Buried Sins 2

“I'll be back, wait for me" Merton whispered into my face, his breath that reeked of Icekiss fanned my eyes. His pink adorable lips were minutes away from mine and when they actually swooped down and pecked my softly I felt like I'd give up the ghost.

The school's hottest jock just kissed me.

Grinning from ear to ear, he awkwardly walked out, leaving me in complete awe over such a small gesture. I couldn't help touching my lips, running a finger over it. It still felt tingly and his lips were like soft candy.

"That's enough now," David surged forward and grasped my wrist. Not throwing a second glance my way he dragged me with him. I didn't protest, didn't raise an alarm because deep down I knew I'd be alright. Dragging me amidst scores of whispering students who looked at me in pity, his grip tightened leaving slight bruises on my delicate wrist, still I did not protest. Alan made to stop him by blocking his path but with just one mean look sent him scampering away.

Mildly kicking the janitor' door open, he shoved me inside, like trash. I stumbled over a pile of mops and detergent but didn't make it to the floor. Somehow his broad arms always found their way around my waist.

"Careful now," his tone was much calmer. I rubbed my wrist carefully, wincing at how rough and a bit bloody it'd become. He seemed to notice and surged forward, pulling them up and inspecting them rather too pettingly.

"I'm sorry,"

Angrily shoving his hands away which oddly didn't have the desired impact I wanted, I made for the door. He caught my wrist and, causing a vicious yelp to escape my throat.

"Stop shouting,"

"Then stop acting weird," I demanded rubbing my injured wrist. "What was that all about? What was the point of dragging me roughly like that"

"I didn't mean to,"

"But you did anyway, and why on earth did you seem like you'd wanted to die when Merton kissed me? Why are you treating me like your girlfriend"

At this his eyes widened. "That's not what I'm doing,"

"Look I barely know you and you've caused enough chaos in my life,"

"What happened to your head?" he asks rather jerky.

Afraid that I'd injured myself again but couldn't feel the pain, I began touching my face all over. "Where? What injury, is it bleeding?" I stuttered frantically.

"No. There's a plaster on your left temple," Sighing in relief I gave him a pout. "It wasn't there when I dropped by yesterday. What happened?"

"Ha. You wish I'd tell you," I scorned not in any way afraid of him.

He took hold of my wrist again. "Yes you will," he tightened his hold. Not wanting to get my wrist even more bruised, I began to whimper. "Why are you acting like a jerky. You're hurting me,"

Hearing my sob must have really gotten him touched for he let go immediately. I slid down the wall in tears. "What are you even doing? I don't know you before. I've only heard rumours about you so why go ahead and bully me,"

At the mere mention of bully, he shoved me up roughly and dragged me impossibly closer to himself. Unlike Merton, his breath reeked of strawberry and a hint of mint.

"I'm not bullying you. I'm not even touching you," his dark eyes softened causing his impossibly pink lips to quiver slightly. "You know just what you're doing to me,"

"How do you mean?" I whined when he stuck out his tongue and licked my tears dry. Cringing within at how utterly disgusting and racking my brain in comprehension, his lips lingered, then he sighed.

"You've gotten to me more than I could ever imagine. And though I've been trying to keep away from you all day, I just can't stand the sight of seeing you with someone else,"

"Now you're psyc..." he cut me off by planting his heavenly lips on mine.

Not again...