As soon as Astra entered the room, he sat down to cultivate for some time before going to sleep, as he was quite close to breaking through to the next realm and he just needed some time. He cultivated till midnight before going to sleep.

And the hours of cultivation weren't in vain, during this time Astra was successful in merging the layers of Qi into one and form a thick barrier and successfully reaching «Spirit Qi Foundation Establishment Realm».

Feeling satisfied with his progress, he stopped cultivating and slept, after greeting 'Good Night' Leilana.

The next day, early in the morning Astra woke up before anyone else and exchanged greetings with Leilana. Seeing there was still some time before breakfast time, Astra sat down to stabilize and consolidate his cultivation.

One and a half-hour later, there was a knock at the door.

Astra stopped cultivating and permitted the person at the door to enter the room. It was none other than Nanea.

Immediately after she entered the room Nanea was quite shocked to see that Astra had a breakthrough to «Spirit Qi Foundation Establishment Realm» and not only that the Qi surrounding him was stable and solid which felt like the person had been in this realm for quite some time now. After some time, she congratulated him.

"Congratulations!! You achieved a breakthrough to «Spirit Qi Foundation Establishment Realm». Only yesterday you were «Spirit Qi Gathering Realm» but today you are already in another realm. It seems you really have a lot of talent for cultivation." [Nanea]

"Umm… Thank you. Yesterday, even before I met you, I was already on the edge of achieving a breakthrough, so after yesterday's dinner I cultivated to achieve the breakthrough that was in the reach, so I sat down to cultivate. It was only until midnight did I manage to break through to the «Spirit Qi Foundation Establishment Realm».

And now that you have come, let's go get something to eat then we'll make our way to Heavenly Sword Sect. Are you fine with it?" [Astra]

"Yeah, sure. Let's go with that." [Nanea]

After that, both Astra and Nanea left the room and walked around the street to find a restaurant where they could get good food to eat.

After walking along the streets, Nanea took Astra to a restaurant that looked quite exquisite from the outside and some interior decorations could also be seen from the outside gate, Nanea took Astra in the restaurant. According to her, its cuisines were the best in the city.

After the food, the duo left the restaurant with a satisfied expression on their face. Then, Nanea led Astra to the Heavenly Sword Sect. It took them around half an hour to reach there from the restaurant.

The entry gate of Heavenly Sword Sect was huge in size and was being guarded by 2 guards. But, he could barely sense the cultivation base of the guard.

On seeing Nanea both the guards bowed to her and opened the gate for her while she simply nodded at their gesture and called Astra to follow her.

Immediately after walking through the gate, the duo was greeted by a huge castle-like building which was built in the Pagoda appearance and design and there were dragon sculptures on the corner edge of the roofs of every floor. There were many more sculptures throughout the ground of Heavenly Sword Sect which was of a person wielding a sword. Just a look at the statue gave one a feeling of oneself being in the presence of a Supreme being.

The land that the Heavenly Sword Sect covered was similar to the size of a small city back in Astra's world. Seeing this Astra was quite surprised. He also saw many people walking around the grounds of the sect, they all wore Silver White-colored dresses with an imprint of a sword on the back of their dresses.

Looking at Astra, Nanea was happy to see his expressions Astra had while he was looking at the view of the Heavenly Sword Sect and was elated with the thought that now he would join the sect if he were pushed a little more. So, she started guiding and showing Astra around the sect while telling him about all the good things about the sect.

First, Nanea showed around the Outer Sect to Astra, taking him to the dorms than the different facilities of the Outer Sect. Then, she showed him around the inner sect, but unfortunately, she couldn't show him the area where Core Disciples lived or taught as that was out of her limit of authority, and even if she went to the core area of the sect, she would be breaking the sect rules and would be heavily punished by the authority. So later she showed him the library and then they went to the Elder Hall so that Nanea could ask an Elder to admit him in the sect.

At the Elder Hall, Nanea asked a guard to relay a message to the Head Elder that she had brought with her someone to join the sect.

Later an elderly man came out of the Elder Hall where both Nanea and Astra were waiting.

Seeing him come out, Nanea bowed to greet the old man and motioned Astra to do the same, so Astra also greeted the elder in the same manner. Seeing them greeting, the elder nodded and motioned them to rise. The man was no one other than The Head Elder. He had shimmering grey hair and beard but had a masculine and healthy body full of vigor which was on par with someone who would be in athletics. It was quite in contrast to the age that one perceived him to be off.

While all this greeting session was going on, the elder was observing the young man besides Nanea.

To him, the young man seemed to be someone who maintained himself really well despite him not being someone from a wealthy family, he looked nothing less from one with the way he made him appear, and he was quite a handsome man.

Then, the old man began accessing the young man's cultivation, and he was too shocked to see such a young man probably around 15 to 16 years of age already achieving the cultivation of «Spirit Qi Foundation Establishment Realm». And from the way, the Qi was still being unconsciously being absorbed in his body, though there was no Qi fluctuation, he guessed that he recently only achieved a breakthrough.

He'd never seen such a genius. Even the youngest in their sect, forget that even in the entire continent to achieve this level of cultivation ages no less than 20 years of age, and one has to note that one can only begin their path to cultivation when their spiritual root has matured and awakened which is only possible when one reaches the age of 14 or 15. So, one could only guess what monstrous level of talent he has. He truly was a rare talent who is one in hundreds of millions.

He couldn't let such rare talent slip from his sect. If they groomed him properly then he could be the one to lead the sect to the very top leaving all other sects and cultivators behind. He would be the rise of the sect.

"Young man, what's your name?" [Head Elder]

"My name is Astra Takeshi, Elder." [Astra (said while cupping his hand.)]

The elder nodded.

"Would you like to join our Heavenly Sword Sect? Astra, are you willing to accept me as your master. I can promise you great resources to aid in your cultivation without any hindrances." [Head Elder]

Hearing this Nanea was appalled and envious at the same time. This was a rare thing to happen, for the Head Elder to take in a disciple, and to top it all him willing asking a disciple to an apprenticeship under him was the greatest honor.

"I would like to join the sect. And I am really blessed and honored to be the Disciple of Elder." [Astra]

"Call me 'Master' or 'Shifu'." [Head Elder]

"This humble disciple greets Master" [Astra (greeted with cupped hands)]

Hearing his polite and respectful voice and the way of Astra addressed him as master, the elder felt content.

"Good. And since you are already at «Spirit Qi Foundation Establishment Realm» at your age, so you have a promising bright future, that is if you don't get arrogant. So, here is advice from your senior never get arrogant about what and who you are, there is always someone better than you there in this vast world.

Also, you don't have to go through being Outer Sect Disciple and can directly become Inner Sect Disciple. However, remember if you show dissatisfying results like slacking off during cultivation or learning martial arts and the way of the world taught to you, then you will be immediately expelled from under my tutelage and kicked out of the sect." [Head Elder]