Chapter 11: The Decision

The bus could never be crowded.

When the clock strikes at four, this is the time where the bus station would be filled with people, passengers who would do anything to get in just to get home. The same goes for the waiting shed in some streets.

As the sun begins to set, a line has been formed on it while waiting for a bus to arrive. And this is where the lad standing from. All eyes are at him as he gets inside the bus. It's not just because of his 6.5 feet height and a manly body built, but also because of his grumpy and scary expression which was always misunderstood by everyone who didn't know him well.

Truth is, this lad feels he's just having a normal expression. But little did he know, whenever he stares or glances at someone, it feels like he's glaring at them. As a result, it's either people who trembled and run away or they trembled and collapsed. Which is quite bothersome if you ask him. But nevertheless, their gazes are something that isn't new to him.

He already knew for the fact that people are afraid of him. And that's fine. For him, this is way better than getting too attached to humans.

As he got off the bus, sighs of relief came out from their mouths soon as the bus door closes. But he knows all of this. He heard their sighs loud and clear. The same goes for their heartbeats which were beating faster earlier and now thumping calmly as he stepped his foot out of that bus. He can't blame them though, people tend to fear what terrifying things their eyes can see. How much more on something they cannot? After all, he's not human like them. So they'd better be afraid of him.

After taking a little walk, he finally arrived at his destination. He entered a big gate of a huge mansion, heading straight to the main building as he entered the big doors.

"Finally, some peace." He sighed in relief soon as he closed the doors.

Some maids came to greet him in the living room,

"Sir Gray, welcome back." They all said with a stoic expression.

These maids, though have different appearances, looked beautiful and lovely like dolls. White skin like porcelain, silky curly hair, long and curly eyelashes, small cute nose, and pinkish lips. But their eyes are the most remarkable ones. Their marbled-like pupils varied in color, sparkling like precious gems.

"How's the Mistress?" Gray asked as he was walking in the hallway followed by one maid.

"Still sleeping comfortably, Sir Gray."

"I see. Good work today." He paused and stood before a specific door.

"We'll prepare your dinner soon." The maid bowed her head before she left.

And with that, Gray entered the room.

It was dark. The only source of light was the beam from the window that came from the moon above. But those windows were tightly shut, even the window that leads to the balcony.

And in the middle, there's a huge bed with it's see through curtains hanging around it. Of course, he can see all of these clearly with his nocturnal eyes. He's a creature of the dark after all.

With light footsteps, Gray walked at the side of the bed, fixing his eyes on that someone lying in there.

"I've returned, Mistress." He said with a gentle voice, far from his usual one whenever he talks to everyone.

"How have you been? Are you feeling uncomfortable? I hope you're taking good care of yourself in 'that world'. And I hope... you'll come back to me soon." He gently held her hand and planted a soft kiss.

A hand that's thin and cold, pale and hard. A hand that came from someone without flesh and blood.

As the moonlight strikes near the bed, everything has come to an illumination. The one Gray was talking to is nothing but a cold corpse, a lifeless skeleton laid on the spacious bed.

"Mistress, I haven't told you, I... have made a friend. If you ask me to describe him, I'd say... he's really peculiar." He chuckled as he recalled that person's face.

"He's indeed strange, but it's something that I didn't hate."

As he continued to speak, a memory came flashing inside his mind.


A big yawn escaped from his mouth as he was walking on his way towards the university. It was his first day as a freshman from a school for humans. As much as he hated it, he was given this task to live among the mortals and observe their behavior. In short, to blend in order to survive. Even he's not ordinary, he was told humans are more dangerous than any creature in the world.

'If you want to know what I mean, then go and live among the humans.'

Is what the mistress told him. It may sound absurd, living amongst the 'most dangerous creatures' would mean suicide. But it could also be beneficial to know their weakness as he came to observe them.

As he was walking in the hallway, he came to pass by near the stairs. And from his peripheral vision, he saw three students surrounding the other one. Unconsciously, he stopped from his tracks and watched them.

"Long time no see, Nick. What a coincidence! We go to the same university." One of the three boys grinned.

The boy called Nick trembled, "Chris... W-what do you want? W-why did you come here?"

"Don't get too cocky. We didn't follow you here." The boys laughed.

"But since you're here, why don't you hand it out for good time's sake?" Chris grinned devilishly and stretched out his hand.

Nick hugged his bag tightly, "Please don't..."

"Hand it over, wimp!" The two boys tried to forcefully take his bag when they noticed the lad's presence, standing upstairs as he watched them.

"What are you looking at, huh?!" Chris asked as he glared at him.

The lad sighed as he shrugged, "Nothin'... Classes are about to start." He said and just in time, the school bell started to ring.

And with that, the three boys left while cursing at his face.

"T-thank you..." Nick said but the lad with curly ash gray hair already left.

It didn't take long before the classes ended. It was nothing but some boring speeches about university history, introductions, and the blabbering words from their professors boasting about their achievements.

'Could this day be any worse?' He sighed as he was walking out of the exit gate.

Suddenly, he heard some voices not too far away from his location. From a nearby alley, he saw those three students again with that Nick boy.

"P-please... leave me alone!"

"Oh c'mon! We just want to hang around with you! We haven't seen each other for so long!"

"Y-you just want... to get my money again..." Nick trembled.

"But that's what friends are for, right? So hand me your money now and get this over with."

Nick took a few steps backward and noticed the lad with ash-gray hair standing on the corner.

"Please, help me!" He cried.

Chris and the other two boys glanced at him.

"It's you again!"

"What are you lookin' at? Get lost!"

"Abusing the weak just because they can't fight..." He scoffed, "Indeed... humans are more dangerous."

One of the boys grabbed his collar, "What are you sayin', punk?! Want a fight!?"

But the lad smirked, "This side of humans... so vexing and disgusting."

"Y'know what, you're annoying!" The boy was about to punch his face when he suddenly grabbed his hand and twist his arm in one go. The boy groaned in pain as he fell to the ground.

"Who wants to go next?" He grinned with his golden-amber eyes gazing at them as the crackling sound of his knuckles echoed around.

"Damn you!" Chris and the other student rushed towards him, ready to throw their punches.

And since he's not human, he effortlessly dodged their attacks and brought them down in few seconds.

"Y-you'll pay for this!" Chris said before they all ran away.

"Tch! Cowards..." He mumbled.

"T-thank you! You saved me again!" Nick bowed his head.

"Hey, you..." He called, "Get stronger. So that you'll bother no one next time because of your weakness."

Nick trembled as the lad glared at him with those scary sharp eyes, "I-I will! I'm sorry!" And quickly, he ran as well.

'Humans are really weird.' He sighed as he went home.

The next day after that, he never thought helping that weak human would result in another trouble. As he was on his way home, a bunch of students in their senior year and from another school gathered around him. They're having these malicious eyes ready to devour him at any time.

"Are you the one who hurt my brother, huh?" The one in the middle asked. He must be this gang's leader.

"If you're talking about that Chris boy, yes... I did teach him a lesson yesterday."

"I admired your bravery for telling the truth. But I won't forgive you for what you did to my brother!" He swings his big arm to punch the lad but in a blink of an eye he quickly grabbed it and turned him upside down that almost broke his bones.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden turn of events.

"What are you standin' in there?! Get him!"

And with that, the students rushed altogether to attack him. But he was way faster than them. As he dodges one attack, it will land on the face of their fellowman at which they ended up hurting each other. As for this lad, he has effortlessly taken them all down.

"What a bunch of idiots." He scoffed.

"Who... the hell are you?!" The gang leader asked with that black circle around his eye.

He smirked, "Me? I go by the name..."

"Mr. Grayson Salem!" The voice of the Student Discipline Head, Mr. Chu, echoed around the office that startled the other workers.

But as for the lad called Gray, this didn't even faze him. He just hated his voice for being too loud.

"You must've known by now why I called you here."

Gray sighed as his eyes landed on Chris and a woman sitting on the other side.

"Mrs. Velasco said that she saw some bruises on Chris' body. And this is all because of you, is it true?"

Gray flicked his tongue, "Why would I take the blame if it's his fault for being clumsy that he didn't get to dodge?"

"I'm not clumsy!" Chris retorted.

"You hear that, Mr. Chu? Seems like this brat has already admitted his crimes. And he's not even satisfied at hurting my poor Chris, he also hurt his older brother!" The woman, who seems to be Chris' mother cried.

But Gray knows better than anyone that those are just fake tears.

'Heh... Humans never cease to make me feel disgusted.' He said to himself.

"Is this true, Mr. Salem? I need to speak to your parent or guardian. Call them at once!"

"I don't have one..." Gray sighed.


"I said I don't have a parent."

"How about your guardian?"

The lad looked away, "She's... ill..." His voice became gloomy.

"He's lying!" Chris pointed an accusing finger.

"I'm not!"

"That's enough!" Mr. Chu's voice echoed the office once again.

When things started to get heated up, suddenly, they heard a knock from the door.

"Come in."

As the door opens, a lad with silver-white hair came forward, carrying some folders.

"Mr. Chu, I apologize for disturbing you. But I finally found the files that you've asked me."

"Ah, thank you, Mr. Celis."

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Chu." He bowed politely and glanced in the visitors' direction.

Then his gaze landed at Gray, staring at him with those ocean blue eyes.

'I never thought we had a foreigner freshman...' Gray thought as he became uncomfortable with the lad's gazes.

"Ah!" Mr. Celis exclaimed, "I remember you..."

Mr. Chu frowned, "Mr. Celis, do you perhaps know Mr. Salem? Are you also one of his victims?"

"I don't know what victim are you referring to, Mr. Chu. But I remember, I saw this person defend another student from getting bullied."

"He did what!?"

"It's like what I said, Mr. Chu. He defended another student from getting bullied." Mr. Celis repeated with a sincere look in his eyes.

And after that, the case has been finally closed and the truth has come to light. After further investigation, it has been found out that what Mr. Celis was saying is true. And now, Gray has finally been set free from Mr. Chu's glares and annoying voice. But the rumors about him taking down a gang alone spread like wildfire. Thus, students began to avoid him whenever they see his tall figure and ash gray hair. And that's also the beginning of him being labeled as a 'delinquent'.

And despite all this, he never gets the chance to express his gratitude towards that lad with white hair. If it wasn't for him, he'll get into more trouble. And he doesn't want the mistress to know all about these when she wakes up.

'But I admit... that guy has an odd scent around him. He reeks out like humans... but there's something more. Something that's almost the same as mine...' He solemnly thought.

As he pondered about the incident, a few years have already passed. He would never think he'll come across paths with the same lad who saved him that day.

"Mr. Grayson Salem, I want you to join us on the SSG." A guy with that same silver-white hair, ocean blue eyes, and familiar warm smile stood before him, offering his hand.

'It's him! He has the same smell as he did before.' He thought, 'And I haven't thanked him properly that day...' But instead of gratitude, the words that came from his mouth are,

"I'm not interested."

'What the hell am I saying!? Why is my mouth used on driving people away!'

In such a mistake, Gray quickly walked away and left. But it didn't just end in there.

"Mr. Salem, fancy meeting you here! Have you finally decided to join us?" He pops up like a mushroom that's creeping him out.

Gray never thought he could be this persistent. Now he has lost several chances of expressing his gratitude.

"Why me? Have you lost your mind? Have you heard the rumors about me?" He irritatedly asked as he was being followed by Rae.

"I don't care." He said, "I'm not into the rumors. I asked you because I know you're the only one fitting for the position. Let me be the one to prove those rumors wrong after I see it with my own eyes who you really are." He smiled gently but sincerely. It was the first time someone dared to look at him in the eyes, and the first one to say those words to him.

'No... Don't get carried away! Maybe he's just saying those things because he thinks you're a human.' He bit his lip.

"Mr. President, tell me... Do I look human to you?"

'It's time to show your true colors. I will know if you're lying by the sound of your heartbeat.'

The answer didn't come immediately. There are factors for that and one of those is the sudden attack from a vampire. He was just walking peacefully on the streets when he felt the menacing presence lurking around the shadows.

"Come out, you coward." He said, knowing he's just nearby.

The vampire came out, giggling on his own, "Excellent! Looks like you're no ordinary hybrid sensing me from here."

"I can smell your rotten scent. It's disgusting."

The vampire shook his head, "What a foul mouth you have. It's better to keep it shut... permanently!" Suddenly, he attacked and appeared in front of Gray.

Blood gushed out and splashed on the ground but it didn't come from the lad. Instead, the vampire got badly wounded in a blink of an eye.

"Y-you... are..."

Gray scoffed, "What? You never thought I'm stronger than you?" He walked towards the body as his right hand became bigger and the claws became sharper, "You shouldn't have come here in the first place!"

In one swing of his arm, the vampire's head flew off and turned into ashes.

"Tsk! Even his blood smells awful!" Gray grumbled before he went back home.

But it wasn't the end. He sensed that rotten smell again a few days after that. But this time, it's inside the school premises.

Gray frowned at him, "It's you. As I thought, you're still alive. Cowards like you usually do those pathetic clone techniques."

"I'm no coward! I don't want to dirty my hands with blood from a hybrid like you! But I never thought those pawns would be so useless!"

"I don't know what the hell are you talking about but I didn't even see a single 'pawn' you're referring to."

"W-what?! How can this be?! I am certain I left that letter in your locker to lure you and be my pawns' prey!"

Upon hearing this, Gray quickly grabbed his neck in a blink of an eye.

"What did you just say?" His fierce golden pupils pierced right through him that could make anyone tremble just by looking at them.

"Whose locker did you place that stupid letter?"

The vampire flinched, "I-I don't know! I thought the third one belongs to you!"

'Third one?' Gray frowned and tried to recall the owner of the locker beside his.

Suddenly, Rae's face flashed inside his mind. And for some unknown reason, his blood suddenly boiled.

'This f*cker! He'll pay so hard if something happens to the president!'

And with that, he quickly rushed towards the gym and witnessed with his own eyes how Rae's silver-white hair turned bloody red and his ocean blue eyes turned bright red.

Everything was unexpected, yet he has no time to sit around and ponder on the things he has seen. And fighting this parasite vampire didn't come that easy. He used his electrifying energy which came in handy as they both fight the vampire's insects. Well, more like pests if you ask Gray.

"Get ready, he's still up." He warned and glared at the other side.

"I'll settle this." Rae seriously said as he stretched his knuckles.

The lad walked towards the parasite vampire as he got up to deliver another attack. But Rae quickly grabbed his arm and pinned his face in the ground as he placed his arm behind his back.

"It's time for you to talk. Who are you? What is it you're after?"

He laughed, "It's like you said, we're the Red Skull. We desire nothing but to annihilate all vampire hybrids."

Rae frowned, "You... why would you go that far to hurt your own kind?"

He scoffed, "Are you seriously asking me that? I believe you have something more important to ask me than that."

Rae narrowed his eyes, "You're right. You're going to bring them back."

"Or what? You're going to kill me? I am not afraid of dying, kid! You're just wasting your breath!"

The lad's brows twitched, "You're right... I don't have anything I could offer to make you do what I say - except for one thing..." His voice became cold as he gazed with those piercing red eyes, "I'll just make sure you'll fear death then."

"What nonsense are y--AHCK!!!" Suddenly, the parasite vampire groaned in pain when Rae removed his hands from him.

"What's happening?" Gray asked and was about to come closer when Rae stopped him from doing so. Though he doesn't have a single idea of what's happening right now, he suddenly felt chills crept all through his system. It was as if his instincts are telling him how dangerous Rae's power can be.

The vampire drooled as he felt pain in his veins. It feels like his veins are being twisted forcibly and slowly, making it hard for him to move and breathe.

"I... give up! P-please... make it stop..! Argh!"

After that, the pain suddenly vanished. The vampire gasped for air as he held his neck. He has never experienced anything like this before even he has encountered several battles. It's not something that his regenerating skills can fix.

"Now, bring them back." He commanded with a stern voice.

The vampire's body trembled. He has never felt like this unless it's Vulpine. Is this one of his techniques as well?

"What's wrong?" Rae asked.

"I... can't..."

"What did you just say?"

He held his head, "I can't... bring them back... It's a poison from my genes, but I don't know how to turn them back! I'm---!" The vampire's face was brought back on the ground when Rae suddenly punched him hard.

Now, he's glaring at the parasite vampire with gritted teeth while his fist was trembling in anger.

"Mr. President!" Gray grabbed his arm to stop and calm him at least.

And instead of getting humiliated by what the vampire said, Gray was surprised by the lad's response.

"So what?" Rae mumbled, "I am a vampire AND a human, I have emotions just like the others!" He delivered a punch once again.

"I care for both sides unlike the likes of you! I don't want any of those clans to perish!" He threw another punch.

"I got mad, sad, and being misunderstood. But even so, I want to maintain peace and to show it's possible for both worlds to coexist because I AM ALSO A HUMAN!" Soon as he was about to blow another punch, thick needles came out on the vampire's skin and pierces right through his fist.

Rae groaned in pain and immediately pulled his hand out.

The parasite vampire laughed as he slowly got up, "What a speech! That's what you get for putting your emotions first. And through this blood I've got from you, it would be enough to regain my strength."

"No, don't drink it!"

The vampire didn't listen and sucked some blood that was left on his thick needles. Soon as he swallowed it, his heart suddenly beats fast and in a painful way. He can't breathe as well as his veins turned purple. Red foams came out of his mouth as he breathes his last before he turned to ashes.

"What... the hell was that?!" Gray mumbled in disbelief.

Everything happened so fast that he finds it hard to understand.

The things he saw since the time he entered the gym were all hard to believe. Yes, he's one of those 'extraordinary' beings. He's not that surprised when he found out the president was a vampire, he can smell something different from him right from the start. But the goosebumps he's feeling began when that parasite vampire groaned in so much pain without any touch from Rae. It was as if he's literally killing him with a single gaze.

But it didn't happen. After finding out there's no cure for those poor human victims, the president got so emotional and got carried away. But what's more shocking is the vampire died after drinking the president's blood.

"Sorry about that," Rae said, "You see, my blood is something special. You saw it yourself, I can turn and do anything using my blood." He explained as he showed how his wounds healed through his blood.

"It's handy. But it's poison for vampires. That's why he died." He added and gazed at the ashes.

Looking at him, Gray was certain, just earlier, the president was angry. But right now, he was looking at those ashes with pity and regret.

"What are you planning to do now?" He asked him.

"For now, my blood has the ability to stabilize their transformations. But we can't keep it that way." He said and wounded his hand, letting those vampires drink some portion of his blood. Soon, these vampires came back to their human forms.

"So what's your plan?"

"For now, I'm going to investigate. I can remove the poison but I'm not certain if I'll succeed. One wrong move or I might kill them." He flashed a troubled expression.

"What you said earlier, is that what you believed about being a human?" Gray asked seriously.

He nodded, "To be human means to have genuine emotions. To emphasize, care, and have compassion - even they have done you wrong. Also, humans are no exception in making mistakes. Everyone does. For me, no matter what you look like, as long as you have these sincere feelings, then you are a human at heart." He smiled.

Gray looked away, "Is that how you view me as well?"

The lad chuckled, "Yes. The fact that you rushed here to save me means you cared. And I am happy about that."

"But I am--"

"A hybrid, I know." Rae continued, "I can feel it. But I'm not so sure."

Gray took a deep breath, "I'm a half-vampire, half-wolf. The power I released earlier, came from my parents. But I never get the chance to meet them." He said gloomily.

For some unknown reason, he suddenly told something about himself. He doesn't know the president that much but he suddenly felt calm talking about it.

Rae patted his shoulder, "It's alright, Mr. Salem. You did great earlier!" He beamed.

Gray blushed lightly and cleared his throat, "I am honored, Vampire King."

Rae smiled awkwardly, "Technically, I'm no king yet. Not until I defeated 'him'."

"What? But that vampire called you like that earlier."

"Every vampire does. Because I told them I'll be the next king five years ago." He smirked.

Gray was speechless. He can't seem to fathom what this strangely odd vampire hybrid is thinking. But, whatever that is, his instincts tell him he would be someone great with no ill intentions.

'And I can't wait to watch him lead both worlds someday.' He smiled unconsciously.

He might not realize it, Rae's words earlier melted his heart. He used to hate and feel disgusted towards humans. Who would have thought there's still someone out there who view things differently and who's willing to change the world for the better.


Just when he thought things would be better, that one fateful night came. Gray was tossing himself on the bed, feeling uneasy.

'Ugh! I can't sleep!' He thought and went towards the kitchen.

"Seems like you can't fall asleep." Said one of the maids when she saw him walking towards the fridge to get some water.

"Ugh... My senses are becoming stronger at night. I can hear some things from several kilometers away." He grumbled.

"The earbuds have no use then. Should I get you a bigger one?"

He combed his hair with his fingers, "No need. Soon, I'll eventually fa--!" He suddenly paused from talking and gazed at the window.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you hear that?"

The maid tilted her head to the side, "Hear what, Sir Gray?"

"It's a loud sound! Like, something fell!"

She blinked, "I'm sorry. I believe I didn't hear such a thing."

Gray flicked his tongue and quickly opened the window to get out. He jumped on the huge walls and sensed the strong scent of blood.

"It's far away yet I can smell and hear it from here." He mumbled and got really bothered by it.

For some unknown reason, he can't let the feeling go. He's been experiencing changes in his body being the hybrid he is. And it's normal for his senses to get stronger at night. But this is the first time he heard this strange sound and the reeking scent of blood. It was as if those things were calling him, drawing him closer and closer that his body moved on its own.

He ran and jumped as fast as he could. He won't be able to sleep peacefully this time after getting bothered by this. He has to know so that he'll stop.

The scent is getting stronger, the awful smell of blood. The faint sound of a beating heart can be heard as he came closer to its location. He was panting heavily as he stood staring at the ground. There's someone lying meekly, coughing blood as he was breathing heavily. That person looked pathetic, having the face of someone who'll die so soon as his veins slowly turning to purple because of poison.

At that moment, Gray finally understood why he was so bothered by that sound and smell. It came from someone he knew. And what breaks his heart the most is seeing the president's face on a brink of death, reaching his trembling arms towards him as he asked for help.

"RAE!" Gray quickly came to his aide and carried his body.

With the help of his strong sense of scent, he was able to track down the place where he lives.

"Hang in there! You've got to live!" He grumbled as he ran in such speed and being careful at the same time to hold unto the lad's weak body.

In a short span of time, he managed to reach his place. Since he's in a hurry, he didn't even knock and just kicked it as hard as he could.

"Open the damn door!"

Two vampires came forward soon as they saw Rae's body leaning his back. Quickly, they attended to his needs just to stop the poison from spreading any further. It's amazing the lad still gains consciousness in such a strong poison and gave directions to the two vampires.

They're panicking. That's for sure. He can tell by the beating of their hearts. But these two vampires remain calm as they can while following Rae's instructions. Their eyes contain worry and respect but not pity. That's how strong they wanted him to live.

"Thank you." Said the vampire with blonde hair. Gray believes he has seen him before way back in the school gym.

"If it wasn't for you, the Young Master couldn't make it alive..." He frowned, Gray can tell he must've been blaming himself for not being able to save him on his own.

But they both know regrets won't do a single thing to change the past. What's more important is the present.

"Is he... doing these sorts of dangerous things every night?" He suddenly asked.

The vampire nodded, "Yes, without delay."

"For how long?"

"Five years ago."

His brows twitched after learning about that.

"You must be wondering why we're not stopping him nor accompanying him on his patrols." The vampire made a sad smile, "We've done so several times. We asked him but it was something he can only do and wanted to do alone. His desire to make peace with both worlds is stronger than our powers to stop him from risking his life like this. And the best thing we can do is to support him... even at times, it's getting tiring, but since we respect him, we help him in the best way we could."

A strong gust of wind came and passed by between them.

With his words, it's quite evident how this vampire truly cares for Rae like his own flesh and blood. They're being restricted, yet that didn't stop them to help the lad.

'But still... he's been going around, fighting on his own for five years... What if... something like this happened to him again? Who would be there to help him at that time?'

Gray pondered about that until he came back.


When he opened his eyes, he saw the swaying flowers and grasses before him. He was out in the fields under the shade of a tall tree. But more importantly, he felt comfortable and warm inside.

'Are you going to sleep again?'

He hears a familiar voice that made him turned around and saw a woman's face right close to him.

"M-mistress..?" He stuttered soon as he saw that familiar long black hair, fair white skin, and pinkish lips warmly smiling at him.

She giggled, 'It's been a while, Grayson... How have you been?'

He was mesmerized that he couldn't find the right words to say.

'Cat got your tongue?'

"M-mistress... I-is that really you?" Slowly, he reached for her face, it was smooth and soft, like how it used to.

'It is me indeed. But Grayson, we don't have much time...' She held to his hand and gently squeezed it, 'I believe there's something you wanted to tell me.'

Without any hesitation, he told everything that's been bothering him lately. After all, this is a precious moment where he can finally open up to the only person he trusted the most.

'I see... I'm glad you finally made a friend, Grayson.' She smiled.

"Would that be really considered as a friend?"

She chuckled, 'Of course, you said it yourself. You don't hate him for being persistent and strange. You helped him and he's the first being you've ever cared for aside from me. With that, you have finally treated him as a friend.'

"Does that mean... I could help him more?"

'Why would you hesitate to help a friend? That's the normal thing to do. It only shows how dear that person is to you.'

"But mistress... if I help him, I wouldn't be able to look out for you like I used to. I--"

'Grayson...' She called and gently caressed his head, 'Nevermind me. I still have the marionettes. What I want you to do, is to follow what your heart says. I'll support you, and you have my permission.'

"Mistress, thank you... I won't... let you down..." His eyes became heavy as he felt the drowsiness taking over his body.

And when he shot his eyes open, he realized he fell asleep in the Mistress's bedroom, right beside her corpse. It was morning already, though the dark curtains cover the windows, he can tell the time just by the cheerful chirping sound of the birds outside.

With that, he gazed at the Mistress and held her skeletal hand, "Thank you for your words, Mistress. I have finally made my decision." He gently kissed the hand before he left.


Upon recalling the past and how the lad has helped and accepted him, Gray has finally realized the feeling of having someone you can rely on. Aside from the Mistress, this is the first time someone looked right through his soul and not just what the naked eye can see. And with that, he has finally made a decision that would change both of their lives.

Gray marched right through the door and turned to face the president.

"From now on, I will join you." He firmly said.