Chapter 12: War~

(3'rd POV)

As the warship's advanced the FRANXX's and the IS which were on the air were ordered to probe the perimeter by Izayoi to search for any possible terrain advantage which could help them station the troops better and give them an advantage, though it was already analyzed by him before, he needed the FRANXX's and IS to go there and send the coordinated to the warships and other FRANNX's and IS

According to the reports that Izayoi received the targeted area which has been given the name NEST for this mission is surrounded by five islands in a pentagon like patern~

So Izayoi stationed a standard FRANXX, IS (Infinite Stratos), 10 Genestellar-class Xenesis, and a spirit warrior class Xenesis on each Island to prevent stray Klaxosaurs to escape from the perimeter and for sniping any possible Klaxosaurs that may come within their range which covers quite a large area~

After stationing the team on their respective islands, Izayoi along with the Main combat force started moving towards the klaxosaurs who have already noticed them and have started their attacks~

As the 500 Conrad-class klaxosaurs began their assault, The 150 Xenesis, 45 standard FRANXX, 65 IS, 10 special-class FRANXX, 95 spirit warrior-class Xenesis along with the warships began their attacks, while XIRCONIS-000 was flying towards the Super Lehmann-class Klaxosaurs at 20 times the speed of sound (6860 m/sec) leading the other air troops who were intercepting the many Conrad-class Klaxosaurs

As the XIRCONIS-000 was flying towards the Super Lehmann-class Klaxosaur it was intercepted by a Gutenberg-class which it slashed through using its Magma Energy powered energy sword which was further enhanced by Evanthe~, so it was a one-hit kill as it was further powered by the FRANXX's skill (JUDGEMENT-Uses 30%energy in an attack, though the energy gets replenished with time)

After which XIRCONIS-000 used it's AOE ability, as it started storing energy in the sword's tip which was later discharged in a vertical line which slashed through many Conrad-class Klaxosaurs and some Gutenberg-class Klaxosaurs

(Skill-: Divine Retribution-Stores 50% energy in the Sword's tip in a compressed form which is later discharged. The energy is replenished through Time~)

As XIRCONIS-000 pushed through the Klaxosaurs, the other FRANXX also started exterminating the Conrad-class klaxosaurs, and groups of 20 or more started fighting against some Gutenberg-class Klaxosaurs

The other Xenesis also started firing Spells, while 50 Genestellar-class Xenesis were preparing a Stellar-class Spell which they were planning to launch against the Super Lehmann-class Klaxosaur

The IS pilots were also eliminating the Conrad-class klaxosaurs, and groups of 30 IS were fighting against the Gutenberg-class Klaxosaurs

The Battlecruiser-class Warship and both the Heavycruiser-class Warship were also launching various missiles, lasers, and numerous rounds of ammunition on the Klaxosaurs

The sniping team's which were stationed on the 5 islands were also sniping the stray Klaxosaurs and exterminating any Klaxosaur that came into their range

There was not a single casualty as most of the Gutenberg-class were handled by XIRCONIS-000 which also exterminating most of the Conrad-class

But the main problem was the Super Lehmann-class, which couldn't be damaged by any means possible

And in the midst of all this, all the Xenesis, IS pilots, FRANXX pilots, everybody present there witnessed something which they would never be able to forget...

(Akira Agawa, S-rank Xenesis POV)

My name is Akira Agawa, I am 32 years old, I was a normal citizen, but it seems like I had a high affinity for mana, So I was recruited into APE to become a Xenesis

After being recruited into APE, I worked hard and completed my missions as efficiently as possible, and trained vigorously to keep my body in shape, and practiced my magic every day till I was exhausted. Maintaining this regime, I quickly rose through the ranks because of my efficiency and dedication

Some days ago I was assigned to go to an SSS+ rank mission which could potentially lead to my death, although there were rumors that a new FRANXX which was far more advanced than any other would be used, I didn't believe it, I only knew one thing and that was to survive this mission

Though after I reached the military base where we were ordered to assemble, the rumor seemed to be true as the recently created XIRCONIS-000 was introduced to us, I was also told to escort a special guest, Code ORIGIN to the FRANXX, as he was going to pilot it as was told to me

As I saw Code ORIGIN, I couldn't help but freeze as I thought that it was some kind of sick joke!

Sure, FRANXX's are piloted by young people, but this child seemed to be barely 7-yrs old!

Though I knew better, so I didn't question him and escorted him to the FRANXX after which I took my leave

As I was checking my gear for the last time, I heard him made a proclamation which I guess he amplified using magic, which truth be told did make my blood boil~, 'Well he has remarkable leadership skills at least' I thought as I put my Magical Device into place and activated it

Though after we went to the battle, I quickly changed my opinion about him as it seemed that he was an excellent FRANXX pilot too~, 'He has accomplished so much at such tender age; I thought as I used a B-rank spell at a Conrad-class Klaxosaur

As I was eliminating another klaxosaur, I saw that everyone around me had stopped fighting and were looking in a particular direction

As I turned my head to see what they were staring at, I saw something which made me widen my eyes and drop my weapon as I stared at the scenery before me.....


Anyway~ If I reach 200 power stones by the end of the week, I will upload 5 extra chapter's~

So, how was it?

Hope you like it~

The next chapter will be tomorrow~

And I know most of you could have already guessed what Agawa-san saw~

Anyway~, The FRANXX's pic, and character pics are on my Discord~

Patreo*n kun's and discord chan's links are on the author's note~

Peace out~

The next chapter will be out tomorrow