Riding through the darkness between the woods, I wondered if there were wolves here. When we were kids, the three of us used to make a house from the covers on the bed and sit inside with the lights off while grandpa told us all sorts of stories about the forest.
"How much further?" I shouted through the wind.
"Don't worry. We will get back before your parents leave," Alfie shouted back.
Soon, I heard the sound of a swiftly flowing stream. We passed from the covers of overshadowing trees and finally saw the moon shining on the water of the falls, like a silvery liquid.
We stood on the edge of the falls when some of the members went skinny dipping.
Larry and I recalled our childhood days. Joanne occassionally interrupted us, being meaner each time. "Remember the time Ella ran away from home and hid in the treehouse? We were all so dumb, not that I had run away from home at night as a kid," she shrugged.
I took the opportunity when she went to get drinks to ask Larry if he remembered whether there was anyone else who played with us in the meadow. He answered, "No."
So, my dream was just a dream and not a flashback. Joanne came back with drinks and a brand new story of my embarrassing childhood but I fled, walking further into the woods. I had decided to go on a short hike. A walk of solitude.
After walking for a little bit I could hear another stream flowing nearby. Very faint compared to the falls but it came from a different direction. I had a strong suspicion that it was the stream I had visited the previous day.
Have I come too far? Will that old man still be here? Can I meet Will?
I felt a strange compulsion in my guts. I still had so many questions about him. The questions I was pondering before coming to the party.
Where did Will live? Was there a secret colony here?
"Boo!" someone cried behind me and I jumped, my legs shivering. It was the guy who was teasing Alfie about me.
"Eric?" I guessed his name.
"Bingo!" he sounded drunk. "What are you doing here alone?" his eyes seemed different. No more a playful, teasing friend but a predator instead.
"I am not alone," I said before I could think. "Alfie is-" I started but he interrupted, "Making out with his girlfriend-for-the-night. He might have come with you but he will be going home with her."
Was I supposed to be offended. "No problem. I can go without him," I said firmly then added, "By myself," to make sure he didn't think I was offering him a chance.
"You know it's not safe out there," he started, his hands on my shoulders, slowly moving downwards, "Who knows what kinda animals there are out here in the wilderness. A woman as beautiful as you shouldn't be out alone."
My childhood bestfriend was being mean. I couldn't stay with the only person who was nice to me 'cause she was jealous. And now I couldn't even walk or be by myself?
All my frustrations and rage balled up in my fist and I raised my hand to punch him. But before I could hit him, another fist had already punched his teeth in.
Eric fell to the ground, screaming. Blood gushed out of his nose and I turned around to find Will. My heart stopped for a moment. He looked dangerous and furious but that's not why my heart stopped. I was desperately hoping someone would show up and I wouldn't feel so alone. I was desperately hoping I could see him again today and here he was in flesh and blood, saving me, again. Maybe I was still sleeping, still dreaming.
"Are you okay?" his melodious voice cut through my daze. I nodded.
"Let's go. I will take you home," he said, holding my hand. I looked at the drunk, bleeding Eric once and then nodded to Will. I let him guide me out of the woods.
We had taken a different path from the one I had come from. I wondered if they would be worried about me. More importantly, I had to come up with a good explanation for my parents for leaving the party early. I hoped, I would be early.
"Thanks again," I said, trying to break the silence. I knew he was still furious.
"Why would you come out here alone in the dark?" he asked. He was still furious.
"I wasn't alone. I came with my friends," I replied sheepishly. The answer seemed to make him even more furious.
"That was your friend!"
"No. Other friends. I didn't realize how far I had gone from them," I replied quickly. I knew nothing I said would make me look any less stupid or him any less angry. So, I changed the topic. "What are you doing here?"
"I live here," he replied like that was the most casual answer.
"What are you? A wolf?" I half joked but he didn't reply. So, I decided to drop it for the time being. There could be a secret colony for all I knew.
We had come a long way. I didn't think he would take me full way but we were almost near my house. He was gonna leave again. There were so many things I wanted to ask him. Most of all his social media handles. I had searched a hundred and thirty Will's profiles but hadn't found him.
We were on the porch of my house and I realized we were still holding hands. I pulled out mine, a little embarrassed and hastily, he turned to leave. I turned to open my door but I called out his name instead. "Will I see you again?" I asked. "You know, in case I get lost in the woods or fall into the stream?"
His face had become a hard line again. "I wish to meet under better circumstances. Don't get into trouble."
He turned and walked off. I watched his back until his silhouette had completely been engulfed by the mist. I turned around and opened the door. My parents were waiting, looking worried, just as I had dreaded. "Any chance Will could save me now?" I wondered.