Chapter Thirty Eight_Meeting Deputy Kant

Agent Hunter stood with Chief watching Cher, as she lay sedately on a hospital bed in the medical wing of the Angel House.

The I.V fluid dripped slowly down into her veins, and the atmosphere was serene, despite the tense situation.

Watching her sleep peacefully in her coma, Chief slightly faulted himself for the weird but important rule, that everyone should vacate the Angel House before 10pm each day.

He made and enforced that rule, because from that moment till 6am was the time the Angel Organization carried out their more heinous activities, and Cher was the person in charge.

Maybe it was time to tweak that rule, so as to avoid a situation like Cher's.

Code Red of the Angel Organization had been activated, and Al had been brought in immediately, and detained inside the interrogation wing of the Angel House.

Agent Hunter had also been assigned full operation of disappearing A1, while Chief had taken over Cher's job, and had alerted his henchmen all over the Country.