Tie your lace or you'll topple over.

Chapter 17

We spent the entire day preparing for a feast at the inlaw's house, to be more specific, my in-laws. Zafar still was not himself after his mother's arrival but managed to push through our last day together with a smile. I did not enjoy watching him fake how he felt, it tore me apart.

We baked, fried, braaied you name it. Okay, not we, more like the chefs, but knowing Zafar's father he wanted handmade quality food but there was not much that he could say about his wife refusing to cook. At approximately 10 pm everyone was seated for dinner and began eating, we made duaa(prayed)together and everyone clicked with each other immediately. It wasn't surprising, my parents were always at their house for meals.

Zafar's' mother was present and sat on my parents' side.

He completely ignored her existence, he did not look at her, he did not answer her, he did not even greet her.

" Zafar dear please pass the salt," she asked him before dishing out some extra food for him.

He gave her the salt and left the table. she followed him, I stayed behind and ate my food. After finding out who the woman was, it was not my place to keep on interrupting.

Everyone finished their meal and they were still missing. we had our dessert and everyone began leaving, I waited for him on the rooftop.

we had to start driving to the airport at 4 am to reach the school on time...so even if I wanted to leave I could not. At approximately 11:30 he drove us to a fire work site, where he hardly spoke. If the quiet is what he needed then who was I to oppose it?

We sat next to each other with firelighters, then ran around each other like children. The atmosphere was absolutely beautiful, even if what I really wanted was to sit his head on my lap so that he could tell me about what he was really thinking...

" how's that for a new year, " he asked me handing me a box, " let's make it even more exciting shall we."

" Not too bad for an idiot and definitely wasn't boring?

"what is it?" i ask unwrapping it.

" och, my feelings, I can't possibly be seen as an idiot after tonight.

" Just open it…you'll love it."

" you didn't have to Zafar."

" I did…you mean a lot to me."

there was a locket that had a childhood picture of the two of us and the other half a picture of us in University. I teared up as I handed him his gift which was a lot more insignificant compared to what he got me.

" I hope those are tears of joy."

" if only you knew...thank you."

He opened his gift after wiping away a few of my tears.

" a biker bracelet, I love it," he said embracing me.

"you do…I honestly suck at buying people gifts."

" I do. Im going to miss you so much."

"im going to miss you a lot more…especially since you've become apart of me during such a short time."

We left the sight at two and packed our clothing into the car. I looked at the house wondering how it would look four years from today. He held my hand and then we left.

we drove to the airport arriving at 6 am and flew for two hours. We arrived at the school and got dressed, I was extremely tired, staying up all night was a bad idea.

Formally dressed, we received our awards in the hall of the school. I went up diligently and grabbed my diploma as I danced away with Zafar after he got his. We went over to my favorite restaurant had food and then rushed to the airport anxiously. No words being said as we were already late.

He tried kissing me but was interrupted by the last call for his flight so he ran off, tripping over his shoelace. I cracked up as I watched him wave and pretend like he never almost broke his leg.

I flew for approximately 15hours or more, arriving at a hotel. The recruiters were to collect us tomorrow so I had the day to rest. I'll have more than enough time to explore the place but right now the only date I have is with my bed…

My roommates arrived, it was Ammera and another girl called Beverly. I felt relieved at the thought of having them as future roommates. We got to know each other while trying out a few halal(permitted)dishes, Lord alone knows that in the past month my fitness went down the drain.

" Cheers to our future training!" Ameera said opening another takeaway packet.

" well there goes the diet," I said feeding the both of them.

I felt sad about leaving Zafar when he needed me the most, but there wasn't much that could be done. I'll see him when fate brings us together again.

I napped the entire day and at night ate, before sleeping again while the two of them explored the place.

The next day around 10 am we were greeted by our sensei and his senpai's, we toured around the city and then took a bus to an isolated area out of the city. The ride took approximately 4 hours. we arrived during lunch and lord alone knows that I was the only one eating with my hands. I forgot to practice using chopsticks.

The dojo was huge and looked like an ancient traditional palace. we all walked in and were assigned our rooms near the dojo.

the floor of the dojo was a mat, the walls had Japanese kanji everywhere and the room was filled with a heavenly wood smell.

The rooms were small but comfortable, with no tv, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a sleeping area.

I and Ameera were placed in one room. I was extremely excited and once I settled in I went looking for Mutaq.

The place was huge so I got lost a few times. I was grabbed from behind and dragged to a corner, as I twisted the person's arm, and brought them to their knees.

it was Mutaq's best friend who was on the floor, " omg I'm so sorry, but you should know better."

" I don't blame you, I thought I could ambush you with ease," he said standing up.

" guys this is Ameera, Ameera this is Yacob and Mutaq. They from my dojo as well."

" nice to meet you guys, hope we can assist each other in the future," she smiled.

mutaq noded, " Nice to meet you as well," his friend yelled.

" someone's being a little unnecessary," I say. we were then called to line up. The rules were said, and the style was announced. we were given our gees and brown belts.

we began basic training. The senpais of the dojo took over the class.

we were assisted and the female sensei was being a real tough nut, speaking in Japanese as if we understood everything, as the male tried his best to make us understand.

The first day was not so bad, but after a 3hour training session, I was starving.

we ate and the male senpai came over to me, Mutaq, and the rest of us to praise us. he also mentioned that my forms were a little weak due to my knee, but if I joined the yoga classes it would become better.

Talented is what he called Mutaq and Ameera, they resembled each other a lot, I might cook something between them.

Yacob on the other hand was praised for his beautiful heavenly katas, something our sensei always pointed out in class as well.

I couldn't wait for the day I get my black belt.