Chapter 17: ALVAREZ

(1'st POV)

As I woke up, I felt two figures cuddling with me who were obviously Zero-chan and Arisu-chan

"Wake up you two, we have a long day ahead of us today," I said to them as I helped them wake up

"Yawn~, good morning," They said in unison before falling asleep again, damn they look so cute when they talk like that~

"It seems they won't be waking up any time soon, well let me prepare breakfast," I said to no one in particular as I headed towards the bathroom to freshen up

After coming out of the washroom, I picked up my smartphone and typed a number

"Hello? Yeah it's me, prepare an aircraft for me to go to 'Elysium Isle' with some other people, I want it ready in 2 hrs" I said after which I hung up the call

"Now that all that is done, I should start cooking breakfast~," I said as I headed towards the kitchen

"what should I cook?" I asked myself as I pondered about what to cook

"Let's cook Beef Stroganoff and Gulab Jamun for something sweet~," I said as I prepared the ingredients using my law of CREATION and started cooking by the end of which Arisu-chan and Zero-chan had woken up

"Good Morning you two~, freshen up as breakfast will be ready in a while," I said to them who just nodded while rubbing their eyes and went to freshen themselves up

After finishing our breakfast we started dressing up after which we placed all our luggage inside my Dimensional storage (Law of SPACE) and exited the apartment after which we headed towards Sora's apartment (10-05) where he lives with his step-sister Shiro

"Hey, Sora! You there?" I said as I knocked on the door after which I heard the sound of the door opening

"Onii-chan is getting ready, yawn~" I heard Shiro who had opened the door say while sounding sleepy herself though at least she was already dressed~

"Oi, I am ready already, let's go" I heard Sora who had just come say while locking the door and passing Shiro her bag

"Alright let's go~," I said to him as I felt someone tugging my sleeve

"What's the matter, Shiro-chan?" I asked her as she passed me her bag and continued walking

"....." I just simply tossed the bag inside my Dimensional Storage and continued heading towards the elevator

After reaching the ground floor we met with Mitsuki and Hiroomi, who will be going together with us to 'Elysium Isle'

"Well then let's go to the Airport," I said to the group as I opened a portal connecting to the airport

[Now some people will ask why isn't he directly teleporting to 'Elysium Isle'? Well he isn't playing a game, where he needs to reach the last boss or the ending scene, he is doing things slowly to enjoy the moment, if not then why would he even go to school? Not like they can teach him anything, heck why Is he even on this planet? Just destroy everything and go to being the lonely existence he was before, but no cause' he wants to enjoy himself]

"Hey, wait for me!" I heard Hiroomi shout as the others and I passed through the portal

(1'st POV)

"Well, we have reached the Airport, let's go to our aircraft now," I said as I started walking towards the terminal as the other's followed me

"Excuse me, I would like to board my airship," I said as I went to one of the counter's

"Ah, can I please get your tickets, sir?" The Gate Agent asked me to which I passed her my APOTHEOSIS-rank card to which she simply widened her eyes and got on one of her knees

"We have been waiting for you, please come this way," She said as she started leading us to one of the airships

"The airship: ALVAREZ has been prepared for you today, I hope that you will have a pleasant journey," The Gate Agent said as she left after bowing

"Hey, why did the lady get on her knees after seeing your card?" Hiroomi asked me which got everyone's attention except Zero-chan as she simply didn't care about it after we had boarded the airship

"Well, my rank is quite higher than her, so of course she has to show me respect," I said after which I put on my padoru Sleepmask and stopped talking seeing which Hiroomi also dropped the topic though he was still curious

(After 2 hrs)

"Ah! We finally arrived" Zero-chan said as she stretched her limbs while the others were exiting the airship

"So, we will be separating from here on huh~," Sora said as I nodded

"Well, we can meet whenever we want after classes and when our schedules are free, we can also meet during the weekends~," I said to everyone to which they just nodded

"Well, then guys, let's meet later we don't want to get late for the first day right~," I said and prepared to leave with Arisu-chan and Zero-chan

"Izayoi" I heard Shiro call me

"What happened, Shiro-chan?" I asked her as she pointed to Mitsuki's bag

"...." I didn't say anything as I simply passed her the bag she gave me before from my Dimensional Storage as I cried inside my mind 'Am I only good for carrying bags?'

"Well, then everyone see you later, I will send you the location of the place where we could meet on weekend's~, till then Sayonara~"

"Goodbye~" I heard the other's say as I walked towards the exit

"Let's go to the hotel first~, we have to change into our school uniforms right," I said to Arisu-chan and Zero-chan as a black limousine stopped in front of us and a chauffeur quickly came out of it and opened the door

"Let's go to the hotel then~, after which we will be going to Advanced Nurturing High School~," I said after getting inside the car along with Zero-chan and Arisu-chan


Well, how was it?

Give me your reviews~

And as always I might add ~ I will do a mass release If I get enough Power Stones~


It hurts my heart to see 105 paragraph comments and they are all spams~

Sniff* sniff* sniff*

Anyway, ~, which class will our MC be in?

It will be either A or D~ is all I can say

Sayonara and stay safe~

The next chapter is tomorrow

Pictures are in discord~