Chapter 1

One day a girl named, Erika Adams, and her twin sister, Emma Adams, discovered they had powers. They live in a world where certain people have magical powers. But, not everyone has powers. Just the lucky people who where born with them. Erika can talk to animals and read minds. Emma can control the elements. And since Erika can read minds, Emma and Erika can communicate by minds. Pretty cool right.

They are both 13 years old. Erika has black, shoulder length,straight hair with red dyed ends. Her eyes are green like leafs or an emerald and gentle with a slight sparkle. Emma has  brown, wavy, hair that goes to her mid back. Her eyes are clear, and soft in the color hazel.

They are about to go to a new school called Brooke High. But, one thing you should know is that they don't have parents. They have never met them or even know what they look like. They live with there foster parents, Morgan and Isabella.

Erika and Emma are fraternal twins, which means they don't look exactly alike. You start developing your powers when your 12 years old, but it depends on want power it is. If you have a more powerful power like controlling the 4 elements or shapeshifter, it takes more time to discover or develop fulling then a less powerful power like speaking every language or being invisible.

At Brooke High they will learn how to control their power or powers. Most people don't have more then one power. It's very unusual for someone to have two powers or more. Erika has two powers and no one knows why. There's only 3 known cases where people have more then 1 power and there all adults. Erika's power isn't that powerful but since she has 2, it took her longer to discover and develop her powers.

Erika doesn't really want people to know that she is more powerful because she would be in danger. A lot of people want to be the most powerful people in the world. And since Erika already has 2 powers, she is one of the most powerful people in the world, but she doesn't know it yet. Even though she doesn't have very powerful powers, she still could develop more since she is only 13. Erika and Emma are best friends.

They love each other and would die for one another. But, they always felt something was missing but don't know what it is. They have different personalities and interests. Emma is more of a goofy girl, and loves climbing trees and playing in dirt. While Erika, loves reading books and is very smart and wise for her age.

In a couple of days, Erika and Emma will leave for Brooke High. There super excited! They have to stay there for the weekdays then go back home on the weekends.

Morning that Erika and Emma leave for Brooke High.

"I can't wait for are dorms."said Emma.

"We too. I hope we are roommates" said Erika.

"I'm sure you will be roommates. They can't split up twins." said Isabella.

Emma said "I hope your right. I can't live without her." knowing she would make Erika smile.

Erika and Emma smiled at each other for a minute and continued eating there breakfast.