Chapter 9: Bleak Grave Hollows

Soon as he saw the smoldering smoke from afar, Rae didn't think twice and spread his wings. Everything happened so fast as he kept on flapping his wings towards the burning building. And when he reached the location, a sight of giant blue flames swallowing the house before him.

'I've never seen a fire like this before...' He thought, 'But more importantly, I can sense three lives inside... Two vampires, and one human.' He closed his eyes for a moment.

And when he opened them, his pupils glowed in bright red and prepared protection around his skin. Quickly, he flew towards the flames, and just in time, he witnessed a girl with blue hair who was going to burn a level-E vampire protecting a human. As fast as he can, he wounded himself and turned his blood into a huge crystal shield. In a nick of time, he managed to protect the vampire bat and the human from the raging blue flames.

'Seems like he's the other vampire bat that was mentioned to me earlier.' Rae took a quick glance at them and saw the familiar face of the human girl.


Even he hasn't seen her in five years, he can't forget her facial features that easily. Though her hair color has changed to mahogany brown, he's certain it's Marinella Pineda, Yana's best friend.

'What is she doing here?! I thought she went to the same school as Yana? More importantly...' His gazes landed on the lass's wounded arm as the aroma of blood lingers in his nostrils.

'Where did she get that wound?'

His thoughts were interrupted soon as the girl with a blue flamed-hair spoke up.

"Hmph. So you have appeared..." She said and narrowed her eyes at the lad in front of her, "Vampire King!"

"I don't think we've met but..." Rae's eyes glowed in red as he seriously gazed at her, "I won't forgive you for hurting these humans!"

'Right, there's only one possibility who hurt Ella. It's none other than this vampire before me!'

The girl smirked, "Those eyes... For a hybrid, how bold of you to have those red eyes!" Suddenly, the flames swayed and formed into a giant dragon.

At her command, the dragon charged towards them and knocked its head off the crystal shield he made. The first one didn't have any effect. But the impact is strong enough to shake the ground below them.

The blue dragon continued hitting its head on his blood crystal. As for Rae, he kept his arms intact and didn't pull it off.

'It's so hot! It's hotter than Cal's flames! If this continues, we'll burn to ashes!' Beads of sweat continued to flow out of his body.

Then, he gazed at the level-E vampire, next, to Ella.

"Rae... is that you?" She mumbled in disbelief.

"I'll explain later. For now, please escape this place as fast as you can."


"Now!" At his commanding voice, the vampire bat quickly carried Ella and took her away from the burning house.

When they had finally escaped, Rae quickly turned the crystals into sharp ones and threw them all at the girl. The blue dragon uses its body to block the attack but not all crystals melted. Some even reached the girl's place but she effortlessly dodged them all. As she did, she noticed in her peripheral vision, Rae quickly rushed towards her side and threw his small orb of blood. But before it could reach her, the girl kicked his stomach as fast as she could that he bounced on the other side.

Little did she know, Rae spitted blood on the floor before he flew away. In a split second, the blood glowed as it exploded in front of the girl.

Rae quickly left the building soon as the explosion began. He spreads his wings and floated in mid-air only to find out, the girl also escaped from the attack. Using the flames on her feet, she was able to float in the air as well.

"Not bad..." She giggled and glanced at him who's still alert.

"Ember Flanery..." She said, "You're a good fighter and you're worthy to know my name."

'Flanery... Where did I hear of that name before?' The lad solemnly thought.

"Tell me your name, boy. And I'll remember such a good fighter like you before I end your life."

"I don't plan on losing to you, my lady. But regardless, I'll give you my name as you have given yours." Rae seriously looked at her.

"I am... Rain Anderson Elliot Renfield Van Helsing Celis."

Her brows twitched, "Did you just say... Renfield?" The grin on her lips suddenly faded soon as she heard the name.

"Yes, that's my grandmother's surname."

Her eyes widened as she came upon the possibility.

She became flustered, "Do you... perhaps know... the name--"

Suddenly, the golden light of the arrow came rushing towards her. If she wasn't sharp enough, she wouldn't be able to cast out flames in time just to defend her. When she gazed around, two men in white robes came with their holy weapons.

"Ha! So this is how you've stooped so low, kid? You even asked for a human's aide and a hunter at that. How vexing..."

"Hey, we're not his comrades!" Isaac blurted out.

Then, the flames on her hair suddenly grew bigger as her eyes glowed brighter. Blue flames also appeared on both of her hands.

"I won't let someone like you become the Vampire King! Not a hybrid like you!" Suddenly, she threw her rampaging blue flames all around them.

Quickly, Rae turned his blood into a crystal dome and enclosed Ember inside, so that the flames wouldn't go any further. It was so fast that the two hunters thought they'd be in ashes if he didn't help.

'Ugh! I've used too much blood within this night. If this continues, I might collapse again!' He thought and stretched his arms to hold on to the crystal dome while Ember was struggling to destroy it.

"Why did you help us?" Asked Gideon.

"Is this something you should be more worried about?" Rae weakly smiled at them, "If you don't want the city to get burned, we have to work together to stop her."

Isaac and Gideon exchange glances. Both are still in doubt.

"We have no time to spare!"

"Alright, alright! I get it!" Isaac scratched the back of his head, "We'll help you out just this once until we settle this!"

Gideon prepared his chains as he raised his right hand, "At the count of three, release her and we'll attack altogether."

"Sounds like a plan." Rae nodded.

Then, Gideon took a deep breath.

"One... Two... Three!!!"

After that, Rae released the crystal dome and turned its pieces into sharp shards, pointing it all at Ember.

"You'll all pay for this, filthy humans!" She threw a massive amount of blue flames towards them. Rae threw those crystal shards to delay her attack and distract her. Just then, Isaac shoots his multiple arrows at her. But the flames around her formed into a dragon once again that devoured his attacks.

But of course, it wasn't that all. Everything was just for show.

Gideon and Isaac combined their energy together and formed a magical circle below her without getting noticed. And soon as she did, it was already too late. The magic has been activated and she got electrified. Gideon used this opportunity to attack her using his surujin.

"Not so fast, human!" Ember exploded some flames around her that deflects Gideon's attack. But it faded so soon now that she felt her heart suddenly throbbed in pain.

'N-no... Not now!' She clutched her chest.

Suddenly, Gideon wrapped his golden chains around her and tied her up.

"I've got her!"

"Here we go!" Isaac exclaimed as he shot his golden arrow once again.

At the same time, Rae threw his bloody orb towards Ember.

The next thing happened like in slow motion.

Isaac's golden arrow's going to hit her soon. And Rae's getting nearer and nearer as he's about to hit Ember with his bloody orb. But all of a sudden, someone appeared in front of Ember. A man wearing a black cloak with golden linings.

Quickly, he grabbed Rae's wrist, stopping him from his attack. It was so strong and firm that he could tell, this man isn't ordinary like him.

And then, he stretched his other arm and the golden arrow suddenly stopped. With a gesture of his hand, the arrow dispersed into golden particles of light.

Isaac and Gideon were astounded, "How did he manage to do that?!"

As for Rae, he was also petrified.

But there's something within this man that makes him even more dangerous.

His smile.

Yes, he may be smiling. But it was something with a hidden contempt. Something that is sly and wicked. And the lad can feel it all with a single glance on that smile and the way he grips on his wrist.

"We've finally met... Vampire King." He smirked.

"Who are you?" Rae narrowed his eyes at him.

"V-Vulpine? What are you doing here?!" Ember exclaimed after seeing her savior.

"Why, to pick you up, of course." Vulpine smiled.

'Vulpine? Why does that name sound familiar?' Rae pondered.

"But first, let us get rid of such nuisance..." Suddenly, Vulpine threw him on the other side that he was caught off-guard. Rae bounced through the windows of the buildings nearby.

Isaac gulped upon seeing his strength, "Looks like he's not someone we should underestimate."

"You're right. But we're not going to back out." Gideon agreed as he glared at Vulpine.

"My apologies, gentlemen. But I believe I don't have the luxury of time to play." Vulpine placed his hand on the golden chains.

All of a sudden, it also dispersed in golden particles of light just like what happened to Isaac's arrow.

"I-impossible! How can a vampire do this!?" Gideon flinched.

"You said it yourself, Mr. Hunter..." Vulpine smiled as he carried Ember in his arms, "I am someone you shouldn't underestimate." His eyes glowed in bright red before he suddenly vanished into thin air.

Rae came back but he wasn't able to stop them from escaping. Which reminds him about Ella and the level-E vampire. Slowly, he landed in front of them as the hunters are on their way towards them as well.

"You're hurt." Rae said as he gazed at her wound.

Then, he approached her and stretched his hand towards her arm. Slowly, the blood dripping on her arm flows upwards as if it is returning inside her wound. When all the blood wiped out of her skin, her wound slowly closes as if her blood's the one stitching her wound. And it's all thanks to this man with red hair in front of her.

"You are... Rae, am I correct?" Ella seriously gazed at him.

The lad sighed in defeat, "Yes, it's me..."

She doesn't seem that surprised. Maybe because she has already anticipated it. But if it was Ella from 5 years ago, she might've felt scared, confused, and traumatized.

But things have changed. And after she was saved by Rae and recalling upon her memories of him in the past, she felt at ease, knowing that he's someone who wouldn't wish for their demise.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trick you, nor hide this the--" Rae was cut off when Ella shook her head.

"It's okay, Rae. I know you since high school. You don't mean any harm." She smiled at him and he returned it.

"Thank you. Now I shall save this vampire for you."

"Y-you can save dad?!"

"I'll let him drink a portion of my blood to stabilize his bloodlust and maintain transformations. But I don't have the ability to cure him... yet."

Rae wounded his finger and let the vampire bat drink it. Soon, it slowly returned to its human form. The lad removed his coat and placed it on Mr. Pineda's naked body.


"Ella... is that you?" The old man weakly smiled as he has finally embraced his daughter tightly.

Isaac and Gideon saw what happened.

"Looks like you have proven you're on our side." Isaac said.

"I belong to both sides. I'm here to set balance after all."

Isaac glances at him, "What you did earlier... using your blood as a weapon, healing wounds and stabilizing vampire transformations, such a unique power..." He held his chin and gave him a suspicious look, "It's the same as the Vampire Queen's, unless..." Then, he flinched on the sudden realization.

Gideon frowned, looks like he realized it as well like how he has managed to read Isaac's mind.

"You are her son!" They both told the lad.

Rae awkwardly chuckled, "Y-you are correct."

Isaac and Gideon exchanged glances when they heard his response.

"So... you are Stephen's son..."

The lad blinked, "You know my dad?" He gazed at their faces and realized something as well.

"Isaac? Gideon?" He mumbled.

"You know us?" Isaac pointed to himself.

Rae nodded, "Yes, my dad used to tell about you guys with a proud smile on his face."

The two hunters smiled when they heard this news.

"Uhm, excuse me?" Said Mr. Pineda, "I don't mean to interrupt you but... I wanted to ask, what's going to happen to me now? Vampire King, you've mentioned my form is just temporary because of your blood. But what if I return again? I can't afford to see my wife terrified of me!" He covered his face with his hands.

"Dad..." Ella furrowed her eyebrows and glanced at Rae, "Is there any other way to save him, Rae?"

The lad felt the weight of the old man's suffering and the daughter's concern. It's so heavy that he can't just ignore it.

"If it's alright with both of you..." He took the bracelet out of his pocket and wore it, "May I take him to the other side?"

Knowing they'll be flustered, Rae stood, used the bracelet, and opened a portal before them.

"Come, I'll show you to this world." He offered his hand.

Ella exchanged gazes with her father. When he nodded in approval, she inhaled and took his hand.

"You two should come as well. I know dad would be thrilled to see both of you." He smiled which made the two hunters look at each other before they followed his lead.


When they vanished and were sucked in a void like a vacuum, they were brought back into the abandoned ruins where the group was currently staying.

After landing his feet on the ground, Vulpine gently put Ember down.

"You should rest now. Tonight has been quite tough for you." He was about to turn around when Ember mumbled,


She was clenching her fists like she has been suppressing her anger.

"That brat... he's not any other arrogant hybrid, isn't he?" She gave him a sharp gaze.

But seems like Vulpine isn't even fazed at all. Rather, he just heaved a sigh.

"Lady Ember, you should rest now. The sun is about to rise. We can talk about this la--"

"No! I want answers right now!" She exclaimed, "I've been asleep for 500 years and the world has drastically changed. If I didn't know single vital information about our enemy, how am I going to fulfill our contract?"

Seeing the desperation in her eyes, Vulpine sighed in defeat.

"Alright, as wish. I'll tell you what I know about that child." His face became serious as he turned to face her, "That Vampire King... he belongs to the Van Helsings and Renfields."

Ember narrowed her eyes, "The Renfields, you mean 'them', right?"

Vulpine nodded, "Yes, the Renfields... those vampires who are also called as the 'Masters of blood art'."

"So that explains why that brat can control his blood as weapons." Ember recalled her battle with Rae.

"That is correct, my lady. But being a hybrid, I strongly believe he doesn't have full control of his potential abilities." Vulpine added.

"Then why didn't we kill him earlier? If he's that weak, we have all the chance to end his life. Why do I feel like you're prolonging this?"

The vampire smirked, "Lady Ember, have you heard of a line that says 'Good things happen to those who wait'? It's the same for me."

The vampire girl flustered, "I don't understand."

"You won't at first, my lady. But sooner or later, we'll have our chance to take him down in a single blow. For now, let him enjoy his youth and maximize his magnificent power. It won't be long before we could wipe out all the hybrids like him. Trust me on this, alright?" He gently smiled.

Ember crossed her arms to her chest, "Hmph! As long as you're going to fulfill our contract, I'll trust you. I'll do my part as well."

"That's good to hear. You should rest now, my lady. You haven't regained your whole powers since the time you've awakened. It would be best not to involve your body in any battles."

"Whatever, I'll just wait until my flames would return inside me. I can't just idle around and do nothing."

"Then, I shall take my leave." Vulpine kissed the back of her hand before he vanished.

When she's now alone, Ember heaved a heavy sigh.

'A Renfield, huh? Does that brat have something to do with 'him'?' She thought as a blurry image of a man with red hair flashed inside her mind.

'Will I... be able to meet him again?'

Having that anxious expression, Ember glanced at the moon above, shining brightly in the night sky.


When they've been swallowed by the light, Gideon, Isaac, Ella, and Mr. Pineda closed their eyes. And when the dazzling light was over, they slowly fluttered their eyes open.

"We're here..." Rae said.

Before them, was a wide wasteland with a huge castle and golden fields. There's vegetation, rice field, cornfield, vineyard, and some animals. Who would have thought they've entered another world? It's almost the same as the fields they see in the human world. The only difference is the gray clouds which, the perfect weather for vampires.

"Welcome to Bleak Grave Hollows, the world of vampires." Rae added as they started walking.

"To be exact, this is just the portion of the vampires' den. And I've brought you to the safest place, the residence of Van Helsings." The lad explained.

When they reached the fields, the vampire farmers saw them coming.

"It's him!"

"The Vampire King has returned!"

Soon as they heard the news, the vampires came rushing towards them. But when they noticed the lad isn't alone, they paused from their tracks.

"Hey, are those... humans?"

"No, one of them is like us."

They murmured.

"Wait! Those two humans, look at the symbol on their coats."

"A golden cross... Those are hunters!"

"Protect the King!"

The adult vampires rushed towards them when Rae suddenly raised his hand.

At once, they stopped.

"Please calm down, they're not our enemies. They're my father's old acquaintances."

"Ugh. You can drop the 'old' word, thank you very much." Isaac grumbled, feeling conscious of his age.

"If you say so, my King. We shall trust you."

Rae smiled awkwardly, "How many times do I have to tell you, I'm no king yet."

"But... you're already a king to us."

"We owe you our lives."

The vampires respond.

The lad sighed, "I just did what I have to do."

"Wait, you're not the king yet?" Gideon interrupted.

"No, I'm not. Not until I defeat King Alucard."

Seeing how he averted his eyes upon mentioning the name, Gideon didn't press even further. He didn't even know that king. All he knows, the name Alucard is one of the powerful vampire families.

Gideon's thoughts were interrupted when the lad pointed a familiar figure from a distance.

"There he is! Dad!" Rae called and went towards a vampire with dark blue hair.

Upon seeing them, Stephen was frozen for a moment and flashed a big grin soon, and rushed towards their side. He jumped and hugged them that he accidentally pushed them in such strength. With that, they fell on the small pond and they laughed like kids.

"It's been ages! How have you been doing?" Stephen exclaimed.

"We're doing great, idiot." Gideon chuckled.

"How come you looked the same five years ago? And here we are, looking like old men!" Isaac splashed some water on them.

"Well, I can't recommend how it happened." Stephen responded and splashed the water back at them.

"Look what you did to my glasses! I can't see clearly like this." Isaac complained and removed his goggled glasses. Using the cloth on his coat, he wiped the droplets off.

Everyone gazed at him soon as they saw his face.

Isaac noticed it and furrowed his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"Who are you?" Stephen frowned.

"What the heck are you talking about? It's me, Isaac!"

Stephen shook his head in disbelief. He has known this man for the past 23 years. And yet he has never seen him remove those thick rounded glasses. That's why it's hard to believe he's this attractive for real. Those perfectly long lashes, and cinnamon brown pupils that match his tan skin and burnt umber brown hair.

Gideon patted Stephen's shoulder, "That's my reaction too when I first saw his eyes. Sometimes, I do forget he's quite attractive."

"Hey, that's foul!" Isaac pointed an accusing finger.

The two men laughed at him.

"Aren't they adorable?" A young woman with a soft voice and bloody red hair came forward.

'Oh my! She looks like a goddess, not a vampire!' Ella thought.

"Mom, it's good to see you again." Rae hugged her tight.

'M-mom!? She's already a mother!? Appearance-wise, I look older than her! Not to mention, she's Rae's mother. No wonder Rae has the face of an angel!'

Then, Astrid gazed at her, "Welcome to our world. I hope we didn't make you feel uncomfortable."

Ella shook her head, "N-not at all! T-thank you for letting us in." She flushed.

Astrid smiled and glanced at Rae.

"Mom, this is Ella, my classmate when I was in high school. And this is Mr. Pineda, her father. He was bitten and turned into a vampire. I brought them here to show how we can help them."

"Is that so? Then, maybe we can ask someone to guide them." Astrid raised her hand and a male vampire stepped in.

"Yes, my Queen? How may I serve you?"

"Noel, kindly tour our visitors around? I have something to talk about my son."

Noel bowed, "Certainly, my Queen!" Then, he turned to Ella and Mr. Pineda, "This way, please."

Though she's nervous, Ella followed the male vampire. He seems to be harmless. But of course, she can't let her guard down.

"What an amazing place you have here. Who would have thought, vampires are living like humans too." Mr. Pineda said as they walked around the vineyard.

"That's true. After all, we were once humans." Noel said as he gazed at the vampire farmers and the children running and playing around.

"Were you... bitten and turned into a monster as well?" Mr. Pineda asked.

The vampire nodded, "I was really confused and wanted to die at that time. But the King saved me. Not only my soon-to-be victim but also my life." He narrated, "Well, he saved everyone else in this household. Each of us can no longer return to our old lives and families. And the Vampire King didn't let us starve to death nor end our life so easily. He gave us shelter, food, a job, and most importantly, the title to become one of the Van Helsings." Noel turned and face them with a gentle smile on his face.

"I have no more regrets, and I couldn't ask for more than this. That's why I promised to serve him till my very last breath. And I know everyone else here feels the same."

That moment, Ella and Mr. Pineda felt the contentment and satisfaction in his eyes. It's a happiness that one wishes to never fade nor end. Now that he mentioned it, Ella did notice how each vampire wears a smiling face since they arrived. Be it with young and old, male or female, all vampires in this world live simply and comfortably.

"Ella..." Mr. Pineda called, "I know it wasn't easy for both of us. I'm sorry I made you and your mom worried for me. But please understand... I don't think I can live with you both knowing I can be a monster anytime."

Her eyes began to water as she listens to his words.

"I'll be staying here, for the meantime... Please tell your mom how much I love you both. I promise I'll return once the King has found a cure."

Ella sniffed, "I understand, Dad... And I'm going to miss you." She hugged the man before him so that he won't be able to see the tears she's shedding.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of mom for you." She added as Mr. Pineda gently rubbed her back.


Rae is certain of it.

When he mentioned the name Renfields, Ember Flanery became flustered.

No. More like, it was something familiar for her.

"Do you... perhaps know..." Her eyes were screaming in hope and desperation that he won't ever forget.

"The name... Azeklis?"

His heart throbbed soon as he heard the name.

He wasn't able to answer her. Let alone to ask her about her knowledge about the Renfields. Because if it so, he has to know whether Ember Flanery is a friend or foe.

'How did she know the name of my great grandfather? What's her relationship with him?'

As Rae was having this solemn thought, he suddenly realized his mother's voice calling at him.

"Rae? Rae, are you alright?"

"Huh? What?"

"You've been spacing out. I called you several times."

"I'm sorry, Mom. What is it that you're going to tell me?" Rae asked as they reached inside the castle chamber.

"Pay it no mind, my son. It's just..." She sighed and gently cupped his cheeks, "You've grown so much these past five years. And you've been working so hard for the sake of both worlds. Sometimes I'm thinking if I was able to become a good mother to you."

Rae held her hand, "Please don't say that, Mom. Remember, those 18 years you've missed, we'll make up for it. No need to rush things, okay?"

Astrid smiled and was touched by his words that she could cry.

"You're right. Let's not be hasty. With that being said, can you grant my selfish request?"

"Anything for you, Mom."

"Well then..." Astrid walked towards the sofa and sat on it. Then, she patted her lap.

"Here, lie your head on my lap."

Rae flustered, "Eh? B-but why?"

"Come on, just lie down. Please?"

Seeing her angelic face makes it impossible for anyone to refuse her. After all, she's considered a 'goddess' at her beauty.

He sighed in defeat, "Alright."

The lad sat down and gently lay his head on her soft lap. It was warm and comfortable. He has never experienced this before and no one has done this for him either.

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"I'm good." He smiled.

"I'm glad." Astrid chuckled and gently caress his head, "You can relax here, my son. You've done well. You deserve some good rest."

The lad chuckled, "Is that the reason why you wanted me to lie down? I can just rest on the bed, mom."

"No, please stay." She held his shoulder before he could get up, "I just want... to help you rest. This is the least I can do as your mother. Please?"

"You don't have to prove anything to me, Mom. But I'll accept this offer since I gave you my word." He smiled gently.

"Thank you, my son." Astrid smiled tenderly as she hums a song.

Rae slowly closed his eyes as he listened to the soft and sweet melody. Then, his blood red hair slowly turned back to white as she gently caressed it with her fingers.

'Rae... this white hair is the proof that you're the pride and joy of the Van Helsings. But please, don't carry that burden all alone. As your mother, I also wished that someday, you'll be able to find your happiness.'

Soon, the lad drifted off to sleep. As he was snoring softly, Astrid noticed Stephen standing by the door, watching them with a tender smile on his lips.

She placed her index finger near her lips. Her husband nodded, knowing they shouldn't disturb their son's good rest inside their household. With that, Stephen gently closed the door.

"How was he?" Gideon asked, referring to Rae.

"He's sleeping. I don't want to wake him up. He rarely stays long in this world." Stephen explained, "But I shall escort you all back to the human world."

Then, he turned and gazed at the lass, "Ms. Pineda, I'm sorry for erasing your memories back then and for lying to you. I hope you wouldn't come to hate vampires because of me." He bowed his head.

Ella shook her head, "I-it's fine, Father Stephen. I know you only did that to protect me."

"Please don't call me Father anymore. I'm not a priest to begin with."

"Alright. Please take care of my father for me, Mr. Stephen!" She humbly bowed her head.

"Raise your head, my child. We'll take care of him even if you didn't ask." He smiled gently.

"Thank you!"

And then, Stephen wore the same bracelet as Rae's and opened the portal once more.

"Until next time."

"Come and visit us, Stephen!" Isaac cried.

"I'll try." The vampire waved his hand as he watched them getting swallowed by the light.

The moment together with them was brief. But it was something blissful that he'll treasure for the rest of his life. And with that, Stephen marched and went back inside the castle of the Van Helsings.