Chapter 17: Kidnapped

"That covers the overall report about the last University celebration. Most visitors are delighted with the activities prepared and executed in a week. It was a complete success." Ms. Grosvenor narrated as she finished the post evaluation of their participation in the University anniversary which happened not long ago.

They've been conducting this meeting five minutes ago inside their office since the break time started.

"That's good to know. I can't even imagine if anyone would dare to complain after everything we've done." Gray sighed as he set the papers aside. Seems like he doesn't even care to read those anyway.

"This isn't just our success but for everyone. We wouldn't be able to make it without everyone's help, don't you think?" Rae smiled as he glanced upon the report.

Then, he stood from his seat and cleared out everything written on the whiteboard.

"We can rest but we should be also aware and prepare for some events that will take place. As the SSG, we have our duty to support the happenings around our campus."

"What? There's more?" Gray complained and heaved a heavy sigh.

Ms. Grosvenor raised her hand, "Setting that aside, what are you planning to do? I'm sure the Vampire King wouldn't just sit around after what happened last time."

She glanced at him with those cold eyes. She's referring to the time Bel attacked them inside the school grounds. No matter how they look at it, there's a bigger possibility that it might happen again. It may not be the same vampire, but the others might be the next ones to attack.

And speaking of Bel, the other reason why Ms. Grosvenor's glaring at him like that was because he let the vampire go just several hours ago.


It was in the middle of the night when he sensed something that woke him up. When he gazed around, he saw her wearing her clothes and fixing herself.

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere. I know I can't stay here. He must've realized how I failed. And there's no way he'll let me go unharmed." Isabella said and opened the windows, "I have to keep them away, even to my sister."

Before she left, she glanced at him, "Make sure you'll fulfill that promise, Vampire King."

"You have my word." He seriously said that assured her.

Then, she nodded before she jumped off, leaving his household. He rushed towards the window and sees her off. That's when he noticed Ms. Grosvenor is still awake and saw what just happened.

"Why did you let her go?" She asked.

"It's quite a long story but... will you hear me out?" Rae scratched the back of his head.

With a poker face, she turned one of her rings to a golden gun and pointed at him.

"Then make it short or I'll shoot."

"C-calm down! I'll do make it short!"

And as short as he can, the lad told her the truth about Isabella and the promise he made.

Just remembering about it still gives him chills. Never in his wildest thoughts did he ever manage to shorten a story in a short span of time.

'She's not considered as a hunter prodigy for anything!' He thought.

He was taken back to the present when Gray spoke.

"I hate to agree with her but she's right. It wouldn't be long before the other vampires would discover this place. Worst case, they'll end up hurting everyone."

"I won't let them do that. I just need to find a way to get to King Alucard. And I'll take care of the rest."

"Hey, hold on a second! Don't tell me you're planning to take him down all by yourself?"

"Who else would it be? If there's someone who would stop this feud from years ago, it has to be me."

"Alright, I got your point. Just sayin' this creature isn't just any ordinary vampire out there. You get what I'm saying?"

Rae chuckled, "I know. Thanks for worrying, Gray."

"I-I'm not worried! I'm just--"

They stopped their conversation when they heard some noise outside the office. And it gets louder and louder as the noise gets closer. From the door, it suddenly swung open when Ciella suddenly comes in.

"Ah! So this is the SSG office! How nice!" Known as a popular celebrity, she was being followed by her fans which is the cause of the noise they've been hearing.

"What the heck is she doing here?" Gray mumbled as he frowned.

"Ms. Ciella? What brings you here?" Rae walked towards her but still cautious of what might happen.

"What are you talking about? Of course, I came for you!" She beamed brightly.

Upon hearing this, the fans around were surprised and started murmuring gossips by themselves.

'What is she playing about this time?' The lad thought but dare not to show his wariness of her presence.

"I see. Is there something I can do for Ms. Ciella?" He kept his composure and smiled politely.

"Oh silly, you don't have to be formal around me." She clings to his arm where everyone can see, "Call me by my name. After all, we're dating right, my Andy~?" She winked at him and everyone was charmed by her.

"A-Andy!? What kind of cringy name is that!?" Gray exclaimed, holding himself not to laugh.

Ciella pouted, "That's my endearment for my darling. His name is too long, you know."

Then, she held her mouth, "Oh my! How insensitive of me! How can someone like you, who's inexperienced in love can understand what I'm saying? My apologies!"

"Are you insulting me!?" Gray glared.

She flinched, "Ah! Andy, he's scaryyy!" She hid behind Rae who's still flustered on what's happening around him.

"What!?" Gray stood up but the crowd suddenly came towards him.

"Don't scare our angel!"

"That's harassment!"

"Ha?! What part of it, you dimwits!"

And while this ruckus is happening, Ciella pulled Rae out of the office.

"Wait! Where are you planning to take me?"

"Isn't it obvious? We're going on a date. Isn't that a normal thing for couples?"

"First off..." Rae withdrew his hand, "I don't ever recall agreeing to any of this. Second, if you want something from me, just say it. I know you didn't come here to fool around."

A smirk escaped her lips, "My, as serious as ever, Vampire King. You'll age faster if you keep that up."

"I just don't like beating around the bush, Ms. Ciella." The lad replied, "State your business."

"But I already did. I said I want a date with you."

He raised an eyebrow, "Are you being serious right now?"

"You said it yourself, Vampire King. I don't like to fool around. When I said I want a date, I want a real one." She scooted closer to his face.

"Besides, this would be a perfect opportunity for us to get along, don't you think?"

Ciella snakes her arms around his neck, "I know how much you wanted to fulfill my wish. And you wouldn't be able to do that without knowing me, right?" She grinned devilishly.

'I hate to say she's right about that.' Rae thought, 'I know she has something hidden on her sleeves. But if I refuse her, I'll let this golden opportunity slipped right through my fingers.'

"Well, what do you say?" She cutely blinked at him as she tilted her head to the side.

"That would be a great idea but... I still have my afternoon classes and our break will be over soon."

She pouted, "I told you to stop being so serious. It wouldn't hurt to ditch them once in a while."


"No more buts! Let's go!" She suddenly pulled him as they left the school grounds through the other gate.


Meanwhile, Gray has managed to drive away those crazy fans out of the office. And that's the only time he realized Rae is gone.

"F*ck! That witch took him away." He clenched his fist, "I don't know what's her relationship with him but I know Rae isn't that stupid to take that crazy witch."

"You're right..." Ms. Grosvenor said.

"See? I know you'll ag--!" Gray flinched soon as he turned to face her. Chills suddenly ran down his spine when he saw her which he wished he didn't.

She has this grave and cold expression. Cold as ice and for some reason, he can imagine a dark aura surrounding her. It feels like she's going to kill somebody right now.

"We'll find Mr. Celis as soon as possible."

A crack can be heard when she clenched her fist. The pen she's holding in her left hand just broke the moment she closed it. Looks like this is a serious matter.

'Girls are... s-scary!' Gray gulped.

Then, the lass marched towards the door.

"Where are we going?"

"To the Dean's office. We have to ask his permission to go out and find Mr. Celis." She replied.

"Right... But if it was me, I would just sneak around and leave." Gray said as they are walking the hallway.

"I would love that too. But since we're the SSG, we have an image to keep."

After a while, they reached their destination. As planned, they asked for the Dean's permission to go out and bring Rae back.

"I'm sorry to say, Ms. Grosvenor, but I cannot allow you."

"What? Why's that!?" Gray rebutted, "Your (crazy) niece has clearly taken him away!"

"If he's with Ciella, then I have nothing to worry about. They're both in good hands." Mr. Luna smiled.


"If you want to look for him that bad, you'll have to wait until your class dismissal. That's the only time I'll allow you two."

Gray was about to curse him when Ms. Grosvenor quickly stepped on his foot.

"That would be enough. Thank you, Mr. Luna." She bowed politely and pulled Gray out of the office who's still groaning in pain.

"Why did you have to do that!?"

"If I didn't, you'll be kicked out of this campus. And Mr. Celis doesn't want that."

"Tsk! And what's your plan now?" He crossed his arms to his chest.

"If he says after class, then we'll do it after class." She calmly said before they went back to their respective classrooms.


Going back, Rae was sitting on a bench inside a boutique shop. Being the famous star that she is, Ciella has to wear a disguise so that no one would disturb them on their so-called date.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!"

When the curtain unfurls, Ciella comes out wearing a long brown wig, rounded eyeglasses, a white long-sleeve sweater with a checkered jumper skirt outside, matched with brown boots.

"How do I look?" She cutely asked.

The lad flashed a smile, "You look great."

'It's not like I have a choice to say anything. Complimenting her would be the best move for now.' He said to himself.

"Really? I'm so touched, Andy~"

"Could you please stop calling m--" Rae didn't get to finish what he's saying when Ciella grabbed his wrist.

"It's your turn now."

"My turn? No, I'm good."

"I insist. You're still wearing your uniform and this is our date. Unless you want people to know how an SSG president ditches his class."

The lad sighed in defeat, "Fine."

"Great! And as your muse today, I'll be the one to pick your outfit." She said as she pushed him towards the dressing room.

After several attempts and a fashion show-like scenario, finally, Ciella managed to choose the suitable outfit for him. With those dark-toned preppy clothes, the style suits him well that he looked matured and more charming.

"Now we're all set, let's go!" She happily pulled him by the arm after she easily paid for everything with a single card.

Seems like popular celebrities like her don't worry much about money. She almost has everything after all.

After few hours inside the boutique, they ride a light rail transit heading towards their destination. After few minutes, they reached the city's biggest theme park.

"I've been wanting to go here for so long! But my schedule's so tight that I can't make time." Ciella whined as she cutely pouted.

But for Rae, as he gazed upon the main entrance, he remembered a precious memory.

'It's been so long since I went to a place like this. The first time I did...'

Yana's face suddenly flashed on his mind. And just by recalling her smiles left a pang of pain in his chest.

He was drawn back to reality when he heard Ciella's voice, constantly calling at him as she waves her hand on his face.

"Andy! You've been spacing out!"

The lad blinked several times, "Oh, sorry."

"Geez! This our first date. You should be focusing on me." She crossed her arms to her chest, "Or perhaps... you're not thinking of another girl, aren't you? You'd better not cheat on me!"

The lad gently scratched the back of his head, "My bad. I apologize."

Seeing the remorse on his face, Ciella burst out laughing.

"Pft. You're so honest. I hate it..." She stretched her arm and reached for his cheek, "But I also like it." She smirked.

Before the lad could ask what she means by those words, Ciella withdrew her hand and started walking.

After catching up with her, they started their detour by going for the rides Ciella would excitedly pick. From bump cars to roller coasters, to log flume then to wave swinger. It only then did Rae manage to rest from extreme rides when they ride a boat.

Ciella stretched her arms in the air, "Ahh~ finally! Something peaceful... I bet that's what you wanted to say." She giggled, "You're really bad at hiding your expressions, Andy."

"I told you, stop calling me that." The lad said as he rows the boat.

"But calling you Vampire King is a bit tiring." She placed her chin on her palm and pouted.

"That's not even my name." Rae sighed.

"I'm bored, let's play some games!"

After that, Ciella pulled him to gaming booths such as shooting range and claw machine. He was forced to impress her by aiming for the prizes she wants. And seems like luck has never left his side as he managed to get those plushies for her.

Then, they went on a break by eating some crepes and ice cream in the nearest café. It's also a good thing since he can finally have a rest after everything they did.

"Here's your order. Enjoy!" The waitress smiled after placing their food on the table. And Ciella excitedly eats her food like a child. For a moment, he forgot the mean and blood-thirsty hybrid vampire he knew about her. What's in front of him now is nothing like he encountered many times before.

'She must've liked sweets that much. I never expect she has this cute side too.' Unconsciously, Rae smiled just by watching her.

"Your manager must've been so strict. Am I correct?"

"That's true. There would be times where I'll crave chips or sweets. But she just wouldn't let me." She pouted, "And since it's my day off, I deserve some treat!"

He chuckled, "You sure did. Does she know we're together?"

"Nah... I didn't tell her I'm going out. She's expecting me to rest in my unit all day long."

"Eh? I-is that alright? Won't she scold at you?"

Ciella placed her chin on her palm, "Well, she can't do something about it since we're already here." She stood and stretched her arms, "Let's just enjoy the rest of the day, don't you think?"

Rae stood as well, "Alright. What else do you want to do?"

She held her chin, "Hmmm..."

The lass looked around after they went out of the café. Then, she saw a photo booth nearby.

"There! I want to have a picture of us. This will be a perfect souvenir." She grabbed his arm and pulled him inside the small booth.

They stand close together in front of the machine.

"The screen is too small, we need to get closer," Ciella said and scooted closer to him.

Even he's uncomfortable, the lad managed to put up a smile when she started to take pictures. The pictures already came out in strips.

"Look! We look cute, right? Glad we're hybrids, we appear on photos."

"You added some cute filters on the pictures? I look so... different." Rae frowned a bit.

"Why? You're charming so you'll still look handsome no matter what."

He sighed in defeat, "Well, if that pleases you."

Ciella chuckled, "Funny. We finally have something in common aside from being a hybrid. We tend to please everyone around us."

Rae glanced at her as the expression on her face started to change.

"How ironic, isn't it? We belong to a proud family line of vampires yet we seek the approval of others. How vexing." She scoffed.

"Miss Ciella..."

The atmosphere around them has definitely changed. Her cheerful aura from earlier has suddenly shifted to a cold expression. She may be smirking, but he knows deep inside she harbors anger with those words she said.

But aside from anger, he can sense another emotion hidden within her eyes.


But what could possibly make her lonely at this point? She almost has everything.

'I must confirm what I'm sensing, or I might be wrong. This must be the answer I seek to get her to help me.' He said to himself.

But just when he was about to ask her, she suddenly smiled and gazed at him.

"It's already sunset. I wanna visit one more place before this day ends." She said and left the booth. Before, she would cling to his arm and pull him anywhere. But right now, she didn't and walked on her own.

Following her lead, their footsteps led them to one of the park's main attractions: the Haunted House. It was a huge building which was decorated as a mansion. The gates are all rusty and the weeds are all withered. The house looks old and has an eerie effect. But of course, for these two hybrids, the spooky feeling before them was nothing but ordinary.

"Miss Ciella, are you sure you want to try this?" Rae asked.

"Why? Are you scared?"

"It's nothing like that. I'm just curious if these things interest you."

"Not at all." She said, "It's just my pure curiosity how do humans pull off such cheap tricks to bring out fear."

They entered inside and were greeted by screams and eerie sounds. Followed by jumpscares and swinging decorations with flashing lights, but seems like nothing could ever surprise them.

"How ridiculous, isn't it? They call this haunted?" Ciella yawned as they went to the right side.

"Let's talk while we look for the exit. This bores me to death."

"Miss Ciella, about what you said earlier..."

"Let's talk about anything but that." Her voice became cold and serious.

"I know there's something you desire for so long. Maybe I can help y--"

"There's nothing you can do, Vampire King!" She turned around as her eyes glowed in bright red.

"You know, I'm tired to keep up this facade so to end this silly game of ours--fine! I'll tell you my wish..." She scooted closer to his ear and whispered, "I want to erase King Alucard."

The way she said those words sent chills to his spine, filled with contempt and animosity.

He gulped, "But he's... your father... Do you really mean--"

"Yes, when I say erase, I meant to vanish... disappear... to die."

Rae frowned when she said the last word. He was expecting it yet somehow, he's wishing he was wrong about this feeling.

Ciella slowly moved away, "Now, if you kill the old man, then our deal is over. But sadly, you cannot help me." She turned her back and was about to leave when suddenly, some staff members blocked the exit.

"Oh my, I never thought there are vampires working on this pathetic place." She said as she gazed at them.

Their eyes glowed in crimson red while making some growling sounds. Then, they all attacked her.

"Miss Ciella!" Rae was about to rush her side when some vampires from behind attacked him, throwing him out of the haunted mansion as they crashed through walls.




The vampires screamed inside their heads, he can hear their wailing. Quickly, he wounded his arm and released some red chains to restrain them.

"Don't worry. This will end your pain." He was about to make them drink his blood when all of a sudden, a slashing wave came forward that sent the vampires' heads flying in mid-air.

It was too fast that he didn't get the chance to save them. What's before him are already corpses, splattering their blood on his face as their bodies slowly turned to ashes.

"So it's true..." He heard a deep voice behind him, "You feed them with your tainted blood to bring them back to their pathetic selves. How funny." Slade said as he gazed at the lad with mocking eyes.

"Humans are truly w--!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Rae turned around with his arm coated in sharp bloody crystal, ready to cut his head off. Good thing, Slade was fast enough to counter his weapon. A second late or he could've sent his head flying as well. Using his hand, he managed to stop the sharp crystal from reaching his neck.

"Don't... you dare say another word about humans..."

Gazing at the lad once again sent chills to his spine. His eyes are glowing in bright red, glaring at him with a fierce look.

"You don't know anything about us." As swift as the wind, Rae attacked and punched his face. He almost flew because of the strong impact if he didn't manage to land his feet on the ground.

But of course, it doesn't end there. The lad appeared in front of him, swinging his leg to kick him. Instead of being threatened, Slade grinned devilishly and blocked his kick using his arm. Soon as his leg reached his arm, it suddenly splits in half as he felt a pang of pain coming. But Rae didn't stop there, the blood he's about to spill turned into small orbs. When he stretches his arm forward, the orbs flew and attacked Slade.

While dodging the exploding orbs, it bought Rae some time to regenerate the leg he just lost.

'It happened so fast. I have no idea how did he manage to do that.' The lad solemnly thought, 'I have to attack again to know his power.'

Once again, he coated his arms inside the sharp bloody crystal and rushed towards Slade.

He swings his arms one after another but Slade managed to counter them just using his bare hands. This time, Slade swings his arm and Rae managed to dodge his attack. But he was surprised to see the slicing marks on the ground.

"So that's how it is..." He mumbled, "You have the ability to turn your body into blades."

"Good job, kid! It's not like knowing about it will save you anyway. You are welcome to attack me anytime, and I'll just cut you to pieces!" Slade laughed menacingly.

Then, in a blink of an eye, he appeared before him and started swinging his arms nonstop, eager to slash him to pieces. Rae used his arms to block the attacks but it didn't take long before his bloody crystals shattered to pieces.

"You're a dead meat, kid!" Slade cut off his limbs, his blood-splattered as his body fell to the ground.

"I'll make sure to make you regret you ever existed in this world. Any last words, kid?"

Rae looks at him in the eyes, "I'll make sure you'll regret messing up with a hybrid like me." He grinned.

Then, Slade suddenly felt a pang of pain from his hands and face. He noticed how smoke smoldered from his skin as it slowly becomes rotten from the lad's blood.

"What's this?! Acid?"

"I realized I wouldn't be able to beat your head-on with your ability. But tricking you to believe you already have the upper hand made it easier for me to give you damage." Rae explained as his limbs quickly grew back like he didn't lose them a while ago.

"You think you already won just by this!?"

"No, of course not." The lad stood as he brushed the dust off his clothes, "That's just my mercy on you. I could've killed you moments ago for beheading those vampires earlier. But I'm giving you a chance... Never shed single blood again, not in my city." His gazes pierced like ice that could send chills to anyone looking at them.

Then, he turned around and started walking back to the mansion.

Slade gritted his teeth, "I won't accept this... I REFUSE TO GET DEFEATED BY THE LIKES OF YOU!!!" Suddenly, red light glowed and surrounds his body. The light came from a familiar symbol marked on his shoulder.

"Red skull..." Rae mumbled when he saw this.

Much to his surprise, Slade's rotting body turned back to normal like the damage was completely nothing. Then, in a blink of an eye, he appeared behind him without even noticing his presence. The lad noticed how his surroundings went upside down as if flying in the air. It was only then he realized how his body remained standing without its head!

Soon as the bell rings, these two quickly left their seats and swiftly walked towards the exit gate. The sun is about to set. They've wasted so much time in waiting for hours that felt like forever.

"Rae hasn't returned yet. Where could we possibly find him?" Gray asked.

"Follow me." Aria briefly said as they head towards the station.

They ride a railway train as quickly as they can.

"Are you sure we're going the right way? This is a bit far away." Gray frowned.

"I'm sure of it." The lass replied while looking at her phone, "I place a tracking device on him." She showed a map of where the location is. There's a red dot blinking which he can assume was Rae.

"Man, you can be a potential stalker!" Gray mumbled.

"This is my sworn duty. Neglecting to watch over him means my failure." Aria said like she heard his mumbling.

Not for long, they've reached the biggest park and the sun has already set. Strange enough, they saw some people running away with terrified faces.

"Hey! What happened here?" Gray asked one of them.

"M-monsters!!!" The man said before he ran away in fright.

They exchange glances and swiftly rushed inside. They saw a bunch of level E vampires, biting and sucking blood from humans. Quickly, Aria turned her rings to golden guns and blew their heads off. While Gray turned his arms to furry ones with big sharp claws just like the arms of the wolves. At such speed, he rushed towards those vampires and cut them to pieces.

"I can sense Rae nearby. We should--" When he turned around, Aria was already pointing her gun towards his head.

Followed by a loud gunshot, Gray flinched but didn't even feel the pain of her bullet. That's when he realized she was aiming for the vampire behind him who just turned to ashes.

"Never let your guard down." She said.

"Why you--!"

"Let's go. We don't have much time."

As much as he wanted to complain about her actions earlier, all he could do is flicked his tongue and mumbled curses inside his head.

The vampires that blocked her way jumped and attacked her but she effortlessly evaded them. On the other hand, some of them attacked Rae and drew him away from her. The growling sounds grew louder as the number of vampires around her increased.

Ciella flipped her hair, "I'm sorry, I don't do autographs on my day off."

The vampires growled and attacked altogether. But she dodged them like she was just dancing.

"Ah, so aggressive!" She grabbed one of their necks and threw it away from the others, "That's why I despise men."

The others attacked from above, one of them grabbed her hair and the wig was removed. While she gained few scratches on her skirt from the others.

"You guys are really testing my patience..." With her fingers, she combed some strands of hair off her face as it turned black.

Her nails grew longer and turned purple, "Now I'll give you a slow and painful death."

At such speed, she swings her arm and leaves some scratches on them before they could even attack. Some tried to resist and counter her attack but to no avail. Then, she jumped and landed from above just to see the result of her attack.

Suddenly, the vampires started to grab their necks as if they're being choked. They're making strange noises, some are even screeching in pain. They cried tears of blood and coughed vigorously that they almost vomit blood. Purple veins started to appear on their skins as the poison slowly crept inside their systems.

And as for Ciella, she was giggling in glee as this was happening before her very eyes.

"That's what you all get for making me angry, you lowly vampires."

She landed in front of the exit door when the noises fade away. Their bodies have become rotten and slowly turned to ashes. Then, Ciella opened the door and stepped out of the haunted mansion. But she paused after seeing the scene before her.

A huge vampire holding Rae's head away from its body! This vampire has a red skull mark on his shoulder, glowing in bright red.

"Vam.. pire King?" She mumbled after witnessing what happened.

When he realized what just happened, his visions got blurry and slowly turned pitch black.

"Wake up, you idiot!"

He shot his eyes open when he heard a familiar voice. His eyes wandered and saw the familiar silhouette before him. A vampire with long red hair, like it, was painted in blood.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Never ever sleep on the battlefield!"

"I-I can't help to pass out, your attacks are strong, great grandfather." He gently stroke his head.

Then, he felt another pang of pain when the vampire he's calling "great grandfather" strikes him again in the head.

"Then become stronger, stupid! What's the point of your training if you keep passing out in every attack that I make without a plan of the counter? You'd better just go home! You're wasting my time!" He grunted, "Now, stand up!"

Rae quickly do so and positioned himself for battle.

"I'm giving you another chance, go home or become a weakling forever?"

"Never!" Rae exclaimed and ran towards that vampire. Then, for a brief moment, he saw his lips arc, forming a smirk.

The blood he called 'tainted' continues to flow on his arm as he was firmly holding the head he just cut off moments ago. His heart was thumping loudly, leaping for joy and excitement it brought when he has finally disposed of his enemy.

Slade laughed, "At last! I've killed the vampire brat... Now it's time to crush your heart after I've smashed your head to pi--!"

Chills of fear rushed towards his entire body when he glanced at the lad's head. It was glaring back at him, with those glowing red eyes as if it was still alive. Cutting a vampire's head will not entirely kill them, especially when it's a high level vampire. But doing so will make them unconscious for a while. However, this lad didn't shut his eyes close, or even blink the moment he took his head away from the body.

'D-does that mean... he's been conscious all this time!?' Slade gazed back at the lad's body and noticed some red strings from the neck attached on its head.

Bullets of sweat formed on his forehead when he heard his cold voice.

"You're really noisy, huh..." Rae's hair slowly turned bloody red as the blood he spilled turned acid again.

That moment, Slade groaned in pain and threw his head. But the red strings pulled the head back to his body and were attached once again. The wound disappeared and make a cracking sound as he stretched his neck.

"I hope I wasn't out for a while or I might lose more blood than before." The lad gently stroke his nape.

"I don't know what trick you used but I'm not going to cower away." Slade glared at him as he rushed towards Rae, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!"

But before his attack could reach him, Slade felt a pang of pain all over his entire body. It was as if his veins are being twisted forcefully as his heart beats fast like it was about to explode. What's more, he noticed how his huge body was floating in air where the lad's arm is stretching forward before him.

'W-what's this!? I-I can't move!! How is this possible!?'

"How?" Rae smirked like he has read his mind, he slowly turned and gazed at him with his crimson red eyes.

"Because I am... the Vampire King." He walked towards him and patted his shoulder, "I gave you a chance earlier but you ruined it... Now death will surely come upon you."

Slade scoffed, "Don't make me laugh! You can't kill me... How can a hybrid like you kill a pureblood like m--!"

He didn't get to finish his sentence when his heart beats loudly again followed by a severe pain that leaves him breathless.

"Oh? But I can." Rae smiled, but it was something cold and deadly.

"I can also do this..." He pointed his finger at his right arm and suddenly, it got twisted that left him groaning in pain.

"And also this..." Next, he pointed his left leg which suffered the same fate as his right arm.

Then, his body fell to the ground as he gasped for air.

She can't believe what she's seeing. His warm and welcoming aura suddely shifted to a cold and menacing one. It feels like her eyes are playing tricks on her.

But for some reason, watching how he mercilessly twisted Slade's limbs sent shivers to her entire body. Not because of fear, but rather, of excitement that her heart beats faster.

'What's this? I've never felt something like this before!' Ciella thought and gazed at the red-haired lad.

'Ah~ what have you done to me, Vampire King?' She bit her nail as her other hand grabbed the hem of her skirt.

Rae walked closer as he started to twist Slade's neck this time.

'I refuse to die here! I refuse to die in this brat's hand! I REFUSE!'

With all the strength left in him, Slade fought the force that holds his veins and landed his fist on the ground.


All of a sudden, Rae felt the ground shakes and from where he stood, sharp rocks appeared. He jumped high to avoid these rocks and was drawn away from Slade.

"I see, so he can also turn things as blades." When he gazed back, Slade was nowhere to be found, "Ah, he ran away..."

Rae took a deep breath and his red hair turned back white.

"Why didn't you chase after him?" Ciella asked as she approached him, "I'm sure he couldn't have gone far. You can still finish his life off."

"That's unnecessary..." Rae closed his eyes, "I've already scarred him enough. He won't last long..." His red eyes turned blue soon as he opened them again.

Ciella secretly grinned as she became delighted at what she just witnessed.

'Who would have thought, behind that pure and innocent shell is nothing but a wild beast inside... But among all beasts, he's the only one I wanted to keep for myself!' She thought.

Then, a black car suddenly came and stopped in front of them.

"Miss Ciella, I've been looking anywhere for you!" Her manager came out and was furious, "It's time to go."

"Oopsie! Guess this is where we'll depart..."


Gray and Aria came and were running towards them.

"I guess so too." Rae shrugged.

But then, Ciella scooted closer and lean to his ear, "What you said earlier about helping me... I think, I change my mind..." She whispered softly and suddenly planted a kiss on his cheek.

Gray and Aria saw this and of course, the tall guy can feel the deadly glare coming from the lass behind him.

"See you again, Andy~" Ciella winked before she rides the car and left.

As for Rae, he was flustered and caressing his cheek where she kissed him.

"Man, you're soaked in blood! What happened?" Gray covered his nose from the awful scent. After all, his sense of smell is way sensitive than anyone else.

"I'm sorry about that..."

Suddenly, Aria turned one of her rings into gun and pointed it at Rae's head.

"Explain what happened. Make it short or I'll shoot."

Her deadly glare sent chills to their spines and poor Rae was forced to explain things again in a short amount of time.

"Seems like you enjoyed your day off, Miss." Her manager said as she caught her grinning through the reflection from the car window.

She chuckled, "Let's just say... I've witnessed something interesting today. I won't be able to forget it for the rest of my life."

"I wonder about that too..."

As few minutes went by, Ciella noticed something strange as she was gazing from the window.

"This isn't he way to my unit. Where are you taking me?" She glared at her manager who's also driving the car.

"I've received orders, princess. The king wishes to see you."

The last sentence made her frown, "So it has finally come, huh?"

"Yes, his highness, King Alucard, has finally arrived in the mortal world."