Chapter - 15 My father has an accident

"Okay I am coming" you said and hung up the phone.

"What happened wife?" I ask you are still in shock

"My--- my father" you are weeping

"My father has an accident" you said, your voice is deep

"How is he now?" I ask, you are still silent, standing right there

"Hey wife, tell me" I said, forcing you to tell me

"He's admitted to hospital" you said, your eyes are still wide open

"I have to go" you said, wiping your tears, and taking the car keys, you are going to your room to change, I should go with you too, you took 5 minutes to change and came outside of your room, your face is down, you are sad, you should be sad, I know you hate your father but still he's your father, you are in a hurry

"I am going, lock the door before leaving, and leave the key under the doormat, okay?" You said but I am going with you too

"I am coming with you" I said

"You don't have to, you can go home"

"Nah, I am coming with you, I mean that's what friends are for, right?" I said, you smile and nod but it's not like before, we came outside your house, you lock your door and put your key under the doormat

"Okay, let's go" you said and walking towards the car

"Hey, you wanna drive or I can drive" I said

"Yeah I can drive, don't worry"

I shook my head, you open the driver's door and went inside, I open the door and went inside, you start the car and drive away, you are driving Luci, and I am here sitting beside you, I know you are sad, you have some tears in your eyes

"Hey, don't worry, he will be fine" I said, putting my hand on your lap

"I hate my father" you said, weeping and wiping your tears from your eyes

"But he's still your father" I said

"Yeah but he always.... first he left my mother and now this, I don't want my father to die"

"He will be fine, don't worry" I said, rubbing your lap slowly

"Thanks for coming with me" you said with a smile, looking at me

"Yeah no worries" I said, we reach the hospital, you are in a hurry, you get out of your car, I follow you, you lock the car and going inside the hospital, I am following you, you ask the room of your father and started going towards it, you saw the room number

"This is the room" you said to me, I nod my head, you went inside, we can see your father lying on the bed and laughing, what? he's laughing, I don't know, he looks like his legs got fractured but for this crying? Luci, you are so emotional or am I really heartless?

"Are you okay?" You said to your father and sat down by his legs.

"Yeah I am fine" your father said, I slowly came inside and wave my hand to your father, your father saw me

"And who is this? Your boyfriend?" He asks you

"I am Fran----"

"He's husband" you said, cutting my voice, your father looks shocked, it was excepted

"He's the husband? Of yours?" He asks you, you are very innocent Luci.

"Yeah, it's our nickname, I call him Husband and he calls me Wife" you said, your father is laughing.

"So I am his father-in-law?" He asks

"Yeah I guess" I said, laughing with your father

"How are you?" You ask your father

"I am okay" he said

"Hey husband, if you want then you can go home" you said, I can see a big smile on your father's face

"Nah, I can be with you and my father-in-law" I said, your father is laughing again

"Hey, I like this kid" he said, smiling and laughing

"You can go home wife" I said, you still look worried

"No, I will be here"

"You go and eat your breakfast, I will be here with your father"

"Go on Luci, I will be fine" your father said, you nod your head

"Okay, I will be here in an hour, okay?" You ask your father, he nods his head, you left the room

"Come inside son" your father said to me, I came inside the room

"You can seat there" he pointed to the sofa, I sit there

"Uh, we are not in a relationship or something, the husband and wife, it's just a nickname"

"Yeah I know" he said, a big smile is still on his face

"So how did the accident happen?" I ask

"Uh, it's nothing, a drunk driver hit me, my leg got fractured"

"Oh, that's bad"

"Yeah I know, I don't think I can go home anytime soon"

I nod my head in sadness, he's a good man, Luci,

"Luci was so worried for you, she didn't even finish her breakfast" I said looking at your father, he chuckles

"I know, she always get too worried for every single thing, she's always been like that" he said still chuckling

"Look, your daughter is a very good girl" I said, he shook his head in agreement

"But she miss you very badly, she is tired of being alone, she wants her father" I said, I have this on my chest since you told me about this Luci

"Yeah but I can't do anything, I am very busy"

"But you have to spend some time with your daughter"

"You know ever since her mother died, we got separated from one another, I don't know how to get together again" he said, he's sad too Luci, I can see it in his eyes

"Just spend some weekend with her, everything will be fine then"

"I will try my best but still it's not gonna do anything well, I have tried this but we got in a big fight every time" he shook his head and said,

"You gotta keep trying" I said, he's also trying Luci, he's a good guy

"Hey, I forget to ask your name, What's your name?" He asks

"Francis" I said

"You are a good kid Francis" he said, looking at me, I don't know if I can agree with him or not, my phone's ringing, it's my sister's call

"Oh it's my sister" I stand up and went outside, I talked to my sister, she was very worried for me, I should go inside again, to your father Luci, I went inside

"Whose phone was it?" He asks

"Oh it was my sister"

I heard your car, and I went outside to look, it's you, Luci

"She's here" I said to your father, you came inside, you sit near me, on the sofa

"Look you guys don't have to be here"

"Don't worry father, it's okay" you said, we sat there for like 40 minutes, talking to your father

"Hey Luci" he said


"You don't have to cancel your party for me" he said with a deeper voice, no Luci, don't cancel your party, I have to kill him, your ex, it's important, if you cancel your party then I have to make new plans and it would take me few more days

"But how can I enjoy, with you like this" you said

"I am fine, I have a fracture on my leg and that's it"

"Yeah but still"

"Just enjoy the party Luci, if you cancel your party then I'll kill myself" he said, he just wants you to enjoy but isn't it too weird? Suicide and everything

"Okay, okay fine, I will not cancel my party" you said, he's happy now, I can see it in his eyes

"Great now go, you have to prepare for the party"

"Yeah, but you will be alone here?"

"I will be okay, just go" he said, you nod your head and stand up, grabbing me with you,

"Let's go" you said and left the room and I am on the door, going outside

"Hey Francis" he said

"Yeah?" I turn around and look at your father

"Take care of your wife and don't leave your wife alone while I am gone"