Dangle And Tangle.

I headed upstairs to go clean up when he informed me that Lindsey was calling. I went up the stairs quickly, somewhat skeptical that something was up, especially with Tiberius hot on my heels. Lindsey lay with her back arched against the headboard.

"Aunt, you called" I began fretting when her cold gold orbs settled on me. She closed up the files she'd been peering through and looked at my shaky composure fully.

"Where's my cake?"

"It's...on the....way.... ma'am" my palms sweated buckets. She always had that powerful aura of a witch in hunt.

"What happened to the leftovers?" She raised a brow.

"We ran out," I said simply. She wouldn't believe me if I told her that Tiberius had me steal it for him last night. And instead of getting just punishment for theft, I'd end up getting twice the trouble.

"Then can you explain this" she produced a stainless small bowl. My eyes widened in shock. It'd had been the same one I used in giving the cake to Tiberius.

"Looks familiar does it?"

I clenched my fist, turning to Tiberius who stood beside me now with an obvious smug grin on his face.

Tiberius 1, Aden 0.

"I'll give you the jacket" I whispered brokenly to him. His grin widened. After all, this was the skill he always employed in getting whatever he wanted. He can have the jacket if he wants but he couldn't take away the memories that it came with.

The doorbell rang, making me tensed. I snapped my head to the door. Adrian wouldn't be home tonight. He was over at Dawn's for a sleepover and would return tomorrow.

"I'll go get it," I said huskily, descending the stairs quickly that I almost tripped. Well, the apron was pretty long if you asked me, and thanks to Tiberius's nasty plan I was still all flour.

"Hold your horses" I chimed, wrapping my flour stained hand around the doorknob and yanked it open. I almost collapsed at the sight of David Anderson as he leaned graciously on his Mustang Sherry smiling at me.

"Hi," he said a bit awkwardly.

What the...

The man or should I say teenage boy standing before me was breathing with Lust And Sin. Who would have thought that the great and almighty David Anderson could be so kind enough to put his ego aside and pay someone lesser a pleasure visit?

For a moment I tried rubbing my eyes with the back of my palms to make doubly sure my vision wasn't in any way deterred. I do wear glasses but due to my baking, I left them in my room.

He frowned as he walked over. "It is me you know. I'm not a ghost"

Oh, crap if only he knew how well those few words affected my ribcage. His very presence right in front of me put me on a very bitter edge. I could answer back, I couldn't speak or look him deep in the eyes. In the worst possible case, I was melting.

"Say something" he breathed out somewhat impatiently. I managed to stay composed. "What?"

"Say something. Like invite me in, ask why I'm here" he trailed off. Wait... Did he just say invite him in or had my ears gone rot?

He raised a hand as if to smack me hard for wasting his precious time. I had always been made to believe that people like David Anderson didn't like dull, shy people. They always found them annoying and bitterly stupid, I mean I was a witness to how he made the last kid who was partnered with him for a chemistry project wash his car and handle all the work which involved the project, all because he had gotten so excited and mistakenly poured tea on it. Plus he had gotten the kid discriminated by spreading false rumors about him having a body odor.

He brought it down gently on my face and caressed my cheek. I stood shivering like a dead leaf in autumn. He smiled at me then stepped even more forward.

"Stay back" I suddenly commanded. He stopped on his tracks and stared at me hard. "You should know I don't like taking orders"

Shivering already I blurted out. "What are you doing here? You got my money stolen and now you're visiting me to say sorry? I'm busy and none of your apologies can bring it back" I made to go back inside, hoping that the excuse I've been crafting would fill her suspicion. I've already wasted time out here already and at any moment from now, an earthquake would occur.

Somehow he managed to reach out for strong capable hands I'll never have wrapped themselves around my waist. He drew me into his hard chest. "You do know that's not the way you talk to a stranger" his breath reeked of vanilla and some Chocolat.

"Well I'm sorry if I stomped on that stranger's ego but I'm gonna go in since you have nothing better to say. And we're out of the school walls so I own the land you're standing on this minute" I tried wriggling myself out of his tight grasp but he only tightened it firmly. "Please let me go I'm not your wife"

He seemingly got hold of his senses for he released me instantly but still held my wrist. Reaching for his breast pocket he got out a parcel. "I'm sorry. I just came to give you this" he dropped it into my Palm. I stared at it for a brief second trying to make out its contents.

"What's in it?"

Shrugging, he released my wrist. Abruptly tearing down the wrap I gasped at all the massive crisp notes. "No way. I can't accept all this"

"well since I was the root cause of all your problems today I thought you deserved the extra" giggling like an over-excited school girl Who'd just been asked to prom by her boyfriend, I launched myself at him like an octopus in heat.

"Thank you! thank you!! , thank you!!! " I repeatedly chanted. I don't care if Lindsey hears me or comes running downstairs like the house is on fire. Now calmer, I noticed how stiffened he was and how his face was contorted like someone in pain.

" Sorry, I apologize" I tore myself away from him. He abruptly turns as if hiding something. I try to peer over his shoulder to see what exactly he was cursing out but just couldn't. He's 6'5, you, nitwit.

"I have to go" his deep manly voice held terror. Was it something I said? I seemed to ask myself as his back disappeared into his jet black Cadillac. The glass was tinted so I couldn't see who he'd come with. But I did notice subtle movements in it while I hugged David. Bah... Maybe Alicia or His girlfriend. It sped past me carrying the four winds of dust as I found myself coughing in a fit from all the dust. Strolling back into the house, I pretended not to see the curtain shuffle.

"So this is what you do now heh? have the hottest guy in school come to give you free notes. How much prettier you get" Tiberius queried imperiously, his Hazel eyes were all over the ripped parcel which I held close to my chest.

"It's not what it seems. It was my money and he was just giving it back. And how petty of you to spy on us" I shot back at him hotly.