We lost so much

Chapter 44

After calming down the situation, everyone was gathered for a check-up. Zafar was caught up with a huge line of shocked soldiers and being understaffed he had to attend to the injured survivors as well. I was on my way to pick up the bodies for burial at the clinic, ive never been as exhausted as I was on that day, it wasn't easy looking towards the people who laid on the ground lifelessly, some of them mutilated beyond recognition. It was a scenery that I never want to witness in this life again.

We arrived at the scene searching through the rubble with the locals. They declared 10 deaths and 20 injures. I rushed to the vehicle carrying the injured surgeon in my arms. I knew that Khadija hated me but she was out doing something that benefited innocent lives. After setting her down I rushed over to the scene and continued working.

“ finally having a break?”

“ 10minutes, I felt a little dizzy.”