Is that alright with you Izayoi-san?" Sakayanagi said

"Un, it's alright with me Arisu-chan, I can call you that right?" I asked as I saw her freeze when I called her that

"Fufufu, you are quite daring Izayoi-san, let's see, if you can win, I will let you call me that~"She spoke in a playful tone

"Sure, Arisu-chan," I said

"Hmm, you are quite convinced of your victory it seem's," Sakayanagi said mockingly

"Un, let's begin the match," I said

Sakayanagi then moved her pawn to D4 and Izayoi moved his Knight to H3.....

(After 30 minutes)

*1'st POV*

"Ho-How is this possible!?" Sakayanagi asked completely shaken

"Well then transfer the money to my account A-R-I-S-U chan~," I said to Arisu who was completely shaken

Then I looked at her butler who was completely shaken as well but he came out of it after noticing my gaze and he nodded at me while preparing to transfer the money into my ESECS card

[ESECS card is the identification of all the citizens living inside the boundary, It is an international card which works world-wide and has multiple uses]

Where did I get the ESECS card you ask? Well, I could accept a little help from my abilities right~ Do-Don't look at me like that! I am not g-guilty!

Anyway, after arisu-chan's butler, transferred the money to me only then did she come out of her stupor, But by then I had already started walking away from them

"Sayonara, A-R-I-S-U chan! I would love to meet you again someday~"

After which I disappeared from there using my Law Of Space

*Sakayanagi Arisu POV*

"Hmph, don't think I will let you escape me that easily!" I exclaimed

"Faros, find his location at any cost and get me all the information available about him," I told my butler

"As you wish, milady!" I heard him say

'Izayoi huh, I will not let you get away' I thought as a smile unconsciously adorned my face


Anyway guys

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But Most Of All~