Chapter 14: APOTHEOSIS~


(3'rd POV)

After Izayoi defeated the 2'nd Super Lehmann-class, everybody started returning to the Military base although sub-consciously as they were still quite shocked

Izayoi was sitting inside one of the cabins in the Heavycruiser-class warship, as the XIRCONIS-000 was unable to move after using Code OBLIVION

It took 15 hrs approximately to complete the mission and recover everything possible into the warships (Klaxosaurs remains were recovered which could be later used to make FRANXX)

After reaching the military base, Izayoi was escorted to the VIP room, where he would rest for some time and receive his payment, before going back to his appartment~

(1'st POV)

"Sigh~, I am hungry, Oh! It seems like they have come" I mused as I waited for the people who will give me my reward to arrive~

"Greetings, Code ORIGIN, I am Isabella Enfield and I was tasked with delivering you your reward, I am also a chief executive of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation which is responsible for handling the finance of this mission," The lady said to me as she sat on the opposite couch

[In this book Amagiri Ayato has a twin called Sakura Amagiri(Wife of Amagiri Masatsugu in cannon) and Amagiri Haruka is also the daughter of Amagiri Masatsugu, their mother is an Original Character, Basically, Madiath Mesa is out of the equation. This is for those who have read the series, and want to know about Sakura's fate in this book~]

"It's nice to meet you too Enfield-san," I said as I greeted her

"Code Origin, you will be entitled to 1.864 billion yen as you have slain-256*Conrad-class Klaxosaur, 6*Gutenberg-class Klaxosaur, and 2*Super Lehmann-class Klaxosaur," Enfield-san said to me as I passed her my ESECS card where the money will be transferred

"You will also be awarded APOTHEOSIS-rank Authority in the prime organizations of the world, which was granted after discussing with the top brass of the respective organizations due to which your authority will be lower to only the founder/chairman of that organization," Enfield-san said to me which surprised me quite a bit as I was not expecting that

"Do note that you will be the sole owner of the APOTHEOSIS-rank authority and are essentially the second-in-command of any organization that you may come in contact with. With this, we have completed rewarding you and we hope that you will continue cooperating with us in the future" Enfield-san said as she got up from her seat and bowed to me

[Izayoi is basically the second-in-command of every organization in the world, as the Joint mission was administered by worldwide organizations. which are the Apex of their own respective field and have granted Izayoi APOTHEOSIS-rank authority in their organization which also includes their subordinate organization. In short, Izayoi has been granted the APOTHEOSIS-rank by the Apex authority of a certain organization and is now the second-in-command of that organization. Do note that although Izayoi is the second-in-command it doesn't mean he has to follow the orders of the Apex authority as the sole reason that the organizations had granted Izayoi that kind of authority was to connect themselves to Izayoi and make him a neutral being, not siding with any Factions]

"And on a personal note, thank you for taking care of my daughter Evanthe, I am truly grateful to you as a mother," Enfield-san said to me to which I just gave a nod as she left the room

"Ahh! That was interesting~, now let's go to my apartment" I said as recovered my ESECS card and the card with the weird symbol which depicts my APOTHEOSIS-rank authority as I tossed them both In my storage using the law of SPACE

(The pictures are in my discord server~

(3'rd POV)

As a portal opened in an apartment where many people could be seen surrounding a crying girl of about 7-years old

The crying girl was Zero Two, and the people surrounding her were Hiroomi, Mitsuki, Izumi, Arisu, and Faros who were trying to console her, but when the portal appeared inside the apartment everyone's attention was turned towards it and even Zero Two stopped crying as she looked at the portal

"Hey, guys! Why are you all sitting like tha-" Izayoi couldn't even finish his sentence when a pink blur quickly tackled him (Zero Two, Use tackle!..... It was super effective, because of Zero Two's type advantage. Zero Two=Loli+pink hair+cute=Overkill)

"Hey, what was that for!" Izayoi asked Zero Two who was now practically sticking to him

"Sniff*Sniff* Where did you go!" Zero Two asked Izayoi who was shocked seeing Zero Two cry

"I had some business, but didn't I tell you that I was going for some time?" Asked a genuinely confused Izayoi

Hearing that Zero Two froze

"I may have forgotten that..." Zero Two said in a tiny voice, but Izayoi could hear that

"Sigh~, I clearly told you that to not make you worry, how could you forget," Izayoi said as he caressed Zero Two's hair who was smiling sheepishly like she was not even crying, to begin with

"Ahem! So where did you go?" Arisu asked Izayoi after getting his attention

"Ah, I just had some business," Izayoi said absent-mindedly

"Is that so.." Arisu said not asking the same question again~

"Anyway, let's play another match of chess!" Arisu said to Izayoi, who just nodded his head

(30 minutes later)

"How did you defeat me again!" Arisu screamed at Izayoi who just tilted his head and said

"Like the other times?" Which further irritated Arisu

"Ah! Leave it, anyway it's getting late, I will come again tomorrow" Arisu said as she got up fro her seat

"Well, why don't you guys stay for dinner?" Izayoi said to everyone present who just nodded their head in approval as they liked his cooking~

After which Izayoi prepared some Tortilla Española and Gazpacho, which was well-liked by everyone after which they said their farewell's and left~

After Izayoi locked the door, he put the sleeping Zero Two on the bed and climbed onto the bed, and fell asleep while cuddling with Zero Two~

(Next Morning)

The next morning while Zero Two was sleeping and Izayoi was preparing breakfast which was Tacos De Asada, he heard a knock on the door and when he went to check who it was he saw a family of three on the other side

"Good Morning, we are your new neighbors, My name is Azami Sanshokuin, this is my wife Ahane Sanshokuin and this is my daughter Sumeireko Sanshokuin" Izayoi heard the man say.....


Waaah* Finished at last~

Time-skip incoming!!!!!

Anyways how was it?

Please give me your powerstones~ If we reach 200~ by the end of the week, I will upload 5 extra chapters~

The pictures are in Discord~ and Sumeireko Sanshokuin will be the only character from that series if you guys are wondering~

Patreo*n Kun's and Discord-chans links are in the author's note

Sayonara and Peace out~ >.<