"All Might-sensei, was he strong when you faced him 10 years ago?" Kirishima asked. Rest of them also looked at All Might for answer.
"So he told you. Well, yes. He may seem a giant robot but was incredibly durable. Top 10 heroes of that time have to work together to take him down, no take that mechanical giant down. He had no control over his body!" All Might said.
"Man, I thought his abilities are cheats. Guess he has fair share of experience." Kaminari said.
"Well young students, learn from experience from others. You may don't know but death is not uncommon when one quirk is awakened. Suppose if he awakens his quirk when he was in city, many people including his parents would have died and he would become a villain in people's eyes even as a child." All Might said then continued, "Quirk is double edged weapon kids. It is not about how powerful it is but how you use it. If you have a good quirk but don't have any control then you will become a liability for other heroes and villains wouldn't miss this chance to harm you. Now then who do you think will win in this match?"
"I think it would be Todoroki-kun's team since he has a freezing quirk," Tokoyami said.
"Rex's machines are too big to combat in indoor." Tsuyu said.
"What is he doing?" Kaminari asked.
They saw that Rex was moving weapon in blind zone that they couldn't see from camera when match started.
"I guess he is plotting something," Kyoka said with a smirk. She knew how big of a liar Rex was.
"I didn't know that you can deduct the situation so differently," Momo said with sad expression.
"Well, you are accurate. It is just that I see this situation from opposite side." Rex said.
"But still…" Momo said and sighed.
"How about I show you the way of a villain?"
"The way of a villain?"
"Yes, like how the real master mind villain works. Can you make little complicated machines? I will teach you how to make booby traps."
"B-booby traps!?" Momo embarrassingly asked.
"Not your boobs, Momo *well we could use to lure MEN* I am talking about hidden traps. Are you ready?" Rex asked.
"Umu!" Momo nodded.
[Match start.]
Shoji and Todoroki entered the building when the match started. Shoji used his quirk to sense the location of his opponent and told Todoroki, "Both of them are on north side of fourth floor and yes bare foot. I think they were moving a little but are now standing at the entrance. Maybe an ambush." Shoji said.
"This building will get cold so go outside. Then this won't be much for me." Todoroki said and froze the whole building.
He started to move slowly towards the fourth floor. Shoji nodded and walked outside before he gets frozen.
"Bastard, you are one cheeky brat…" Rex said as he was frozen outside of second floor.
"Whatever machines you make, I will just freeze them," Todoroki said. He didn't expect Rex to be frozen like this but he guessed he was overestimating this big mouth.
"Use your fire side and I will take you on!" Rex said gritting his teeth.
"I don't need to use it. I can become number 1 just by using my right side." Todoroki said and started to walk.
"Oi it was misleading. Using your right hand?" Rex loudly said but Todoroki ignored him.
Everyone in observation was holding their laugh who get his joke when Rex made a dirty joke.
'Ugg, no wonder he is Yato's son.' All Might thought.
Todoroki walked into the room and saw Momo whose legs were also frozen.
"Don't move if you want our feet skin to rip off," Todoroki said. "The gap between us is wide."
Momo's staff was also frozen and she couldn't do anything.
Todoroki thought that they gave up very easily which was confusing. Considering how versatile their quirks were, they didn't even put a fight.
He shook his head and touched the nuclear weapon.
"Damn, they didn't even put a fight," Kaminari said shuddering from cold.
"I thought Rex-chan will move fast." Tsuyu said.
"Actually…" Kyoka pointed at the screen and all of them were shocked.
"Hmm?" Todoroki was confused as to why All Might hasn't announced the result when suddenly a screen appeared on weapon.
[You thought it was nuclear weapon but it was me, BOOBY TRAP!]
Before Todoroki could react, he was wrapped by wired and zapped in electric current before falling on the ground.
"Argg!" Todoroki grunted in pain.
"You said that gap is huge right?" He heard Momo who calmly removing her different boots which she was wearing to confuse Todoroki that she was frozen. "Guess you were correct," Momo said with evil smile and captured Todoroki using the special tape.
"He is captured. I have to move on my own." Shoji, who sensed Todoroki not moving, ran towards the bomb but he was careful. He knew that he couldn't underestimate Rex at any cost.
"Where are you going big guy?" Shoji heard Rex who was frozen on the floor.
Rex made Smack Hands and smashed the ice on his surroundings.
"Let's have a good bro to bro fight," Rex said and punched Shoji who high jumped causing Rex to slip from the ice and fell on the floor. "Now this is just embarrassing!" Rex said.
Shoji ran from Rex since he knew, he can't beat Rex.
"Hey, come back! And don't jump. There is no trap!" Rex loudly said.
Shoji detected the obvious trap on the floor and jumped but then he felt stupid as he was wrapped in a net which was where he landed.
[Villain team wins!] All Might announced the result.
"Hahahaha, did you like my evil plan? I didn't even need to use my quirk." Rex said walking forward. "Behold to the great demon king! Hahaha waaa-" And he walked straight to same obvious trap he laid.
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