Chapter Thirty Four_Operation Information

It was past midnight, and the street looked dead.

But two people were on a mission.

Detective Kesley and Catherine stood before the Angel House.

"Massive," the detective said, quite impressed.

"One, two, three, go!" He silently motioned with his fingers and they instantly parted ways; he to the left, Catherine to the right.

Both of them running at full speed.

Detective Kesley climbed the wall easily, with the aid of his rope gear, and huge, tempered metal hooks.

He ducked the flashing security lights, and sensor-blocked the high-tension wires, cut through them with his equipment, then quickly scaled down.

He dropped down, and, surprise, surprise, there were no guards.

Not a single person was in sight.

"Booby traps," he thought, not buying into the facade.

He stood, stuck to the wall, and brought out another piece of equipment from his bag of gadgets, slung across his shoulder.

He waved the twirling object around, slowly, but still got nothing.