I lost you once but it won't happen again...

Chapter 2- I lost you once but it won't happen again


The one reoccurring thing I suffered from was nightmares about my childhood. Particularly the incidents I faced with my father. A very controlling man. In fact I don’t even like medicine, I'm doing it to please him. though this makes me look like a weakling it is stated that respecting your parents is very essential to maintaining a proficient status as a Muslim. Father however never failed to go overboard on numerous occasions like the haunting incident almost 10 years ago. When I had to part…from my other half.


"What do you mean I'm going to a boarding school?!" I asked trying to search for the man's heart through his gaze…how could he

"Zafar if you go to a boarding school, you'll have greater opportunities when you get older," he replied unattentively, “Now be a good boy and try on your new uniform.”

“ No…

"Father, why are you always making decisions for me, you never look at things from my perspective," I said rushing out of his office.

"Zafar…" he called out to me a few times, but his pride didn't allow him to chase after me.


I eventually lost that war and was sent of to the all-boys boarding school for the rest of my high school. I later found out that it was because my father believed that girls would be a distraction to me…which he wasn’t wrong about. I’ve had my fair share of bad romances and the playboy phase.

At the time though all I thought of was what I would be leaving behind, my only friend, the only happiness I possessed at that time. My father had promised to reunite me with her in the future, that's why I had agreed to leave, and 9 years later he still hasn't kept his promise.

My entire life I lived according to how he wanted me to, spoke the way he wanted me to, ate what he told me to, and studied what he choose for me, in hope that he would fulfil the promise he had made to me.

No one made me feel the way she did. Every single girl I had been with only made me long for her more.

It was the truth, I was in love with someone else, someone I haven't seen in years. I never gave my heart to anyone else, nor did I open it up to any love received, but this Nura girl managed to get little pieces of it out.

Biking was an escape from my family and love life, and now my father wanted to arrange me. I had nothing more to lose since I was already living a life according to His standards and not mine, during times like these I understood why my mother choose to walk out leaving almost everything behind.

"Hello, anyone there?

“I asked if you wanted to ride around the city at midnight?" she said snapping her fingers in front of my face, "Where the Jahannam is your mind these days?"

"Yeah a ride sounds good, let's meet at my hideout."


"I'm worried about you since you told me that you're getting arranged you haven't been yourself."

"Really? I hadn't noticed… I'm just worried about an application that's all."

"What application?" she asked

"Doesn't matter, don't be late tonight okay?" I said running to the sports ground

"You mean you, you're picking me up remember!"

She wasn't the one I was looking for, but she resembled her a lot. She had a similar look in her eyes, a hidden shy side that made me think about her a lot. Like she was hiding away from who she really was. Coincidentally she even had the same name, but the Nura I knew was modest and quiet, wise, and sentimental.

I felt like I was drowning for such a long time, with my head above water… I felt chains on my heart for years but strangely this woman managed to unlock my heart without fail or hesitation.

We would race through the night and eat through the day, her company made me heal little by little, but how long would I have to wait for my Nura to come back… besides this Nura was clearly irritated by my presence. She seemed to have tolerated it and nothing more…

There was a night that specifically lingered in my thoughts since I met her, however. We were sitting on the rooftop of an abandoned building when suddenly we were attacked.

“Get behind me," she said stepping forward

"What do you mean, to get behind you, they're holding knives!" I said trying to pull her away

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

She walked towards the men and tried reasoning with them, and the next thing I saw was flying fists and missing teeth. Single-handedly took down 4 men by herself, without messing up her hair or leather jacket.

When she was done she grabbed my arm and ran off with me.

It was the first time I had seen her care about me, and the first time I had seen her show any emotion besides annoyance or anger.

See, even if she doesn't realize it she's a very closed-off person who hates showing concern or anything that makes her look "weak" but for some reason it just makes me want to know her better.

Being drawn to her is uncontrollable.