Chapter 56: The face of the sun

"When I want you to come with me, you must." Jarius suddenly spoke all of a sudden from an extreme silence that bothered between him and Eva.

Eva was stunned and could not digest the words that Jarius said. They remained the speed they had a while ago, and Eva wondered if they could or not find at least one of their squadmates. And now, Jarius talked to her out of nowhere? She could not even understand the topic he was trying to raise.

"Huh? I already did?" She expressed. Her forehead narrowed while staring at him at her side. She wondered why he said those words when it was him who wanted her to stay under the trees while waiting. Jarius remained at his position. He continued to speak a lot while looking straight on their way.

"When there's a need for us to separate, then we must."

"Hey, what's with the sudden-" Eva shrugged her shoulders and was about to slap Jarius', thinking that he was joking around, but Jarius continued talking.