Money, money, money?

Chapter 10

“Hurry up Aiden, Erics about to get here!” she yelled over the phone anxiously

“I'm on my way, there’s a lot of traffic for some reason today.”

“ okay see you then.”

She walked into their favorite restaurant. A fast food place that had a sweet stall next door. She set the table, ordered food, and placed the presents on Eric's seat.

As she waited for both of them to arrive.

“ Well hello there,”

Arylan looked up, noticing that it was one of Erics exes

“ hey there Angel.”

“What's this you got going on here?” she said folding the table cloth, “ preparing to seduce someone’s man?”

“You're absolutely correct…but you see I don’t do it as cheaply as you do,” she said grabbing Aiden by the arm, “ and my relationships last.”

Angel stormed out annoyed, after looking at the both of them hand in hand.

“ care to explain?”

“its nothing, let’s see the album!”

“ here you go, ”he said heading it to her

“Quickly hide it, he's here!”

She quickly shoved it in his arms and rushed over to Eric.


“ wow, guys you didn’t have to.”

“ no, we did,” Aiden said handing him the presents on the table. They sat down, ate, and spoke about the past. They stayed at the restaurant for two hours before rushing over to their favorite sweet stall.

“ you’ve been awfully quiet Aiden, is everything okay?”

“oh…yes of course I'm just a little tired.”

“ oh…okay then we'll drop you home?”

“ it’s okay it's our last day with Eric I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

They sipped cans of sodas and ate junk food till they had to say goodbye to each other.

Arylan returning to her empty house, to pray for grandmothers return.

~ The bullet~

He walked out of his office placing his briefcase on the reception counter, it was the first time in ten years that he stayed away from home for over 2weeks, rejecting calls from home turning his wife to the voice male machine in his offic. His main focus at that time was trying to save his business from bankruptcy.

His father had promised to help him fix the mess he had gotten himself into, but at a price of course. If one couldn’t meet the requirements a sacrifice had to be made. He checked his watch every second waiting for his father to deposit the million he had asked for a month ago. Stressed out Haxel had very little time left.

when he finally received the money notification he could fix the mess he had caused. A few months down the line and he hadn’t heard anything from his father, who suddenly began sending death threat letters to his house. Confused as he was, he ignored it, not knowing the type of person his father was. At the time grandmother lived on a farm 2 hours away from his mansion.

After work, he'd be followed, and his property got vandalized. He then decided to contact his father Abdullah Arylans grandfather, he questioned the strange activities occurring around him. He got into a fight with his father, and was given a friendly warning with a shot on his shoulder…

Hospitalized for a few weeks the relationship between him and his father got heated, and everything around him hit rock bottom for the man who promised to protect his family even if it meant losing his own life.


“ How do you sleep knowing that you’re the reason for your only child’s death?” Tim asked leaning away from the pool table.

“ Tim…how I sleep is none of your business…”

“ None of my business, it has everything to do with me. Especially since you come over every single day as if I owe you money…”

“ weren’t we friends for years, I mean…you always had my back and I had yours.”

“ not when it came to Biel and money. You see Abdullah these are the two things that caused a rift between the two of us. I’m not obligated to be friends with you after receiving your reoccurring betrayal time after time.”

“ I apologize, is that what you want me to say.”

“ I’ll help you for old time sake, but ill charge you an interest fee, and it doesn't mean that you are off the hook.”

“ That’s haraam (forbidden).”

“ let me finish…your life…you give it up if you don’t pay me back on time.”

“ deal, I’ll get you your cash," Abdullah said sticking his hand out to Tim for a handshake. They shook and Abdullah received his money.

Tim knew that Abdullah would come begging one day. His reason for becoming the cold-blooded man he is today is because of his best friend's betrayal. And Abdullah's reason would be because of his, obsession overpower and constant hunger to be the top dog.

“ are you going to tell him the real reason as to why you retired boss?”

“ tell him that I almost got arrested…and that I had to give up my position. No thank you, he seems to be enjoying the whole I'll destroy Abdullah's vision.”

“ It can't be that bad, you always use to boast about your inseparable friendship.”

“ Times have changed Jack. Just bring me to double this money by next week okay.”

“ jee boss,” he said leaving the room.

But What was the real reason behind Tims sudden cold behavior?

And where was Grandmother Biel?