Operation Superhuman (Discussion)

Kazuto- Well... Why Cyborgs?

Sap- Imagine an army of people who can shoot bullets out of their hands or make swords out of their hands...

Ken- Or a drill...

Kazuto- But that won't work here...

Sap- What do you mean?

Kazuto- Well... People here hate guns... And---

Sap- How about a gun made from flesh?

Kazuto- I don't think people will---

Sap- There are a lot of people who are dying... Do you think they will---

Kazuto- Yes!!

Sap- Listen to me first... How about this? You and Doc go there... To treat the patients... But Doc runs out of Mana... And... People will be dying and you'll copy Doc's ability and change it a bit and put them in a situation where they either have to take an artificial body part or they will have to take their pride and die with it?

Kazuto- What if things go downhill?

Sap- Ken will fake supplying her with Mana... Ken is still unable to walk pretty well, right?

Ken- I am completely fine...

Sap- No you're not...

Ken- What---

Sap- You'll go there while limping and will act like you're sacrificing yourself to provide her with the last bit of mana... And after you do that, pass out... That'll retain your identity as a level 5 but will boost your social standing...

Ken- Why would I need to act like a hero?

Sap- To be acknowledged by the Yamada Clan?

Ken- I don't want that...

Sap- Wanna know where I got the money for admission to our school from?

Ken- The Yamada Clan?

Sap- Yes... And I know that their sub-estate is now destroyed because of you guys...

Ken- How can I believe you?

Sap- Don't believe me... They'll come for you soon... You're the only one from the clan in the top academy of the country... Now that their estate has been destroyed, they'll try to show off their power by admitting people there and making them fight others... They'll surely want you to help...

Kazuto- Yamato... Just do it...

Ken- Why?

Kazuto- Just trust me... This guy knows far more about the estate than you do... I actually took all this into account while making the plan of destroying that place...

Ken- You knew this would happen?

Kazuto- There is a meeting being held as we're speaking... Why do you think I decided to destroy the estate today?

Ken- I have no idea...

Kazuto- Because the strongest people and the leaders will be in the main estate today... To meet your father and hold the meeting...

Ken- Why are they doing it?

Sap- For your sister's marriage...

Kazuto- Yeah... Which I'm gonna take a part on...

Doc- How can you cheat on me like that?

Kazuto- We're not a thing... So... I'm not cheating on you... And... We'll need to control the 10 clans to take control... And this will be the easiest way...

Ken- So... You're gonna marry into the main household...

Kazuto- Yeah... And become the next leader... By making your father retire early... By controlling his mind...

Ken- You don't know how to do it...

Kazuto- Yeah... That's why I'll marry her...

Sap- But to do that, you need to get a participation card...

Kazuto- A what?

Sap- Ah... So you don't know about that...

Kazuto- No...

Sap- You need to have a participation card to participate in the competition to choose a husband for her... And... The only way you can get that would be through Ken...

Kazuto- Well... I knew there was something like this which made you decide to turn Ken into a hero...

Ken- So... I'll have to be acknowledged by people to be acknowledged by my family to get that card to give it to Kazuto....?

Sap- Yes...

Kazuto- Well... This plan just seems better now...

Sap- Ah... I'd like to have more pawns to make a better plan...

Kazuto- Did you just call us all pawns?

Ken- I have the same question...

Sap- Sorry for that... But... Yeah... My plan could go smoother and better if we had some more people with us...

Kazuto- Ugh!! Who do you think you're talking to? I control about 20% of the whole population... I can provide you with some people...

Sap- Now that you say it... I think I know some people whom I'll need...

Kazuto- So... You always knew I'd provide you with people...?

Sap- I think I got caught too easily...

Ken- Well... Shall we begin the act?

Sap- So we're calling it an act now? Okay...

Ken- What would you want to call it?

Sap- Operation Superhuman...

Kazuto- Kinda ironic... Aren't we all already superhumans?

Sap- Uhm---

Kazuto- You're one in your own way... That brain of yours is on a different level from ours...

Sap- This whole act will help make the Abyss members look like good people...